How much have they suffered because of semiconductors being stuck?

And now, they finally broke this situation.

As a member of the Science and Technology Bureau, Ma Gaoliang knows how hard it is.

From inside to outside, from feet to head, the excitement that almost overflowed from his heart can be seen from his slightly trembling body, but at this moment, there is only a blank in his mind.

At this moment, he was already a little speechless.

After a while, Lin Xiao's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Horse Bureau?"

Ma Gaoliang finally returned to China, and then he let out a long breath, and then said: "Mr. Lin, thank you, and please help me convey it, thank you to everyone in the X-ray project."

Lin Xiao said with a smile: "Thank you, I don't need it. As for letting me convey it, it will definitely be fine."

Ma Gaoliang: "Okay, then I will trouble you... Forget it, I'd better come directly, and I will thank you in person!"

"There's no need for that, I've already given them a holiday, and they're basically ready to leave now."

"That's it, then next time."

Ma Gaoliang had no choice but to regret.

Afterwards, they stopped talking and hung up the phone

After putting down the phone, Ma Gaoliang returned to the sofa and sat down directly.

After sitting quietly like that for a long time, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

It had been a long time since he had smiled like this.

The wife who was cleaning up the dishes next to her also smiled when she saw her husband like this.

Her husband, since many years ago, her husband has been talking about this lithography machine and chips for countless times, and has been unable to sleep for countless times.

And when the news was released today, he was probably the happiest person.

Shaking her head, she continued to pack up the dishes.


On the other side, Lin Xiao hung up the phone.

Similarly, at this time, he was also sitting in the office outside the clean room.

Leaning on the sofa, he also had a look of gratitude on his face.

When he was still in France, he had already thought about building a lithography machine for Huaguo.

And from the original idea to the present realization, it has been so long.

In the end, their X-lithography machine was successfully born, and the first chip was completely produced!

Of course, strictly speaking, it is not the first block, but should be the first batch.

However, in a stricter sense, there is actually a first piece.

He reached into his pocket, and took out a square piece with an area of ​​about 100 square millimeters. When placed under the light, its surface can also diffract colorful iridescent light.

This chip was the first chip carved out by X-rays during their production process. Lin Xiao kept it as his own collection.

Looking at this thing, Lin Xiao smiled again.

It's perfect.

And at this moment, a late system voice came in his mind.

"Congratulations to the host, leading a weak team, completed the design, production and assembly of the X-lithography machine from scratch, and successfully manufactured the chip! At the same time, you have also shown unparalleled leadership in it, Considering all your performance in the process, we now reward 1500 math experience points, 2000 physics experience points, 1500 chemistry experience points, 1500 material science experience points, 100 truth points, [Engineering Designer Halo]."

"Congratulations, your chemistry level has been raised to level 4! It is currently level 4 (1200/5000)."

"[Engineering Designer Halo]: When the host once again serves as the engineering leader of a major technological project, the design ability of the entire project will be improved to a certain extent."

Hearing the sound of the system, Lin Xiao's eyes lit up.

Finally, the system has sound!

After the lithography machine was built, the system didn't say anything, which made him depressed for a while, but now he is happy to hear such a generous reward.

That is to say, after spending so much time, if the system has no rewards at all, then it is too unsystematic.

The total experience of four subjects, a total of 6500 experience, can be regarded as profitable.

Although it seemed a little small, he had used a lot of help from the system during the whole process, and it was pretty good to be able to gain so much experience.

In addition, there was that halo, which also surprised him a little.

Although it may be used a lot in a short period of time, once he carries out a major plan again, it will definitely be helpful.

After reading all the harvest this time, Lin Xiao nodded with satisfaction.

really not bad!

Of course, one more thing is that after chemistry has been promoted to level 4, he has also gained 0.5% brain development. His brain development has officially reached 9.35%, and finally broke through 9%!

The distance to 10% is getting closer and closer. I really look forward to what it will be like if it is above 10%.

He pursed his lips, then wait for himself to level up a few more levels!

No longer thinking about it, Lin Xiao took out his mobile phone, and soon saw that several push messages were about the news, and they made a lithography machine, and they also used the lithography machine to make chips.

Apparently, this incident has spread all over the Internet.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao couldn't help but smile. Everyone in Huaguo should be very happy at this time, right?

Of course, he is also very happy.

"Well, I am so happy today, I should share it."

So he entered the bib, logged on to his own account, and after thinking about it for a long time, finally sent out a post.

[X-ray number one in the world! 】

At the same time, there is also a photo of the first chip in his hand.


Chapter 3 and Four Barbie Q's Secretary of State

Every time an emergency news break is broadcast, it will attract national attention.

Especially this time, it is even more important to suddenly interrupt the news when it is about to end.

So in less than half an hour, a trending search titled [Emergency Interruption of a News] was directly listed on the trending search list.

Of course, an emergency news break is only discussed for this single event, not the news break.

Obviously, what shocked netizens all over the country was this piece of news!

The X-ray project was a success?

And it succeeded so suddenly? !

Their X-ray machine, is this built?

Of course, this is not a big deal, the most important thing is, what does this news break say?

They even made the chip?

Or the fucking Kirin 9000?

This series of news directly caused every Chinese person who saw this news to fall into a state of dementia.

Didn't the Internet still say a month ago that a key talent was lost, and then the whole progress came to a standstill?

I still remember that the entire Internet was full of quarrels about this matter, and it was quite fierce. At that time, people felt that the X-ray project was hopeless, and it was difficult for Huaguo Semiconductor to rise.

So what's going on now?

Their X-ray machine was actually built?

I don't know how many people wondered if they had time traveled to the time when the X-ray machine was just manufactured in Huaguo.

Among them, I have an understanding of semiconductors, which is actually even more shocking.

