The others also laughed happily.

On the other hand, Zhong Li looked at his hands, then turned his head to look at Lin Xiao who was at the side, and said seriously: "Academician Lin, thank you for your technology, and we brothers, thank you."

Wang Hao and the others also came to their senses, caring about their own happiness, and forgot to thank Lin Xiao, so they also said to Lin Xiao, "Academician Lin, thank you very much!"

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "You sacrificed for peace, and I helped you for the sake of peace. Don't thank me."

Jiang Zuoping next to him smiled and said, "No matter what, academician Lin, you have once again made meritorious service for the benefit of mankind. If you are a member of our army, at least I will give you a personal first-class merit."

"Hey, at least there is an exception." Ma Gaoliang laughed at this moment.

"Make an exception... Well, it's not impossible. After all, if Academician Lin's technology really goes to war, I don't know how much it will bring us... Hey, I'll talk to the Military Commission later. It should be no problem for Academician Lin to award a first-class merit."

Jiang Zuoping patted his chest and said.

Lin Xiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "No way, no way."

"Very well." Ma Gaoliang said, saying that the magnetic fluid propulsion technology of the nuclear submarine solved by Lin Xiao is completely fine for the first-class work, not to mention the previous superconductors. Breakthroughs are also counted, like academician Ma Weimin, who was also rated as a first-class meritorious service.

And Jiang Zuoping next to him took out his mobile phone on the spot and said: "I won't talk so much, I'll make a call now."

Saying that he went out.

Seeing this, Lin Xiao shook his head helplessly. In this case, there would probably be another one in his medal cabinet.

However, when Jiang Zuoping went out to make a call, his cell phone rang.

After taking a look, it was Kong Hua'an calling.

With a guess in his mind, he also walked out of the ward and connected the phone.

"Old Kong, what's the matter?"

"I designed the chip you want."

"So fast?"

"I took a look at the information you gave. If you want to realize this thing, you don't need a 90nm process, but a 157nm process, which is cheaper in cost."

"Well, I'll trouble you then." Lin Xiao said.

"Hehe, there's no trouble." Kong Hua'an said, "However, can this thing really translate optical information? Then let the brain understand it?"

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "Although I don't know, I think there is probably no problem."

"It's like a monitor and a host. The monitor and the host are connected by wires, and the wire is only used to transmit current. But how can this transmit different images through current? It is to use different Potential, to achieve the output of 1 and 0."

"And the optic nerve is that kind of wire, except that it doesn't output binary."

Kong Hua'an said: "Well, I see, so do I need to contact the manufacturer to start taping now?"

"Okay." Lin Xiao said.


Kong Huaan responded and hung up the phone.

157nm is the process technology of 20 years ago, and it is also the previous generation of 90nm technology. Although it is considered outdated, there are still manufacturers that can produce it, and because the technology is mature enough, there is basically no need to worry about production. As long as the tape-out is successful, it can be directly mass-produced.

In this way, it means that it will not be long before the blind people regain their sight.

Lin Xiao smiled slightly, put the phone back, and then returned to the ward.

But at this moment, he looked inside in surprise.

They did not know where to find a steel pipe, which was being held by the vice-captain Zhong Li at this moment.

Strictly speaking, it is pinched in the hands of the robot.

Suddenly, Zhong Li exerted all his strength, and the hollow steel pipe was crushed directly!

Seeing this scene, all the people present were amazed.

Although a steel pipe is hollow, it is really too scary to be crushed directly like this.

They all involuntarily looked at the mechanical arm. This is really...beyond human beings!

Before talking about topics such as mechanical ascension, it was just a joke, but now seeing this scene, they couldn't help but think, it seems that this possibility is really there?

Chapter 369 Electronic Prosthetic Eye!

Looking at the pinched steel pipe, Zhong Li also showed surprise. He didn't expect such a steel pipe to be pinched so easily by himself.

