After hearing that a pharmaceutical company here in Rongcheng had developed a new type of powerful toothpaste, he immediately asked people from the Rongcheng branch to come over to investigate.

After confirming that the situation was true, he flew to Yinhe Pharmaceutical Company the next day, conducted a second investigation, and started corresponding negotiations with Yinhe Pharmaceutical Company.

At present, Lin Shuang is concurrently serving as the general manager of two companies, Yinhe Investment and Yinhe Pharmaceutical, so she is in charge of this patent negotiation.

After some new exchanges, Pan Shao said to Lin Shuang who was sitting across from him: "Mr. Lin, in this way, we will increase the quotation by another 5.5% to [-] million. This is already our greatest sincerity. Please consider it. "

Lin Shuang said with a cold face, "I'm sorry Mr. Pan, if it's less than 50 billion, we won't consider selling the patented technology of whitening toothpaste."

Pan Shao frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Lin, according to our investigation, your Yinhe Pharmaceutical Company was established in less than two months, and the funds invested in research and development are less than 5000 million.

Now, we bid 5.5 million yuan to acquire the patented toothpaste technology in your hands, which is already an extremely high price.

As long as you nod your head and agree, you can immediately reap more than ten times the return on investment, this money, but some people can’t make money in their entire life after starting a company..."

Without blinking her eyes, Lin Shuangmei said calmly, "Mr. Pan, how long our company has been established and how much we have invested has nothing to do with the value of the patented technology of Yishubai toothpaste. Please don't confuse the concepts.

You have seen the effect of rinsing toothpaste before. It can strongly remove tartar and calculus, clean the mouth, and whiten the teeth without damaging the gums and oral cells.

This medicinal toothpaste technology should be a technology that your Baiyao toothpaste company has been studying for decades, but has not been able to overcome it?

Therefore, you know the value of this toothpaste better than I do. It is 50 billion, you will definitely not lose money if you buy it. "

Pan Shao shook his head and laughed, "Boss Lin, there are too many, really too many..."

Lin Shuang: "No matter what you say, our bottom line will not change. It is impossible to sell at a low price, and 50 billion is the lowest price."

Pan Shao: "Boss Lin, if you say this, then this business will not be able to go on, and besides our Baiyao Group, probably no one will spend so much money to acquire your patented technology..."

Lin Shuang had a calm expression on his face: "Mr. Pan, you can rest assured that if no one buys our patent, then we will produce and sell it ourselves, and we are already doing so."

Pan Shao said with a smile: "The current sales are not easy. Although your technology is good, it is only a new brand after all, without foundation and market. It is unknown whether you can make achievements.

And the toothpaste business is not shallow, there are small workshops and pirated products everywhere..."

Lin Shuang didn't take it seriously: "You can wait and see if you can make achievements."

Lin Shuang disdained Pan Shao's words.

To be honest, what Chen Fang said was that if a company can offer a price of 50 billion, and as long as the other party can pay in full, they will sell the factory and patented technology in a package, but Lin Shuang feels that it is too little.

According to her calculations, this explosive technology should be priced at 100 billion+ to be reasonable.

However, looking at the problem from different angles, neither of them is actually wrong.

Pan Shao said just now that the brand of Yishubai toothpaste has no background. This is a fact and there is nothing to refute.

But Lin Shuang thinks there should be no doubt about whether he can achieve results.

The effect of a whitening toothpaste is there, as long as you are willing to spend some money on publicity and make your name famous, are you afraid that it will not be able to make a market?

As for piracy and small workshops, it is even a small problem.

As far as Lin Shuang knows, the production process of a whitening toothpaste is not something that some small workshops can come up with. Although there are not many processes, the technical threshold and knowledge content are not low.

Under normal circumstances, only large companies such as Baiyao Group can reverse the research through scientific research, and then derive the core technology to imitate toothpaste of the same quality.

And as long as they dare to imitate, then at this time, the patent protection applied for will be able to play a role. Not only can they directly go to the court to sue them, combat this row of arrogance, but also earn a wave of infringement fees for nothing.

Now the domestic system of cracking down on copyright infringement is already very complete, and the efficiency is also very impressive, which is no longer what it was more than ten years ago.


