Immediately, more people took out their guns, and some even took out the rifles hidden in their clothes.

Faced with this situation, the people at the bank were immediately dumbfounded. There were less than ten of them, how could they ever experience being pointed at by hundreds of guns?

The manager quickly shouted: "Everyone, please chill..."


The first shots were fired.

Whoever fired the gun was unknown, but it was the manager who was shot.

There was a splash of blood on his left chest, and then he clutched his chest, first knelt down on both legs, and then fell to the ground.

At the last moment, there was only regret in his heart.

Because he figured it out, he wasn't even the head of the branch, and the head of the branch had already run away, so why did he work so hard?

When his vitality was running out, he heard bursts of gunshots coming from around him. Obviously, his shot became the fuse, causing the two sides to explode completely like a tight explosive barrel.

But obviously, there are no winners, only losers.


The shooting at the JPMorgan branch in Lubbock was the first incident of gunfire and bloodshed as people were unable to access their money.

But obviously it won't be the last together.

Over time, such tragic conflicts have occurred in any place with a little less security, and even in places with a little better security, some conflicts with relatively large impacts have finally occurred.

The final result, of course, is the closure of various banks.

This sudden incident has already brought trauma to human society.

This has happened anywhere on earth that has a bank, from the US to Mexico, from the UK to France.

And until the third day, the third batch of bank accounts whose balance became zero appeared again.

Moreover, the accounts whose balances were directly cleared this time involved the private accounts of the upper class and the corporate accounts of enterprises or units.

Among them, there are also some well-known individuals and business units.

For example, Nvidia Corporation, Nvidia Corporation’s main corporate account, nearly 100 billion US dollars of funds have disappeared, and its 100 billion US dollars, including various loans, capital transactions, etc., are very important , and now all the 100 billion US dollars are cleared, which is equivalent to the complete disconnection of its capital chain, and the disconnection is very complete.

Suddenly, Nvidia's stock price plummeted, from hundreds of billions to $100 billion.

In addition to Nvidia, there are many well-known companies.

Among individuals, among the celebrities whose account balances have all disappeared, there are also Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, and some celebrities. Of course, for these people, there are many of them. account, so there is only a problem with one account, and it does not affect them much.

However, whether it is for the enterprise or for these celebrities and rich people, the occurrence of this incident is undoubtedly killing them.

Especially for these people and forces who themselves hold many resources and power positions in society.

Therefore, things have become more complicated.

Of course, the balance that disappeared this time is large enough, so if all banks around the world can unite and share data, they can find out where the money has gone, or that it has really disappeared.

It would be a good thing if they really disappeared. In this case, they only need to automatically detect those accounts that were abnormally cleared, and then restore the data directly. In this way, the world's economic aggregate has not changed, so the problem It's not too big.

And if all this money is transferred to other accounts, then they can use this to find out who is behind the scenes, and then completely resolve the future troubles.

However, at this step, a problem arises.

"I would absolutely not agree to share Bank of America data."

"This poses a serious threat to the privacy of our customers," the Bank of America chief executive said at the meeting.

"I don't agree either." The top president of Citibank also expressed his thoughts.

"Of course, we agreed to conduct an investigation internally before sharing the results of the investigation, and I think it would be in everyone's interest to do so."

And hearing that these two well-known banks in the world have actually made such a decision, a representative of a medium-sized bank immediately scolded: "It's such a time, and you are still thinking about this kind of thing?" ? Are you going to close down?"

"Closing or not is our business. Even if it really goes bankrupt, you will go bankrupt first." The president of Citibank smiled, and his plain words seemed very contemptuous.

The representative of the small bank immediately sneered and said, "Hehe, I hope you will still think so when impulsive depositors break through the gate of your bank and blow up the vault."

"You don't need to worry about that." The president of Citibank said, "In short, we can only accept the proposal we just made. We will conduct our own internal investigation and then share the results."

"I think this is good for everyone. We have protected the privacy of your customers. Why do you have any reason to refuse?"

At this time, the president of the universe line spoke.

