Lin Xiao nodded towards Professor Wendelin Werner, the winner of the Fields Medal in 06.

"Hehe, if I wasn't just a part-time professor at the Paris Ecole Normale Supérieure, otherwise, I would have to compete with Professor Searle for your tutor." Professor Werner laughed.

Lin Xiao smiled and said: "Although you are not my mentor, if I encounter problems in the future, I should not refuse when I ask you for advice."

"Haha, of course I won't refuse!" Werner laughed.

Next, another professor came, this one was Cedric Villani, the 10-year Fields Medal winner.

And it's not just him, there are also several local French mathematicians who are sitting in a row, many of them are Fields Medal winners, and there is one thing in common, that is They all came from the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, and they were all Lin Xiao's seniors.

At this moment, Lin Xiao finally felt what a top university in the field of pure mathematics is.

After all, there are 12 Fields Medal winners trained by the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, four more than the No.2 Cambridge University.

"Lin Xiao!"

At this time, Lin Xiao heard someone calling him again. He turned his head and saw Pompieri and several people walking over.

His eyes lit up, and he walked up with a smile: "Professor Pompieri, Professor Sarnac, and Professor Deligne, you are here too."

Pompieri nodded with a smile: "Of course, for such an important feast, we must come to join in the fun."

"I heard that you will go to Sweden to receive the Crafford Award in May this year. Congratulations."

Hearing Lin Xiao mention this matter, the smile on Pompieri's face became brighter: "Haha, this is indeed a surprise for me."

The Crawford Award announces the winners in mid-January each year, and then awards in April or May.

This award is not low in various awards. Like the Nobel Prize, it is managed and awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Its purpose is to reward the scientific fields that the Nobel Prize has missed.

Winners of the Crawford Award are generally people with high reputation in related academic fields, and the winners are all older people, such as Pompieri, which also means that he is very recognized for his past achievements.

As for the youngest winner, Tao Terence, he received this award at the age of 38, which seemed rather abrupt among the crowd of people over half a century old.

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "When the award ceremony is held, if there is a chance, I will definitely go to see it."

"Okay, I will go back to my hometown in Italy to stay for a while, and I will go to receive the award at the award ceremony." Pompieri patted Lin Xiao on the shoulder and said, "I look forward to seeing you at that time." it's your turn."


Lin Xiao nodded.

At this time, Sanak next to him said, "By the way, Lin Xiao, why didn't you come to study at Princeton University? We were all looking forward to it at the beginning."

When this question was raised, Pompieri and Deligne all looked at Lin Xiao.

"Uh... about this..." Lin Xiao scratched his head and said, "Because I have been to Paris before, I have a good impression of this place, so I came here."

Hearing this answer, several professors from Princeton University expressed helplessness, "If I knew it earlier, I would have asked you to visit us at Princeton University."

"Hey, you old things, are you here to poach the wall?"

At this moment, another old man came over, pointed at these top mathematicians from the United States, and said angrily.

This old man was Jean-Pierre Serre.

Seeing this old man in the mathematics world, even Deligne must respect him.

After all, Searle and his teacher Grothendieck are good friends, and even some of Searle’s achievements have played an important role in laying the foundation of modern algebraic geometry for Grothendieck. It can be said that without Searle’s original efforts, Grothendieck Whether Dick could have laid the groundwork for modern algebraic geometry is still unknown.

In addition, the Weil conjecture proved by Deligne is also the result of Professor Searle, and the two have also cooperated on this.

"Professor Searle."

All three shouted.

Searle walked to Lin Xiao's side, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Lin is my student now, so stop your little thoughts."

Hearing this, Deligne and the others couldn't help but glanced at each other, showing helplessness.

Although foreign countries don't pay much attention to seniority, Lin Xiao became a student of Professor Searle. To a certain extent, he and Deligne are also considered to be of the same generation.

Next, after Lin Xiao chatted with these mathematicians for a while, the three CCTV reporters stationed in Paris suddenly came over.

"Lin Xiao!"

Hearing someone calling his name in his native language, Lin Xiao immediately turned his head to look, and when he saw three reporters, he smiled: "Reporter Chen, Reporter Sun, and Reporter Zhang."

"Lin Xiao, I heard your report just now. What you said is really amazing!" Zhang Ning gave Lin Xiao a thumbs up. Lin Xiao is seven years younger than her, and he can give this kind of report. Paris is already a pretty good career as a CCTV international reporter, but compared with Lin Xiao, she has to be envious of him.

Lin Xiao looked surprised: "Huh? Do you understand?"

"Ah, this..." Zhang Ning was stunned, she understood a hammer.

Both Chen Ming and Sun Xiang laughed. Chen Ming said with a smile, "Zhang Ning probably didn't understand. She was playing with her mobile phone in the back just now."

"Boss!" Zhang Ning patted Chen Ming angrily.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xiao smiled, and then asked: "By the way, what's the matter with you?"

Chen Ming smiled and said, "Just like last time, we need to interview you. Do you have the time?"

"Of course no problem."

Lin Xiao nodded. Of course, he would not refuse the request of his compatriots. Moreover, it happened to allow domestic friends to hear his voice again.

Having said that, it’s been a long time since I’ve been on the hot searches in China.

With Lin Xiao's consent, Chen Ming thanked: "Then thank you, what time do you think is suitable?"

"Now you can."

Anyway, there is nothing to do, and it is not a big problem to accept an interview.

"Then trouble you."

Lin Xiao waved his hand, "No trouble."

At this time, Professor Searle saw that he seemed to have something to do, so he patted him on the shoulder and said, "Remember to come back early. Tonight, the Ecole Normale Supérieure has prepared a Lin Xiao night for you. As the protagonist, you should come early." Come on."

Lin Xiao was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "I see."