Because in addition to the lithography machine, the news actually said that they even made the chip, and it was a Kirin 9000 chip!

How can this be?

Anyway, isn't this a bit too incredible?

Anyone who pays attention to the mobile phone industry or the semiconductor industry basically knows that due to well-known reasons, TSMC does not provide foundry chips for Warwick, so this domestic chip has since become Warwick's swan song.

The possibility of its rebirth can only be that Huaguo has its own independent semiconductor manufacturing technology, and it must be the world's top manufacturing technology.

For this chip, the most important thing is its 5nm process. If you want to produce a 5nm process chip, you need the world's top lithography process. Now only TSMC and Samsung have mastered this process in the world. The 5nm process claimed by the latter came here to make trouble, but it has always been at least ranked second in the world technically.

So how can it be so easy to make such a 5nm process chip?

People have developed this kind of craft, which one doesn't take a long time to get it done?The research and development period is at least one year. The most important thing is that people still have technology accumulation to achieve such a fast breakthrough.

So what's going on with their X-ray project now?

The lithography machine has just been manufactured, and then the manufacturing process technology is also solved by the way?

It's not so outrageous to hang up, okay?

Unless their X-ray project was first established, and then they have already started to develop this process, and there is still no physical research and development in the process of developing the process, that is to say, relying solely on theory and those computer software to develop this process. Now, when I use this new technique for the first time, it directly succeeds.

In this way, it is in line with reality, but even if it is very in line with reality, it is really a bit super-standard. Can this kind of craft be developed in such an outrageous way?

However, the news was right in front of them, and even if they didn't believe it, they had to believe it at this time.

Ever since, every netizen came to the Internet with great shock and tapped the keyboard and mobile phone screen.

Including on major domestic platforms, almost the top ten hot searches are all about titles such as "domestic lithography machine" and "domestic chip", and the popularity has already exploded.

For example, the question on the hot search list, [How to evaluate the news broadcast emergency news: X-ray project was successful and the Kirin 9000 was created? 】

The popularity of this question rushed to the top in just one hour, and the popularity reached 3000 million, the number of views has already reached 500 million, and the number of people answering the question has reached nearly 2000.

For a question that has just been posted for an hour, this kind of heat is undoubtedly very terrifying.

And there are four hot searches on the scarf in the top ten, and No. 1 is: [Emergency Interruption of a News]. After this hot search is opened, the first one is released by Central News. The above is to retell what the female news anchor said again. There are few words, but there is one sentence that is well said. The number of words under this hot search has already exceeded [-], and it is heading towards ten. Wan rushed.

In addition to this No.1 hot search, the second hot search is [X-ray Project Complete Success], the popularity of this hot search is basically not much different from the first hot search, The two hot searches can be regarded as neck and neck.

The remaining two hot searches are ranked fourth and sixth respectively, so strictly speaking, four of the top six hot searches are related to this matter.

As for the discussions on other platforms like Maopu, Tianya, Tieba, etc., they are also already full of enthusiasm.

And in the comment area of ​​each platform, it is basically the same, except for all kinds of surprises and disbelief, it is the joy that seems to overflow from the screen.

Everyone in China has been waiting for this day for too long!

"I'm a test publicist. I was watching the news broadcast today, and when Li Zimeng was about to say that today is over, her voice suddenly stopped. I thought she was going to be fined again, but it turned out that soon I accidentally saw someone next to her handing her a note. I realized at that time that something big was about to happen, and sure enough, it was such a big thing. Now I can only say, thank the X-ray project, thank you Lin Shen!I never expected to hear such news in my lifetime.』

"Fuck, I woke up and saw this news, isn't it too sudden?It's just like being in the cool world! 』

"I wish I could see news like this every day!Thanks to every scientist in the X-ray project! 』


"Laughing to death, foreign countries continue to play restrictions like this!"Play it off now?We made it, are you mad?Are you angry? ".

"Fuck, the Kirin 9000 is out?Is it possible to buy Huawei mobile phones again? 』

"What about those sunspots who said we couldn't build a lithography machine?Why don't you talk now?Are you running out of words?A bunch of consumables, maybe the master won’t even give you money now』

"Hey, don't talk about it, isn't there still someone downstairs talking hard? @一四五白』

When netizens saw this comment, they all looked at this person's comment.

One Four Five Zero: "It's just talk on the news, no one will take it seriously, right?Up to now, there is no picture of a chip, so just open your mouth?Bragging doesn’t even need drafting anymore, does it?It's funny to see a bunch of people out there with their own high C's, and so what?It’s the same as what you said, the mortgage and car loan are repaid? 』

For such a comment, it naturally aroused the resistance of many people immediately.

"Shabi, if the official media dared to publish this news, it must be true, why do you need to question it here?"What the hell"

"People like you can only live in the dark corners of society. We have a lithography machine. Do you know how much help this will bring us?"It means that in the past, we would be able to save a lot of expenses for importing chips from foreign countries every year. The money saved is all costs, which in turn will bring about an increase in profits, which is good for the society as a whole. In addition, there is the labor force required for lithography machines. Of course, you may think that this has nothing to do with you, but you will buy mobile phones and computers in the future, and it will be much cheaper at that time. If you think this has nothing to do with you, then please buy it in the future. When buying a mobile phone, after buying it at a price that is hundreds of dollars cheaper, please donate the other hundreds of dollars that were saved. 』

"What supplies? 』


But despite the accusations and criticisms of many people, this 30 is still firm: "Laugh, you are all brainwashed, right?"The official media said there was one?Even if you take ten thousand steps back, if you really have it, what is the good product rate? 20% or 5?Two years ago, 80nm of TSMC could reach [-]%. Guess what it is this year? 』

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