Hearing Lin Xiao's promise, he felt as if he heard the sounds of nature. Before he came, he still felt a little awkward, but at this moment, he could only be grateful to Lin Xiao.

In this way, their collider will be completed as scheduled, and he has been looking forward to this since he proposed the plan back then.

But Lin Xiao smiled and waved his hands, and said: "You don't have to thank me, I also recognize the value of CEPC. After all, I am also a high-energy physicist. I personally feel that the research on high-energy physics is quite good. Many."

Hearing Lin Xiao's words, Wang Yi nodded.

In fact, when Lin Xiao was about to come back, he was really worried that Lin Xiao would get his hands on their collider, but he was not as bold as the bold deputy director back then, who dared to do some small things directly.

But then Lin Xiao never got involved with their high-energy physics institute. At that time, Wang Yi was quite lucky to be in China. Otherwise, with Lin Xiao's status in the high-energy physics field, if he really had ideas about CEPC, Wang Yi would also be aware of it. It's hard to deal with.

However, now that several years have passed, and seeing Lin Xiao's growing fame, Wang Yi has figured it out in his heart. For Lin Xiao, there is really no need to care about their collider.

Even if CEPC is really created by then, in their various research plans, they will verify the various theories mentioned by Lin Xiao, such as the original W boson supergravity event, and the multi-dimensional field theory standard model. A new prediction, especially the graviton predicted by Lin Xiao some time ago, will become their main research topic in the future.

The charm and attractiveness of the graviton has even surpassed that of the Higgs boson.

And this feeling is like Lin Xiao is the mentor of these high-energy physics researchers, leading their research direction.

Does such a Lin Xiao still need to care about the management of a collider?

Thinking of this, Wang Yi felt that the worries of him and other people in their high-energy institute back then were really too insignificant.

At this time, Lin Xiao said again: "By the way, Director Wang, of course, although I promised you, I also have one thing to ask for here."

"Director Lin, please tell me."

Probably because he had figured out the key to the problem just now, Wang Yi was not worried at all about Lin Xiao's excessive demands.

Lin Xiao said with a smile: "I just hope that when you have finished building and are about to run for the first time, you can let me visit it."

Wang Yi was taken aback, although he was not worried that Lin Xiao would make excessive demands, but this request also...

It's really not a request, is it?

He immediately smiled and said: "Even if Director Lin didn't mention it, I was about to say it. Director Lin is now the world's top high-energy physicist, and it can be regarded as our Huaguo's card. When the time comes You must have been invited."

After hesitating for a while, Wang Yi said again: "In addition, we will set up an academic committee at that time, and invite Director Lin to be the director of our committee at that time."

Lin Xiao was taken aback: "The director of the academic committee?"

"Well." Wang Yi said: "According to our plan, this academic committee is mainly responsible for formulating the next research plan."

"As Mr. Yang said at the beginning, apart from you, Director Lin, we really can't find a high-energy physicist with enough weight, and the director of this academic committee can't be appointed by someone from abroad."

"But if you just find anyone..."

When Wang Yi said this, he was a little ashamed to speak.

Of course, Lin Xiao obviously understood.

A director of an academic committee who does not have sufficient academic status is obviously incapable of suppressing those top-notch physicists abroad.

At that time, the particle collider they spend money to build may indeed show that the research plan is all formulated by those foreigners, and the final results will almost all belong to the embarrassing situation of those foreigners, just like a wedding dress.

And if Lin Xiaolai is appointed as the director of this academic committee, obviously there will be no such embarrassing scenes. At least, in the world of high-energy physics, if there is a top physicist on top of the top physicists If so, then Lin Xiao is obviously among them.

Lin Xiao nodded and said, "I see, I will take up this position when the time comes."

"Then thank you Director Lin for your understanding."

Wang Yi let out a long breath and said.

In any case, this matter is really hard to say.

After all, Mr. Yang pointed out this problem a few years ago, but they still insisted on passing the construction plan, and because of this, there were conflicts. As a result, when the construction was about to be completed, they still had to consider this situation .

In fact, this matter has been discussed many times in the Institute of High Energy Physics, and the final conclusion is that Lin Xiaolai must be the director of this academic committee, so that they can have enough confidence to truly control their opponents. collider.

It's just how to open your mouth to mention this matter to Lin Xiao.

What if Lin Xiao would sneer at them?

Fortunately, he saw Lin Xiao's easy-talking side today, so he took advantage of the situation to tell the story, and Lin Xiao didn't say anything bad, and accepted it straightforwardly.

This also made Wang Yi feel relaxed for a while, a worrying matter was resolved, and he became more grateful to Lin Xiao in his heart.