Later, Lin Xiao and the three reporters found a suitable interview location and started the interview.

"Excuse me, how do you feel about the success of your proof?"

The first routine question was asked first, Lin Xiao smiled and replied: "Success is sometimes accidental, but sometimes it is inevitable, so if you are asking about my feelings, then I can only confidently say that this is just me. This is only the fourth math problem solved, and there will be more in the future.”

Such a confident answer made the eyes of the three reporters shine.

Probably Lin Xiao is the only one in the world who can say such a thing, right?

Chen Ming nodded with a smile, and asked the second question: "We noticed that you mentioned the "Mona Lisa" at the beginning and end of your report. Is there any implication?"

Lin Xiao smiled: "You all should have seen the trending search a while ago, right? I am called the one who is known as the Kung Fu Master."

Chen Ming and the others nodded. Of course they knew about this matter. They wanted to interview Lin Xiao again, but they couldn't contact Lin Xiao later, and then they appeared here.

Lin Xiao said: "I was standing in front of the Mona Lisa at that time, and suddenly I had an inspiration, and then I thought of a direction to prove twin prime numbers, and I also succeeded afterwards, so I want to share the twin prime numbers I proved. The prime number conjecture, call it my Mona Lisa."

"So it is."

A few people suddenly realized that there was Wang Yangming Gezhu in ancient times, and now Lin Xiaoge's "Mona Lisa" proved the twin prime number conjecture?

Several reporters immediately came up with several news headlines.

Chen Ming smiled and asked: "Then did you really have an epiphany?"

Lin Xiao said: "If you want to describe it, it should be an epiphany, but actually, I think everyone should have such an experience, right? For example, when you were doing math problems, you couldn't write at all at first, and then Sudden inspiration flashes, and enlightenment comes out, that can be regarded as epiphany.”

Chen Ming thought for a while and said, "That's true. I did have this kind of experience before. However, what you solved was a world-class problem, and what we wrote was all other people's problems."

"A reason."

Lin Xiao smiled.

"Have you all been there before?" Zhang Ning next to him whispered, "When I encounter those who don't know how to do it, I just copy the answers."

Several people laughed, and Sun Xiang said, "So it's fortunate that you majored in foreign languages, not science and engineering."

Several people laughed again.

Afterwards, Chen Ming continued to ask other questions. After the interview, Lin Xiao said goodbye to them and returned to Paris Ecole Normale Supérieure. Today, there is still a party waiting for him here.


Meanwhile, in the United States, the home of David Kaymanian.

He watched the live broadcast of Lin Xiao's academic report, and when it was over, he turned off the computer angrily, then logged into his social software and posted a post.

【This is the persecution of the truth!Everyone only paid attention to Lin Xiao's proof, but no one paid attention to another person's proof. This is disrespect for academics! 】

He didn't understand. He clearly announced that he had completed the proof before Lin Xiao, but everyone only paid attention to Lin Xiao's proof, but no one cared about him, and no one even mentioned it to him.

Even those friends in the mathematics field who once spoke for him, there are not many people who speak for him now.

Everyone praised Lin Xiao's proof, but kept silent about his proof.

This annoyed him so much that he hadn't been to school for many days.

"I'm looking for the Los Angeles Times!"

It suddenly occurred to him that this media, speaking through the other party, would definitely help him.

So he quickly took out his mobile phone and called, "Myron, you must help me..."

"Help you? The premise is that your proof is right! Your proof is wrong, how can we help you?"

Kayman was stunned: "My proof is wrong? It's impossible?!"

"You still don't know? My God, respected Professor Kayman, you are a mathematician, but I asked a reporter to tell you that your proof is wrong?" The Times has already recruited several well-known mathematicians to speak out for your proof process, but they all said that your proof was wrong, so what else is there to speak up for? You mention it, but you don’t even know it yourself?”

Kayman couldn't believe it on his face: "I..."

His proof turned out to be wrong?

Why haven't you told him all this time?

But the fact is like this, no one told him that he proved wrong. After all, Lin Xiao’s proof was successful, and then told him that the proof failed. Everyone assumed someone else would tell Caymanian.

As a result, Kaymanian has fallen into an information asymmetry in such a way that he has not realized it until today.

Myron said, "Okay, that's it."

After hanging up the phone, Myron threw the phone aside. Originally, he had high hopes for this guy, but this is the result?

Suddenly, he remembered what he said about Caymanian that he had recorded, "Now it's time to recover the cost."

Then, he found his voice recorder and went to find their editor-in-chief.


Chapter 177 Party!cheers!

The Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris has a traditional evening called a night on the Rue de Ulm.

And tonight, the Ecole Normale Supérieure held another party, in order to celebrate their doctoral student Lin Xiao, took off the jewel in the crown of mathematics called the twin prime number conjecture.

Such an important achievement deserves special attention from the Paris Ecole Normale Supérieure.

So the name of this party is called "Lin Xiao's Night".

Of course, unlike the Ulm Street Night, this evening is not open to the public, only students and teachers of the Paris Ecole Normale Supérieure, as well as invited mathematicians can attend.

In fact, the party had already begun before Lin Xiao returned to the École Normale Supérieure.

Although he is the protagonist, the party is also an opportunity for everyone to get to know each other, so his absence will not affect people's activities in the party.

However, when he came here, he naturally received enthusiasm from everyone present.

When he walked into the party, everyone present surrounded him and cheered him.

"Lin Xiao! Lin Xiao!"

"Our heroes are coming!"

"The distinguished prince of mathematics arrived at his loyal Supérieure Normale Supérieure at 52:[-]!"

"Salute to the protagonist of the party!"


Faced with the enthusiasm of everyone present, Lin Xiao was also infected by the atmosphere, with a smile on his face and shouted: "Thank you everyone!"

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