In the method of falsification, there is a method: find a one-way function.

One-way function means that for each input, the function value is easy to calculate; but for a random function value, it is more difficult to calculate its corresponding input.

That is to say, in f(x)=y, given a value of x, we can easily get the value of y, but if a y is given, it is difficult for us to reversely calculate the value of x.

And this is completely inconsistent with the situation when p=np, and this problem is naturally falsified.

In other words, the one-way function is like a special solution, as long as one is found, the millennium problem can be solved directly.

It's just that at this moment, Lin Xiao didn't expect that he found this thing inadvertently just to find a model that could control the quantum computer.

He even felt a little unreal for a moment.

But then, the system's voice suddenly sounded, telling him it was real.

"Congratulations to the host, successfully found a one-way function, proving that P is not equal to NP..."

Lin Xiao was taken aback by the sound of the system.

The system actually approved it?

However, just as he thought this in his heart, what the system said next made his heart skip a beat.

"However, if the host thinks that this problem is over, please think about it, do you really think so?"

"Reward: 5000 points of mathematics experience, 3000 points of informatics experience, 50 points of truth."

Hearing the words of the system, Lin Xiao felt very confused and puzzled.

Now that it has been explained that the function he found by accident is a one-way function, why do he say that again?

"Is that really what I think?"

"Does the system mean that it can still prove that P=NP?"

He felt genuinely puzzled.

Prove a falsification problem?

Where does this come from?

And just when this confusion arose in his heart, his cell phone rang suddenly.

After regaining his senses for the time being, he picked up his phone and glanced at it.

"Huh? Is this Tao Zhexuan's call?"

Why did Tao Zhexuan suddenly think of calling him?

During the recent period, the International Conference of Mathematicians should be being held. Tao Terence should be at the International Conference of Mathematicians now, why do you still have time to come to him?

However, he remembered that today seemed to be the last day of this year's International Conference of Mathematicians. At this time, it seemed to be the closing ceremony?

This made him even more puzzled.

Then he connected the phone and said, "Hey, Tao, why did you suddenly want to find me? Now, if I remember correctly, you should be attending the closing ceremony of the Mathematicians Conference, right?"

Then Tao Zhexuan's voice came from the opposite side.

"Haha! Lin, that's right, I'm attending the closing ceremony of the Mathematicians Conference. Of course, that's why I'm calling you."

Hearing Tao Zhexuan's words, Lin Xiao immediately felt even more confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Hehe, let me send you a video call invitation now, and you will know when the time comes."

"This... well, I want to see what you are doing."

Although I don't know Tao Zhexuan's intentions, but since he said so, let's take a look.

Soon after, Tao Zhexuan sent him a video invitation.

Lin Xiao clicked to accept the invitation, and then entered the video screen.

As the video screen opened, Lin Xiao was taken aback when he saw the scene on Tao Zhexuan's side.

Because in the video, Tao Zhexuan was standing on the stage, and behind him was the auditorium.

I saw thousands of mathematicians and mathematics enthusiasts or practitioners participating in the conference, all sitting in their seats and waving at him.

At the same time, there were voices greeting him one after another.

"Hi! Professor Lin!"

"Lin! Long time no see!"

"Professor Lin!"


Although the voice was rather noisy, Lin Xiao could still hear what they were saying.

He was in a daze for a moment, then said, "Uh... Hello everyone?"

Then he quickly asked Tao Zhexuan: "Tao, what's going on?"

Tao Zhexuan smiled, and finally explained: "Without you, this year's conference of mathematicians has finally become a little dull. There are no more reports that shocked the mathematics world like you often bring us."

"But because of this, we all miss you very much. Although you are not able to appear here at this conference and discuss mathematics with us for some reasons, we all believe that there will always be problems to be solved. On that day."

"Mathematics of the world is family and we all miss you."

After Terence Tao finished speaking, people in the audience also shouted: "Lin! We miss you very much."

Seeing this, Lin Xiao couldn't help being moved. He never expected that Tao Zhexuan suddenly called him because of this matter.

He laughed and said: "Thank you everyone, I also miss you very much, and I miss the discussions with many friends at the two previous conferences."

"Of course, at least for now, I still participate in this conference in this way."

The mathematicians at the meeting laughed, and Tao Terence also joked at this time: "Hey, if this counts, you haven't brought us some amazing results yet! This is equivalent to breaking You got used to it!"

"How can there be so many surprising results!"

Lin Xiao suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

However, at this moment, he hesitated for a moment, and said, "Huh? It seems that there are no more?"

Important Achievements at the Closing Ceremony of Chapter 469

The scene of the closing ceremony of the International Congress of Mathematicians

Everyone present couldn't help laughing when they heard Lin Xiao complain about how it was so easy to achieve surprising results.

Indeed, Tao Zhexuan's joke can only be heard as a joke.

It would be outrageous if this kind of result could be achieved so easily.

Especially Lin Xiao is obviously still researching battery technology recently.

These mathematicians have also more or less learned about the recent battery issues, so they also know about the dispute between Lin Xiao and Panasonic Group over batteries.

Of course, this group of mathematicians will understand this kind of thing, the main reason is Lin Xiao, they are clearly a top mathematician, but they are also a top physicist, chemist, material scientist I am very interested in things, so it is normal to pay attention.

But battery research is so troublesome, what else can Lin Xiao come up with in mathematics while researching this thing?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

"Huh? Seems like it's gone?"

