Hidden under each of these numbers are the huge advantages of controllable nuclear fusion.

It took more than 2000 billion yuan to build the Three Gorges Dam, but how much did they invest in the Golden Crow Project?

Oh, and even strictly speaking, their Golden Crow Project didn't invest any money, and it was fully supported by the money earned from the other side.

Of course, in fact, the accounts can’t be calculated in this way. It should be calculated from the beginning of Huaguo’s investment in controllable nuclear fusion research. If calculated in this way, they have invested a total of hundreds of billions, which may be similar to the Three Gorges Dam. Probably more.

But even if it is several times more, it is acceptable.

After all, "Don't forget, we are going to provide electricity for the entire economic circle of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region."

At this time, Lin Xiao smiled and said.

Everyone else nodded.

Li Gang said: "Last year, the total electricity consumption of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei was as high as 7000 billion kilowatt-hours. That is to say, we must generate enough 20 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity every day, which is equivalent to a total installed capacity of at least 8500 million kilowatts." Installed capacity, and all have to run to full capacity.”

"It always feels a little unrealistic."

Lin Xiao spread his hands and said, "Does it feel like data made out of nonsense?"


Lin Xiao laughed: "Anyway, in our world, it's just like this."

"Of course, anyway, what is certain for the time being is that after our building is completed, more fusion reactors will definitely continue to be built on it, and by then, the power consumption will definitely increase further, and it will definitely not be one of ours. The reactor is maintained."


Everyone present nodded. It is true. After the Jinwu reactor is built, the power consumption will definitely increase dramatically. After the improvement, the first thing that comes to mind is naturally to increase production efficiency and speed, and make better use of reduced costs to earn more profits.

"However, at that time, I am afraid that a lot of people will lose their jobs because of it."

Li Gang suddenly sighed with emotion, and then turned his attention to the electric heater they were using in front of them.

The others also turned their heads to look at the electric heater they were using, then nodded, agreeing with Li Gang's statement.

It's cold, so that's what they use in their office.

They don't have any heating here, because according to Lin Xiao, after they successfully ignite the fire here, they can use the hot water boiled in the turbo generator to provide heat, so there is no need to let the heating company Come over and pull the radiator.

Of course, maybe the heating company might not want to install heating pipes for them, and might even curse them in their hearts to freeze to death.

After all, once the Golden Crow Project is successful, except for those old houses, they can only use the heating installed before, and the new houses will use electric heating for heating, because after the success of the Golden Crow Project, the price of electricity will drop. It will make the price of electric heating very cheap, and the carbon dioxide released by heating heating is obviously not as clean as nuclear fusion power generation in terms of cleanliness.

Therefore, for heating companies, the threat of the Golden Crow Project can be said to be quite huge. As long as the Golden Crow Project succeeds, after controllable nuclear fusion brings cheap clean energy, all companies like heating companies that rely on combustion and emit carbon dioxide Heating methods will face the situation of being gradually replaced.

Therefore, for those who are engaged in the heating industry, they will face the crisis of unemployment.

Of course, this situation is also unavoidable. Whenever a new technology is born, the historical trend will set off some turbulent waves, and in this turbulent wave, it is obviously doomed that there will be some people who cannot adapt to this turbulent wave. , and things that are submerged in the tide of history.

And things like heating companies are obviously doomed not to be able to adapt to the huge trend set off by controllable nuclear fusion, so their gradual disappearance is also doomed.

Of course, it’s not just heating companies that will disappear. Under the impact of controlled nuclear fusion, there will be a large number of industries that will disappear, such as all industries that need to rely on old energy to survive. For example, considering that future electricity bills will be cheaper, Pure electric vehicles will also usher in another vigorous development stage, and the country will further promote the development of pure electric vehicles.

And until the end, the originally huge oil industry will fall apart. Although oil will still be preserved in the world as a commodity, it will no longer have the ability to shake the foundation of the world economy as it does today.

Of course, the world's total gross product will not decrease due to the disappearance of these industries, but will shift to healthier fields, that is, industries with more high added value.

More and more people will see the benefits of low energy costs, so they start to engage in industrial production that originally required high electricity costs to operate, and because of the low cost, except for a few monopoly industries, most commodity prices All will be reduced, which will further stimulate consumption, so the final gross product will not decrease, and will even increase, and it will be healthier.

After all, for the current giants of the oil industry, they can be called the silverfish of the earth, relying on the privileges they have on the earth, to suck the blood of the earth to obtain huge profits, and give birth to a large number of design In the black space of rent-seeking, places with oil resources seek profits through the sale of mining rights, and there is room for interpersonal relationships and bribery, which breeds more darkness.

And controllable nuclear fusion does not have such a space for people to operate.

After all, controllable nuclear fusion does not require the setting of mining rights, and the fuel only needs deuterium and tritium extracted from seawater, so naturally there is no room for rent-seeking. For this industry, the domestic According to the national conditions, it must be state-controlled, controlling all links in the upper, middle and lower reaches, so as to avoid the rent and sale of "permits" by those in power, and thus avoid the existence of such behaviors as bribery.

