Especially Lin Xiao should only be 17 years old this year!

Not yet of age!

Xu Hongbing couldn't help thinking of the thoughts of last night again. He actually wanted to stump this student, and then teach this student to understand the importance of being led by a teacher.

Looking at it now, what I think is simply nonsense. Maybe when Lin Xiao arrives at the university, those professors will have to confess him, and wait until he makes some shocking achievements, and then please him, hoping that he can be there. It is not impossible to sign his name on the achievement, or even steal his achievement.

Of course, Xu Hongbing would not do such a thing, he still has his own bottom line.

Lin Xiao, who was on the side, looked at Teacher Xu with a puzzled look after he put down the proof process, then watched his eyes keep changing, and even sighed.

This is... what's wrong?

Is there a problem with the proof process?

He whispered, "Teacher, what's the matter?"

Xu Hongbing said: "It's nothing, I just feel emotional in my heart."

"Then, is there a problem with my proof?"

"No problem, at least I didn't find a problem."

Xu Hongbing said: "You can consider publishing a paper directly, or you can ask other mathematics professors in number theory for advice."

"Publish a paper?"

Hearing Xu Hongbing's words, Lin Xiao was stunned.

He didn't expect that he had reached the point where he could publish a paper.

After all, as a senior high school student, he has never been exposed to those academic aspects, he just knows that universities need to publish papers.

"Yeah, your results can be published on mathematics journals in the first district. Do you know that the first district is the sci journal whose impact factor ranks in the top 5%, and the sci journal is the Science Citation Index, Science-Citation-Index , the SCIs in District [-] are all internationally renowned journals."

"Will it be troublesome?" Lin Xiao asked.

"Trouble is troublesome. The review time is generally longer. The main thing is that you have to translate it into English."

Xu Hongbing said with a smile: "However, although it is troublesome, you have to know that for undergraduates, if they can publish an SCI article, it will exceed 90.00% of the students at the same level. , and you are only a senior high school student now, guess how much benefit you can get from publishing a paper now? By the way, which university do you plan to go to? Tsinghua University or Beijing University?"

"Beijing University." Lin Xiao replied, and at the same time, Xu Hongbing's words also attracted him.

If he publishes such a paper now, Beijing University will give him an extra [-] yuan?

Immediately he was motivated.

Xu Hongbing said at this time: "The case of Beijing University is just right. You can contact there. You just say that you have submitted a paper. I hope they can use their relationship to help you contact the editorial department of the journal. It should be able to speed up the review process." The speed of the manuscript, after all, most of the journals in the first district take a long time to review the manuscript. Maybe they will call you back after seeing your age. In addition, you can also ask the professors of Peking University to read the paper for you. After all, I don’t study number theory, so I don’t see any problems with your thesis.”

Lin Xiao nodded: "I see, thank you teacher."

"Hehe, it's okay. It's a kind of luck for me to meet a student like you. However, I also hope that you can maintain such a studious attitude in the future. In addition, you must continue to achieve breakthroughs. Satisfied with success.”

Xu Hongbing warned: "Your achievement is enough to last you a lifetime, but it is a waste of your talent. You are very talented, so you have to study hard. Now you are only a senior in high school. When you are in college, you will You have more time for yourself, and that time will also be the time when you grow the fastest, and I hope that you will not be idle when the time comes."

"We need to make the best use of things, especially talents. Think about it, is it better to be the pride of Hua Guo for a while, or to be the pride of Hua Guo forever? Like Mr. Hua Luogeng."

"So, I also hope that in the future, I can hear that you have completed one achievement after another, instead of being silent from now on."


Hearing Xu Hongbing's advice, Lin Xiao was moved and nodded again: "I remember, thank you teacher!"

Xu Hongbing smiled and waved his hands, and said, "It's nothing, I just want to remind you, as for how you decide in the future, it's still up to you."


Lin Xiao responded, and then said with a smile: "Actually, I am quite interested in mathematics. If possible, I would also like to become a mathematician in the future."

"You don't have to, you are already a mathematician now, and you are a very accomplished mathematician."

Chapter 48 Closing ceremony of the first stage selection

Although it has been planned to publish a paper, for Lin Xiao who has no experience at all, how to write a paper is still a problem.

He doesn't understand any abstract keywords, let alone literature citations, and he doesn't know which mathematics journal to submit to, so he still needs to check some relevant information to find out.

Of course, Xu Hongbing is still very concerned about this. After gaining prestige with Lin Xiao, he directly forwarded an article to him, which is a guide article on how to write a paper from scratch, and also recommended it to him. periodicals.

As far as the achievement of proving that there are infinitely many prime numbers in the Fibonacci sequence, it is obvious that only the top journals in mathematics can be worthy of publishing such achievements.

After all, I don’t know how many mathematicians have fallen before this problem, and who can dare to say that those Fields Medal winners have not spent nine hours in their spare time to study What about this question?