Chapter 138 Douyin Evaluation Blogger (14 more for subscription)

Negotiations were over and ended in failure.

Chen Fang received a call from Lin Shuang, and felt a little regretful after learning about the incident.

"The price is only 5.5 million at most. I really look down on our new toothpaste..." Chen Fang muttered, feeling a little upset.

"Then now, should we continue to find someone to buy the patented technology?" Lin Shuang asked.

Chen Fang said: "No need for now, Baiyao Group is a domestic toothpaste giant, even their bid is far below my expectation, and other toothpaste companies are probably not much better.

In a short time, there is no need to mess around anymore.

Let's do a good job in the production and sales of toothpaste first. Let's make some achievements and become famous. Naturally, people will take the initiative to come to the door, and then we will see if we want to sell it. "

"It should have been done a long time ago..." Lin Shuang muttered.

"Why, are you questioning my previous decision?"

"...don't dare."

Chen Fang didn't bother with her, and continued: "Since Baiyao Group has given up on this patent acquisition, they have to be careful. They must be able to see the business opportunity of whitening toothpaste, but they have no choice. purchase.

Maybe, I'm holding back bad ideas in secret, so be on guard. "

Lin Shuang said seriously: "Okay, I will take countermeasures in advance."

"Any other questions?"



"The company has no money, so promotion and publicity can't be carried out, but I have already asked someone to plan the corresponding plan. As soon as the money is in place, I can immediately arrange people to promote and sell products on platforms such as Taobao and Douyin. Sales volume It should be pulled up soon."

"I'll call you 500 million later, is that enough?"

"Five million is almost enough. Our products are low in cost and have a large profit margin. As long as the sales in the early stage increase and the funds return, the company will soon be self-sufficient and even profitable."

Lin Shuang replied confidently.

"That's good." Chen Fang said.

After finishing the call, Lin Shuang quickly received a new injection of 500 million funds from Chen Fang.

With this money, the company's books are flush with liquidity again.

Lin Shuang took out his vigorous and resolute style of doing things, distributed the original publicity plan, and quickly got people into operation.


A Liang is an evaluation blogger on Douyin.

Usually, the content of the video is mainly about evaluating and cracking down on major Internet celebrities and advertising products.

Because the content is more real and the words are more straightforward, it is very popular among straight men and women.

So far, he has been working on the account 'A Liang Evaluation' for more than a year. A month ago, the number of fans exceeded the [-] million mark, and he has officially become a blogger with [-] million.

Moreover, his tens of millions of fans are not acquired by buying zombie fans, but accumulated one by one.

Therefore, every one of his current videos has hundreds of thousands of likes and millions or tens of millions of views.

And once the live broadcast is started, even if you don’t buy hot spots, the number of people in the live broadcast room is usually more than 3000. Compared with those bloggers who have [-] to [-] million fans but only [-] to [-] thousand fans, he can be regarded as one of the more successful fans. class blogger.

In the evening, after dinner at 07:30, A Liang sat in front of the camera and turned on the live broadcast.

The Douyin platform is currently a relatively mature platform for monetization, and there are many ways to monetize.

The more mainstream ones are earning income through live broadcast rewards, and monetizing through live broadcast delivery and video promotion links.

As a Douyin blogger, even if he has tens of millions of fans, he is still human and needs to eat, so A Liang usually carries out some live broadcasts to bring goods.

Of course, the recommended products are all products that he has tested himself and thinks are better.

Although he is still cutting leeks, he feels that he is a good person compared to those internet celebrities and celebrities who have no bottom line.

A Liang's live broadcast started, and many people who were using Douyin after eating, received A Liang's live broadcast notification, and many people clicked into his live broadcast room with interest.

In the beginning, Ah Liang just interacted and chatted with the fans. After the number of fans exceeded [-], he talked about today's topic.

Ah Liang said: "Well, to be honest, I'm a little tired from doing videos recently, not physically, but mentally.

Just yesterday, I came across an advertisement about a new type of toothpaste called 'White Toothpaste', which can effectively remove dental calculus without hurting the mouth with just one brush.

