
"But the name of the city in Israel is really strange, Herzliya Pituya, have you heard of it?"


"All right……"

There were only a few words of dialogue that made him frown, and then simply sat behind the person who said these words and continued to listen.

He didn't take the initiative to ask. In the FBI, if it is not a good relationship, it is a "dangerous" thing to inquire about other people's missions, because it is likely to be suspected, especially because he is a Chinese.

But after that, he didn't get any other useful news, and there was no word "wolf".

Of course, at least he got a useful piece of news that they really had a mission to go to Israel, and it might be related to this city called Herzliya Pituya.

After lunch, work continued.

He didn't get any useful news after that.

After get off work, he returned home as usual, and after greeting his wife and daughter, he entered the study, turned on his computer, and then went to the Amazon platform to log in to an account.

This account, impressively called [star-bookstore], was the bookstore that sent him books.

His account is exactly the online store of this bookstore on the Amazon platform.

Then he entered the backstage, found the book "Weakness", and then took it off the shelves, and then re-listed a product called "Herzliya Pituya".

After doing all this, he quickly exited, and at the same time deleted all kinds of data, including log files, and then he let out a long breath.

His task is completed, I hope they can analyze some useful news.

Then, he walked out of the study and into the dining room.

"Dad, let's eat!"

The daughter cried out when she saw her father approaching.

Philip Meng walked over with a smile, picked up his daughter, kissed her forehead lightly, and then said: "Oh, let my little sweetheart wait, then eat quickly!"


His wife asked, "Why did you enter the study as soon as you came back today?"

Philip Meng smiled and said, "I bought a book today and went to the study to read it for a while."

"So that's the case." The wife nodded without paying too much attention, and said with a smile: "Then eat it quickly, it is your favorite Chinese food."



5 month 16 day.

Even though he will leave for Israel tomorrow, even Lin Xiao has already informed the Wolf Prize of the relevant news, including the people accompanying him, his family, and some of his friends at Beijing University.

However, he still stayed in the laboratory and did not leave.

"It's finally made."

Looking at a motor-like thing on the workbench in front of him, Lin Xiao heaved a sigh of relief.

This is the encoder that he spent so long to build, and it took him a lot of effort. Of course, this kind of encoder is purely hand-built, which is inherently slow.

And this encoder doesn't use many more precise things. He just needs to verify whether his structure can be successful. According to the configuration inside, the encoder can only maintain a positioning accuracy of 1 micron at most.

However, if the eight-point transmission structure he set up inside is used, its positioning accuracy should be controlled at 125 nanometers, which is one-eighth of 1 micron. Of course, considering the friction force, the material is not an absolute rigid body. There will be a certain amount of deformation when pulling, so the actual accuracy, according to Lin Xiao's calculation, is around 133 nanometers.

Therefore, if more excellent accessories can be used in the future, this accuracy will be able to be reduced again.

"Well, let's try it now."

Thinking this way in his heart, he found a servo motor, which he bought at the beginning, just for today's test.

The specification accuracy of this servo motor is about 1 micron. Of course, Lin Xiao did not forget the actual accuracy test.

As for how to test the actual accuracy, it is obvious that the naked eye cannot distinguish it, nor can a microscope, because we do not have a scale accurate to the micron or even nanometer level.

So this requires the use of a professional instrument called a laser interferometer to measure, let the servo motor send out a pulse, and a pulse will make it move for a minimum displacement, and then measure the wavelength level through the fringe changes formed by the laser interferometer. displacement to determine its positioning accuracy.

Soon, it was determined that the accuracy of this servo motor was indeed within 1 micron.

Then he started to work again, took out the encoder inside, and then replaced his own encoder.

Except for the different internal structure, the encoder he built is completely compatible with the servo motor, so next, just see if his new encoder can reduce the accuracy of the servo motor by one-eighth.

After tightening the last screw, Lin Xiao held the rather heavy servo motor and placed it next to the laser interferometer again.

