No one knows now, but the only thing everyone knows is that it must be a more glorious rise!

Chapter 453 The Age of Walking with Giants

Such a ceremony, which will probably be remembered forever in history, came to an end.

For everyone in the Golden Crow Project, they have gained a lot, plus the arrangement for them afterwards, it can be said that they have gained both fame and fortune.

Of course, the most dazzling one is Lin Xiao.

The appearance of the Sun Moon Mountain River Medal has attracted the attention of all the people in the country. After all, who would not want to wear such a beautiful medal?

But this requires weighing one's IQ, whether one has the ability to complete a contribution for the country that is comparable to the Golden Crow Project.

And this kind of plan, to say the least, has to be a science and technology with the same meaning as the Golden Crow Project.

It's just that now, there are room temperature superconductors and controllable nuclear fusion. What kind of technology can we have to deserve such an honor?

Probably not anymore.

After all, the Order of the Sun, Moon, Mountain and River carries not only the controlled nuclear fusion technology successfully realized by the Golden Crow Project, but also the important significance that controlled nuclear fusion technology brings to the rise of the country.

Just like the former two bombs and one star medal, it carries the meaning of making the country stand up.

So if you want to get such an honor again, I am afraid that the country needs to fall into some similar situations again.

As for this possibility... Maybe it is time to encounter alien civilizations, and then the country needs to develop technologies that can guard human civilization.

Of course, the Sun Moon Mountain and River Medal is only one of them, and there is also the position of the country's chief scientist, which is even more attractive.

The significance of this position is very great, and everyone knows it well.

Of course, every person in the country is also sincerely happy for Lin Xiao to receive this honor.

The establishment of such a position can make people feel that the country attaches great importance to Lin Xiao, and this feeling is similar to others praising something they like, such as idols they admire, or a game, which will make people feel satisfied psychology.

Especially now, it is the official acknowledgment from the country, and it also makes the public who generally admire and worship Lin Xiao feel a kind of honorable experience.

In addition, setting up such a position specially for Lin Xiao also brought an incentive to the national scientific environment.

As I said before, Lin Xiao himself has formed a role model effect across the country. Many children and young people follow him as an example, and more people are keen on scientific research. Now Lin Xiao Becoming the chief scientist of the country again, the incentive effect brought by it will naturally become stronger.

Although this kind of influence cannot be seen in the short term, if it is extended to ten years or even 20 years, 50 years, or a century, the influence it will bring will be extremely far-reaching.


"Thank you Director Song Tao for taking time out of his busy schedule to accept our interview. First of all, please let me ask you, how do you feel about the success of the Golden Crow Project?"

"Thinking, actually, after Mr. Lin ignited the fire and announced the success, I still felt a sense of trance, because I really didn't expect that I would be able to see the success of this technology with my own eyes and personally participate in it. go."

Song Tao pointed to the Golden Crow Shining Sun Medal on his neck, smiled, and said: "I still remember when I was in college, my teacher told me that there is still a long way to go before the success of controlled nuclear fusion." 50 years, and then he said it will be left to us, the next generation."

"At that time, I felt that what my teacher said was correct, so I studied hard and studied hard. As a result, after I started working, my director at the time also said that it was still 50 years away from the realization of controllable nuclear fusion. "

"Until later, when I became a university teacher, professor, and director of our plasma institute, I also told my students that we are still 50 years away from the realization of controllable nuclear fusion."

"As a result, who would have thought that we all miscalculated. Now it is more than ten years away from the 50 years my university teacher said, and then we succeeded."

"Hey, my teacher is still alive. After he saw the news on New Year's Eve that night, he called me several times overnight to confirm with me repeatedly."

After speaking, Song Tao imitated a few words.

The interviewer laughed and said, "It seems that that night was a sleepless night for your teacher."

Song Tao smiled, "Indeed, it was a sleepless night for each of us, but the only thing I know is that our Chief Master Lin still had a good night's sleep. The plan, it can be said that we have worked tirelessly and thought hard, and after announcing our success, we are already very tired."

Hearing Lin Xiao, the interviewer immediately stood up in awe, and then asked, "Director Song, may I ask you to address Mr. Lin—oh, you should be called Mr. Lin now."

"Then can you talk about your impression of Chief Lin?"

"My impression of him?" Song Tao was taken aback, and after thinking for a moment, he smiled and said: "I can only say that we are very lucky to live in this era, because this is a—"

Song Tao paused, and then said: "The era of walking with giants."


"Old Song, didn't you expect him to brag like that?"

