Lin Xiao slapped his head. He has never encountered any problem that required him to spend more than 10 minutes to find his way of thinking, so he forgot about it.

My current brain development rate is 2.75%, this [sage state] can increase my development rate by 1.375%, which is equivalent to becoming 4.125% in one fell swoop, which is not a small increase.

If he can't solve this problem with 4.125% brain development, he shouldn't learn it either.

After all, after all, this

It's a question the teacher gave me!

Lin Xiao cheered up again, and said silently in his heart: "Turn on [Sage Status]."

Then the system sounded: "[Sage Status] is activated, the current remaining time: 5 hours, once used, it cannot be suspended."

"Can't it be paused?"

Hearing this news, Lin Xiao frowned, but after that, he felt his mind was clear.

This is an extremely comfortable feeling, as if it gave him a sense of expansion to understand everything in the universe.

"Is this the world above [-]%? It's really... amazing."

Lin Xiao sighed in his heart, and then without wasting time, he looked at the draft paper again, and after a while, his thoughts were like a spring.

"That's right! You can try what Euclid proved at the beginning. Prime numbers, odd numbers, and even numbers will alternately extend infinitely... and then..."

Lin Xiao's eyes lit up slightly, and then he looked at this question with ruthlessness.

"I still don't believe that I can't handle you!"

Chapter 44 Proof of Completion!

Time gradually passed with the appearance of each formula and number symbol written by the pen. Lin Xiao, who had started the state of a sage, had truly become a sage, and inspirations appeared in his mind from time to time.

So soon, he went through almost all the knowledge he had learned before, and then continued to search for the key to solving this problem.

But even here, this question is not so easy to solve.

"It's the last step, but there's still something missing!"

Lin Xiao felt that he had reached the final bottleneck of this question.

"The distribution of prime numbers in the Fibonacci sequence must have a relationship. By the way, 0.618... the golden section?"

Lin Xiao's eyes suddenly lit up, but soon, he frowned again.

"No, my knowledge is not enough, I need more knowledge."

"Or, some other method?"

Lin Xiao slapped his head, "I can't always use that knowledge, I have to use new knowledge."

Then, he pulled a piece of draft paper from the side again, and continued to think in his mind.

"New method...what new method will get it done?"

"By the way, analyze the continuation!"

He suddenly remembered the knowledge he had learned before, but he didn't know much, because this knowledge belonged to the theory of complex variable functions. study.

However, he did know something about analytic continuations, mainly when Euler used them to 'prove' that the sum of all natural numbers equals -1/12.

But his comprehension ability is quite strong, even if he only briefly watched the proof process, he already has a certain understanding of this method.

In addition, analytic continuation is also related to the Riemann zeta function, and the Riemann zeta function is a function that can find the distribution of prime numbers, which is closely related to the Riemann conjecture.

However, Lin Xiao didn't care so much. After thinking of this possibility, he started to do it.

As a result, time passed again, and lines of formulas gradually surfaced on the paper with the movement of his pen tip.

4.125% brain development, so that his thinking can more easily associate with some hard-to-touch places.

In this way, he threw away a piece of draft paper, and kept another piece of draft paper.

At [-] o'clock in the afternoon, Kong Huaan came back. Because he had been in the classroom and self-study all morning, he ate late, so he only came back now.

However, seeing Lin Xiao still sitting in front of the table, and a lot of draft papers beside him were thrown on the ground, he couldn't help showing emotion and admiration on his face.

This is the undisputed competition No. 1. Facing such a super academic, even if he admits defeat, he is willing to admit defeat.

He silently walked behind Lin Xiao without disturbing him, looked at what he had written on the draft paper, and then walked away silently.

He became more and more determined to become a hacker.

What the mathematics world needs is Lin Xiao, not him, because compared to Lin Xiao, he feels that he has learned all mathematics from dogs.

In addition, he now also finds that Lin Xiao can easily enter the learning state, because every time he sees Lin Xiao starting to study, he almost completely forgets everything around him.

For such a state, he is very envious, the only pity is that he can't do it.

After that, he didn't bother Lin Xiao and started his own study.

Time passed again, and Lin Xiao was in the sage state at eleven o'clock, so at sixteen o'clock in the afternoon, the sage state will finally arrive.

The system voice sounded: "The sage status time has ended."

Lin Xiao suddenly felt that the state of extremely clear thinking was over, and the speed of his thinking association also slowed down almost perceptibly.

However, the problem is no longer a big one.

Picking up the draft paper in front of him and looking at a brand new function written on the draft paper, Lin Xiao showed a satisfied expression on his face.

This is a function that he obtained after using analytical continuation, and then going through a series of complicated transformations, which also applied the knowledge he learned in mathematical analysis.

This function is closely related to the Fibonacci sequence, and at the same time, it can also be compatible with the prime number theorem.

In other words, "The bridge is finally built."

Lin Xiao had a satisfied look in his eyes, and then, "It's time to build a bridge."

As we all know, the bridge is built first, and then built on the piers.

