Last time, they burned for 1.2 seconds above 101 million degrees. How long can they burn this time?

Of course, at the same time, the temperature is still rising and has reached 1.6 million degrees.

Seeing this scene, the people present became even more excited.

Can the 1.6 million degrees this time exceed the 20 seconds last time?

Everyone silently counted the seconds again.









"Breakthrough! More than last time!"

All the researchers cheered when they saw this scene.

They broke through last time!

However, this time, what limit can they reach?

Everyone has great expectations!

Chapter 436 Reaching Lawson's Criterion! 600 seconds!

In the main control room, Lin Xiao and Li Gang stood in front of the main control console.

At this moment, Li Gang, Song Tao, the high-level executives of the Institute of Plasma, were no less excited than the researchers outside.

1.6 million degrees, and the continuous running time exceeds the original 20 seconds. For them, it is undoubtedly the best reward after working for so long.

Although in this process, the person who did the most critical work was actually Lin Xiao, and they all admitted this, but as participants, they were honored.

So, they were all excited about it.

Moreover, as far as it looks now, let alone 1.6 seconds at 20 million degrees, it is estimated that it can last for 40 seconds, 60 seconds, or even several minutes.

And this is undoubtedly an extremely outstanding achievement. I believe that after the news is released, the whole country, and the whole world, will be shocked by it and will pay attention to them.

"Master Lin, should the temperature continue to rise?"

Song Tao asked with excitement in his tone.

Lin Xiao, who was standing in front, shook his head and said, "1.6 million degrees is enough. This temperature can be considered to fully meet the needs of deuterium-tritium fusion. If it is higher, it is not worth it."

"What's more, we still have some ordinary tungsten plates inside, and ordinary tungsten plates can't last that long."

Song Tao nodded, although he still wanted to try and improve, and even wanted to see if he could reach 2 million degrees this time, but at this time he unconditionally supported Lin Xiao's words, So he said: "Well, 1.6 million degrees is fine, just to see how long we can last this time."

Then he turned his gaze back to the console.

There is a screen on it, and the screen shows the situation inside the Dongfang Super Ring.

This is an image captured by an infrared camera, which is imaged by receiving internal infrared rays, so it can capture pictures of hundreds of millions of degrees.

At this moment, although there is some red light in this picture, the overall perception is relatively dark.

As for why the inside is dark, it is because the impurity content inside is relatively small.

In the controllable nuclear fusion reaction, a degree of purity is emphasized, that is, it is necessary to keep the internal plasma as much as possible to be deuterium and tritium plasma, because the higher the purity, the easier the fusion reaction to occur, and if there are impurity particles , will affect the concentration of deuterium and tritium particles, thereby reducing the efficiency of the reaction.

And where do the impurities inside come from?Naturally, it comes from those inner wall materials.

When neutrons bombard these inner wall materials, these material molecules will be smashed apart, and then enter into the reaction. When the deuterium-tritium particles collide with these impurity particles, naturally it is not a nuclear fusion reaction, maybe it is possible produce more impurities.

The existence of these impurity particles will show a greater brightness under the detection of the infrared camera, and then appear bright red on the screen.

In the past ignition tests of Song Tao and his plasma, the screen displayed on the screen would show an extremely bright red color in just a few seconds, especially when the internal temperature reached 1.6 million degrees. It can almost make people feel that there is no problem with a giant of light appearing inside.

And whenever this time, it basically means that they have to stop heating and cool down.

Otherwise, if the inner wall material is completely worn away and other precision components are exposed, once these precision components are damaged, they will have a headache.

Therefore, even if it ran for 1.6 seconds at 20 million degrees, the whole process actually included two processes of heating up and cooling down.

It is equivalent to saying that they actually persisted for about ten seconds, and then withered, properly "withered in seconds".

And now they are equivalent to "reviving their glory".

Seeing this scene, Song Tao couldn't help looking at Lin Xiao's back.

Strictly speaking, being able to achieve this level has nothing to do with fusion tungsten blocks.

Because although they replaced the inner wall with powerful fusion tungsten plates, don't forget that half of the tungsten plates inside are just ordinary tungsten plates.

According to the barrel effect, the tolerance of those ordinary tungsten plates has not changed, so in order to protect the precision devices under those ordinary tungsten plates, their experiment can not last much longer than before under normal circumstances.

But now, due to Lin Xiao's modification of the internal magnetic field circuit, even though the original wooden barrel effect is still there, the tungsten plates are less impacted, allowing them to last longer.

Therefore, it can be said that in this experiment, apart from serving as helpers and doing some work that can be regarded as manual labor, they did not provide much help to the final success.

He shook his head, probably, they don't need people from the Plasma Institute, even if Lin Xiao comes alone, he can do it, right?

And just as he was thinking this way, Lin Xiao's voice suddenly sounded.

"Yo? Everyone, it seems that we have another good news here now."

Lin Xiao frowned, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

Everyone else was taken aback, what good news?

But Lin Xiao didn't explain first, but turned on the walkie-talkie and said, "Now, each heating group, stop the external energy input."

After Lin Xiao's order was conveyed, a lot of slightly disappointed sighs came from the walkie-talkie.

Now, they have persisted for 1.6 minute at 1 degrees, and there is a high probability that they should be able to continue, but now Lin Xiao actually asked to stop.

