The secretary hurriedly reported a message from the other side of the Pacific to their president.

"President, just now our branch in Huaguo reported the news that Huaguo has achieved an important breakthrough in CMP polishing disc!"

Chapter 226 International Response

"Huaguo? A breakthrough in CMP polishing disc materials? How is this possible? How could they develop such a technology?"

Hearing this news, Dow Chemical President Jimmy Frederick frowned.

Huaguo has always been much worse than them in these aspects, especially restricted by their patent barriers. If you really want to achieve a breakthrough in this, how can it be so easy?

It is good enough for Huaguo's company to survive in the cracks, but they actually made a breakthrough in this?

But the secretary nodded and said, "President, the news is true. If it's not important, I wouldn't be able to come to you."

Hearing what the secretary said, Jimmy Frederick asked: "How about their technology? Can it pose a threat to us?"

The secretary replied: "According to the available information, they use silicon carbide material, which has a thermal expansion coefficient of 0.16, which is about 10% better than our material. In addition, their hardness is also very high, and the service life could be 3% higher than our material."

Hearing these two data, Jimmy Frederick frowned even deeper.

The thermal expansion coefficient and hardness are better than them?

This made him even more unbelievable. That backward country not only broke through their monopoly, but even did it better than them?

However, the secretary said so, even if he didn't believe it, he had to believe it.

And this question is also very important, after all, this question involves very important interests.

The market size of CMP polishing disc materials is about 7 million U.S. dollars per year, and Dow Chemical has a 79% market share in it, which is equivalent to a market of more than 5 million U.S. dollars. For them, it is obviously very important. important.

Among them, although the annual market share of the Huaguo market is not high, it also has hundreds of millions of dollars.

If this part of the profit is squeezed out, it will obviously be a huge loss for them.

What's more, maybe the other party didn't just take the share of the Huaguo market for them, and it is estimated that even a little share of the world market will be taken away by then.

The most important thing is that polishing, as the most troublesome process in the whole semiconductor process, needs to be repeated up to 30 times. Mastering the step of polishing consumables is equivalent to mastering a lifeblood of the entire semiconductor process.

In particular, Dow Chemical occupies 79%, which is an indispensable part of the semiconductor industry, and each additional competitor will obviously take the most share from them.

In order to maintain their monopoly position, they must pay attention to this sudden competitor.

After thinking for a while, Jimmy Frederick asked again: "What about the production process? How about their production process? Huaguo's production process should have always been lagging behind, right?"

"This matter is still unclear. This news has just come out. They haven't officially started production, but it is estimated that they will be able to build it within this year. Moreover, Huaguo officials seem to pay more attention to their new material. It is convenient in all aspects... In addition, there is one thing that you may need to pay attention to."

"what is the problem?"

"This new material was developed by that Hua country physicist Lin Xiao."

"Lin Xiao?" Jimmy Frederick was taken aback, "Is that Lin Xiao who proposed the multidimensional field theory?"

"Yes." The secretary nodded, and said with a worried look: "That person is so smart, he won't pose any threat to us, right?"

"God knows, isn't someone saying that he is the closest to God?" Jimmy Frederick couldn't help complaining: "The key person is a Chinese, will they believe in God? What do they believe in,'lao -tian-ye'?"

The secretary sighed: "That's right, I heard that Lin Xiao was studying in France last year, why didn't the French want to keep him and let him go to believe in God, and now let him go back to China, but turned around and started Deal with us."

Jimmy Frederick shook his head, and then said: "Okay, everyone has returned to China, we can't go to China to arrest people, let's think about what to do, first let us pray to God, let their The production process is too bad to compare with ours, and by the way, let’s plan again, how to stabilize our customers, and don’t let them see that Huaguo’s materials are better than ours, so they all go to buy Huaguo’s materials.”

"Well, then I'm going to get someone to write a few articles in the newspaper?"


Jimmy Frederick waved his hand.


Semiconductor is a huge system, but if there is any disturbance, the entire industry will know. After all, every part of this system is closely connected. Once an accident occurs in one part, it will eventually affect the entire industry.

Especially now that it is still associated with Huaguo.

So, soon, everyone knew the news that Huaguo had produced silicon wafer polishing materials.

Immediately, this attracted a lot of people to investigate the incident, and everyone wanted to know what the real situation was like.

Then, Lin Xiao's name also appeared in front of them.

Netherlands, Asmer.

"Lin Xiao? How could it be Lin Xiao?"

Dawson Edinson also got the news, and he was stunned.

"Why did that guy go to study this kind of thing?"

Of course, aside from the initial shock, he soon recovered.

The material of the polishing disc is not their lithography machine, and there is no conflict with them at all, and he does not believe that Huaguo can make any core components of the lithography machine. There is no need to think about such things.

Then he sighed with emotion: "However, this guy's luck is quite good, and he was able to get this kind of material for Huaguo."

Just as he was thinking this in his heart, suddenly, his phone rang again.

"Hmm...whose phone is this?"

After looking at it, he didn't know him, and then he connected the phone, "This is the office of President Asmail, what's the matter?"

"FBI, open the door."

Dawson Edinson's complexion changed, and he sat up immediately.


Why do these plague gods have the leisure to come to him?

What spy thing happened again?

"Mr. Edinson? What's the matter? Tell the security guard downstairs to open the door."

Hearing this, Dawson Edinson reacted, and then said: "Okay, please give him the phone."

Afterwards, he asked the security guard to open the door and waited for the FBI to come up.

He thought for a while, and the group of FBI people didn't come in directly, but asked him to open the door, indicating that the matter was not serious, and they were probably here to ask a few words.

There is no need to worry about this, as long as the other party is not unreasonable, then he can reason with the FBI, especially the shareholders behind their Asmail, but none of them are not simple.

