Of course, Kane didn't delay, after all, he thought this beer was quite delicious, very delicate and smooth.

Claire began to bring out various dishes from the kitchen one after another, all of which Kane had never seen before.

However, there is one dish that he has eaten. When he was at Uncle Geum's house, Aunt Amisha once cooked it for him.

Looking at this dazzling array of dishes, Kane's appetite increased a little.

Although Kane can't understand the ingredients of some dishes, he has a red soul after all, so he won't dislike eating.

"Then guys, let's have a toast first, just for Claire's cooking."

Lombe started again, his routine of toasting every meal.

"Okay, come on, cheers for Claire!"


After drinking a large glass of beer, Kane couldn't wait to try the spider legs. He was both nervous and curious about this dish.

Using utensils, peel off the hard shell outside the spider's legs. The meat inside is white and has an indescribable aroma.

Take a piece and put it in your mouth.

Chewing carefully, the meat quality of the spider legs is a bit similar to the fish or crab meat I have eaten before, and there is a sweet aftertaste after chewing.

Kane didn't know what species this spider was.

However, its meat is really delicious.

Suddenly a piece of meat was put into Kane's bowl.

"This is something I carefully crafted today, don't hesitate to try it."

After hearing Claire's words, Kane began to observe the piece of meat on the plate.

I can't tell what kind of ingredients I bought today, so I cut a bite and put it in my mouth.

It was very tough, and Kane chewed this piece of meat non-stop, and every time he chewed it, he would emit a strong aroma.

After finally eating this piece of meat, Kane felt a little sore in his cheeks.

"What kind of meat is this?"

After hearing Kane's question, Claire smiled and said, "The tail meat of the Hammer Dragon"

Heavy Hammer Dragon Kane has understood that this is a kind of camel beast that is often domesticated by a certain alien race, and of course it will be used to resist foreign enemies.

The dragon in the atlas is very similar to the dinosaurs Kane knew before.

It's just that this dinosaur has an extremely slender tail end and an object similar to a heavy hammer.

You can tell from the name what this dragon uses to attack.

So this is dinosaur meat?

However, it does taste different.

"How about it?"

"It tastes good, but a little hard to chew."

After receiving Kane's feedback, Claire nodded happily.

After drinking and eating, today has come to an end.

After helping Claire clear the table, Kane returned to his room.

Sitting at the desk, I picked up the envelope I bought along the way today.

He began to tell his own situation, and these written words will need to be packed in an envelope and sent to Uncle Geum's house.

In fact, if we do teleportation array now, we can go back to the old town without too much trouble.

However, Kane still felt that after clearing the red label dungeon and advancing to silver, he would go back again.

Kane began to write furiously on the desk, and he couldn't help but think of his previous home as he wrote.

Shaking his head, he shook off the thoughts in his head.

Put the written words in the envelope.

Kane came to the window and looked at the moon in the sky.


Today's night sky is a little dark, and the full moon in the night sky can't help but look a little cold.

Chapter 1 Mechanical Snake

early morning

Because the lighting in Kane's room is excellent, and he forgot to draw the curtains last night.

Now, the warm sunshine is crazily caressing his body.

Kane covered his head, stretched out a hand and poked the marshmallow next to him.

"How about helping the master draw down the curtains?"


Marshmallow wobbled to the window and pulled the two curtains together forcefully.

After doing this, he flew to Kane again and fell asleep.

Kane stuck his head out and stared at the ceiling.

I can't sleep again, but I don't want to wake up either.

Kane just lay there on the bed, staring at the ceiling, his mind blank.

It seemed that his body was finally electrified, and Kane slowly slid towards the end of the bed and fell to the floor.

He seems to want to use this method to force his body out of laziness.

Kane, who fell on the floor, had to get up, go to the bathroom to wash, and start a new day.

Get dressed and go to the living room.

At this time, only Claire was eating breakfast in the living room.

"Morning, I'll bring you some breakfast."