I wonder if anyone has seen this video? "

In the live broadcast room, the barrage scrolled.

"Swipe it!"

"I just brushed it."

"I got it too, and I placed an order, is there any problem?"

"How could someone even believe this kind of advertisement? Alas, it seems that I have experienced less beatings from society."

"I have never bought the advertised products on Douyin, because I know that all of them are scams."

A Liang glanced at the barrage, and said with a smile: "It seems that many people have checked it, and I also saw a barrage saying that they have placed an order?

Brother, you can take care of yourself, some unscrupulous merchants will do anything to make money.

Don't easily believe in any advertising products. If Douyin wants to make money, it won't take responsibility for you.

Fans who often watch my live broadcasts and videos should know that I have never touched toothpaste and mouthwash. Why?

Because there is no toothpaste in this world that can brush off the formed dental calculus, because the mineralized dental calculus is too hard.

Otherwise, why do you think dental cleaning clinics are so popular now? "

A Liang continued: "However, I read that what is said in the advertisement is convincing. If it is invalid, you can get a refund, and if it is fake, you will pay ten. If it weren't for my strong sense of objectivity, I might have believed it.

Anyway, I think it's too fake, it's really too fake, it's even more shameless than the mouthwash that a famous TV host and a certain Internet celebrity said, at least they have some bottom line, but this toothpaste advertisement, there is no such thing at all Bottom line.

In order to test this toothpaste for everyone, I specially paid 100 yuan to place an order yesterday, and the goods arrived this afternoon, and the delivery speed is quite fast.

Next, let's evaluate it on the spot.

I think that so many viewers in our live broadcast room must really see what the current toothpastes are, so that they can finally have their own sense of judgment and not be fooled. "

Ah Liang: "Of course, I know that once I do this, I may offend many, many toothpaste manufacturers, and may be complained, warned, or even banned.

But it’s okay, I’ve been mentally prepared for this since the very beginning.

In any case, I just started doing anti-counterfeiting and evaluation. This is my job, and I will stick to it. Even if it disappears in the end, I am worthy of my own conscience. "

The barrage rolled.

"Ah Liang Ah Liang Ah Liang..."

"Come on, Ah Liang, I will always support you, you are the fattest!"

"Don't be discouraged, you are a blogger with tens of millions, and you won't fall down so easily."

"Hurry up and test it, I'll wait and see."



Chapter 139 Reverse Advertising (15 more for subscription)

While chatting with the audience in the live broadcast room, A Liang took out the express package that he had picked up in the afternoon, and opened it in front of many viewers in the live broadcast room.

And start complaining.

"The packaging is quite perfunctory, there is only one toothpaste box and two anti-fall inflatable cushions, which is no different from the toothpaste we usually buy in the supermarket for a few yuan a box.

However, this box of toothpaste cost me a full 100 yuan! "

After opening the toothpaste box, A Liang looked at the instructions.

"Let me read the explanation above for everyone.

'This product is effective in removing tartar, whitening teeth, freshening breath, protecting gums and oral health. To use it correctly, squeeze out a bean-sized piece onto the toothbrush and brush your teeth for two to three minutes'.

OK, let's test it according to its instructions. "

Ah Liang brought a toothbrush and two glasses of water, opened his mouth to the camera and said: "Show everyone my teeth, I'll turn off the beauty first...

Now, you should be able to see that, in fact, because of the local water quality, my teeth are not so white, and I have been doing videos and live broadcasts recently, so I am quite busy, and I have not had my teeth cleaned for more than half a year.

So, my dental calculus is also attached, but not much, only a little bit.

Alright, let's stop talking nonsense and start testing directly, let's go! "

After squeezing a bean-sized amount of 'White Toothpaste' onto the toothbrush, Ah Liang faced the camera and started brushing his teeth.

In order to test the authenticity, Ah Liang brushed very seriously, and the time was set at 3 minutes.

Seeing that the number of people in the live broadcast room was getting higher and higher, and the number of people had exceeded 2, Ah Liang was secretly happy.

After the anti-counterfeiting evaluation is over, he will immediately use the heat to start another conscientious product.

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