If he loses this confidence now, then he doesn't need to talk about having any ideals.

So he withdrew his thoughts and continued to write the program.

In this way, time passed quickly.

Two days later.


Kong Huaan pressed the Enter key, and rows of data flashed on the screen in front of them, and there was a progress bar below.

As time passed, the progress bar finally reached 100%, and then a comfortable green checkmark appeared, and then an interface popped up.

Looking at the data displayed on the page, the two people who had been serious all the time showed smiles on their faces.

The fake attack program passed all tests.

On the interface that pops up, the displayed data is exactly the optimization proposal and the problematic circuit.

At this moment, they can already call this function flawless!

"Beautiful!" Kong Huaan couldn't help admiring, such a wonderful program deserves his emotion.

Lin Xiao also nodded: "Next, we will continue to run deep learning on this smart program, and this function will definitely become stronger and stronger in the future!"

"Yes." Kong Huaan nodded.

Deep learning is to allow intelligence to have the ability to learn, and this function is very important for artificial intelligence, and their program, of course, also belongs to artificial intelligence, so through continuous learning, the ability to analyze integrated circuits in the future will only be will become stronger and stronger.

"Okay, that's it."

Lin Xiao smiled slightly, "It's time to save our domestic chip design industry."

Kong Huaan nodded, indeed, it is time to end the EDA software turmoil during this period.

"I'm going to contact Warwick and let them experience it first, so you can prepare for the launch of this software."


Kong Huaan nodded, "Okay."

Lin Xiao stopped talking and called Ren Zhengfei directly, "Mr. Ren, the software you want will be here soon. Be careful to check your mailbox. I've been waiting for a long time."

Ren Zhengfei was overjoyed, and said with a smile, "Not long."

Afterwards, Lin Xiao sent the EDA software to Ren Zhengfei's mailbox, and Ren Zhengfei quickly passed the software to Xu Jun.

When Xu Jun received the news from Ren Zhengfei, he was still very puzzled.

Why did Ren Zhengfei send him an EDA software?

And it looks like it's domestic.

Even, I haven't even heard the name.

What Anwar EDA?

But since it was sent by Ren Zhengfei, he naturally opened this domestic EDA software with a tentative attitude.

The pure Chinese interface made him feel refreshed, which is very rare. These days, let alone foreign software, let alone their domestic EDA software, there are also many English interfaces, and the Chinese package needs to be downloaded separately.

Even, the software popped up a boot interface.

After looking around, he was surprised.

"These functions... there is something!"

Until the end, he saw another function, "Intelligent detection of fake attacks? What is this?"

With doubts, he finished reading the introduction about this function, and finally realized how powerful this function is.

"Are you kidding? Can this function also be implemented? Can use intelligence to quickly detect all circuits?"

Xu Jun felt very unbelievable.

He is an EDA software designer himself, of course he knows how abnormal this function is, once it can be realized, it will bring great help to their work!

"I do not believe."

If you don’t believe me, of course you have to choose to try.

But after trying it, he was stunned.

"Damn it, I believe it!"

This so-called false attack intelligent detection function actually works!

And not only can it be used, but its detection speed is very fast, and it is extremely accurate!

Chapter 339 Excited chip designers

Xu Jun, who was in shock, quickly regained his senses.

With such a powerful function, even if this EDA software is inferior to the three top EDA software abroad in terms of other functions, this function alone is enough to be promoted to the top EDA software!

He couldn't help wondering in his heart, where did Mr. Ren get this software?

Or is this something they secretly researched?

But if it is a secret research, then he has no reason not to know, after all, it is related to chip design.

In the end, after much deliberation, he couldn't come up with any answer, and in the end, he stopped thinking about it.

Compared with such unnecessary things, Xu Jun is more concerned about sending this software to the people in their company as soon as possible to stabilize the morale of the army. Otherwise, those who have been invited by large foreign companies may not know I really have to leave.

So, he immediately held a meeting, called a group of chip designers in the company, and then introduced the software.

Then, when they heard the fake attack intelligent detection function, the chip designers of Hayes Semiconductor were all in various surprises.

Of course, like Xu Jun at the beginning, they didn't believe in this function, but after seeing Xu Jun's demonstration, they, like Xu Jun, fell into deep shock.

This feature will even change their semiconductor design world!

"Mr. Xu, where did this software come from?" Some people couldn't help asking.

"This is given to me by Mr. Ren. I don't know about the other situations, so don't worry about it. I will send you the software later, and I am going to transfer all our previous projects to this software. It just so happens You can also perform a circuit test." Xu Jun said.

Hearing that it was related to Ren Zhengfei, these people stopped asking any more questions. Mr. Ren is their spiritual leader. Since Mr. Ren got it, they naturally have no problem. In their opinion, Mr. Ren can always be Believe.

However, if they knew that Lin Xiao was omnipotent in Ren Zhengfei's eyes, they would not know how they would react. Of course, they would definitely regard Lin Xiao as omnipotent.

However, after a few days, they didn't need to know from Ren Zhengfei that Lin Xiao was omnipotent, because as soon as a piece of news spread, they realized that Lin Xiao was fucking omnipotent.

[Anhua Network Technology Company: A week later, we will launch a brand new EDA software, which will carry the basic functions of EDA software, and a key function: intelligent detection of fake attacks.This function will realize the detection of the integrated circuit, find the problematic part of the circuit, and provide help for the optimization of the integrated circuit.

