After CEPC began to operate, the research laboratories where each detector was located also quickly received the experimental data detected by the detectors.

These experimental data were quickly uploaded to the server, and various research groups also began to analyze these data.

Among them, Lin Xiao was also included.

In this way, after a period of research, Lin Xiao finally found a data generated under the impact of 110TeV energy.

And after substituting the approximate values ​​of these data into his equation system, both sides of the equation system are perfectly equal!

This also means that the experiment has verified that the three basic forces are already unified!

Chapter 421 Pure Theoretical Derivation!

"The result is out! It's out!"

In the research team led by Lin Xiao himself, when the final calculation results came out, everyone present immediately fell into excitement.

"After screening, we found about a hundred sets of data with collision energies in the range of about 110TeV, and substituted these data into the equations for verification. The equations are all fully established, so according to the results of this experiment, basically It can be fully proved that we succeeded!"

Holding a laptop in his hand, a person excitedly announced to everyone present.

Hearing this news, everyone present showed excited expressions.

This is the unity of the three forces!

Moreover, it was verified through a rigorous experimental process, how could this not make the people present feel excited?

Strictly speaking, physics is an experimental science, and this experimental verification has undoubtedly brought the most powerful proof for Lin Xiao's unified equations of electroweak and strong interactions.

The next step is to wait for Lin Xiao's thesis and report, and complete the final rigorous proof theoretically.

And everyone present will be a witness to this historical event!

Thinking of this, everyone present turned their attention to Lin Xiao who was sitting beside him again, and the excitement in their eyes turned into admiration.

The person who announced the result before even said: "Chairman Lin, you are right again!"

That's right again!

The last time was when Lin Xiao proved the graviton.

A smile appeared on Lin Xiao's face, and he nodded towards everyone present, "Thank you for your work these past few days, everyone has worked hard."

"Hey, what did Chairman Lin say? This is something everyone is willing to do! We all study physics."

"That's right, we have to thank Chairman Lin for inviting us to participate in this research."

"Chairman Lin, you..."

The people present laughed and said.

Then there were some polite words, and finally Lin Xiao terminated the meaningless conversation and said: "Okay, everyone, now everyone can prepare and announce this news. This kind of joy should also be shared with everyone. More people should listen."

"Chairman Lin is right!"

"Let's go, let's go and tell them the good news now. Hey, this is the unification of the three basic forces. I'm afraid everyone else is waiting impatiently?"

All the people present got excited immediately, and left here one after another to spread the good news outside.

However, Lin Xiao was not as excited as these people, but let the person who announced the result just now stay.

"Please send me the final settlement results and relevant data."

When he said this, Lin Xiao's eyes flashed with anticipation.

Determining the unity of the three forces is only the first step, and the next thing is the key point.

But this person didn't notice the expectation in Lin Xiao's eyes. After hearing Lin Xiao's order, he immediately said, "Okay, I will pass it on to you now."

Then he took the laptop in his hand and sent their calculation results and experimental data to Lin Xiao.

"Okay, thank you."

After receiving what he wanted, Lin Xiao smiled slightly and thanked him.

"You're welcome, if you have any orders in the future, just come to me."

The man nodded with a smile, but seeing Lin Xiao lost in thought while browsing through the things he just sent, he left knowingly.

And Lin Xiao looked at the data displayed on the computer at this moment, and once again entered the state of immersion.

The data of 110 [-]TeV collision energies is actually very little compared to all the collision data they have collected.

After all, tens of millions of collisions can be generated every second, even if the final collected data is very small, but with the passage of so much time, the final total amount of data is still quite a lot.

However, there is a reason for the lack of collected data. Although the maximum collision energy of CEPC is 118TeV, the final collision energy is obviously different according to the different collision angles. Just like playing billiards, two The intensity of the collision of the balls is different, and the energy generated during the collision is naturally also different.

The hundred data they found now are just a few of them among a large number of data. The collision energy generated by the collision angle is exactly 110TeV.

"However, although it is a bit small, it is still usable."

Looking at these data, Lin Xiao gradually found what he wanted from it.

With a faint smile on his face, Lin Xiao found a USB flash drive and copied all the data into it.

Then he turned off the computer and walked outside the research institute.

Next, after his thesis and report on the unification of the three forces are over, he will enter into a long period of research again.

However, no problem.

Lin Xiao has basically already decided on the scientific projects that CEPC will carry out next, and the research time can basically reach the end of the year.

And all the goals he needs to achieve on the CEPC side are also done.

So in the next time, he will continue to work hard to improve the level of earth civilization.

In this way, all the way out of the CEPC research institute, other researchers or a famous physicist greeted him and congratulated him from time to time. The unified equations of the three forces.

Of course, there are still many people asking Lin Xiao about the papers and academic reports. The experiment has completed the proof of the results, but the most important thing is that basically everyone has been waiting impatiently.

This is not an order from the leader, only looking at the results and not the process. For scientific research, the process and the result are sometimes equally important. Even in the proof of similar mathematical conjectures, the result is not necessarily as important as the process.

And this time is the same, especially many people found that Lin Xiao disappeared suddenly after the first run of CEPC, and entered the so-called closed-door research. After the results came out, he said that he had completed three Force unity.

It's hard not to make people wonder whether Lin Xiao found some special data that no one else had found in the data of CEPC's first run, and then realized the unification of the three forces based on this special data.

Almost everyone was curious about this point, so basically they were waiting for Lin Xiao's paper.

Maybe they can discover other important results according to Lin Xiao's method?

So amidst such anticipation, Lin Xiao finally posted the paper on their official website of CHEPRO again, and announced the time of the academic report meeting, just one week later.