What did I and other people think at the beginning, I would be afraid of Lin Xiao.

However, he felt emotional again in his heart.

In this way, a few years ago, they didn't want Lin Xiao to get their hands on their collider. A few years later, they had to let Lin Xiaolai not only get his hands on it, but also let him get his hands on the core position of the director of the academic committee.

It is true that everything is a drink and a peck, is it pre-determined.

He shook his head, then stood up, and said, "Director Lin, I'm here today, and I won't bother you anymore."

"Yes." Lin Xiao nodded and said, "I will also contact you as soon as possible regarding the room temperature superconductor."

"Okay, I'll trouble you then."

Wang Yi nodded, and then finally stopped staying and left here.


Chapter 416 Completion of CEPC-SppC

Time flies, and in the next few months, Lin Xiao is waiting for the completion of the preparatory work for the Golden Crow Project, and at the same time waiting for the completion of the super proton collider of the Institute of High Energy Physics.

Afterwards, he naturally transferred the room-temperature superconductors that were originally assigned to them by the Jinwu Project to the Institute of High Energy Physics as promised.

Transferring their quota to the Institute of High Energy Physics will not affect them. After all, the collider of the Institute of High Energy Physics will be completed early next year, and their preliminary work will not be completed until next year.

It is mainly some key experimental equipment that needs to be ordered and purchased in advance, and the cycle of this matter is relatively long, and it may even be calculated in half a year.

In addition, not to mention that they also need to build a supporting deuterium-tritium extraction plant, that is, they need to extract and purify seawater, which requires the construction of submarine pipelines.

As for how to obtain deuterium and tritium from seawater, there is naturally a complete set of industrial solutions. Although it is a relatively troublesome matter, compared with the overall difficulty of controllable nuclear fusion, the difficulty of this matter is at best. It's one plus one.

Of course, although these one-plus-one difficulty questions do not need to be paid too much attention to, they still require the same time, or even more than those difficult questions.

So during this period of time, Lin Xiao, the chief engineer, hardly cared about the matters of the Jinwu project, and basically handed over these trivial chores to other people, such as Song Tao, who was the leader of the preliminary preparation team.

And he himself continued to try to find the key to unify the strong interaction force and electromagnetic interaction force from the mathematical method.

But obviously, he still couldn't find it.

Of course, this matter is considered normal. After all, not any physical problem can be solved by mathematical methods.

Perhaps the electroweak unified theory is the method of mathematical derivation by previous physicists, and after decades of hard work, they finally realized the theoretical unification of the electromagnetic interaction force and the weak interaction force.

But maybe the strong interaction requires certain experimental observations?

Lin Xiao couldn't make a conclusion about this, but he just needed to continue his research.

In this way, after the summer vacation, Shangjing University ushered in a new semester again.

Since Lin Xiao is now a professor of the School of Physics, according to his original request, the school did not continue to arrange classes for him, and at most let him go to an occasional open class or something.

Both math and physics.

It's a pity for the students of the School of Mathematics. They were able to take Lin Xiao's class before, but they can't now. As for the public class, to be honest, which of Lin Xiao's previous classes was not considered a public class?

So the students in the School of Mathematics are basically very uncomfortable.

The students of the School of Physics were very happy. For the students of the School of Mathematics, it was a loss, but for them this was a gain, a leap from 0 to 1.

In the past, Lin Xiao didn't teach physics class, at most he mentioned some physics knowledge in his math class.

And now that he has become a professor of physics, he has also started to teach open physics courses. This is simply a blessing for the students of their physics school!

So in the words of Dean Wang of the Academy of Sciences, their societies are like New Year's Eve, all kinds of celebrations.

Of course, for the School of Physics, Lin Xiao's "joining" this time also allowed the School of Physics to directly take off in enrollment this year. First, it kept up with the School of Mathematics, and secondly, it also directly achieved the best in physics majors across the country. As a result, the veterans of Qinghua next door were so sour that they wanted to cry.

I heard that for this matter, Wang Changsheng directly drank two cups, and even said that this wave was not a loss.

What he said is not bad. Naturally, it was because of Lin Xiao that he had a conflict with Zhao Qi, the dean of the Number Academy. Although this conflict has been resolved long ago, when Zhao Qi learned about this year's enrollment situation, he directly He roared angrily: "Old man, you and I are at odds with each other!"

Of course, even if Lin Xiao heard about these things, he would probably laugh them off at most, and the new semester is also a new school year, and he has also welcomed a new batch of graduate students.

Three in total, two in physics and one in mathematics.

Since there is nothing to do in the Golden Crow Project for the time being, Lin Xiao took some of his students along and guided them well for a semester.

