The content of this part amazed the other professors present. The final result of this part is a sublimation part of the whole paper, which raised the grade of the whole paper.

Without this part of content, this thesis can be regarded as an excellent graduation thesis, but now with this part of content, it is a graduation thesis beyond the scope of the graduation thesis.

"No wonder Academician Lin has so much confidence in his students. This paper is really amazing!"

Yuan Ya exclaimed.

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "It's mainly due to Chen Mingkai's talent and dedication to academics, which is why he was able to complete this thesis. As a tutor, we are just responsible for pointing out the direction."

"That's right." Several academicians nodded one after another. When they were students, they were often confused about what they wanted to study. At this time, the instructor had to give directions. As for the next thing, the students had to study it by themselves.

After hearing Lin Xiao's words, Zhao Xin, who was next to him, said pointedly: "However, this pointing out the direction cannot completely point out all the directions. Otherwise, it would be equivalent to catching fish and handing them over to the students." , instead of teaching students how to fish.”

Lin Xiao and the others were taken aback for a moment, then they all just nodded with a smile and didn't say much, but most of them felt that Professor Zhao didn't seem to have any good intentions.

At this time, Chen Mingkai's narration on the stage also ended.

"...Next, I would like to ask the responding teachers to criticize and correct me."

After speaking, Chen Mingkai looked at the defense team feeling good about himself.

Afterwards, the defense team formed by these five academicians began their "making things difficult".

Since Lin Xiao said that he could ask casually, they naturally focused on the difficult places to ask.

"Here, you use the Hausdorff limit ε0=lim→∞ε(i+1), how do you solve the construction problem of this closed discrete set?"

"Your (7) part, have you considered that there is a contradiction with (i+30)?"

"And here..."

The questions one after another made everyone present feel extremely ashamed. Is this making things difficult?

This is definitely making things difficult, right?

Each of these questions is very tricky. If you are not 100% sure about the thesis, which student can answer all of them?

But Chen Mingkai answered all of them, and even directly started the debate with these responding teachers.

He wrote the thesis word by word. Even the part under Lin Xiao's guidance, he wrote it after he fully understood it. Of course, he didn't worry at all about the academician's questions that he couldn't answer by himself.

The undergraduates and other graduate students below were stunned. Li Min and Zhao Guodong also reacted in the same way. Is this the strength of their seniors?

Even when answering an academician's question, even the taboo words of "Teacher, what you said is wrong, this is the right way..." came out.

Didn't you say that you should reply and reply, just answer but not defend, and apologize crazily?

——Of course, he is a graduate student after all, so it is definitely not enough to just answer or not defend, but their senior brother answers and argues without apologizing, isn't it still a bit too outrageous?

"Hey, Academician Lin, you are a bit of a student, you didn't save me any face just now."

After Academician Yuan Ya finished asking the question, he couldn't help but said to Lin Xiao next to him.

He is the teacher who was told by Chen Mingkai, "Teacher, what you said is wrong, this is the right way".

And Lin Xiao was already grinning from ear to ear, "Hey, you old man, don't argue with others, at least their analysis is very good, isn't it?"

"That's true."

Yuan Ya nodded, and then said with emotion: "No matter what, I want you, student."

"Hehe, I'm graduating too, it's too late for you to want it."

"It's a pity, it's a pity." Yuan Ya shook his head, and said helplessly: "I'm afraid you, a student, also learned from you, and you will refute all the questions you ask. Fortunately, the content of the thesis also learned your essence, which is rigorous enough. "

Lin Xiao smiled and nodded.

Of course, he is also happy that his students can receive such praise. If his students are recognized, it means that he himself is recognized.

He is used to academic recognition, and now it feels very good to have a different taste of recognition.

And the professor Zhao Xin who was sitting in the back row was already in a daze at this moment. Seeing Chen Mingkai's performance during his defense, can he still say that Chen Mingkai was able to complete this thesis entirely under Lin Xiao's guidance? ?

Only a thesis that is completely written by oneself and has a deep enough grasp of the content can show this ability during the defense, right?

Is he going to ask later?

At this time, when he saw Lin Xiao's smiling face sitting in the front row, he gritted his teeth immediately, and his dissatisfaction with Lin Xiao's enjoyment of so many resources broke out again.

Finally, he convinced himself in his heart, snorted coldly, and thought: Lin Xiao must have analyzed his student from beginning to end, so that this student could answer.

He only needs to tell Chen Mingkai a few words later, maybe they can make them self-defeating.

Thinking of this, he prepared the next routine, and then waited for the defense committee to finish the questioning.