The release of the paper on the unified theory of the three forces and the determination of the academic report time immediately excited the physics community. We will talk about the issues of the academic report later. They have been waiting for this paper for a long time.

Everyone wanted to know if Lin Xiao had really discovered some corners that no one else had discovered from the first run data of CEPC.

However, when these top physicists, or physicists who are about to become top physicists, after reading this paper, they all fell into silence.


" actually derived based on pure theory? This hypothetical it possible to make such an assumption?"

University of California, Santa Barbara.

In the office of the director of the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, David Gross looked at the paper in disbelief.

As a Nobel Prize winner in physics and a theoretical physicist, David Gross is quite simply the greatest living physicist.

After all, his status in physics alone as one of the founders of quantum chromodynamics deserves a place of greatness.

In addition, the important achievement about asymptotic freedom in quantum chromodynamics was also discovered by him.

Of course, it is precisely because of this that he also has a lot of research on high-energy physics.

Of course, to some extent, there is no huge gap between theoretical physics and high-energy physics, and the relationship between the two is still very close.

Therefore, David Gross has always been concerned about CEPC's trends.

Especially the unification of the three forces achieved by Lin Xiao, which was reported some time ago, and their verification based on experiments, made Gross visit CEPC's official website almost every day.

Finally, he waited for Lin Xiao's paper.

Like others, he also thought that Lin Xiao might have found some special data from the CEPC data, and thus realized the unification of the three basic forces.

But after reading it now, he found it very unbelievable that Lin Xiao did not do what they thought, but completely relied on pure theory and mathematical derivation, and finally completed the unified theory of the electroweak and strong three forces.

Just like the electroweak unified theory completed in the last century, the electroweak unified theory is also realized entirely by theoretical derivation.

But the difference is that the realization of the electroweak unified theory took decades to be finally completed, and it was almost an important achievement completed after several generations of physicists' efforts, so that it is called the most important achievement in physics. One of the theories of success.

And what about this electroweak and strong theory?

Although there have been many years of research in this area, including the asymptotic freedom of the strong interaction force, he discovered it himself.

But he also needs to admit that it would be too unfair to Lin Xiao if he had to calculate the time to unify the three basic forces from before he discovered progressive freedom.

Strictly speaking, the time for Lin Xiao to complete the unification of the three forces is exactly one year, or even less than a year.

In less than a year, this Lin Xiao has achieved a leaping process from proving the quality gap to proving the unity of the three forces.

And these achievements are roughly equivalent to 60.00% of the unification of the three forces... no, at least 70.00% of the work.

Chapter 422 The complete unification of experiment and theory

"70.00% work."

Gross shook his head, recalling that when he saw Lin Xiao a few times ago, he only regarded Lin Xiao as a talented physicist.

And now after reading this paper, he even felt for the first time a feeling of being crushed in many aspects such as talent, IQ, and skills.

"It's really scary..."

He shook his head and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Then he revisited the whole paper. All in all, the comprehensive academic level displayed in this paper, which relies on pure theoretical derivation, is probably not inferior to the multidimensional field theory that Lin Xiao developed at the beginning.

If he was allowed to go back to his youth, he might very much want to be Lin Xiao's student.

While he was feeling emotional in his heart, suddenly his cell phone rang, and he glanced at the caller, Frank Wilczek.

This is exactly his student, and also the physicist who discovered the asymptotic freedom of the strong interaction with him. They won the Nobel Prize in Physics with another person that year.

As for the purpose of his proud disciple's call, he could guess a little bit, and after connecting the phone, Frank Wilczek's excited voice really came from the opposite side.

"Oh, my dear Professor Gross, I bet if you read Lin's paper on CEPC just now, you will be absolutely surprised."

Gross smiled and said, "Bingo, you won the bet, but there is no reward."

Wilczek on the other end of the phone suddenly laughed: "Sure enough, I knew you must be paying attention."

Gross laughed and scolded: "Aren't you talking nonsense? Who in the physics world doesn't pay attention to the unification of the three fundamental forces? If you make a random call now, I guess they are either reading the papers or have already finished reading them."

Wilczek said: "Okay, okay, I know, no matter what, Lin's paper is really... amazing, he actually derived the final result completely by the mathematical process, I thought he was at first Rely on the experimental data of CEPC."

"Yeah, that's really amazing."

Gross said that it was hard for him to disagree, and then he joked with a smile: "If you can be as good as that Lin Xiao, I, as a teacher, may be able to enjoy my old age in peace."

Wilczek said helplessly: "My dear professor, what you said is really shocking. Even if I am not as good as Lin Xiao, aren't you proud of me? The physics world envies you for having me as a student .”

"Hahaha~" Gross laughed.

But with a smile, his laughter gradually stopped, and after a while, the sigh of the model teacher and student in the physics world came from the microphone.

Even if they are model mentors and apprentices, after seeing Lin Xiao's achievements, the two Nobel Prize winners in physics seem a little bit eclipsed.

Of course, perhaps what they can still praise is that they at least have the Nobel Prize in Physics, but Lin Xiao does not.

But as for why Lin Xiao didn't, they still knew better.

So even if you think that they have it but Lin Xiao doesn't, you have to be ashamed of it.


And the same scene didn't just happen in the offices of Gross and Wilczek. Similarly, many people all over the world were amazed by the ability demonstrated in Lin Xiao's paper.

The unification of the three forces derived from pure theory must be very difficult, just like the original electroweak unification theory.

And the former is more difficult, especially the research on the strong interaction has been done for so many years, and until Lin Xiao started the research, there was no important result for a long time, and the theory of electroweak unification is at least in the field. It was completed in the 70s, and it was verified experimentally in 1983.

As a result, people are looking forward to Lin Xiao's next academic report.

In this way, the time came to the day of the report meeting.

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