At this moment, Lin Xiao's voice suddenly sounded again.

The venue, which was originally full of joy, suddenly came to an abrupt end because of Lin Xiao's words.

What did Lin Xiao's words... mean?

The laughter of Tao Zhexuan standing on the stage also stopped suddenly, and a kind of disbelief emerged in his heart.

"Uh... Lin, please tell me again, what are you talking about?"

The people present held their breath again, waiting quietly for Lin Xiao's answer.

And Lin Xiao repeated it again at this time: "Uh, let me say, if you want to talk about amazing achievements, it seems that I just happen to have one here?"

Hearing these words from Lin Xiao's mouth, everyone present showed shocked expressions.

Good guy, when Lin Xiao was really researching battery technology, he made another important achievement?

"Uh..." Tao Zhexuan shook his head helplessly, and then said: "Well, I thought this was just an opportunity for us to greet you collectively, and by the way, let you, uh... also be able to participate in this year's event in this way. In the conference, but now it seems that we are going to get another surprise."

But then he just smiled and said: "Of course, as a person who studies mathematics, I don't want to not be curious about what the result is when I hear a result that can surprise me. Do you all think so, too?"

As he spoke, he also turned his head and glanced at the mathematicians present.

The mathematicians in the auditorium nodded one after another, and a mathematician sitting in the first row also stood up and shouted: "Lin, don't be a fool, tell me quickly, what do you have?" What happened?"

This mathematician is Pierre Deligne.

For mathematicians like them, they can be envious and jealous of Lin Xiao's many achievements, but when faced with Lin Xiao's achievements, they can't wait to see what Lin Xiao has made again what is it.

After all, although in the past when Lin Xiao made results, mathematicians who studied the same subject would complain for a while, because once Lin Xiao made results, it often meant that their efforts were in vain, but the same, when Lin Xiao really After they come up with results, they can also bring more value to their mathematics community, so they still hope that Lin Xiao can really bring some important results.

Lin Xiao, who was on the other side of the screen, saw Deligne standing up, and greeted him with a smile: "Oh, Professor Deligne, nice to see you."

"Well, in fact, it may not be a mathematical theory, or some important equations, methods, etc., as everyone thinks."

"Tao, then I will trouble you to show this function to everyone."

As he said that, Lin Xiao picked up a piece of draft paper in his hand, and what was written on it was the one-way function he accidentally discovered just now.

Tao Zhexuan nodded, and then presented the function shown by Lin Xiao on the big screen behind him.

In this way, everyone in the audience can see this function.

Of course, many people are also confused. Is there anything wrong with this function?That is, the part of f(x) is a bit too complicated, and they can see some traces of physics in it. If the people present have studied quantum mechanics, it is easy to see that this function has something to do with quantum mechanics. relation.

However, the question now is, what does this function represent?

While most mathematicians are still thinking while frowning, some top mathematicians have already seen something.

For example, Terence Tao standing on the stage.

As the first person in the audience to see the function given by Lin Xiao, he naturally began to think about it from the first sight.

At the same time, as Tao who knows a little bit about everything, he happened to have done some research on quantum mechanics and the P=NP problem, so his face finally became uneasy.

"Wait, this function, is it... wrong, it needs to be verified again."

He muttered to himself, and then looked at the function again, wanting to verify it again.

And at this moment, Lin Xiao said: "As you can see, this function is the surprising result I want to talk about."

"Because if I'm not mistaken, it should successfully solve a millennium puzzle."

"That's the P=NP problem."

Hearing Lin Xiao's words, everyone present was shocked again.

Many mathematicians sat up straight away.

Lin Xiao actually solved the P=NP problem?

The difficulty of the P=NP problem is needless to say, because compared with other problems, it is a little unclear which direction to start to realize the proof. From the perspective of starting, it is not too clear, but For example, other problems are different. Although the difficulty of solving is not low, the angle of starting is relatively clear.

Therefore, when they heard that Lin Xiao had solved the problem, they were all incredulous.

Of course, many of them subconsciously thought that the solution Lin Xiao mentioned meant proof, after all, it was out of habit.

And this also made many people present feel absurd. Can the P=NP problem really be proved?

For many people who study cryptography, this is like a bolt from the blue. After all, cryptography is based on the premise that P is not equal to NP. Their previous hard research, and cryptography Could it be that the cornerstone laid for nearly 100 years has all been in vain?

And most importantly, the collapse of cryptography will eventually evolve into the collapse of modern information technology.

After all, when all passwords can be easily cracked, how many people dare to keep their privacy on the Internet?

Of course, let’s forget about these privacy matters, as it is said now, once cryptography collapses, the world’s financial industry will be the most dangerous. After all, at this time, cryptography can no longer guarantee the safety of property. All banks will face the risk of bankruptcy.

The reserve requirement ratios of banks around the world are generally maintained at single-digit percentage points. Can only file for bankruptcy.

And once the bank goes bankrupt, capital operation will become empty talk, and the company will not be able to pay wages, because the money of the company is also stored in the bank. At that time, it is not impossible for the world to directly fall into a nuclear war.

Thinking of this, many cryptography experts who are well aware of the harm suddenly felt a burst of panic in their hearts, and even began to blame Lin Xiao in their hearts. Why did they show this thing in front of such a large audience?

Even if he is the only one who knows, it will not cause such consequences.

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