They were very puzzled about Lin Xiao's choice, but since it was the chief engineer's decision, they could only follow through.

So each heating group began to cut off the power supply, stopping the energy supply to Dongfang Chaohuan.

"Ion cyclotron resonance heating has ceased."

"Electron cyclotron resonance heating has ceased."

"The low-clutter current drive has also been discontinued."


The news came from each heating group one by one, and many people in the research institute sighed again, this time the ignition is over.

Of course, they all quickly thought that there would be another ignition, and the next time would be the limit ignition test.

At that time, you must be able to have a good time, right?

Thinking of this, these people feel full of motivation again.

However, when others were looking forward to the second ignition test, the main control room was surprisingly quiet.

Because none of them had forgotten what Lin Xiao said suddenly just now.

good news?

What good news?

Although Lin Xiao didn't tell them, they were all waiting for the moment when the answer was revealed, so even when they heard that Lin Xiao was going to stop providing energy, they still remained patient.

In this way, time passed by every minute and every second, and soon, Li Gang discovered the clue.

"Wait... something is wrong, the temperature! Why is the temperature still at 1.6 million degrees? It hasn't dropped at all?"

He made a sound in doubt, then picked up his walkie-talkie and asked, "Every heating group, are you sure you have cut off the power supply?"

At the same time, those people in the heating group also heard a puzzled voice: "It has been cut off."

"It's all cut off."

"Certainly cut off."

Hearing these responses, Li Gang and the others around were in doubt.

And at this moment, Lin Xiao smiled and said, "Didn't you think of another possibility?"

"Another possibility?"

The people present pondered for a moment, and Song Tao suddenly came to his senses, and then spit out a few words in disbelief: "Lawson...judgment?!"

After Song Tao said these four words, the eyes of everyone present widened.

Lawson's Judgment!

For researchers of controllable nuclear fusion, Lawson's criterion can be said to be a situation that they want to achieve even in their dreams.

Because when the nuclear fusion reaction reaches the Lawson's criterion, it means that all the energy output by nuclear fusion next belongs to the net output energy!

This is because when Lawson's criterion is reached, the energy produced by nuclear fusion can already support its spontaneous reaction.

In other words, even if the external energy supply is stopped at this time, it can continue the fusion reaction.

This is why Song Tao made this judgment, because at this moment they stopped the external energy supply, but the temperature did not drop, which means that the energy provided by the internal reaction can keep the temperature at 1.6 million degrees!

In other words, from now on, the Dongfang Super Ring can already be called a commercial fusion reactor, because its output energy is greater than the input energy, and it has achieved a positive net value.

And this has never been done by any controllable nuclear fusion reactor in the world.

"We are... making history!"

Seeing this scene, Li Gang even trembled in his voice, with tears running down his face.

"In my lifetime, in my lifetime! I was able to see this scene, to see us reach Lawson's criterion, this is really..."

When other people saw Li Gang's excited expression, they couldn't help being moved, and Song Tao was the same. He stepped forward and hugged Li Gang excitedly for a moment, and then said to Lin Xiao: "Mr. Lin, this time, thanks to the You!"

If it weren't for Lin Xiao's reminder, they probably wouldn't have thought that they could meet Lawson's criterion.

Because before that, they never thought of being able to meet Lawson's criterion. After all, this condition was completely a fantasy for them in the past. Who would have thought that it would be realized this time?

But Lin Xiao not only discovered it, but also discovered it early.

At this moment, his gaze towards Lin Xiao was no longer just the admiration he had before, but admiration.

Although he is quite old, in his 50s and 20s, he still admires Lin Xiao, who is a dozen or [-] years younger than him, just like when he heard the stories of historical giants when he was young, he felt admiration for these people. Giants born of worship.

This is an era of walking with giants!

After hearing Song Tao's words, Lin Xiao smiled and said, "It's nothing, I just guessed that Lawson's criterion was met."


"Well, just now I found that the rate of internal temperature rise suddenly increased a lot, and the power of our input energy is fixed, there should be no signs of such a rapid increase, so I guess it has reached the labor force. Sen's Judgment."

"This..." Song Tao opened his mouth. What Lin Xiao said was very simple, but they were all attracted by the timer next to them just now. How could they pay attention to the temperature change?

Not to mention those slight speed changes.

Thinking of this, his admiration became even stronger.

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "Okay, let's not talk so much, let's enjoy the joy of success now."

"That's right." Song Tao also smiled, and then joined in the celebration with others.

Of course, at this moment, not only their main control room, but the entire laboratory is already in celebration.

While celebrating, the time also passed by every minute and every second. Until the end, they had persisted for 1.6 minutes at 10 million degrees.

At this time, although the burning could continue, Lin Xiao still issued an order to terminate it.

Because there is no need to continue at this time, it is best to prepare for the second ignition test as soon as possible.

As for how to stop the reaction when Lawson's criterion is reached, it is very simple, just stop inputting deuterium-tritium gas.

When the concentration of the internal deuterium-tritium plasma decreases below the limit of Lawson's criterion, naturally the conditions of Lawson's criterion can no longer be satisfied.

So soon, this ignition test came to an end as the temperature in the fusion furnace dropped from hundreds of millions of degrees to normal temperature.

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