So why it is said that the more advanced the technology is, the more civilized the society will be, because the development of technology makes up for some loopholes left by the underdeveloped society, just like a version update of the game, some bugs will be solved.

From this aspect, one can imagine that if the technology is so developed that it can directly cultivate human organs in vitro, it is equivalent to the field of organ transplantation. Humans no longer need organs transplanted from the human body. In petri dishes, cells from a patient can be cultivated into the organs they need, and they can be directly transplanted into them, and the problems caused by rejection can also be avoided.

And in this way, don't those organ smuggling organizations become unemployed?

After all, for organ smuggling organizations, they mainly serve the rich, and for the rich, since there is a better and legal organ to choose from, there is no need to choose this kind of organ to drink every day after transplantation. Anti-rejection medicines also have organs that carry the risk of illegality. Even if this kind of organ cultivation is expensive, it is obviously acceptable to the vast majority of rich people.

In this way, after organ smuggling cannot earn enough profits, smugglers are naturally unwilling to continue to take risks in this industry. For these smugglers, changing careers is the best way out.

This is also a social loophole that has been filled in the process of technological progress.

Therefore, when technology develops to the extreme, the society will definitely be bathed in the sunshine of perfect harmony, unless some individuals who are naturally fond of crime will continue to bring disharmony to the society, the whole society will be free from crime to speak of.

However, such a society obviously needs countless years of development. For now, the emergence of controllable nuclear fusion will temporarily make their society a little more perfect, and reduce the number of wars caused by resource grabbing in the whole world. ok.

"Okay, survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest, elimination of the unsuitable, this is the way of nature and the way of our society."

Lin Xiao said: "So we have nothing to say about this matter."


Everyone else nodded, society is like this, survival of the fittest.

It's like the ancestors of modern people are basically nobles, because for the ancient nobles, their descendants are more likely to face the advantages and disadvantages of the environment than the poor.

In ancient times, even if the poor were able to have children, they faced a very high probability of premature death, frequent wars, famines and other events, and the probability of being able to pass on the family line was very low.

And this situation has become even more extreme in modern times. Poor people don’t even plan to have children, so they are naturally doomed to lose the possibility of passing on their families. Then when modern times become ancient times, history repeats itself. Of course, to put it in a better light, it means that many young lives who died prematurely were lost.


And just as the few of them were chatting, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

A person hurried in and said to Lin Xiao, "Master Lin, there is a problem with the conch-type device! I need you to check it out!"

Lin Xiao and the others were all taken aback. Seeing this man in such a hurry, could it be that something serious happened?

Lin Xiao immediately stood up and said, "Let's go now, and tell me what happened on the way."

The importance of the conch-type device is self-evident. Even if there is a problem with the magnetic fluid generator, it doesn't matter. Only one!

Therefore, if there is a problem anywhere, it may bring extremely fatal problems to the final runtime situation, or even a major safety hazard.

Don't think that controllable nuclear fusion is very safe. After all, what you need to know is that all safety is established within the scope of human control, and that is considered safe, and once something happens that is not within the scope of control, then The so-called security has become nonsense.

What's more, this is still an artificial sun.

You can guess what happens when you throw a person into the sun.

Not to mention that the temperature of the artificial sun they are making now is higher than the core of the sun.

If there is a leak, or even a more serious explosion, once the [-] million-degree plasma leaks out, the entire building of the Jinwu Project Research Institute will probably be evaporated in an instant, let alone people, even if it is fusion The tungsten plate is not good either. After all, the design purpose of the fusion tungsten plate can only face the controlled plasma flow, not the uncontrollable plasma flow of hundreds of millions of degrees.

Of course, this is not unbearable. After all, the scope of influence can only cover the entire research institute, so it is not a big problem.

The most serious thing is to talk about the large number of high-energy neutrons produced in it. These neutrons will rush to the surroundings at a sub-light speed, and will eventually cause extremely serious radiation hazards to nearby people.

Just think about the impact of the nuclear leakage incident on a certain island on the surroundings.

And when the time comes, all members of their Golden Crow Project will need to take full responsibility for this.

So Lin Xiao attaches great importance to it.

Of course, it's not just Lin Xiao who attaches great importance to it, Li Gang and the others also attach great importance to it.

After all, if they really want to be held accountable at that time, Lin Xiao may be able to avoid some prisons by relying on his past achievements, but they may not be able to.

Of course, discussing the issue of responsibility at this time seems to be a bit small-scale, and for them, the first thing that comes to mind at this moment is obviously not the issue of responsibility, but the attitude of being responsible to the people that the researchers of the Golden Crow Project should assume .

This is also what they think in common.

Li Gang and the others also said, "We're going too."


Seeing so many big bosses coming, the staff member naturally didn't dare to neglect, said immediately, and then quickly turned back.

And Lin Xiao and the others quickly followed and left here.

Lin Xiao's office is not far from the site, so they soon arrived at the construction site of the conch device.

I saw a huge metal building standing in the center of the construction site.

The host part of the Dongfang Chaohuan device is 11 meters high, 8 meters in diameter, and weighs 400 tons, while the conch-type device used by the Jinwu fusion reactor is many times larger.

