The opponent's is a hydrogen fuel cell, so he chooses a proton battery, which is hydrogen anyway.

It's just that the fuel cell cannot be charged. After all, it is a fuel cell, which naturally relies on fuel to provide electrical energy, while the proton battery can replenish energy by charging and discharging like a lithium battery. Such a battery is the most suitable for nuclear power. Batteries in the age of fusion.

After making a decision in his heart, he said to Kang Chengning and the others: "Okay, since these Japanese are looking for trouble, let's respond to their challenge. After that, we will mainly study proton batteries. After the four of you, temporarily stop the material simulation of lithium-sulfur batteries, and concentrate on simulating the materials of proton batteries."

Hearing what Lin Xiao said, the four of Kang Chengning were shocked. They didn't expect Lin Xiao to directly focus on researching a battery technology in order to respond to Makoto Matsushita!

At this moment, they couldn't wait to see what kind of expression Makoto Matsushita would have when they finally completed the proton battery and announced it.

Probably because he regretted it too late, and regretted that the sudden self-confidence that he didn't know where came from made him utter such arrogant words.

Then they all nodded and said, "Yes! God Lin!"

Then, they returned to the computer excitedly and continued their work.

Lin Xiao also temporarily shifted his research focus to proton batteries, and stopped his ongoing research on lithium-sulfur battery materials.

Of course, regarding the research on quantum computers, he will definitely not stop for the time being.

Such a situation is not enough for him to concentrate all his time on the battery.


Time passed slowly again.

Makoto Matsushita's statement, although it brought a certain amount of heat, but this heat has gradually passed. Of course, there are many people who remember this matter, at least many people will suddenly talk about it by accident. start this matter.

In addition, the United States seems to be supporting Makoto Matsushita's declaration. Many media have reported and described Lin Xiao as a proud and arrogant scientist. For Makoto Matsushita and Makoto Matsushita The group is very contemptuous.

Of course, maybe something went wrong. After reading the relevant media reports, some people in the United States worshiped Lin Xiao even more.

Probably, the Japanese like hot-blooded protagonists, while Americans like strong and invincible protagonists.

However, in any case, the United States has begun to invest heavily in hydrogen refueling stations, and has formulated preferential policies for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and other related products, which also shows their determination to strongly support hydrogen fuel cells.

Such a situation also made more people want to know who the final winner in such a battle would be.


Time, a week has passed.

"Ling Shen, look, this is the proton exchange membrane material that we finally simulated according to your requirements. If there is not much difference between the simulated result and the actual one, its proton conductivity should be 0.12-0.25S per centimeter."

"Well, I saw it."

Looking at the new material simulated on the computer screen, of course, it should be said that this is actually a film.

This is the proton exchange membrane designed by Lin Xiao during this period of time.

But obviously, Lin Xiao was very dissatisfied with such a calculation result.

"Is the conductivity only this low?"

After such a period of time, a lot of parameter data about Panasonic Group's new technology has been released, and the data about their newly developed proton exchange membrane has also been released, which is as high as 0.44S/cm It can be said that it has shocked people in the battery industry.

After all, before this, the conductivity of the most commonly used proton exchange membrane was only 0.2.

So obviously, this also proves that Panasonic Group has been bragging for so long before, but in fact it really has two brushes.

Now, the proton exchange membrane that Lin Xiao created through the method of computational materials science is obviously not good enough.

Although there is also a certain possibility that it is a software simulation problem, which leads to a large error between the displayed data and the real data, but there is also a possibility that the real data may not be as good as the calculated result. .

"So, what went wrong?"

He rubbed his chin, lost in thought.

On the side, Kang Chengning and the others looked at Lin Xiao thinking, but they didn't make a sound.

Although there is a problem with the first result, obviously, they don't think that the first result can determine everything after that.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Xiao's eyes suddenly brightened, and he waved his hand: "Come and let me see."

Kang Chengning and the others understood, and quickly gave up the position of the computer to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao sat in front of the computer and began to operate. First, he took a look at the model of the entire material, and then derived other proton exchange membrane models for reference.

After a while, he began to write various formulas on the paper.

[dA (α, γ) = CQ[dX (α, γ)...]

When Kang Chengning and the others saw the formula written by Lin Xiao, they couldn't hold back their curiosity. They leaned over to take a look, and then they quickly chose to give up. After looking at each other, they all shrugged. Obviously, they couldn't understand it. .

Although it can be seen that these formulas written by Lin Xiao are all in computational materials science, but in terms of complexity alone, these contents are not comprehensible at all at their level.

After Lin Xiao quickly wrote down a lot of formulas, he said: "I know what the problem is. For fluorosulfonic acid, or proton exchange membranes with fluoropolymers, etc., there are inherently certain According to the theory of electron topological bonding, when they release hydrogen ions, they have inherent retardation."

The four were silent for a while, and finally realized that Lin Xiao's words were probably addressing them, so they all said "oh".

And hearing these four "oh", Lin Xiao looked back at them silently, then shook his head, it seemed that these four people probably couldn't understand what he meant for the time being.

"Forget it, then you can start to simulate the colloidal electrolyte. As for the proton exchange membrane, I will change another material next."

"What material?" Kang Chengning asked curiously. Although he didn't understand what Lin Xiao said just now, he must understand it now.

It's just that he was surprised that the material should be changed?After all, you must know that whether it is the most commonly used proton exchange membrane in the past, or the kind of proton exchange membrane that Panasonic Group is researching, they all belong to the category mentioned by Lin Xiao.

Including the one they simulated now, the same is true.

And now Lin Xiao directly rejected these kinds of materials?