Of course, the process of building bridges in engineering is the most troublesome, but in mathematics, 'building bridges' is difficult, but 'building bridges' is easy.

So next, he continued to write on the draft paper, linking the equivalent formula he derived before with this brand new function.


[It can be seen that F(x) and π(x) are completely equal in the domain of definition, according to the infinity of prime numbers... It is easy to obtain that there are infinite prime numbers in the sequence Fn. 】

【Certificate completed】

After writing the last two words stroke by stroke, Lin Xiao heaved a sigh of relief.


"Finally finished."

"This question is really too difficult."

He sighed with emotion, and at this moment, the pleasant voice of the system sounded.

"Congratulations to the host, you have completed the proof that there are infinitely many prime numbers in the Fibonacci sequence. Considering the performance of the host in the proof, rewards: Mathematical experience + 100, truth points + 4, health capsules."

"The physical reward [Health Capsule] can be extracted at any time. [Health Capsule] can eradicate all external forces in the body, and at the same time give the body a certain amount of strengthening."

"The system reminds you: Learning also requires a good body, and the body is the capital of everything."

"Congratulations to the host's math level, which is currently level 2 (66/250)."

Hearing a series of voices from the system, Lin Xiao couldn't help but froze for a moment.

Solving this question actually directly rewarded 100 experience points?

The truth points have also increased by 4 points. This is a big profit. Even if you use truth points to solve this problem, you only need 3 truth points.

Also, what is this health capsule?

Is it real?

The system can actually gift itself with real objects?

But I will struggle with this question later. Seeing that his math level has finally increased to level 2, he immediately asked in his heart: "System, how much has my brain development improved?"

"After a single subject is promoted to level 2, the degree of brain development will increase by 0.2%."

"0.2?" Lin Xiao nodded, which means that his brain development has now become 2.95%.

But he thought about it again. After he used the sage state, it took him so long to write such a question at a development rate of 4.125%. It seems that his 2.95% is not very good.

Shaking his head helplessly, he has nothing to do about it. It seems that he is still far from a real mathematician. It took him so long to solve this problem by himself, so scientists at the level of Yang Zhenning and Einstein , How much is the brain development?

Don't think about it anymore, I'm still too far away from that kind of big cow.

Then he checked the time, it was 04:30 in the afternoon.

"Wait...? It's already 04:30?"

Lin Xiao suddenly felt his stomach express a strong protest, a feeling of his chest against his back made him feel such a strong need for food for the first time since he was born.

Think about it, apart from having a buffet breakfast at the hotel at [-] o'clock in the morning, he has been obsessed with studying since noon and cannot extricate himself.

He hurriedly cleared the table and ran to eat.

Chapter 45 Xu Hongbing Can't Believe It

At six o'clock in the afternoon, it was still the study room.

Lin Xiao, who had a good meal, came to the self-study room with his proof process filled with more than 20 draft papers.

Now that teacher Xu Hongbing hasn't come yet, after all, it's still early, so he probably went to eat. When Lin Xiao came, he didn't see how many people were in the classroom.

At this time, he thought of the health capsules rewarded by the system, and said silently in his heart: "Extract [Health Capsules]."

Then, he felt something extra in his hand.

He was taken aback, opened his palm, and saw a blue capsule appear in his hand.

Immediately, he felt an incredible feeling.

This thing actually appeared in his hands out of thin air?

Where did it come from?

Doesn't this violate the law of conservation of energy?

Lin Xiao was shocked for a moment.

However, with the system in place, it seemed pointless for him to dwell on this issue.

"But, is this a health capsule?"

Looking at this capsule, it can eradicate all external forces in the body. Does all external forces in the body refer to all diseases?

After all, they are called health capsules.

In addition, it can also bring certain strengthening to the body.

Can it make the body stronger?

After thinking about it, he took out his cup from his schoolbag, put the capsule in his mouth, took a sip of water, and swallowed it.

He felt the situation in his body carefully, and he didn't notice any changes in his body. Probably the capsule shell hadn't been dissolved yet, and it might be some time before the medicine took effect.

He breathed a sigh of relief. This is science. Is there any medicine in the world that can work after drinking it?It takes a while for the anesthetic to take effect.

He thought it would be effective after drinking it, just like the medicine in fantasy novels.

Then don't think too much about it, just wait for it to take effect later.

Then, he took out the draft paper on which he wrote the proof process, and read it again from the beginning to the end to check if there were any mistakes. Otherwise, he would not be very embarrassed when the teacher finds out later .

However, after reading it from the beginning, he didn't find any mistakes. Under the blessing of immersion, his thinking was quite rigorous, and it was basically impossible for him to have any logical or calculation problems.

The most important thing is that the system has recognized its own achievements, so there must be no problem.

Then, he checked the previous eight algebra problems.

When he finished the inspection and found no problems, Teacher Xu finally returned to the study room.

Lin Xiao raised his head and exchanged a glance with Mr. Xu.

Xu Hongbing smiled at the boy, thinking about how Lin Xiao did on the question.

I don't know which question he fell on.

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