Controlled nuclear fusion, batteries, and room-temperature superconductors, these three technologies almost cover all aspects of energy, energy generation, energy transportation, and energy carriers. These technologies basically completely determine the economic take-off , and the improvement of people's living standards.

In addition, let alone chip technology.

Until so many years later, the 5nm process chip technology of Huaxia Chip Manufacturing Company is still the most advanced technology in the world. Other companies are still limited by the wavelength of the light source of the lithography machine, and it is difficult to make some major breakthroughs. Because until now, the only companies that can obtain lithography machines from X-lithography equipment production companies are Huaxia Chip Manufacturing Company and other related companies.

Of course, this is not to say that Huaxia Chip Manufacturing Company has not developed more advanced process technology for so many years. It is because the 5nm process they have mastered has completely reached the physical limit. , you must face a more intense quantum tunneling effect.

As for the technology to deal with the quantum tunneling effect, they still haven't mastered it yet. After all, this involves more cutting-edge technology, so it's not surprising that they haven't been able to achieve a breakthrough.

However, all in all, the current Huaguo has achieved a veritable rise, so in the future, there will only be more and more forces like the Panasonic Group that temporarily avoid sharp ideas. Of course, there is also a possibility that they will never edge.


Of course, in the eyes of the vast majority of people, after Huaguo possesses these technologies, there is no need to worry at all. The next step is to develop with peace of mind until the day when it officially becomes a superpower, and even seizes the right to speak in the world. That day.

However, for Lin Xiao and a group of scientific researchers around him, such technology is obviously not enough.

"Scientific research has no limit. I have been deeply aware of this since I received the quantum information from Micius from the Earth's orbit at an altitude of [-] kilometers more than ten years ago."

In the Institute of Quantum Information and Quantum Science and Technology Innovation, Lin Xiaozheng and Pang Wei were walking in a laboratory while observing a strange device in front of them, and chatting at the same time.

As for Pan Wei's words, Lin Xiao smiled and said, "Obviously, I totally agree with what you said."

Pang Wei laughed, and then sighed with emotion: "Scientists used to not even want to believe that people can fly, and thought it was impossible to create an aircraft heavier than air. Now, we have not only easily achieved this, but even the universe You can go."

"And even Einstein at the time said that it was impossible for human beings to use nuclear energy. He didn't think there was any sign of it, because the use of nuclear energy meant that atoms could be torn into pieces at will and had to be, and the atomic bomb appeared. gone."

"There is also... oh, and there is such a thing as a force field. In so many science fiction works, there are such things as force fields, but obviously, many people also think that there is no such thing as a force field. As a result, The appearance of the plasma window has broken this idea, although the plasma window can’t be like a force field, but it sounds incredible enough.”

"There are more normal-temperature superconductors, controllable nuclear fusion, hehe, these are all solved by you, oh, and there is such a thing as artificial black holes. People used to think that it was impossible for human beings to create artificial black holes. As a result, You have found the proof from a lot of experimental data abruptly, now think about it, CEPC is probably creating artificial black holes every day."

Lin Xiao who was on the side smiled slightly when he heard Pang Wei's words, and said, "That's why we have this world that likes science fiction."

Pang Wei smiled and said, "I think you are quite sci-fi."

Lin Xiao rubbed his nose, shook his head and laughed, "Maybe."

What happened to him may be science fiction, or fantasy?

Although he scoffed at the so-called "the end of science is theology", sometimes he couldn't help thinking, maybe science has reached the end, and everyone is really a god?

At this time, a staff member of the laboratory came over and said to Pang Wei: "Academician Pang, all our parts are ready, and the model brought by Chief Lin has also been configured, and we can start at any time. "

Pang Wei stood up, nodded, and said, "Okay, then let's start the test as soon as possible."

"Okay." The staff member nodded respectfully, and then quickly left here.

And Pang Wei also smiled and said to Lin Xiao: "Okay, it's time to prepare and see what we have achieved over the years."

Lin Xiao also stood up, and said with a smile: "Perhaps one more sentence should be added to the sentence you said just now. People used to think that quantum computers cannot be realized, but you have to make it It came true."

Pang Wei was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed loudly, "That's right! Of course, it's not just my credit. If I were alone, I would be far from achieving this level. Mine, yours, and others, such as your friend, Kong Huaan."

Lin Xiao smiled, nodded and said, "Yes."

Soon, they came to the main control room next to them, which will be used to control their latest quantum computer.

Its name is Qiankun No. [-] superconducting quantum computer.

With a full 100 qubits, its estimated computing power can reach the 2th power of 100, which is a full 31 digits. It needs to use "quadrillions, trillions, trillions" as the unit, and if it is used as a floating-point calculation In terms of power, it is at least [-] million times that of Pangu's supercomputer.