In front of the TV, Lin Xiao watched this segment of CCTV's documentary called "Golden Crow Shines on the East", an exclusive interview with Song Tao. When he heard what Song Tao said about the era of walking with giants, he couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

This "Golden Crow Shines on the East" is a documentary dedicated to recording the success of their Golden Crow Project from the beginning to the end. Although it is only more than three months since the success of the Golden Crow Project, CCTV still quickly edited this documentary. , and it was released a few days ago, and it is quite popular on the whole network now, at least after each episode is released, there will be a wave of hot searches.

Of course, it is precisely this kind of enthusiasm, so it is conceivable what kind of heated discussions will be caused on the Internet after Song Tao utters this sentence.

"Hehe, but I think you seem to like watching it, watching others praise you? I don't remember you still have this hobby."

At this time, Ma Gaoliang next to him said with a smile.

"Hey, isn't it mainly to see when I will be on camera, and to see how the CCTV people edited me."

"You don't have to worry about that." Ma Gaoliang waved his hand and said with a smile: "Your image will definitely be shown in a perfect way. After all, you are our chief scientist."

"I'm relieved." Lin Xiao laughed, but then patted his head again: "Oh, no, I'm so handsome, it seems that I don't have to worry about image problems, right?"

Ma Gaoliang: "..."

"Ahem, well, let's not talk about this anymore. Here, about the contract of Jinwu Energy Group, you can take a look and sign it."

Interrupting Lin Xiao's self-conscious emotion, Ma Gaoliang took out a few very simple documents from the side, and handed them to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao took the document and said with a smile, "Are you sure? Is it called Jinwu Energy Group?"

"It's what they discussed, and I don't know." Ma Gaoliang spread his hands.

Jinwu Energy Group is an enterprise funded by the state to build a controllable nuclear fusion power station.

At the same time, it will also be the only company in the world capable of building a controllable nuclear fusion power station in the future-provided that other countries or companies do not develop this technology later. Of course, this probability is also very small. After all, For foreign countries, the research and development of controllable nuclear fusion is still 50 years forever.

Of course, if it is only possible to build a controllable nuclear fusion power station, it is nothing, because the money earned by the power station is relatively small, and the real money is still the power transmission.

Just like before, the State Grid was responsible for power transmission, not power generation, but it was because of this function that State Grid became one of the top companies in the world.

In the past, Huaguo underwent an electric power reform, so it was divided into power generation companies, power transmission companies, and power distribution companies. The functions of the power system were divided into three parts, and each part was handled by different units. bear.

But now it is different. Jinwu Energy Company not only has the function of power generation, but also has the function of power transmission. The integration of transmission and generation has brought great help to the expansion of Jinwu Energy Company.

Of course, the most important thing is that the entire State Grid Corporation of China has been included in the Jinwu Energy Group, and China Southern Power Grid Corporation has also been fully included.

Just the combination of these two companies directly made Jinwu Energy Group a giant enterprise, not to mention companies in other energy systems such as Sanbarrel Oil, which also exchanged part of their shares with Jinwu Energy Company. In addition to the replacement, this made the Jinwu Energy Group even bigger.

"Tsk tsk, this is simply to create a giant company. Could it be that we are not the number one of the world's top [-] companies, so we came up with this super combination?"

Lin Xiao sighed in his heart while looking at the final plan of this contract for Jinwu Energy Group.

"Hehe, maybe? Anyway, it's decided by the higher-ups." Ma Gaoliang spread his hands and said, "But I think, even if we don't use other companies, with the ability of Jinwu Energy Group, I'm afraid it can become the number one in the world, right?"

"That's true." Lin Xiao nodded, but at this moment, when he saw an agreement listed in the contract, a surprised expression appeared on his face.

"This is... 5.00% of the shares? Are you sure you didn't type the symbol wrong, it should be five thousandths?"

When he saw that the Golden Crow Energy Group would provide him with 5.00% of the original shares listed in the contract, he was very surprised.

He originally thought that he would be given at most one percent of the shares free of charge like the original Huaxia Chip Manufacturing Company and X-lithography Equipment Production Company, and considering the importance of the Jinwu Energy Group, it might even be possible to get one percent of the shares. No shares will be provided to him. As a result, what he never expected is that the state directly gave him 5.00% of the shares?

This really surprised him. After all, you must know that the State Grid Corporation has been included in the Jinwu Energy Group, which is equivalent to one-twentieth of the State Grid Corporation directly to him, not to mention Some other large national enterprises.

This is no less than sending hundreds of billions directly to him.

And it needs to be known that he will be the only private shareholder.

"Don't be too surprised, this should belong to you, and look, didn't it also say that even if you want to sell these shares, you need to be approved by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission to sell them, and the sale can only be made to state-owned assets. Committee."

