As for the company's environment, it's pretty good, and the interior decoration has the feeling of an Internet technology company.

Soon, Lin Xiao followed them to their studio.

One computer after another, each computer looks strange, obviously not uniform, but catering to the habits of different people.

Without further ado, the programmers got to work.

Because Lin Xiao's mathematical model is not complicated, for these excellent programmers, it can be done in about one or two hours.

Lin Xiao took a brief look, and then stopped paying attention. Instead, he entered Kong Huaan's office and took a look inside.

When seeing Lin Xiao come in, Kong Huaan didn't mind much, and let Lin Xiao see for himself.

However, Lin Xiao just glanced at it casually, then came directly behind Kong Huaan, and said, "Kong Huaan, I have a question for you."

"Huh?" Kong Huaan was taken aback, "What's the problem?"

Lin Xiao thought for a while and said in a low voice: "Have you thought about other programming developments in the past?"

"What program?"

"For example, a lithography machine."

Kong Huaan was taken aback for a moment, and excitement suddenly appeared in his eyes: "Are you going to study this thing?"

Lin Xiao didn't say it clearly, but said, "Just say whether you want it or not."

Kong Huaan said, "I'll listen to you."

Lin Xiao couldn't laugh or cry: "Don't listen to me, listen to yourself."

Kong Hua'an said with a smile: "If you really want to study that thing, of course I would, because I also want to provide some help for our country."

Lin Xiao was taken aback for a moment, then patted him on the shoulder with a smile, "Okay, I will contact you later."

"Yeah." Kong Hua'an nodded and said, "I'll look into this later."

"it is good."

Lin Xiao said no more.

However, Kong Huaan's consent also means that his lithography team officially has its first member.

Chapter 219 New Year

Because the program would take a while to come out, Lin Xiao stayed in Kong Huaan's office and chatted with him.

Kong Huaan was also very curious about the lithography machine. Although he agreed just now, this is a lithography machine after all, so he certainly wanted to ask some questions.

"Why did you suddenly think of doing this?"

Lin Xiao spread his hands and said, "For us Hua people, it should be easy to understand that we want to create this thing for the country?"

"That's true."

Kong Huaan nodded.

Before unification, Huaguo will never be able to truly have its own top-level lithography machine and supporting production technology.

And in view of the importance of chips under modern technology, without this thing, the constraints on China would be too great.

So they had to come up with this thing.

Kong Huaan said again: "However, don't you feel it's a pity?"

"What a pity?" Lin Xiao was taken aback.

"It should take a long time to study this thing. Doesn't it mean that you have given up theoretical research? You should be more suitable for theoretical research."

When this question was mentioned, Lin Xiao couldn't help but smile: "Who said that what is suitable for theoretical research is not suitable for applied research?"

If top mathematicians want to turn to applications, it is still easier to produce results. Rich basic knowledge can allow them to have more ways of thinking when facing practical problems.

Hearing what Lin Xiao said, Kong Huaan suddenly nodded and said, "That's true."

Just like Gencha method, this so-called mathematical vaccine, although it is mainly used in particle colliders, but with such a long time, people in the applied sciences have tried to use this thing in noise processing in other places For example, for the processing of communication noise, since root investigation method can deal with the noise from wireless electromagnetic waves in the particle collider, it can naturally be used for the processing of communication noise. The local area is more aware of receiving relevant signals. According to statistics, a domestic company that occupies the leading position in the world's communications has already produced several important patents according to the root investigation method.

Therefore, in terms of the root investigation method alone, Lin Xiao is quite suitable for the application field.

"However, this thing does take a long time. How long do you think it will take to succeed?"

Lin Xiao smiled: "The short is two years, but the long is unknown."

"Two years?" Kong Hua'an was stunned for a moment, a little in disbelief: "Why?"

Lin Xiao spread his hands: "I just said it casually."

It was only then that Kong Huaan heaved a sigh of relief, "That's good."

Lin Xiao couldn't help wondering: "That's good?"

Kong Huaan smiled and said, "I thought you were going to steal technology from so many lithography machine parts suppliers in the world."

Hearing this, Lin Xiao couldn't help laughing.

"How is that possible."

However, it is actually similar, except that after these parts dealers sold them to Asmer, then Asmer packaged them and gave them to him.

As for the lithography machine that can be built in the shortest two years, he is not wrong, because according to his estimation, as long as the plan starts and everything goes well, according to all the technologies he has mastered, there is a good chance to get it done within two years, and even Can be shorter.

After all, Huaguo is the country with the most complete industrial system in the world, and it also has the strongest mobilization ability in the world. As long as it has the technology, it is completely possible to build a production line within two years.

Therefore, it still depends on how far Lin Xiao can optimize this lithography machine.

Of course, there is no need to disclose these things to Kong Huaan for the time being. For the time being, there is no need for Kong Huaan to know too much.

The two chatted for a few more words, and Kong Huaan also learned that only he knew about this matter for the time being, and was even more moved by Lin Xiao's trust in his heart.

Of course, he is not good at expressing his emotions, he just said: "I won't tell others."

"Well, I know." Lin Xiao smiled slightly.

The development of his brain has not only improved his scientific research ability, but also his ability to observe people has also been strengthened, just like when he was eating just now, Kong Huaan had a very flat attitude towards these employees of the company, but towards him Very sincere, and thinking of Kong Huaan's previous character, he can judge that Kong Huaan regards him as a true friend.

So he was also willing to believe in Kong Huaan.

Kong Huaan said again: "By the way, Wen Zihua and the others are also technically good. If you are short of people, you can also bring them along."