In other words, once this quantum computer is successfully realized, it only needs to calculate for one second, and the Pangu supercomputing needs at least [-] million seconds to complete.

This is the terrifying computing power brought about by the exponential explosion.

Of course, this is only a theoretical situation. In fact, its computing power is lower than the one hundredth power of 2-the "some" refers to some digits.

"Okay, let's get started."

After arriving at the main control room, Pang Wei said.

"Okay." The others responded immediately, and then started to activate the Qiankun No. [-].

And Lin Xiao watched from the side, because if there was any problem later, if there was a problem with his model, he would need to try to solve the related problem on the spot.

While everyone was waiting, another person came in from outside.

It was Kong Huaan.

After Kong Huaan walked in, he saw Lin Xiao, walked up, and patted Lin Xiao on the shoulder.

Lin Xiao turned his head to look, then smiled and said, "I said why I didn't see you, why did you go just now?"

"It was quite troublesome to install the final program just now, so I haven't come out yet."

"That's it." Lin Xiao nodded slightly.

"Well, I also wrote in the artificial intelligence program I created some time ago. When the quantum computer is completed, I will see how intelligent this artificial intelligence can be."

Lin Xiao spread his hands and said with a smile, "Maybe it's an intelligent life?"

Kong Huaan shook his head helplessly, "Stop joking, how could it be an intelligent life?"

Lin Xiao laughed: "So, you said it was a joke, so you don't have to take it seriously."

Kong Hua'an said, "Okay, I also hope that you, the chief scientist, can give some constructive guesses."

Lin Xiao spread his hands, "I don't necessarily know as much about Qiankun No. [-] as you do. All I know is that if this thing is successful, Pan Guchao of our Dingguang Research Institute will not be the boss."

"100 qubits, the computing power of the whole world is estimated to be only the computing power provided by 100 qubits. If this is successful, I don't think we need any processors in the world. Computers are directly connected to this quantum computer to share its computing power, and all Intel massage parlors should directly shut down the processor business."

"The graphics card business can also be completed." At this time, Kong Huaan next to him also smiled and said: "Isn't there cloud graphics card technology now? Once Qiankun No. [-] is really successful, it can also be directly competent for the graphics card , In addition, you can directly use it to mine, and then dig out all the remaining bitcoins.”

Lin Xiao couldn't laugh or cry: "Ah, you still pay attention to mining?"

"We hackers are very concerned. After all, the Satoshi Nakamoto who created Bitcoin is a top hacker. But then again, do you know who this Satoshi Nakamoto is?"

"I don't know about this." Lin Xiao shook his head and said, "I don't pay much attention to this matter."

"Okay." Kong Hua'an nodded without asking any more questions, and then looked at the main control host, waiting for the successful launch of Qiankun-[-].

The start-up process of Qiankun-[-] will take a certain amount of time. After all, this quantum computer is running for the first time, not to mention that they still want to make this quantum computer truly realize the computer-like process as long as the input is entered into the program. The function of calculation is not like the quantum computer in the past, which can only operate fixed algorithms.

So just like that, they waited for a while, and finally someone shouted: "A quantum entanglement signal has been detected. Among the 100 qubits, quantum entanglement is taking place, and they are now waiting for the input of the signal."

After a while, another surprising news came: "The entanglement state has stabilized, the operating system has started, and the underlying compiler has also started!"

"The signal should be sent to the computer by now!"

With the end of this sentence, everyone in the master control room saw the indicator light on the display screen in front of them light up, and then, the originally dark panel suddenly lit up, and of course, there was Clearly visible edge light leakage characteristic of IPS screens.

Of course, for the people present, this already means that the signal of their quantum computer has been transmitted to this monitor that has been plugged in, and the signal is detected inside the monitor, and the screen naturally lights up .

And this is undoubtedly the first step towards their success!

Everyone at the scene clenched their fists, waiting for the next screen on the monitor.

And they didn't let them down, the monitor lit up, and a LOGO appeared with two large characters in running script, [Qian Kun]!

"Qiankun system! It's starting to load!"

The people present cheered again, this Qiankun system is exactly their new system tailored for quantum computers!

Seeing this scene, they couldn't help cheering.

Lin Xiao also showed a slight smile on his face, then looked at Kong Huaan beside him, and asked with a smile, "Did you also participate in the writing of this operating system?"

Kong Huaan smiled and said, "Well, I'm mainly responsible for writing how to combine the instruction set of the chief architecture with their machine code and compiler."

Lin Xiao nodded and said with a smile, "This is quite suitable."