But what exactly the FBI wanted to ask made him a little confused.

Soon, people from the FBI came to his office.

The three looked ordinary dressed, but their faces looked full of evil spirits.

These three people took out their FBI IDs and handed them to Dawson Edinson, and asked him to look at them, and the person in the lead said, "Mr. Edinson, I am Huo, a C1 agent assigned by the FBI stationed in Europe." Rand Stein, now I have a few questions I want to ask you."

Dawson Addinson leaned back in his chair and said, "Ask."

"First, Lin Xiao came here on December 12 last year. Why?"

"Don't you know this question?" Dawson Edinson raised his brows: "This kind of thing has been reported to you American agencies, such as the Department of Commerce, FBI, CIA, NSA and so on."

"Mr. Edinson, please answer my question seriously." Holland Stein frowned and said seriously.

"Okay." Dawson Edinson spread his hands and said, "Lin Xiao is a math genius and a physics genius, so we invited him to come over to help us solve a math problem. This kind of thing is very common. Back then You didn't care when you reported it."

Following his answer, another FBI took a record sheet and wrote down his answer.

And Holland Stein asked again: "Okay, the second question, did he do anything strange during the process? For example, deliberately touched your computer or something?"

Dawson Edinson: "No, after he entered our company, he was under all-round surveillance. It is impossible for him to do any strange behavior. If there is any, we will find out immediately. We still keep the surveillance video Yes, if you need it, I can transfer it to you later."

"Okay, the third question, is the information you gave him related to confidentiality?"

Dawson Edinson said speechlessly: "Mr. Stein, are you kidding me? How could I give the secret to a Huaguo person? What's more, even if they have all the secrets, it is impossible for Huaguo to create our Lithography."

Suddenly, he reacted, and said dumbfoundedly: "Oh, I remembered, you should also know that Lin Xiao developed CMP polishing materials, and then ran over to doubt us? Please, we are a lithography machine assembly factory, not a CMP Polishing material production plant, we don’t have any technology here! If you’re looking for trouble, you’re going to those Dow Chemicals and Cabot companies, and the materials are all produced by them, okay?”

Holland Stein said: "Someone of our colleagues has already asked, but your place is the only place Lin Xiao has been to. We must ask."

Then he got up and said, "Then thank you Mr. Edinson for your cooperation, but I don't guarantee whether I will come to you in the future."

Dawson Edinson spread his hands: "Okay, okay, do as you like, anyway, I just want to say, if Lin Xiao can help Huaguo build a lithography machine, I will surrender myself to your FBI, OK?"

Holland Stein smiled, turned and left without saying much.

Soon, he and his teammates left Asmail, returned to their car, and then began to report to their superiors.

With their report, the US FBI headquarters also received related news.

In a small conference room, several FBI executives are discussing.

"That is to say, this Lin Xiao did not steal the information, and this new material from Huaguo was independently developed by him."

"And, according to our current information, it only took him one month to independently complete the research and development of this new material."

"The most important thing is that he is only 21 years old this year."

"The potential is too great."

"It should be that the potential threat is too great."

"Also, don't forget his answer to that question back then."

"Well... I think he can be ranked on the list of Chinese and Russian threats, at least in the top twenty."

"Top twenty? Shall we find a way to catch him?"

"This requires the approval of the White House, and the target person is too important, and the reputation in the world is too great. Once caught, it is likely to be violently reacted by Hua Guo. If he is hurt or killed, it cannot be ruled out that Hua Guo The possibility of fierce revenge, when the time comes, some of us may be Princip, that Lin Xiao will become Archduke Ferdinand, and the Sarajevo incident will reappear."

"Oh, it's exciting to say that we will be the fuse of World War III, and our names will be engraved in the history books."

"You guy, you have a problem in your heart. Do you know who broke the law? I am afraid that the world will not be chaotic? Wouldn't the world be peaceful? Let's bully those small countries, and then provoke those two big countries-of course this It's the business of politicians, isn't it better for us to drink a little wine every day and pick up a girl at night?"

"Okay, let's report this matter to the White House first. If you really want to do it, the Wolf Award ceremony in Israel will start in May. That is the most suitable time when we can confirm that Lin Xiao will leave China."

"Okay, I'll go to the president later."

"Well, even if you catch him, it's worth it to exchange some of our previously caught colleagues with Hua Guo."

"it is good!"


Time passed quietly.

May is here.


"Mr. Lin, the Wolf Award Ceremony will start on May 5. When will you be able to come to Israel? We will arrange someone to pick you up at the airport. In addition, you can also bring 19 relatives and friends, and we will provide all travel expenses."

"I see. I will think about it for a few days and then reply to you."


After hanging up the phone, Lin Xiao threw the phone aside.

Wolfe Awards?

Speaking of which, time flies by.

The news was announced in January, and it was already May in a blink of an eye.

It's just that, regarding the Wolf Award, he doesn't want to accept the award now.

He himself still has so many things to do, if he goes to Israel again, wouldn't it be a waste of time.

Especially the servo motor research has reached a critical point.

Moreover, he has not forgotten that he said at the beginning that he does not like to engage in applied science, but now he has produced a CMP polishing material, which is not like the titanium-aluminum alloy that can be used on turbine blades. The information of the latter is easier to keep secret, but The former is originally a commercial product, and he can be sure that foreign countries have already known the news.

So, who knows what they might think?

Chapter 227 International Communist Warriors

Lin Xiao struggled with this question for a while, and finally decided to call and ask Director Ma.

Ma Gaoliang must know a lot about this aspect. Even if he doesn't know, he can help Lin Xiao ask other people, such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the like.

So he called Ma Gaoliang again.

"Director Ma."

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