Lin Xiao frowned: "Let me poach your wall?"

Kong Huaan shook his head: "I just couldn't find anything to do when I started a company. I've finished my computer-related studies. There is a computer academician named Yao Qizhi at Qinghua who has won the Turing Award before and wants to accept me. I refused his graduate degree, and I didn't intend to go to graduate school, if you can take me to do such an important thing, I would like to thank you."

Lin Xiao nodded slightly, remained silent for a moment, and said, "Okay, I see."

Suddenly at this moment, there was a burst of exclamation from outside. When the two heard it, Kong Huaan said, "It should be all right."

"Then go out and have a look."

Lin Xiao said.

Then the two left the office and went outside.

I saw the original dozen or so people gathered around a computer at this moment, amazed.


"Isn't it too awesome?!"

"Fuck! It really worked!"


Soon someone noticed that Lin Xiao and Kong Huaan were coming, and then they faced Lin Xiao directly, bowed deeply, and said, "God Lin, you are amazing!"

"God Lin, my admiration for you is like a torrent of river water..."

After hearing the voice, other people also showed a look of licking the dog.

Lin Xiao laughed, waved his hands and said, "Small things, small things."

Hearing what Lin Xiao said at this time, these people had nothing to say at this time.

In the past, they only heard that Lin Xiao was awesome, and his math ability was very strong, but now, they really felt how strong this "very strong" is.

Recalling that they thought Lin Xiao couldn't figure it out in a short time at least, but they figured it out in less than an hour, and they felt a little ashamed.

At this time, Kong Huaan and Lin Xiao had already walked to the computer and saw what was on the screen.

The picture on the left is a long-range view with a low resolution, which looks blurry, and some things inside can’t be seen clearly. After applying Lin Xiao’s mathematical model, the blurred image becomes clear, at least from the outline It became clearer.

And don't look at it just a little bit clearer. Just this point is already beyond the reach of many related products in the industry. According to their estimates, it is at least about 30% higher than the current industry's leading products.

This is completely overfulfilling the target.

Originally, they thought they could earn 3000 to 1000 million yuan a year just by licensing patents. Looking at it now, they may be able to add another [-] million yuan. Moreover, in terms of technical difficulty, they can lead the industry by about three years at least. , they are of course happy.

And Kong Huaan also showed surprise on his face, feeling a little bit emotional in his heart, just like in that hotel room back then, Lin Xiao was still so tough, even a bit too much.

Of course, he wasn't particularly surprised because he had already been mentally prepared.

Then, he stood up, clapped his hands, and after everyone looked at him, he said, "Everyone, I have a proposal, how about giving some shares to Lin Xiao, just 10%?"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and without much thought, they all said, "Agreed."

"I agree."

"it is good."


No one refused.

In fact, although Kong Huaan is the boss of their company, in fact everyone has shares, and the lowest person has 2% of the shares. This is why a dozen of them can go to any large domestic factory and get a million annual salary. However, the computer expert is willing to stay in this company. In any case, if he has a share, he is the boss. Isn't it better to make money for himself?

Apart from maintaining the daily expenses of the company, the money they earned was divided according to each person's shares. Now Lin Xiao just did them a favor, earning tens of millions every year. After a few years, everyone said less If you can earn 100 million, of course you are more willing to give Lin Xiao shares.

Maybe Lin Xiao will write a few mathematical models for them in the future to solve a few problems, and then tens of millions will come down?

They still know this truth, after all, they are all smart people.

Lin Xiao was taken aback for a moment, then quickly waved his hands, "Kong Hua'an, no need, you never said anything about this before."

Kong Huaan said seriously: "We all agree, so don't refuse."

"Yes, yes."

"That's it."

"Yes yes yes yes."

The others echoed again.

Lin Xiao declined a few more words, but in the face of their enthusiasm, he finally had to agree.

Forget it, just treat it as making money for your own family.

"so be it."

Without further ado, Kong Huaan said that he would find a lawyer to go through the formalities of transferring the shares, and let Lin Xiao sign a few words in a few days.

After that, nothing happened.

Lin Xiao harvested the first member of his future team, and Kong Huaan also solved a project of their company with Lin Xiao's help.

After that, apply for relevant patents, and then you can find cooperation with those big manufacturers. For example, those mobile phone manufacturers will definitely be interested in their technology when making mobile phone photos. There are also other equipment companies that need to process imaging. For example, for medical equipment such as color Doppler ultrasound, the final imaging will definitely need their things to improve the imaging clarity.

There is no need for Lin Xiao to take care of these things, Anhua Company will handle them well.


In the following days, Lin Xiao continued to live in seclusion, staying in his room every day to continue his research.

He will also consider using truth points if necessary, although right now, he doesn't need to.

As for the school, I also asked him if he planned to accept this year's graduate students.

After all, the first test has already ended, and the second test is coming soon.

Of course, he is also free to choose whether he wants to bring students or not. This is his right, and the School of Mathematical Sciences of Peking University recruits relatively few students for the postgraduate entrance examination in basic mathematics every year, usually around three, compared with other masters of applied statistics and graduate students. There are far fewer masters in finance, and these students may have chosen their own tutors long ago. If there is no accident, they may not be able to assign them to him.

And those last year's graduate students are more uncomfortable. The School of Mathematical Sciences accepts more graduate students in the direction of basic mathematics, but obviously, they have already selected their own tutors. If they want to change their tutors, it will appear Emotional intelligence is a little too low.

However, in view of his plan to develop a lithography machine, Lin Xiao has not decided to bring students for the time being.

In order not to be always absent and affect those students.

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