Soon, the five academicians of the defense committee finished asking all the questions. In fact, the last three academicians saw that Chen Mingkai had shown such excellent academic ability in the previous answers, and the idea of ​​continuing to make things difficult has long since disappeared, so they asked casually. After a few questions, let him go.

Otherwise, they would lose face when Chen Mingkai said a few more "you are wrong".

At this time, Xu Ji, as the chairman of the defense committee, said with a smile: "Our classmate Chen is very good, and the answers are also very good, so if you have any questions, please ask now. Let's hurry up."

Everyone present glanced at each other. I saw Chen Mingkai answering questions just now. Almost no one wanted to ask questions. Even if there were some people who were also dissatisfied with Lin Xiao, they didn't think about asking again at this time. .

But Zhao Xin snorted when he saw that no one was asking questions. It seemed that he had to do it himself.

Afterwards, he said, "Student Chen, your thesis is indeed very well written. It has fully met the expectations of a doctoral dissertation, and even reached the level of a top-published dissertation."

There was nothing wrong with this compliment, and the undergraduates and other graduate students in the back row couldn't help being surprised at this moment. It turned out that the papers of their seniors could be published as top journals?

This is really a bit too powerful, right?

Chen Mingkai also showed a smile. He thought that Zhao Xin was here to praise him, so he said with a smile, "Thank you, teacher. In fact, it is mainly because of Professor Lin's guidance. Without him, I would definitely not be able to write this kind of paper."

Zhao Xin suddenly laughed, and then asked: "Based on what you said, how much of your thesis is credited to your supervisor?"

Hearing this question, people with inactive minds couldn't hear anything, but people like Lin Xiao immediately felt that Zhao Xin's words were wrong.

As a student, Chen Mingkai must flatter his mentor at this time. It is obviously impossible to say 20%, 30% or something, but if he answers 50% or more, what will happen when it spreads out, but it is beyond control Yes, it will even have a bad influence at that time.

This Zhao Xin really has no good intentions!

Lin Xiao and Xu Ji frowned immediately. Xu Ji also knew that many people in domestic academic circles were very dissatisfied with Lin Xiao's age and the resources he enjoyed. , and this matter may be used by these guys.

So he immediately said: "Hey, Professor Zhao, this question is not within the scope of the questions we should ask, let's change to an academic question."

Zhao Xin said: "Academician Xu, although this is not an academic issue, it is not all an academic issue for our academics. I also want to know the status of our Professor Lin in the eyes of our students."

Xu Ji turned his head. Due to the crowd, he didn't say anything, but his eyes were fixed on Zhao Xin.

But at this moment, Chen Mingkai on the stage spoke.

"Well, this professor, I think that this kind of problem can't be justified by quantifying it with percentages. It's not so much about how much credit my supervisor has for this paper. It's better to say that I was able to write this A thesis, how much credit is due to my supervisor."

"Fortunately, in the past two years, Professor Lin's explanation of my preaching experience is the root cause of my ability to write this thesis. In this regard, I believe that my supervisor has the greatest Credit is in it.”

"And before that, I didn't know that I could use this method or that method to solve math problems, which made me more and more interested in mathematics, and my math ability was continuously improved."

"This is the direct factor for the birth of this paper."

"Of course, I also thank Professor Lin for guiding me several times during the research process, which saved me a lot of research time."

"So, although I have already said it in the acknowledgment just now, please let me say it again to my mentor, thank you!"

Speaking of this, Chen Mingkai bowed solemnly to Lin Xiao.

Seeing this, everyone in the lecture hall immediately applauded.

"well said!"

Yuan Ya spoke first.

And Xu Ji also showed a smile. With such a student with high IQ and EQ, does he still care about Zhao Xin's tricks?

He looked at Lin Xiao and said, "Lin Xiao, you have a good student."

Lin Xiao looked at Chen Mingkai on the stage with a smile on his face, and nodded slightly.

This is the best reward he can receive as a teacher, right?

Chapter 4 Farewell to the cage!

This is the end of Chen Mingkai's defense.

Although there was a small episode at the end, it didn't feel like a big deal to the people present.

Even most people didn't know that Professor Zhao Xin who stood up to ask the question at the end was actually here to find fault.

There's nothing he can do about it, because he hasn't shown his aggressiveness yet, it's just a sign that he has just emerged, and in the end, he was directly silenced by another thank you from Chen Mingkai.

Graduation defenses like this kind of doctoral students generally need to add an acknowledgment link. The acknowledgment is naturally to thank the teachers, friends and family. Of course, among the acknowledgments, the gratitude to the supervisor is naturally the most.