In this way, time passed in this temporary leisure, and 2024, also in Lin Xiao's leisure, came to an end completely.


2025, April 3.

Huaguo High Energy Physics Research Organization, the ring-shaped electron-positron collider-super proton collider was completed and the first academic committee meeting was officially held.

This meeting is to celebrate the complete completion of CEPC-SppC on February 2, and it is also a meeting to discuss the next research direction.

The Huaguo High Energy Physics Research Organization CHEPRO is an international cooperative research organization established out of the Institute of High Energy Physics. Naturally, its form is basically the same as CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research.

Similarly, just like CERN relies on the experimental device of the Large Hadron Collider LHC, CHEPRO also relies on CEPC-SppC, which is fully funded and built by Huaguo, to carry out research.

As an international cooperative research organization, CHEPRO naturally has many member states. Researchers from these member states can come here to participate in research. As for the member states, they naturally include all countries in the world, and these countries also There are researchers from all over the world attending the meeting.

Therefore, this conference is almost equivalent to bringing together all high-energy physics talents from all over the world.

No high-energy physicist is willing to miss such a grand event. Of course, the most important thing is that none of them would like to miss the ring-shaped electron-positron collider-super proton collider, this horrible thing.

The collision energy can reach up to 118TeV. Compared with the large hadron collider at CERN, it is simply the difference between children and adults.

118TeV, if calculated, is equivalent to accelerating protons to a level less than 1m/s lower than the speed of light.

And this kind of speed is achieved by manpower, in any case it is a miracle born in the hands of human beings.

What needs to be known is that although the LHC can accelerate protons to a degree that is only about 3m/s lower than the speed of light, which seems to be not much different from this, but according to the derivation of the mass-energy equation, the closer the speed is to the speed of light, the closer the energy is to infinity , so when the speed comes to the range of the speed of light minus one, the energy will also show an extremely exaggerated growth trend.

And the collision of such energy means—possible new particles, even new physics.

In this way, any paper can easily enter the stage of history.

So, no high-energy physics researcher wants to miss out.

Maybe, the next Nobel Prize-level achievement will be born in their hands?

After the meeting, after the initial congratulatory speech, as the director of the Institute of High Energy Physics and also the chairman of CHEPRO, Wang Yi said with a smile: "Then, next, let the chairman of our academic committee , Mr. Lin Xiao delivered his speech."

The applause suddenly sounded. The previous speeches were full of boredom and dullness, but Lin Xiao's speech drew everyone's attention.

After all, this is Lin Xiao.

Needless to say, many honors, everyone present knows it well.

And Lin Xiao also stood up with a smile and began his speech.

"First of all, welcome everyone..."

Chapter 417 Start!

"First of all, I would like to welcome everyone here for our first meeting."

"It has been more than ten years since CEPC-SppC was proposed for the first time, and now it has been successfully constructed. Such a feat is not only an event worthy of celebration in our scientific community, but also It is also an event worthy of celebration for all mankind."

"Because this not only means that our human science and technology level has been further developed, but also means that we are one step closer to discovering new science."

"As the chairman of the academic committee, but also as a person who was born and lived in this country, I am also very proud of this."

"Of course, I won't say more about other specific things, but I believe in these specific things, such as how powerful our collider is and what status it has in our scientific community. I don't need to say any more."

"Then, what I want to talk about next is about the arrangement of scientific research plans."

"The first phase of the program, which is the program that will start in two weeks."

"This plan is not only a test run to test the stability of our CEPC-SccP, but also to conduct scientific research on gravitons, Higgs bosons, neutrinos, miniature black holes, etc. discussion."

"The collision energy of 118TeV will reveal to us even more wonderful scenes in the microscopic field, as well as our true thoughts! I believe that whether it is me or any of my friends here, I have been looking forward to this for a long time."

"Then, I won't say more about other things. Please let me wish here that the first operation plan will be a complete success, and at the same time, I also wish that our science will be able to , blooming more wonderful results."

"Thank you."

Lin Xiao's speech ended, and the audience also gave him applause. Obviously, compared with the previous speeches, Lin Xiao's narration of their collider scientific research plan in the future is the most interesting to these scientists. After all, , which means whether they can have room to play in this plan.

Obviously, fortunately, the scientific plan that Lin Xiao said was basically the same as what they thought.

The discovery of gravitons is obviously one of the most concerned matters in the field of high-energy physics during this period of time. After all, it concerns the most basic concept in physics, that is, the gravitational interaction force, one of the four fundamental forces.

If it is said that the electromagnetic interaction force, strong interaction force and weak interaction force constitute various manifestations in the microcosm, then gravity constitutes the basis of the entire universe phenomenon.

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