The reason has been mentioned before. The Dongfang Super Ring is just an experimental device, and the Jinwu fusion reactor supplies all the electricity demand of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei economic circle, so it is naturally much larger in size.

But at this moment, the construction site, which was supposed to continue to be maintained, stopped. Everyone looked at one of the places, showing embarrassed expressions.

"You mean, there was a problem when the construction workers installed the superconducting coil? They misread several staggered positions, and as a result, there was a big discrepancy between the final actual distance and the planned distance?"

At this time, Li Gang frowned deeply as he asked the staff member who brought them over.


The staff member showed helplessness on his face and nodded.

"Oh my God." Li Gang held his forehead, as if he could see the breakdown in his heart.

And the other people around have the same expression.

Obviously, this mistake is too huge.

The superconducting coils they installed, that is, the coils that provide the magnetic field.

And because the conch-type device is not as regular as the tokamak device, the arrangement of the superconducting coils is relatively regular. For the conch-type device, the superconducting coils are relatively very complicated, so in the process of building In the process, it must also be built strictly according to the design drawing to ensure that the distance between each line and the reaction chamber needs to be the same as the design.

But now they have a more serious problem, that is, two intersecting lines like "X" are set as line A and line B, and the position of line A in space should be below, while Now in the actual decoration, the position of line B is repaired inside, which causes the distance between the superconducting wire of line A and the reaction chamber to be different from the plan.

In this way, the magnetic field generated by line A cannot achieve the expected effect, which will also cause them to fail to control the internal plasma flow as expected during actual operation.

At that time, after running for a long time, it is very likely that there will be a leak, or even an explosion. Of course, it is more likely that they will find out that something is wrong in advance, and then terminate the operation as soon as possible, but even so, it will lead to leaks and explosions. The possibility is not zero.

Thinking of this, they were all in a cold sweat.

Fortunately, it was discovered in advance, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

Song Tao cursed even more: "Damn it, what did Ding Zhaoan do with that shit? How can such a problem still occur after building something according to the blueprint?"

Ding Zhaoan is the main person in charge of the construction of the conch device.

At the same time, Ding Zhaoan himself is also a member of the Plasma Institute. He has also been responsible for the update and construction of the Eastern Super Ring several times before. It can be said that he is a very experienced old man, so he took on this job. Yes, I believed in Ding Zhaoan very much, but unexpectedly, this kind of thing happened.

After cursing, Song Tao said again: "Go and call Ding Zhaoan over here."


The staff member hastily said that he is also a member of the plasma institute. Seeing the director's angry look, he couldn't help praying for Ding Zhaoan, hoping that he would not be scolded too badly later.

Soon, Ding Zhaoan came over. Song Tao first reprimanded him, and Ding Zhaoan knew that the problem was serious, so he lowered his head and dared not say a word.

Until the end, Li Gang probably couldn't stand it anymore, pulled Song Tao, and said, "Okay, don't scold me, Zhao'an, please tell me why you have this problem first, this problem is not Should it happen to you?"

Ding Zhaoan sighed, and said, "This...is indeed my problem, I made a mistake of empiricism..."

With Ding Zhaoan's explanation, they finally knew why such a problem occurred. It turned out that Ding Zhaoan had been exposed to tokamak devices in the past, and it was the first time he had come into contact with this conch-type device, so he was building a superconducting circuit. Sometimes, in the process of directing other people, some commanded by feeling, that is, without looking at the design drawings, but by relying on his past experience in building the tokamak device.

Of course, according to his own statement, he felt that what he commanded must have been designed on the blueprint.

So in the end it was installed wrong.

Of course, only the engineering quantities in the recent period have been wrongly installed. In the previous work, he had been directing according to the design drawings. If he hadn't looked at the design drawings just now, otherwise, he might have made mistakes again and again. .

Speaking of this, everyone present sighed, and Li Gang pointed at Ding Zhaoan bitterly, and said, "You, you... oh."

In the end, Li Gang let out a long sigh, then looked at Lin Xiao who had been silent all this time, and said, "Well, Mr. Lin, I'm sorry, this is a problem with our plasma institute."

But Lin Xiao didn't speak, just continued to look at the whole device.

From the perspective of others, he seemed to be speechless for a while because of the anger and disappointment in his heart.

"Then... what should I do now?" Song Tao said, "I can only reinstall it?"

Although there was only a problem with the project in the recent period, it affected the whole area. If it was reinstalled, at least two months of effort would be wasted.

According to the plan, there is still one and a half months before the Spring Festival, which is when the fire is going to be lit. They are obviously not very happy about this unexpected event. Moreover, if the fire is lit on the day of the Spring Festival, there is also a kind of commemoration The meaning is inside.

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but feel even more angry.

However, at this moment, a voice sounded that rekindled their hope.

"No, it can still be saved."

Lin Xiao, who had been staring at the device, suddenly turned his head and said to them.

"What Master Lin meant!"

Li Gang and the others became excited and looked at Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao smiled: "There is not always only one solution, so there is still a solution to this question."

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