So when Chen Mingkai talked about his thesis and PPT, he had already given thanks.

Of course, because this kind of acknowledgment is often in a procedural manner, unless the acknowledgment is very ingenious, such as writing an article in classical Chinese, it may even be a news item. Generally speaking, for the responding teacher, it is just a read. See if these acknowledgments are copied or written by yourself, it's a matter of attitude.

However, no one expected that after a procedural defense, Chen Mingkai completed such an ingenious thank you by asking a provocative question.

Ever since, when the last five judges gave their scores, they didn't hesitate at all for their own scores. They all gave more than 100 points, and Xu Ji even gave [-] points.

After all, Xu Ji also helped Lin Xiao teach Chen Mingkai back then. Although it wasn't long, they knew each other, so naturally they gave full marks.

In this way, Chen Mingkai became a real doctor unofficially, and he officially became a doctor after the degree certificate was obtained.

"Ming Kai, you did a good job. Congratulations on successfully completing your doctoral defense. The next step is to be a postdoctoral fellow."

After the defense ended, the five academicians of the defense committee, as well as Lin Xiao, took a group photo with Chen Mingkai. Lin Xiao smiled and patted Chen Mingkai on the shoulder, congratulating him.

"Professor Lin taught you well." Chen Mingkai smiled.

"Well, I know all these things."

Lin Xiao smiled gratifiedly.

No matter what, after training Chen Mingkai, he also reaped the best reward he could get as a teacher just now, and it was also the first time that Lin Xiao felt the true happiness of being a teacher.

As for the previous happiness—probably when I acted aggressively in front of the students?

"Ming Kai, your answer just now was very good. Lin Xiao, it's your first time as a tutor that you can have such good students. I really envy you."

At this time, Xu Ji who was next to him also said, and patted Chen Mingkai on the shoulder, thinking that it would be great if he had such a good student, who could write good papers, be alert and know how to behave.

He thought for a while, and then said: "By the way, are you ready to go after graduation? Do you want to stay in school to teach? You can also do projects with me in normal times, and your tutor Lin Xiao is also here."

Chen Mingkai scratched his head, "Well..."

Then he looked at Lin Xiao.

For doctoral graduates like them, it is naturally the best choice to stay in school to teach, especially here at Shangjing University. Being a university teacher is already a very prestigious status in the eyes of others, let alone Shangjing University. university teacher.

Even the status of a researcher at the Dingguang Research Institute is not as good as a teacher from Beijing University in the eyes of the public.

Of course, insiders know about insider affairs. Although the teachers of Beijing University are very good in the eyes of the public, as an insider, Chen Mingkai still has to choose Dingguang Research Institute.

And Lin Xiao also received his meaning from the gaze of his student, and then said with a smile: "I have already planned to let Ming Kai come to Dingguang Research Institute, so... let's see what he means."

Xu Ji was stunned for a moment, then shook his head helplessly, "I forgot this, there is a Dingguang Research Institute in front, okay, then it seems that our Institute of Mathematics at Beijing University has no competitiveness."

Chen Mingkai said: "Thank you Academician Xu for the invitation. I also like Peking University very much. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will return to Peking University. After all, this is my alma mater."

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "From now on, you will continue to work hard and publish a few more good papers. Maybe Beijing University will take the initiative to hire you as a professor."

For academic research institutions like theirs, it is quite common to work in research institutes and part-time university professors. Of course, only those with strong academic ability can have such treatment, just like Lin Xiao so.

When Chen Mingkai heard Lin Xiao's words, he couldn't help scratching his head.

From Lin Xiao's point of view, writing a few good papers is like a piece of cake, but from his point of view, it is not so easy.

Of course, now that he has completed a paper that can be published in the four top journals, Chen Mingkai has a little confidence in his heart. Although he does not say that it will be completed soon, there is always a chance to complete it before the age of 35 or 40. Well.

As long as his paper is successfully published in the four top journals, his starting point will be much higher than others.

So with a confident expression on his face, he said: "I know the professor, and I will continue to work hard."


Lin Xiao smiled and nodded.

And Xu Ji also smiled and said: "Ming Kai is worthy of being taught by you, this kind of self-confidence is very similar."

When Lin Xiao was still his student, he was not so confident.

"Come on, Ming Kai, catch up with your mentor as soon as possible."

Chen Mingkai waved his hand quickly, "Ah... this will be discussed later, as long as I can reach one-tenth of Professor Lin's."

"Hey, at least half of the self-confidence you had just now." Xu Ji said with a smile.

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