Although it has been expected, after all, before designing this thing, they already have related plans, such as grip strength and other strengths, what kind of performance these mechanical prostheses should achieve, This is why Lin Xiao was provided with so much funds, in addition to various confidential materials.

Just these mechanical prosthetics, even just one, cost several million.

But now it seems that the actual effect has indeed met their expectations.

At this time, they all saw Lin Xiao coming in.

Ma Gaoliang immediately said: "Professor Lin, this mechanical prosthesis is really too powerful!"

Lin Xiao spread his hands and said, "Actually, that's it. After all, the material used is better. If we can replace it with some more powerful materials, the effect should be even greater."

"In addition, there is still the same problem, that is, the connection." Lin Xiao said: "The connection of the bone nail is still used now, and the connection method between the bone nail itself and the bone still determines that it cannot bear too much burden." Strength, after all, a whole is always stronger than a separate overall structure.”

"So I think the most perfect method is to change the overall structure directly from the joints. It is necessary to try to develop a material that can form a ligament between metal and human bones."

Hearing Lin Xiao's words, everyone present showed thoughtful expressions. Of course, what they thought was not how to develop this material, but how long it would take scientists to develop this thing.

At this time, Jiang Zuoping smiled heartily and said, "Hey, why are you talking so much? At least as far as the current performance is concerned, it has already met expectations. As for the subsequent technological breakthroughs, let's take one step at a time."

"By the way, Academician Lin, I also made a phone call just now. I will arrange for you as a first-class meritorious service within this year. By then, you will be our first-class meritorious service!"

Ma Gaoliang also smiled and said: "Yes, when the time comes, I will give your family a plaque of the home of a first-class hero, Academician Lin, what do you think?"

The people around looked at Lin Xiao enviously. After all, Shi Hao and Zhong Li were the only soldiers in the room, so they all knew the value of first-class merit.

Lin Xiao spread his hands and said, "You all said that, of course I don't want it for nothing."


Everyone present laughed.

Then they chatted for a while, and Lin Xiao didn't stop any longer.

Of course, the news about the complete success of the clinical trial of the mechanical prosthesis spread quickly afterwards.

After all, it was in the hospital, so it was impossible to hide the news for a long time, not to mention, they never thought about hiding it.

Thus, the video of five "cyborgs" appeared in front of the public.

All of a sudden, across the country... oh no, even around the world, this matter has aroused heated discussions among countless people.

The mechanical monkeys before were already shocking, let alone humans now!

Looking at a person with mechanical limbs is more visually impactful than a monkey.

The domestic comment area also exploded directly.

"I am, I never dreamed that I could see such a scene. 』

"I'm facing!"source! 』

"Genji is Genji, don't be Genji"

"It's so handsome! 』

"It's over, I also want to make one for myself, but I still have to be disabled, can't I attach the whole mecha?" 』

"Do you want to give you the entire external soul bone?"

"I'm a disabled person. I just want to know when this thing will be on the market. I can't wait to install it." 』

"At this moment, I actually envy you a little bit"

"Fuck, I'm a little envious too"

This matter is discussed very enthusiastically in China, and although this matter is also discussed in the comment area abroad, there are some differences in the content of the discussion, such as America.

"Why is this technology developed by Huaguo again?"What about our scientists?What are our scientists doing? 』

"It was artificial nerves before, and now it's this kind of mechanical prosthetic technology. Hey, isn't it said that our country is the most technologically advanced country in the world every day?"Why can't it keep up with the technology developed by others now?Is this still our country as our president describes it? 』

"Probably our scientists are not as powerful as that Chinese scientist named Lin Xiao:)"

"Is this the poor and backward place described by our media?But they have even solved the problem of curing paralysis and restoring disability. Are you going to tell me that they solved it with the mysterious power of the East? 』

"Well, it seems that our disabled people, like those paralyzed patients, need to prepare to go abroad."

"Such a mechanical arm is really cool, isn't it?I want too!What?This is not developed by our country?Are you kidding me, we've made so many sci-fi movies that this technology didn't appear first in our country? 』


America's netizens felt a kind of disappointment, and they all burst out at this moment.

