Kong Huaan stopped walking, and no one saw the corners of his mouth curled up because of Li Zhenlong's question.

He replied, "I will, but I don't think you will succeed."

Hearing Kong Huaan's previous sentence, Li Zhenlong felt a little joy in his heart. He didn't expect Lin Xiao to have a great influence on this computer genius, but the latter sentence made him feel stunned again.


"No why."

Kong Huaan said a word, and then left here.

However, he actually gave the answer in his heart.

[Because we all know each other's ideals. 】

Kong Huaan left the secret hut of the national security, leaving behind those national security personnel who still didn't understand.

Of course, for Li Zhenlong, even though Kong Huaan said so, he will definitely try. For a talent like Kong Huaan, in his opinion, it would be a waste of talent not to join their Guoan.

If it wasn't that they couldn't catch the evidence that Kong Huaan was a hacker before, or he hadn't considered using it to force Kong Huaan to join them—anyway, this is their usual method to catch some computer geniuses who have committed crimes .

Of course, if they consider Lin Xiao's relationship in the end, they will most likely give up this idea. As for Kong Hua'an's family worth tens of billions, in their opinion, they really don't have the identity of [Lin Xiao's friend] easy to use.

"The next time you see Academician Lin, don't forget to remind me of this."

Stop thinking about other things, Li Zhenlong said to his subordinates.

These people also nodded. They were also greedy for Kong Huaan, not for his body, but for his whole being. If this kind of genius joins their team, wouldn't it be easier to do any tasks in the future?

At that time, the credit and so on will not be rushed?

While they were fantasizing, another voice came from the intercom: "The seventh group has come downstairs to Academician Lin, and the target is still in the study room next to Academician Lin's office."

Hearing the voice on the walkie-talkie, everyone in the room came back to their senses. Li Zhenlong said, "Well, your group of tasks is the easiest. Let's call it a day and try not to scare Academician Lin's other students."


A voice came from the walkie-talkie, and at the same time, several national security personnel in plainclothes also stepped into the building downstairs of Lin Xiao's office at Shangjing University.

Soon, they also came to the floor where Lin Xiao's office was located. After passing through a corridor, they finally came to a study room.

The door of the self-study room is open, and there are many students who are studying seriously. These students are naturally Lin Xiao's graduate students. Whether they are engaged in mathematics or physics, they are basically doing self-study here. .

And one of the plainclothes knocked on the door, and then asked: "Which name is Cao Bo, someone is looking for it."

The people inside all looked up, and then looked at one of them.

"Old Cao, I'm looking for you."

Someone patted the person.

This person is Cao Bo.

He was taken aback when he heard someone looking for him, and raised his head to look at the people outside. He didn't know him, but maybe it was someone else?

He didn't have too much doubt, after all, looking for someone is a common thing in school.

So he stood up and went out.

However, after walking out, he realized something was wrong, because there were people standing on both sides of the door, at least five people in total.

And except for the person who called him just now, who looked relatively young, like a student, the others were obviously very old.

He quickly shouted: "Who are you!"

The sound is loud, obviously trying to attract the attention of others through the sound.

But it's interesting for the national security personnel present. Could it be that this guy thinks that so many of them have come, and they can escape after howling a few times?

They all smiled, and then pushed him aside, one of them also took out the handcuffs, and handcuffed him directly.

"Cao Bo, or Tom Cao, we already know your identity. You are quite courageous. You have all run to Academician Lin and became his student. If we hadn't discovered it in time, what would have happened? If you succeed, won’t our national security be just food for nothing?”

Hearing this sentence, Cao Bo realized that it was over.

Really exposed!

After all, when the other party revealed Guoan's identity, he knew he couldn't escape.

But the question is, how did he expose it?

However, regarding this question, he will probably never guess it.

At this time, Lin Xiao's other students in the self-study room also came out. After all, Cao Bo usually has a good relationship with them. It can be said that Cao Bo can be said to be the best among them. people.

So when they heard Cao Bo's exclamation just now, they naturally all came out to take a look.

As a result, when they came out, they saw Cao Bo surrounded by these five people who were probably from the society. People are too courageous, to seek revenge and find them here?

One of the doctoral students, who is now the biggest student under Lin Xiao, said immediately: "Stop! Let him go!"

But at this moment, they all suddenly saw the handcuffs on Cao Bo's hands that were turned backwards.

This immediately made them stunned.


Isn't that police stuff?

——Of course, the special handcuffs on a special occasion can be forgotten for the time being, at least the current occasion is obviously not that special occasion.

"Students, don't be nervous, we belong to Guoan."

At this time, a national security officer stepped forward and explained their identities to them.

"Now this person named Cao Bo, of course, is also a fellow student of Academician Lin with you. According to our investigation, he committed some crimes and now needs to be taken back for investigation, so you don't have to worry, just go back to study with peace of mind. After all, we don't want Academician Lin to blame us for affecting his students because of this incident, and Academician Lin also knows about today's incident, so you don't have to worry about it."

Lin Xiao's graduate students were all stunned when they heard this.

Country... Ann?

instead of the police?

What is Cao Bo's crime?

Of course, it was easy for them to guess something. After all, apart from that possibility, what other crime would make people from Guoan come here in person?

Looking at Cao Bo's gloomy face again, they all became clearer.

Immediately, someone pointed at Cao Bo and yelled: "Cao Bo, I didn't expect you to be such a leader? I'm so close to you, bad luck."