Obviously, no one has completed its proof so far. As for how many years has the Fibonacci sequence appeared in the world?

In 1202, there is a difference of 2018 years from today's 816!

That means the problem has also been around for 816 years, many times longer than the Riemann conjecture, although of course it wasn't that long ago when the math community realized there was such a problem.

But in any case, this achievement cannot be compared with the sum of several or even dozens of achievements of ordinary mathematicians.

Therefore, the journals recommended by Xu Hongbing to Lin Xiao are the four top journals in the mathematics field, namely "Annual of Mathematics", "Progress in Mathematics", "Acta-Mathematica", and "Journal of the American Mathematical Society".

These four major journals have a pivotal position in the world of mathematics, but publishing a paper on them is enough to reap great honors. The entire Huaguo, truly and completely independently publishes articles on these four journals. Ten articles, and their authors are all well-known mathematicians in Huaguo.

This is enough to know how difficult it is to publish a paper in these four top journals.

The Sittapan conjecture solved by that student Liu at the beginning is also a kind of conjecture, but because it is biased towards mathematical logic, or it is partial to combination application rather than mathematical theory, in addition, the popularity of Sittapan's conjecture is even smaller. It is not particularly difficult in terms of difficulty, so he cannot be included in the four top journals. Of course, his papers have also been cited by the papers of the four top journals, which shows that this achievement is also recognized by people.

As for whether Lin Xiao's achievements can be published in the four top journals, the problem is not that big.

Because his achievement is a research in number theory, and it is a prime number problem that most top mathematicians like to study. It can be published in top journals, and it may even arouse the interest of many mathematicians who study prime number problems. In case of another accident, can it provide some ideas for mathematicians who study Riemann's conjecture?

After all, these problems are all about the distribution of prime numbers.

Moreover, after reading Lin Xiao's proof, Xu Hongbing found that his thinking was extremely creative, especially in the process of constructing the function in the last step, the method he used was quite subtle, and he would be seen by other mathematicians Finally, it will definitely bring them some inspiration, even Xu Hongbing himself has some insights.

Xu Hongbing seems to be able to see that when Lin Xiao's paper is published, it will definitely cause heated discussions in the whole country, and it will also be the same in the mathematics circle.

As for Lin Xiao, Xu Hongbing is undoubtedly very busy. Without the things Xu Hongbing sent him, it would take him a while to finish his thesis, but now, it is much more convenient.

He now produces the Chinese version of the thesis first, and then translates it into English, and then asks Xu Hongbing to help revise it, and check the format for any problems by the way.

Xu Hongbing also suggested that he find a professor at Peking University, and then help him. After all, Xu Hongbing thinks that his mathematics ability is still not as good as that of the mathematics professor at Peking University. What do you see?

Lin Xiao naturally listened to Xu Hongbing's guidance. At the same time, he also knew about the first and second works and the corresponding author, so he expressed to Xu Hongbing that he was willing to give him the second work, but Xu Hongbing directly refused.

Xu Hongbing regards himself as a good teacher, so he can't do this kind of thing. He didn't contribute to this paper, so how can he ask for an authorship?

Regarding Xu Hongbing's refusal, Lin Xiao didn't say anything, but just remembered this teacher Xu whom he had only known for a few days.

He is also very grateful to God for allowing him to meet such good teachers, otherwise, God knows what he would be like.

Then, in the next few days, Lin Xiao continued to study his own abstract algebra, took time every day to write out his thesis, and took part in the selection competition exam by the way.

Time passed quickly. On January 2018, 1, the last two selection exams ended. On the morning of January 9, the closing ceremony of the national team's first phase of training and selection officially began.


The closing ceremony was held in the auditorium of the No. 20 High School Attached to East China Normal University. Many people participated in the closing ceremony, not only the 120 training team members and more than [-] observers, but also the school leaders and the Huaguo Mathematics Association. There are a total of [-] people who came.

The first item of the closing ceremony is also something that everyone pays close attention to.

A vice-chairman of the Huaguo Mathematics Association stood behind a speech table with flowers, faced the people present, and said with a smile on his eyes: "Next, read out the players who entered the second stage of training and selection, and the members of these players Average grades in the previous two exams."

Almost everyone present held their breath, waiting for the next name, especially those training players, most of them were extremely nervous, wanting to know whether they could enter the second stage of selection.

At this time, the vice chairman finally read out the first name: "No.1, Lin Xiao, with an average score of 126!"

Hearing this name, some people clapped their hands, and after that, all the people clapped their hands too.

Originally, according to the tradition, the announcement was announced, and there was no need to applaud each name, but this Lin Xiao really made all the teachers and students present feel sincere admiration. This No.1 absolutely deserves its name , without any luck, so they all applauded Lin Xiao from the bottom of their hearts.

Moreover, Lin Xiao's average score shocked everyone here.

The full score of the test is 126, and his average score of the two tests is 126. Doesn't that mean that Lin Xiao still scored 126 in the previous two days of the test?