"Who can guarantee that the data shared in the end is authentic enough and there is no fraud?"

As the bank with the highest market value in the world, Cosmic Bank, the president of Citibank has to pay attention to the words of the president. Of course, it is also because of the country that Cosmic Bank is backed by.

"I think there is no need for us to continue discussing this issue, because the final result of the discussion is nothing more than the degree of trust between us, and if nothing is found out by then, we will doubt it later. .”

After the president of Citibank finished speaking, the president of JPMorgan Chase next to him snorted again and said, "You don't even need to think about things like sharing a database, but I doubt whether a certain country has mastered a powerful information technology, and then launched a conspiracy, all in order to obtain data from other national banks."

The president of the Universe Bank suddenly frowned and looked at the president of JPMorgan Chase Bank, and said: "If JPMorgan Chase Bank thinks so, please show the data. The number of cases in our country is the second most in the world. second only to India."

"Hehe, but can you deny that among the current situations in various countries, your country has the best control?" The president of JPMorgan Chase Bank said in a very questioning tone: "This has to make people wonder whether you have already Get ready."

The president of the Universe Bank immediately shook his head and laughed, and finally said: "For this, maybe you can ask the Morgan family behind you to try to promote the change of your country's social system and experience the world of the Internexonal system. "

The president of JPMorgan Chase's face darkened, and finally he snorted coldly, "I will watch you fail."

"Okay, everyone, today we are here to solve the problem, not to quarrel. I don't want the start of the third world war to be caused by such a meeting of bankers."

At this time, someone finally stopped this seemingly endless dispute.

This is the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who came here to coordinate today's meeting.

"Since everyone can't argue, let's vote to decide. Those who plan to share data, and those who plan to conduct internal investigations first, and then share the results of the investigation."

Soon, a show of hands began, and after some counting, the party that finally decided to conduct its own internal investigation before sharing the results won by a landslide.

This time there are a thousand banks, among the top [-] banks in the world, and only a few less than a hundred banks decided to share.

Because no matter it is any bank, the data of its own customers is very important, plus some shady information, so this situation is very normal.

The president of the universe line sighed, and finally said: "I used to think that in the face of a worldwide crisis, we human beings can be more united, but now, you let me see what a human heart is."

After saying this, he turned his head and left.

Most of the bank representatives present were silent and did not speak, and a few like the president of JPMorgan Chase Bank just sneered, and then turned their heads and left.

Next, these thousand banks will all launch internal investigations, and then complete the investigation report within a month.

Of course, in addition to these thousand banks, all other banks will also be notified and conduct internal investigations, which will be enforced by governments of various countries.

However, it will still take a month, and no one knows what the situation will look like in a month.


"Less than a hundred votes to agree to share?"

Shangjing, Diaoyutai State Guesthouse.

Lin Xiao walked in the garden, admiring the beautiful scenery here.

Suddenly, Qi Shangao came over and told him the results of the World Bank meeting.

"Yes." Qi Shangao nodded.


Lin Xiao nodded slightly.

It is understandable that the ideas of all parties are nothing more than to protect their own interests.

But it is precisely because of this that we have to scold all parties for such short-sightedness.

When faced with interest issues, no matter how long-sighted a banker usually is, he will become short-term.

"Alas, the only lessons humanity learns from history is that it doesn't learn any lessons from history."

Lin Xiao sighed.

"Yes." Qi Shangao nodded, and then said: "Especially those banks in the United States, the reaction is particularly strong, the president of JP Morgan Chase Bank, also suspected that this is our conspiracy, openly and secretly They are framing us to use Qiankun-[-] to get their data in the name of sharing data.”

"These foreign devils really think, don't say that we don't care about their data, even if we share it at that time, it's the same as if we didn't share our data."

"Besides, if we all have the ability to use Qiankun No. [-] to transfer money without anyone noticing, don't we also have the ability to get those data without anyone noticing? Do we still need to use this trick?"

"It's ridiculous!"

Listening to Qi Shangao's annoyance, Lin Xiao smiled, "What you said makes sense."