After seeing Kane, Claire greeted her and entered the kitchen.

After a while, Kane ate the breakfast in his hand.

"Why did you get up so early today?" Claire asked suddenly.

"I'm going to the post office to send a letter to my uncle's house in a while to report that I'm safe."

After hearing Kane's words, Claire nodded and said, "I'm going to go home, you can talk to Lumbe and the others later."

"Is it in such a hurry? How long will it be back?"

After hearing Claire's words, Kane was a little surprised.

Claire lowered her head and thought for a while, then said, "About two days later."

Kane was relieved to hear that he was only going back for a day or two.

"Then go back early and be safe."

As for why Claire went home, Kane didn't get to the bottom of it, because it was too impolite.

After hearing Kane's words, Claire smiled, then stood up and straightened her clothes, and said, "Then I'll be leaving first, you must eat well these few days."

After speaking, he waved to Kane and left the villa.


Kane suddenly realized that Claire left with their culinary skills.

do not say worth mentioning

Withdrawing his mind, he quickly wiped out his breakfast.

After breakfast, Kane also left the villa.

When he came to the street, Kane said to Yoyo: "Show me the way to the nearest post office."

"Okay." Yoyo turned around in a circle, and then walked in front of Kane, drawing the way for him.

With the existence of Yoyo, there is no need to study the map in your own mind, you just need to follow behind with peace of mind.

In the morning, all kinds of people in the city come and go, rushing about for their lives.

Following Yoyo, he walked around the street and finally came to the gate of the post office.

The overall color of the exterior of this post office is sky blue.

Entering the post office, according to the guide, I took a number from the side.

He sat up in the waiting position, and according to the prompt, it was his turn to wait for a while.

Pick up the magazine from the magazine next to it and see it.

Oh, Kane is quite interested in the information above.

It is the remote communication equipment of this world.

This world is not without remote communication equipment, there used to be, but after testing, it is only suitable for some areas and cannot cover most areas.

The air of this world is full of magic, with all kinds of weather, and various natural phenomena that Kane doesn't understand.

The magic power that causes all kinds of air will gather or be emptied at any time, and the volatility is extremely high.

The more intense ones will even affect the local climate.

And these remote communication devices are completed by the transmission of magic power. If you want to clearly convey the information you want to express, you cannot be disturbed by the magic power in the air.

Therefore, this technique can only be used in some areas with extremely stable magic power.

Therefore, such a simple and simple way of sending information by mail is still preserved and flourishing.

"No. 165, please go to counter No. 3."

After hearing the announcement from the radio, Kane immediately came to counter No. 3.

"Hi, what help do you need?"

The speaker was a human girl with pink hair.

Kane handed her his envelope and said: "I want to send a letter"

She took the envelope Kane handed over and checked whether the information on it was complete.

After confirming that the information was complete, she nodded to Kane and said, "Okay, we will receive this letter first, and there is still a postage fee of 1 silver."

Kane handed her a silver coin and left the post office.

Taking Youyou back to the villa the same way.

When they returned to the villa, Lombe and Mezik had already woken up and were chatting in the living room, or rather, Lombe was chatting unilaterally.

Lombe looked behind Kane when he saw him come back.

He asked, "Why are you alone?"

Kane took off his coat and hung it on the hanger, and then replied: "Claire has to go back in advance, and I will come back in two days."

Lumber nodded after listening.

After greeting the two, Kane returned to his room, and now he will continue to study the mechanical structure of yesterday.

Drag your skill [Quick Reading] into the skill grid, pick up the unfinished book yesterday, and enter the reading mode.

I don't know how long.

Kane put down the book in his hand, went to the window and opened the curtain.

The scorching sun was already hanging outside, and the dazzling sunlight shone in, instantly brightening the entire room.

Kane stretched out towards the window?Then Yoyo was called over.

He was going to let Yoyo assist him to construct the mechanical device that he had completely memorized in his mind.

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