Seeing this scene, several national security personnel were dumbfounded, and in order to avoid conflicts in the end, three of them left the place with Cao Bo, and the remaining two explained well and appeased him. After checking their mood, they left here.

Soon, these graduate students finally returned to the study room.

"I really didn't expect that Cao Bo would be a spy?"

"No wonder he always inquired about the boss's work in the Jinwu Project, and even said that he wanted to study nuclear fusion. It seems that it was premeditated. Hey, the boss only became the chief engineer of the Jinwu Project last year, and last year he Come on, isn't it obvious."

"I just said that this kid is so rich, it seems that he is really rich."

"Hmm...? So, if I borrowed him 100 yuan a while ago, it means that I don't have to pay it back?"

Everyone immediately looked at the borrower.

"Now that you've said that, it's alright to have a crazy Thursday, right? After all, your money... is strictly speaking stolen goods."

"You guys who pinched cats and cats are really pervasive!"


After a few jokes, the mood of these graduate students recovered in just a moment. After all, they all hated people like Cao Bo equally.

Then, they resumed their self-study.

As for the small house in Guoan, Li Zhenlong also received news of the success here.

Not long after, they also received news of their success from other directions, which can be described as good news.

However, among so many good news, a news came from a group suddenly: "Not good! Zhao Zhiru has escaped, and he is no longer in his house!"


Hearing this news, Li Zhenlong was shocked immediately.

What's happening here?

ran away?

Could it be because their operation leaked secrets?

You know, Zhao Zhiru can be said to be the biggest fish in their operation this time. If he escapes, the final result of their operation may be reduced by [-] to [-]%.

He also didn't ask very unprofessional questions such as "Isn't it just not at home?" What traces were left at the scene, such as traces of hastily cleaned up.

Of course, Li Zhenlong calmed down quickly, "Look to see if there are any clues left at the scene. I will contact the headquarters now and ask the headquarters to provide help."


And Li Zhenlong quickly took out a satellite phone, pressed a button on it, and immediately said: "This is Li Zhenlong from the anti-espionage team, now please mobilize all forces from the headquarters to help me find the target code-named 2025-017." , now our team is trying to capture target No. 017, but now 017 has not appeared in his house, and it is suspected that he has escaped."

"Okay, Team Leader Li, we are now mobilizing relevant forces according to your request. Team 35 of the Remote Assistance Department will connect with you for remote assistance."


Li Zhenlong said in a calm voice.

And at this time, the voice came again from the walkie-talkie: "We found a secret passage in Zhao Zhiru's basement! I don't know where it leads, and I'm trying to enter now—fuck, this place is really too narrow. Hamster drilled."

"Secret passage in the basement?" Li Zhenlong was stunned for a moment, good guy, I didn't expect the other party to even dig out the secret passage.

It seems that this fish named Zhao Zhiru is really big.

Li Zhenlong frowned, and then said: "You guys investigate carefully, how is the light in the secret path?"

"There is no light, so you can only use a flashlight, and the secret passage is quite tortuous, so you can't see the bottom."

"Hmm... Continue to investigate. Also, be aware that there may be a dark room hidden in the secret passage. Remember to use your wave coherent superposition detector."

"Of course I won't forget, it's thanks to this thing that I was able to find this secret room so quickly."

Laughter came over the intercom.

This thing called a wave coherent superposition detector, which can be used to detect whether there is a secret room, or whether there is an interlayer in the wall, was developed last year and then sent to them.

This kind of artifact is of great help to their profession. Every time it involves something such as confidential documents hidden in the mezzanine, or a very hidden secret room, it is almost invincible.

And this kind of artifact is now only available to their national security personnel, and it has not yet been transferred to the hands of the people's police.

"I just don't know why the name is so weird, what is wave coherent superposition?"

"Anyway, it's similar to thermal imaging equipment, except that thermal imaging equipment can't go through walls, but this thing can go through walls."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, be quiet, don't forget that we are still on a mission."

"Yes, Captain!"

The intercom fell silent, and Li Zhenlong waited patiently.

After a long while, a voice came from his satellite phone: "Team Leader Li, this is the 35th remote assistance group. We have retrieved all the sky-eye cameras within a five-kilometer radius of the No. 017 target house, and we haven't found the target yet. Now It is expanding to a range of ten kilometers."

"Well, sorry to bother you."

Li Zhenlong said.

"This is also our task, Team Leader Li is serious."

Li Zhenlong also narrowed his eyes. Didn't find anyone within five kilometers?

Where does this secret room lead to?

For the time being, he wasn't worried that Zhao Zhiru had already flown out of the country, because before they acted, they must have confirmed that Zhao Zhiru was in his house, and then they started to act.

And that secret passage can't go too far, five kilometers?

He didn't believe it, because the target's house was in a villa area in Shangjing, and the surrounding area was relatively prosperous. There must be many facilities buried underground, so the secret passage couldn't be too far away.

Thinking of this, he suddenly said to the intercom: "You all take out your wave coherent superposition detectors and adjust a few more gears. I think the other party has a dark room in the secret passage with a high probability."

Hearing what the team leader said, the person on the walkie-talkie responded immediately: "Yes!"

Then, the five people in the secret passage immediately took out the wave coherent superposition detector, and then adjusted the five detectors to five gears respectively. The higher the gear, the higher the thickness of the wall that can be detected. The gear can detect a dark room behind a five-meter-thick wall.

And when they turned it on, the detector that was adjusted to the maximum gear immediately beeped.

Hearing this voice, the faces of the five people were shocked.

There really are darkrooms!

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