After everything is ready, the measurement begins.

First, send a pulse to the servo motor on the computer to make its rotor rotate once.

Then, he immediately opened the software of the laser interferometer, glanced at the change in its wavelength, and then based on the change, he began to calculate, and finally calculated the actual transmission distance under one pulse.


Seeing this result, a smile appeared on Lin Xiao's face.


Although there is still a little difference from his previous theoretical calculation value, the difference is only a few nanometers, which is enough for him to ignore it.

This also shows that his "eight-point" encoder structure has been successfully verified.

This structure can obviously also be used in various encoders, not only the encoder he is building now, but the accuracy of other encoders can be directly reduced by nearly one-eighth like this, whether it is in the future Servo motors used in lithography machines, or servo motors that may be used in machine tools in the future, especially these two types of servo motors, all pay attention to precision. Why can Huaguo machine tools only produce low-end products?

First of all, it has a lot to do with high-precision encoders. The encoder first determines the accuracy, and then other auxiliary technologies. Therefore, as long as this structure is applied to the encoders of those machine tools, at least for domestic machine tools It is also an improvement.

Therefore, the eight-fraction structure is the best way that Lin Xiao can think of to bring Huaguo a huge improvement based on Huaguo's current strength in basic industries.

In addition, after applying for a patent for this structure, earning patent licensing fees will also bring a lot of money.

But obviously, Lin Xiao does not intend to authorize this patent to foreign manufacturers, but only to domestic manufacturers, at least, so that their domestic encoders can be ahead of foreign companies in one place.

Lin Xiao smiled slightly, and at this moment, the voice of the system sounded: "Congratulations to the host for designing a wonderful mechanical structure, which greatly improves the precision that ordinary machinery can achieve. 600 points of experience, 400 points of experience in materials science, 20 truth points, [Guidelines for Overall Mechanical Optimization*1].”

Hearing the system's voice, Lin Xiao couldn't help but be taken aback. Can he still get the system's reward?

Look at the rewards, a total of [-] experience points, not bad, the problem he solved was the application of physics and material knowledge, so rewarding him with physics experience and material experience is within expectations.

However, why can't he be rewarded with 200 more points for physical experience?

He is still short of 200 experience points, physics can be raised to level 5, and then he will get 0.6% brain development.

Unfortunately, what the system says is what it says, and he has nothing to do.

Afterwards, he turned his attention to this [Instructions for Overall Mechanical Optimization].

He asked in his heart: "What is [Guidelines for Overall Mechanical Optimization]?"

System; "When the host uses the [Mechanical Overall Optimization Guidance] and selects a mechanical instrument, he will be able to get guidance on overall optimization of the mechanical instrument. The guidance includes but is not limited to mechanical structure, mechanical power, energy scheme, For the optimization of key components and other aspects, the host can freely choose according to these guidelines. Note: If the host has his own ideas before optimizing the machinery, there is a chance to get guidance in this regard."

Hearing the effect of this reward, Lin Xiao's eyes lit up immediately.

Good thing, to be able to directly guide him to optimize a machine as a whole?

"Then can I use it on this servo motor?"

Lin Xiao thought about it, but soon he slapped his head again.

Optimizing a servo motor is nothing more than a fart.

For such a good thing, the more important the optimization, the better. He can directly optimize the lithography machine.

Or it can also be optimized for fighter jets.

The re-optimization of the servo motor is still not as high as directly optimizing these final products in terms of value.

"Then use it later."

After all the basic components are built, he can optimize the lithography machine as a whole.

However, just as he was thinking this way, the phone rang suddenly.

"Huh? Whose phone is this?"

In doubt, he connected the phone and heard the other person say, "Excuse me, is this Professor Lin Xiao?"

"It's me, who are you?"