"Of course I know this. Who would sell this kind of shares? Wouldn't it be nice to keep the dividends?"

The dividends he has received from Huaxia Chip Manufacturing Company and X-lithography Equipment Manufacturing Company in the past few years alone have reached hundreds of millions.

This is because he only has [-]% of the shares, and these companies have been in a state of expansion in the past few years, so the funds that can distribute dividends to him, the only private shareholder, are really limited. Wait until a few years later After the expansion stops, the dividends will definitely only increase at that time.

But now it's 5.00%, and it's still 5.00% of the nuclear fusion company. I'm afraid the dividends at that time will allow him to quickly go directly from a billionaire to a billionaire, right?

"To be honest, this is still really..."

Lin Xiao finally couldn't help sighing: "I can only say one thing, the country is really generous."

"Haha, since you think so, then I don't need to say more, it's best if you think so." Ma Gaoliang said with a smile.

"Isn't this really a loss of state-owned assets?"

Ma Gaoliang waved his hand: "Just rest assured, this will never happen."


Lin Xiao nodded, didn't say any more, and continued to look at other regulations.

Just like the two companies that manufactured chips and produced X-ray machines before, the contract also stipulates that he will have the same power as Shang Fang's sword in Jinwu Energy Group in the future.

That is, if he thinks that there is a problem with the company's business policy or other things, he can directly make a request to make the company change.

Of course, after such a long time, he has never used this power. This is also because for the time being, those two companies are doing pretty well. At least in his opinion, as to whether the news channel is blocked, Then I don't know.

Regarding this power, Lin Xiao naturally did not say anything, even though he may never use this power, but as the saying goes, having a sword and not using it are two concepts, maybe it is because of him that the two Can semiconductor companies show a good side?

So just like that, he quickly read the entire contract. Anyway, there is not much content, and there is no such thing as a lot of twists and turns like other contracts. The responsibilities and rights are clearly written, and then , he signed his name.

"finish watching?"

Seeing Lin Xiao signing, Ma Gaoliang said with a smile.

"En." Lin Xiao nodded, and then handed the contract back to Ma Gaoliang.

Ma Gaoliang took the contract, took a look at it, put it away, and then said with a smile: "Okay, that's it, I will invite you again on the day when the group is formally established and the ribbon is cut."

"it is good."

Lin Xiao responded.

"Well, then I won't bother you, I'll go first." Ma Gaoliang turned his head and walked away after finishing speaking, but suddenly, as if remembering something, he turned around and said, "Oh, yes, if you have friends If you are speculating in real estate, then advise him to get ready to stop."

Lin Xiao was taken aback, "Why?"

"With the healthy economic pillar of controlled nuclear fusion, we don't need some unhealthy economic pillars." Ma Gaoliang said with a smile, then waved his hand and left here.

Lin Xiao, on the other hand, was thinking about the last sentence he said, and after a long while, a relieved look finally appeared on his face.

Finally, controllable nuclear fusion began to play its role.

And now this real estate is the object to be changed in the first step.

He is also very pleased that the country can make this choice.

Recall that before he got the system, he also thought about where to buy a house in the future, how much it would cost, and how many years the loan would be.

Now, although he no longer has to worry about his own house, his previous ideals also drove him to think about where other people's houses should come from.

Now it seems that this problem will be completely resolved.

"This is the responsibility I should take on as the chief scientist."

Thinking this way in my heart, the corner of my mouth turned up, I am so happy today, I should go out and have a good time!

Of course, he didn't forget to call Kong Huaan.

Although Kong Hua'an himself did not engage in real estate, his family's property was. As a friend, he had better remind him.

Soon, the call got through, and after Kong Huaan learned the news, he said, "Thank you, I will pass it on to my family."

"Hehe, you're welcome." Lin Xiao said with a smile, "By the way, do you want to have a meal together to celebrate?"

But after speaking, he soon realized: "Oh, sorry, it seems that it is not good news for your family?"

Kong Huaan smiled and said: "But this is good news for me. My dad always wants to hand over the family property to me, and now I have a reason to refuse, even if I really want to inherit the property in the future , I can also change the development route and don’t need to develop real estate anymore, I’m not interested in it anyway.”

"In the future, I will specialize in scientific research!"

Hearing what Kong Huaan said, Lin Xiao immediately smiled and said, "Okay! I will support you."

"Thank you, Chief Lin."

"Hey, don't call me Chief Lin, it's weird." Hearing this address, Lin Xiao said helplessly.

Kong Huaan smiled, and then stopped talking nonsense, and made an appointment with Lin Xiao for a place to eat later, and then hung up the phone.


Chapter 454 Please go out

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