But at this moment, a flash of light suddenly appeared in his mind.

Yes, what is the purpose of the other party doing this?

Purely for money?

If the other party is human, they all have such heaven-defying hacking skills, and it is impossible for them to be too short of money in reality.

Just like he asked Kong Huaan before, why do hackers want to be hackers.

And Kong Huaan gave him the answer at the beginning. At first, it was based on some kind of second-year thinking, and then it evolved into an interest. Especially, many hackers he knew were rich themselves. After all, in this era, Anyone with good computer skills can make money.

So starting from this situation, it is unlikely that the other party, a hacker with very powerful technology, will do such a thing.

And unless it is some kind of extremist organization.

However, he does not think that any extremist organization can survive in today's society, and at the same time have this kind of technology.

Of course, although he doesn't think so, it doesn't mean that there is no such possibility, it's just that the possibility is extremely low.

After setting aside these possibilities, it is even more likely that an artificial intelligence with self-awareness appeared in Qiankun-[-].

After thinking for a while, he said to Qi Shangao, "Please do one thing."

"Chief, you said so."

"Go ask someone to temporarily shut down Qiankun No. [-]."

"Close Qiankun No. [-]?" Qi Shangao was taken aback when he heard that, "You don't doubt that..."

"Don't think too much." Lin Xiao said: "I'm just worried that if the other party is really a hacker, and his strength is so strong, if he breaks through the firewall of Qiankun No. [-] through some methods and steals the control right Not good."

"So that's the case." Qi Shangao nodded, "Your consideration is reasonable, I'll let them do it."

"En." Lin Xiao nodded, but then emphasized: "By the way, remember not to let the news that Qiankun No. [-] is shut down, the less people know about it, the better."

Hearing what Lin Xiao said, Qi Shangao nodded again.

"I see."

Then Qi Shangao left here to arrange what Lin Xiao asked for.

And Lin Xiao also lost his mind on admiring the flowers, and went back to work. Originally, he just finished eating and went out for a few steps, but now that the situation is like this, it is obvious that he doesn't have time to go for a walk.

He quickly returned to his current residence, and had no time to pay attention to the elegant decoration of the highest-standard house in the State Guesthouse. After entering the study, he turned on the computer and continued to write code.

After so many days of researching the knowledge in his mind, he has developed a method that can be used to actively discover the self-awareness of artificial intelligence.

Strictly speaking, this is a program, which he named the virtual consciousness trap.

As the name suggests, the program captures virtual consciousness.

But for now, he has not fully completed this program, because the content inside it is too long, with more than 2 lines of code.

And if it's just code, it's okay to say, but this code uses a brand new computer high-level language, that is, programming languages ​​like JAVA, C++, and Python.

This language is very suitable for quantum computers, and its content is more complicated and difficult to master than languages ​​such as JAVA and C++. Lin Xiao feels like it is knowledge of a higher level of civilization.

So even with Lin Xiao's current learning ability, he hasn't fully mastered it for the time being, and now he is learning while writing this program.

From the current point of view, he still has at least ten more days to complete all of them.

However, this knowledge made Lin Xiao feel more and more suspicious.

"System, the knowledge you gave me contains this part of knowledge that should have been too far ahead of time. It is because you already know that an artificial intelligence self-awareness was born, so you judge this part of knowledge and do not It’s not advanced knowledge anymore, is it?”

The system did not answer his question.

Lin Xiao narrowed his eyes, and said in his heart again: "I will use truth points to pay the price required for this answer."

After a moment of silence, the system replied: "This question requires more truth points than the host currently has."

Lin Xiao immediately scolded her in her heart: "Damn, 3000 truth points are not enough? Why don't you go grab it?"

The system is silent again.

Lin Xiao thought for a moment, then questioned again: "No matter how you think about it, even if the other conditions are fulfilled, it will take at least a probability of 300 in [-] billion to produce artificial intelligence consciousness. I don't believe that our earth is so lucky. It was born and led to such a crisis, system, do you want to explain this?"

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