"Hello, Professor Lin, I am a staff member of the National Security Bureau, and my police number is XXXXX. We have received news that some personnel of the US FBI are converging to Herzliya Pituya, Israel. According to our search, Herzliya Pituya There is no other target in Asia that requires the FBI to act like this, and in the next few days, it will be the Wolf Award ceremony, in which only your identity is worthy of their treatment, so we judge that they may cause harm to you, for your safety , we now remind you not to go to Israel, and your visa to Israel has been rejected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of our country.”

Hearing the other party's words, Lin Xiao was startled and frowned: "Is this news confirmed?"

"Just trust us, we can confirm."

"I see, thank you very much."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xiao shook his head.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually did this.

While this is just speculation, there is clearly no other reason why the FBI would send agents to Herzliyapituya just as Wolfe's ceremony was about to begin.

The National Security Agency determined that there was no other target worthy of the FBI's treatment during this period of time, so he, a Chinese scientist, undoubtedly became the most likely target.

Then his eyes narrowed, "You want to catch me? I'll make you regret it!"

Originally, he wanted to keep a low profile, but even if he kept a low profile now, the other party seemed to have already set his sights on him.

Looking at the servo motor next to it, then, he wants to introduce it to the group of people, what is surprise!

Chapter 229 I refuse to accept the award

5 month 17 day.

Tel Aviv Airport, Israel.

In the airport reception hall, many people have already stood, including the CEO of the Wolf Foundation Reiter Berman, the Secretary-General of the Wolf Foundation, and Wolf also came. The Wolf Award belongs to Israeli educational administration.

In addition, various professors also came.

They all gathered here, not for anything else, just to pick up one person.

That is, the young math genius and physics genius, who is also the winner of this year's Wolf Prize in mathematics and physics, Lin Xiao.

For such an important person, it is completely worthy of their treatment.

"Has Lin's flight arrived?" Rhett Berman asked the secretary-general next to him.

The secretary-general looked at his watch and said, "Well, according to the time, it should be here. Let's just wait for him to get off the plane."

"Okay." Rhett Berman nodded with a smile on his face. He had been waiting for a long time.

He has long wanted to meet the young scholar who can propose a physical theory such as multidimensional field theory.

"Everyone hold up the banners, so as not to be ignored by Mr. Lin."

Afterwards, the pick-up team raised their banners one after another, with words welcoming Lin Xiao written in Chinese and English.

They have been preparing for a long time to welcome Lin Xiao.

Soon, many tourists poured out of it, many of them were faces from Huaguo, so these people also opened their eyes wide, expecting to see that young face from the crowd.

And in a corner of the pick-up hall, there were two other people, also staring at the exit.

Staring at the exit, they chatted at the same time.

"By the way, what if we really catch that person in the future? Will Hua Guo go to war with us? Hua Guo should attach great importance to him, right?"

"Who knows? Anyway, didn't the above say that we pretend to be those Muslims. Anyway, this thing is quite common, and the Israeli high-level is ready to cooperate. If it is discovered in the end, the hostages will be exchanged."

"Well, I hope nothing will happen. If we really trigger World War III, we will all be war criminals by then."

"Don't worry about this, just keep an eye on the good people."

The two stopped talking and turned their attention to the exit again.

They are FBI agents who came from across the country. They came here to monitor Lin Xiao who was about to arrive in Israel.

After the FBI headquarters reported Lin Xiao's affair with the White House and asked if it was necessary to implement the arrest plan, the White House quickly agreed after some discussions.

Lin Xiao once answered the question they asked Time Magazine to ask, that is, to choose theory or application. At that time, Lin Xiao’s answer made them put down their guard. There are indeed many scientists who do not like to engage in applications. These scientists are all studying theory. .

As a result, Lin Xiao had just returned to China for a year, and then it took a month to produce a new semiconductor material. This immediately made the people in the White House believe that Lin Xiao had lied to them at the beginning. Fooled them.

He not only wants to engage in applications, but even in the field of semiconductors. For this industry, the White House absolutely does not allow any possibility of China being involved.

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