The artificial nerves before did not make them feel so emotional. After all, although the artificial nerves sound powerful, they are used in the body after all, so they can't see anything, but the current mechanical arm can directly see It came out, and it was full of a sense of science fiction.

For Chinese people, there are those who like science fiction, and some who like ancient styles, but for the people of America, they don't understand the ancient culture of Huaguo, so science fiction has become their biggest pursuit.

Obviously, the current mechanical prosthesis directly hit their weakness.

This sense of gap made them feel dissatisfied.

And such voices have also exerted a certain influence on these foreign forums, and they have asked their medical institutions to find ways to develop this technology as soon as possible. At the same time, for many people who need to use these medical technologies, they They are unwilling to go to another country for treatment, so in these rhythms, the voices of these people are quite loud.

And with the passage of time, this rhythm is getting bigger and bigger. Nearly a month has passed, and this matter has finally been reflected in the approval rate, so America's government has also begun to worry about it.

"Are you kidding me, can this kind of technology come if you want it?"

In the White House, the president said angrily.

"These bastards are just like Indians with uneducated intelligence."

Hearing the president say this, everyone present looked at each other in blank dismay. Fortunately, there was no microphone at the scene to record this sentence. Otherwise, their president would have committed political suicide as soon as he said this.

However, the president also knew that it was impossible for the outside world to hear what he said. After making complaints, he looked at the Secretary of State next to him and asked coldly, "How is your investigation going?"

The Secretary of State immediately said: "As for this mechanical prosthesis, artificial nerves must be a key technology, but there is one of the most critical issues, that is, their translation of nerve currents, which is the most critical of their technology. For one thing, it would be impossible to achieve such stable control of mechanical prosthetics without perfect translation of neural currents."

"But regarding these technologies, we have not been able to crack them for the time being, after all, we have not even been able to get samples."

"Haven't got the sample yet? It's been so long!"

The Secretary of State quickly explained: "Mr. President, we still need to wait for the opportunity for this matter. Their artificial nerves have just been on the market not long ago, and because they are given priority to those soldiers and police, and those who come from foreign countries are generally It will take a long time, so as of now, we don't have a single artificial nerve in our land."

"And even if we want to obtain samples, if we want to do it at that time, we need to make some plans in advance. We need to fake that the problem is caused by their artificial nerves, so it will take a lot of time."

The president snorted coldly and said, "Let's trust you this time."

The Secretary of State breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the president did not urge him on such a matter. Otherwise, if he failed due to hasty preparations, he would probably be ready to step down.

However, at this moment, the presidential secretary next to him suddenly said: "I bought it!"

His voice immediately attracted other people in the office.

"What's the matter, Phils?" the president asked, frowning.

The secretary said: "Mr. President... That Lin Xiao announced on his social platform that their electronic prosthetic eye will be released soon!"

"What? Electronic prosthetic eye?"

Both the president and the secretary of state suddenly showed expressions of disbelief.

Electronic prosthetic eye?

Lin Xiao really wants to get rid of the disability of blindness now?


Huaguo, Dingguang Research Institute.

Lin Xiao picked up something that looked like glasses in his hand, with a smile on his face.

In one month, the tape-out has been successful, and more than 100 chips have been trial-produced, and the effects have basically reached expectations.

With the chip, the electronic prosthetic eye can naturally be completed easily, and it only needs to be assembled simply.

As for why he is holding a pair of glasses instead of eyes, it is actually for charging.

Electronic prosthetic eyes need to use a camera, although the resolution does not need to be high, 720p is fine, but the power consumption of the camera is still quite large, and now the battery can be transferred to the frame, and the chip of the camera Generally, the heat is relatively large, such as a CMOS chip. Now transferring this chip to the frame can also avoid the prosthetic eye from causing intolerance to the human body due to heat.

In this way, coupled with the body of the prosthetic eye, this is what he designed, the electronic prosthetic eye!

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