This function was developed by Lin Xiao, a professor at Beijing University, the chief designer of the X-ray project, and a world-renowned mathematician and physicist. It is trustworthy. 】

This announcement from Anhua Network Technology Company set off a wave in the industry in an instant.

Many people in the industry know Anhua Network Technology Company. As an outsourcing company, this company is well-known in the computer field. The outsourcing projects it has taken over include not only various large domestic manufacturers , there are also various large foreign manufacturers, and their strength is not weak.

Because of this, the backgrounds of the members of this company have been investigated by people in the industry. Everyone knows that the people in this company are basically computer geniuses, especially their boss, the young man named Kong Huaan People are even more important, and he is the son of a real estate boss in Shanghai. He even participated in the X-ray project at the beginning, and made a huge contribution to the various control software of the X-ray machine.

In addition, it is said that this Kong Huaan has an inseparable relationship with that top scientist Lin Xiao, and Lin Xiao is a shareholder of this company.

All these things make this company very popular.

But now, this company suddenly announced that they have created an EDA software, and judging from the situation, they still want to take advantage of the top foreign EDA software companies to leave the market, and then come out to occupy the market?

There is also this so-called fake attack intelligent detection function, which also surprises people. The name of this function is inexplicable. What is a fake attack?

Of course, putting aside these things, this function sounds really powerful, and Lin Xiao participated in the research and development?

However, despite Lin Xiao's name, people in the industry still maintain a wait-and-see attitude.

Lin Xiao is really good, and has developed an X-lithography machine, but this thing involves the computer field. Is Lin Xiao really good at it?

Just like foreign countries think that Lin Xiao is not good at computers, so they start to work on EDA software, and they domestic people don't think Lin Xiao is good at computers.

However, at this time, Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Warwick, stood up for this software with a high profile.

"The chip designers of Hayes have already experienced this software, and according to the feedback, this is a software that is completely comparable to the three top foreign manufacturers."

Ren Zhengfei's platform this time was completely proactive. After all, the software Lin Xiao gave him helped Hayes stabilize the morale of the army. This help was not insignificant, so of course he also wanted to help Lin Xiao.

And his speech immediately made the people who were on the sidelines surge up.

This President Ren has never spoken out for other companies so proactively before, but this time he not only spoke, but also praised him.

All of a sudden, everyone in the industry looked forward to it.

The domestic chip design industry, which was originally in panic, also gained a short-term peace at this time.

In this way, the time came a week later.

In anticipation of countless people, Anhua Network Technology announced the official website of their software.

In order to open up the market, this new software will provide a one-week free trial period in the first year. After the trial period is over, you need to pay. You can buy the personal version or the institutional version. The price is compared with those abroad. Top EDA software, also cheaper.

Suddenly, on the first day it was launched, the number of downloads directly exceeded [-]. Almost everyone in the country who can use this software has downloaded it.

People want to know whether this thing is pure bragging, or is it really as powerful as the top EDA software in the United States, especially the fake attack intelligent detection function that Lin Xiao participated in the research and development of.


Yuanxin Technology Co., Ltd.

This is a chip design company specializing in the design of 90nm and above process chips. The chips it produces can be used in many places, such as power management chips, digital-analog hybrid circuits, etc. Although its scale can only be regarded as a small company, it cannot compete with Compared with those top chip design companies, they are also one of the members of the huge chip market.

And because the chips they design require EDA software, they also use EDA software from abroad.

However, in this incident where the EDA software was disabled, this small company lived in the nightmare of bankruptcy almost all day long.

Because they have recently put a lot of energy into the research and development of a new chip and spent a lot of money, and this incident has turned all their investment into sunk costs, and bankruptcy is almost imminent something happened.

But fortunately, they heard that a new EDA software launched by Anhua Company has very powerful performance, and Lin Xiao participated in it, so they temporarily held up hope and wanted to give it a try.

in the company's R&D department.

"Have you downloaded it yet?"

"Okay, okay, it's all downloaded."

"Try it!"


The company's R&D personnel gathered around the computer and clicked on the newly downloaded software.

After clicking on the software, it entered the guidance link, and one person followed the guidance to learn how to use it, while sighing: "Thank God, this software has a free trial period, otherwise I don't know if it costs money and it's not easy to use, we What should I do."

"Yeah, now I can only hope that it can be used normally. I have a mortgage on my back. If I can't pay the money, it will be over."

"Hey, I still have to prepare for my marriage, alas."

In this way, they chatted and finally completed the study of this software.

Suddenly someone exclaimed: "Damn, this function seems to work! It fully meets our needs!"

"Yeah! Damn, it's saved! My mortgage is settled."

"My dowry money is also in place!"


Excited, the designers started what they used to do day in and day out.

"This intelligent detection function is too powerful!"

"As expected, Professor Lin participated in the research and development! Who the hell said that Professor Lin doesn't know how to use computers, I'll tease him!"

"What are you calling Professor Lin? If you want to call it, call it God Lin!"

"Ha ha!"

"Damn, don't talk about it, this detection function really detected a problem, let me go, we didn't find this before, this detection function is a bit awesome!"

"Really? Let me see!"


These chip designers were all in ecstasy.

Such a powerful function will definitely provide a huge boost to their research!

In addition, they no longer have to worry about unemployment. This new EDA software has saved them!

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