Lin Xiao replied with a smile: "Polymer materials."

Several people were taken aback for a moment.

Polymer Materials?

Isn't that just plastic?

Can this thing actually be used as a material for a proton exchange membrane?

They were all surprised.

But when Lin Xiao was about to leave, he added another sentence: "Oh, strictly speaking, it is also a polymer composite material."

After speaking, he turned his head and left, and began to do a lot of calculations on the draft paper. After Kang Chengning and the others looked at each other for a while, they finally shook their heads, turned and returned to their seats. According to Lin Xiao's request, A material simulation of the colloidal electrolyte is carried out.

In this way, another week passed.


"Wow! This colloidal electrolyte is simply invincible!"

In the laboratory, Kang Chengning and the others looked at the calculation results on the computer with surprised expressions on their faces.

At Lin Xiao's request, they simulated the colloidal electrolyte he gave, and now they finally got the results.

What surprised them all was that the computer simulation results of this colloidal electrolyte fully met their expectations.

"That is to say, the model Lin Shen gave us is the most perfect model?"

All of them had surprise on their faces.

Originally, they thought that they would need to re-establish the model several times like the previous simulation of the proton exchange membrane.

Thinking of this, they couldn't help being amazed.

"As expected of Lin Shen, he hit the target with one shot."

And at this moment, a voice came from beside them: "What are you talking about?"

Several people turned their heads and saw Lin Xiao coming from the door of the laboratory. They were all taken aback. This Zhou Linxiao didn't come over, and seemed to be studying the new type of proton exchange membrane he mentioned in retreat.

And now that he's back, could it mean...

They were all pleasantly surprised at once: "Shen Lin, have you got results from your research?"

Lin Xiao smiled slightly: "Basically, I built a new polymer composite material model, if there are no problems, it should be able to meet my requirements."

"This is really great!" The four people's faces were filled with joy. With their Lin Shen's astounding ability, what can the person from the Panasonic Group use to fight them?

"I haven't asked yet, what about your side?" At this time, Lin Xiao asked about their results again.

"Oh, you came just in time, we have just finished running the simulation, and the results fully meet your requirements!"

"Is that so?" A smile suddenly appeared on Lin Xiao's face, "This is really double happiness!"

Then he stepped forward and looked at the result.

For this colloidal electrolyte, ionic conductivity is also a key element, and the results simulated by the software fully met his expectations.

Of course, there are several other factors that determine the performance of battery electrolytes, all of which meet his requirements, such as ion mobility, ion migration number, and so on.

"Okay, from now on, we can start to design the preparation experiments of these materials!"

Afterwards, Lin Xiao announced.

The four of Kang Chengning also nodded immediately, with excitement on their faces.

Because as long as these materials are prepared, they can see how strong this proton battery is!

Then they started a formal experiment.

Of course, this aspect can only be handed over to Lin Xiaolai, because it involves experiments, so for Kang Chengning and the other four who are engaged in computational materials science, it is a completely different dimension, and they can't provide much. At most, it is to assist in the experiment designed by Lin Xiao.

However, for Lin Xiao, although he will need a person to design the experiment next, the problem is not that big. With his current ability, designing material preparation experiments is not a problem at all.

And just like that, time passed quickly.


Chapter 464 Introduce, proton battery

A month later.

"That's basically it, did I make it clear?"

In the laboratory, Lin Xiao described the experiment he designed.

After the four of Kang Chengning finished listening, they all nodded and said, "It's clear!"

Two materials, two experiments.

Although they are all relatively complicated, but what kind of material is not complicated like this?

"That's good, let's start the experiment now." Lin Xiao nodded and said, "Oh, although you all come from computational materials science, I don't need to emphasize the laboratory rules to you, right?"

"Don't worry about that!" The four of them immediately waved their hands and said with a smile: "Although we are studying computational materials science, the degree certificates we got are all doctorates in materials science anyway. There is no problem with this."

"That's good."

Lin Xiao nodded with a smile, and then said no more, "Then let's start the experiment."


Then they came to the experimental bench one after another, and began to operate according to the experimental steps designed by Lin Xiao.

Because the preparation of colloidal electrolytes takes a long time, about a week, so they will also stay in this laboratory for at least a week.

Of course, this is quite normal for those who study materials science, so they are not in a hurry.

In this way, time gradually passed as the experiment progressed.

However, during the week that they were conducting the experiment, Panasonic held a press conference.

Their hydrogen fuel cells are about to officially enter the market.


Tokyo, Japan, a large convention center.

[Panasonic Group's "Hydrogen Future" conference location: Hall A] Banner notices are hung in many places in this large conference center. For many guests who came here today, they can see these notices as soon as they come in , and then more than half of these guests will walk towards this Hall A.

Because today's meeting is full of attractions for people from all walks of life in Japan.

Whether this hydrogen fuel cell can be recognized in the market will determine whether their automobile industry, the economic pillar, can be revived.

"Toyota, you are here."

"Your Honda is here, of course I will come too."

At the entrance of Hall A, two old men were chatting with each other with a smile on their faces. These two people were the patriarchs of the Toyota and Honda families. Of course, they also represented the heads of the two former automobile industry empires.

When the other guests around saw the two old men, their faces were also solemn, and they knew the importance of this meeting even more in their hearts. After all, even these two big shots were attracted.

Although in the face of the surge of new energy vehicles, their car sales and so on have begun to decline, but relying on the accumulation of so many years, Toyota and Honda are still the top car companies in the world that cannot be underestimated. They are still among the top [-] companies in the world, and their influence is still huge.

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