He really deserves to be the most powerful genius in so many years!

Ever since, their applause also became louder.

Chapter 49 Why is Lin Xiao a god?

Lin Xiao looked at this situation, coupled with everyone's gazes, felt that it would be okay if he didn't express it?

So he had to stand up and bow one by one around to show his thanks.

And several students around shouted: "Lin Shen!"

"Lin Shen Lin Shen! Forever God!"

Many of these booing students are people who have asked Lin Xiao questions these days. No matter what, they all think that Lin Xiao is a very easy-going person, so these math geniuses are willing to call Lin Xiao "Lin Shen" '.

The teachers present couldn't laugh or cry at this, but Lin Xiao pointed at those people helplessly, signaling them not to shout, such a serious occasion.

Of course, although it was a serious occasion, no one blamed him. The vice chairman on the stage also looked at it with a smile. Almost all the management of the mathematics society had heard of the name of Lin Xiao. The more students like this in China, the better, as long as they don't go abroad in the end.

Soon, Lin Xiao sat down, and the vice chairman continued to read the name of the second person: "No.2, Ouyang Sheng, with an average score of 115."

At this time, the applause seemed to be a bit Sheila, but this classmate Ouyang didn't feel unbalanced. After all, he also asked Lin Xiao a question. He didn't care about these things, and he answered every question, so he had a good impression of Lin Xiao, and he was also willing to call him "Lin Shen".

Afterwards, the vice chairman continued to report the names of other people. At this time, no one applauded, and only Lin Xiao could enjoy the thunderous treatment of the audience during the applause.

Soon, the names of all fifteen people were read. To Lin Xiao's surprise, Sun Yu, who also came from Qin Province, also entered the second stage of selection. Sure enough, this student Sun's talent should not be underestimated.

Lin Xiao also took out his mobile phone and sent him blessings on the button. No matter what, everyone came from Qin Province to participate in the competition, so everyone is a fellow villager. If he can also enter the six players of the national team, That means that two of them from Qin Province have become members of the national team. For Qin Province, this is definitely making history.

After Sun Yu received Lin Xiao's blessing, he also sent him a message to express his gratitude, and at the same time replied: "God Lin, I will watch your performance later." 』

Seeing Sun Yu's message, Lin Xiao smiled slightly and replied: "Let's watch."

As for acting?

"Next, let's invite our student representative, Lin Xiao, to speak on stage, sharing his learning experience and encouragement to everyone. We welcome everyone with applause!"

After the vice chairman finished speaking, he applauded and looked at Lin Xiao in the audience. The others also applauded again to welcome Lin Xiao to the stage.

Lin Xiao stood up from his seat and walked towards the rostrum.

The day before yesterday, he was asked to give a speech at the closing ceremony, and he was asked to prepare a speech. When he got this task, he had a big head, so why did he still have to speak on stage?

But there is no way, the organization has already decided, he can only go head-on.

However, he was also prepared for what to say.

When he came to the front of the stage, the vice chairman gave him a thumbs up with a smile, and then moved away from the position of the microphone.

Lin Xiao walked to the speech table and looked at more than 100 people present through the flowers on the table. It was the first time for him to deliver a speech from this perspective, and it was also the first time for him.

However, there is a high probability that it will not be the last time.

He took out the speech script from his pocket. As for the drafting or something, he didn’t have that kind of thought. He had to study and edit the thesis every day. It was good if he could write the speech script. How could he have time to memorize it? This forced him not to pretend.

He opened the manuscript paper and glanced at it, then he began to say: "Dear teachers, dear students, it is a great honor to stand here and deliver a speech."

"The teacher who asked me to give a speech told me to share my learning experience first."

"As for the learning experience, I think so. Everyone has their own learning methods. My experience may not be suitable for everyone. We are all participating in math competitions here. For math, practice more and write more. , cultivate more mathematical logical thinking, and learn what should be learned.”

"Of course, everyone is used to hearing these things from the teacher. If you have to listen to my experience, then I have no choice but to talk about it. My experience is..."

When everyone held their breath and wanted to know how this god of learning practiced, they heard Lin Xiao say: "I just read the book, learned the basics, and then did the exercises to understand those things. The method of solving the problem is almost done, and then it is to expand the knowledge, just like the centroid polynomial used in the last question in the first exam, which is also a kind of knowledge point.”

Hearing Lin Xiao's 'experience', the audience fell silent.

Lin Shen, are you showing off, or are you serious?

"I'm serious." Lin Xiao added.

Hearing this, everyone could only remain silent.

Who here doesn't read the book first, and then do the questions?

But why are you so good?

But in short... well, this seems to be Lin Xiao's experience.

Read the book, do the questions casually, and then you will know everything.

Why is Lin Xiao a god?

This 'learning experience' is a good answer.

It is obvious that everyone has done the same thing, but God is always ahead by a large margin.

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