"Yes." Kong Huaan also nodded.

And at this moment, there was another burst of cheers.

"It's turned on! It's a success!"

"Entered the desktop!"

Lin Xiao and Kong Huaan turned their heads to look, and sure enough, they saw the desktop displayed on the monitor. The desktop is very simple, but it basically represents the success of their quantum computer, because Qiankun-[-] has already supported the operation of the operating system.

At this time, Lin Xiao also heard the voice of the system.

"Congratulations to the host, participating in and witnessing the quantum computer created by your civilization, and in the process of success, you also contributed the greatest help."

"Quantum computers will help you understand information and quantum, and bring a new way of life to your civilization."

"However, don't let the virtual world stop your civilization from moving forward, and let your civilization's original days of witnessing the birth of new technologies turn into aborted days of civilization."

"Reward: 4000 points of mathematics experience, 4000 points of physics experience, 1500 points of materials science experience, 5000 points of information science experience, 82.5 truth points, [quantum information science knowledge gift package]."

Chapter 473 Strange computing power occupancy rate

"Congratulations to the host, the informatics level has been raised to level 5 (3500/10000)!"

Hearing the system's notification tone, Lin Xiao's eyes lit up.

The system has been approved, doesn't it mean that this quantum computer has basically been confirmed successfully.

It's just that he was slightly surprised that this reward was so generous, and he didn't contribute much in the research.

However, after recalling what the system said just now, he became a little clearer.

The success of this quantum computer is inseparable from his normal-temperature superconductor, chip technology, etc. Without these technologies, Qiankun-[-] obviously cannot be completed, so he has a relatively large contribution to it, so he also He was given such a rich reward.

Of course, having more rewards is naturally a good thing. With a sense of dizziness in his brain, he felt that the world became a little clearer again.

The level of information science has been raised to level five, rewarding 0.6% of the brain development, and now his brain development has reached 17.85%.

Although not much has been improved, he can clearly feel that he has become smarter again.

Of course, the people around will not be able to feel such a change, and others are still immersed in the joy of the successful startup of Qiankun-[-].

At this time, Lin Xiao also shifted his mind to the special reward given by the system just now.

"What is this quantum information knowledge gift package?"

he asked in his heart.

"Opening this gift bag, the host will be able to automatically obtain a piece of knowledge related to quantum information."

The system replied.

"Knowledge related to quantum information?"

Lin Xiao couldn't help being surprised.

He didn't expect the system to distribute benefits. Such a reward was completely unexpected for him. After all, it was equivalent to rewarding him directly.

However, the only pity is that it is limited to quantum information science. If it is replaced by quantum mechanics, or quantum field theory, maybe something more useful can be developed?

For example, the theory that directly unifies the four major forces, or the reason why the world is discontinuous, or something else.

Shaking his head slightly, forget it, what are you thinking about so much, let's open this gift bag directly.

But at this moment, he hesitated again, and then asked: "System, this gift bag won't give out some existing knowledge, or uh...too super knowledge, right?...Oh, advanced knowledge is also good."

Of course, the system quickly gave an answer, "This gift package has a high probability of obtaining knowledge that the host can use under the current era and technical conditions, and also has a very small probability of obtaining knowledge that is too advanced, and will not issue existing knowledge. .”

Hearing the sound of the system, Lin Xiao nodded slightly, "Then it should be stable."

Lin Xiao is satisfied that he will not give out the existing knowledge, as long as there is no cheating.

Of course, he is also very interested in the advanced knowledge that can be obtained with a very small probability, but he has said that it is a very small probability, so he doesn't have to think too much, just don't give too high expectations, and even if it is true It is a question of whether they can use some knowledge that is too advanced.

For example, tell him how to build a curvature engine. He will know how to build it by then, but if the production technology can't keep up, he can't do anything.

That is to say, only the kind of purely theoretical knowledge that is too advanced can still take a look at it a little bit, and improve one's understanding of the universe.

Then he stopped hesitating and gave an instruction in his heart, "Open the gift bag!"

After a while, the system responded.

"The [Quantum Informatics Knowledge Gift Pack] has been opened. Congratulations to the host for obtaining: Quantum Artificial Intelligence Information Technology. Would you like to extract it immediately?"

Lin Xiao was taken aback when he heard the reward.

Quantum artificial intelligence information technology?

It turned out to be artificial intelligence, which made him interested in how powerful artificial intelligence relying on quantum computers would be.

He felt a little curiosity in his heart, and then said directly in his heart: "Extract."

Then, he felt a sinking in his mind, and that familiar feeling flooded into his mind.

That is, the feeling of knowledge influx that would appear in his mind every time he spent truth points to purchase knowledge.

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