It's really interesting, the Shura tribe can pretend to be the king and queen of the human kingdom, what a great idea.

I'm right, you two shadow demons. "

"Fuck, Shadow Fiend can pretend to be someone else, but it's almost impossible to pretend to be exactly the same."

"Yes, the palace is a place where the luck of a kingdom gathers. There are a large number of formations that can detect the existence of the Shura clan. How could the shadow demons infiltrate the palace?"

"Could it be that the other party has a special treasure to cover up the aura of the Shura clan?"

Jiang Zhengyang and several masters immediately put on alert and surrounded the fake king and queen.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie... How did you see through this king's disguise?"

"Boom!" x 2

The seal runes on the necks of the fake king and queen shattered automatically, and their appearances and shapes began to change.

Soon, two strange-looking monsters with no facial features and a dark body appeared in front of everyone.

"Gah, the king and queen are really shadow demons in disguise. No wonder the decrees in recent years have been so absurd. It's completely different from the previous hardworking and loving people."

"Hiss...that's scary, how did they avoid the palace's detection formation?"

"The ruler of a kingdom can be replaced silently. If the rulers of the nine empires are replaced, the disaster caused will be even more terrifying."

"Damn it, the Shura clan is getting bolder."

Several masters couldn't help exclaiming.

The Shadow Demon was formed from a mysterious race that fell after the evil gods invaded the mainland.

This race is proficient in the shadow system, and later degenerated into a demon, becoming even weirder.

During the crusade against the evil gods, the high-level leaders of many races were secretly replaced by shadow demons, and then launched attacks on friendly forces, almost causing the coalition forces to collapse.

In the end, the Pope, who believed in the Holy See of the God of Light, found out the reason, and purified some of the shadow demons with the divine power borrowed from the artifact, so that the coalition forces returned to normal.

Shadow demons have always been a serious problem for all races in the mainland.

After the war, the Shura tribe was driven to the far west of the Western Continent, which is now the Shura Domain.

Shadow Demon can only come out occasionally to stir up trouble.

I actually saw two of them today.

Yu Yi suddenly realized that it was not Edm who controlled Luo Changfeng and Vanessa, but that they were originally together.

The prime minister's calculations are too deep.

This time, under the banner of righteousness, Luo Ya called on all the warlords in the kingdom to fight for the king.

If Luo Ya can't control the situation and cause the coalition forces to collapse, she will no longer be a threat in the future.

If Luo Ya is very lucky, he rescues his parents by accident.

The two shadow demons can also take advantage of the opportunity to lurk beside Luo Ya, using family affection as a bond, and controlling both the coalition army and Luo Ya.

No matter what kind of result it is, it will be a huge profit for Adam.

Only Luo Ya was played in the palm of his hand.

Yuyi also broke out in a cold sweat, as expected, he couldn't underestimate the old silver coin.

"Where are you keeping the real king and queen?" Yuyi looked at the two shadow demons with a gloomy expression.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, although we are very weak, but if we want to run, no one can stop us."

" idiot, you can try running away and see if you can get out of the barrier?"

The two shadow demons immediately turned into a cloud of smoke, trying to escape.

"Boom!" x 2

There were two impacts on the barrier, followed by two muffled groans.

"Damn it, the Shadow Demon clan can ignore the enchantment formation, how can there be an enchantment that can stop us?" The Shadow Demon in the form of Luo Changfeng roared angrily.

"Boy, what is your identity?"

Vanessa also stared at Yuyi viciously, wishing to swallow his flesh and drink his blood.

Yu Yi sneered and said, "You don't need to know, should you choose to cooperate now, or be killed?"

"Hmph... so what if we are trapped? Can you still hit me? Shadow Demon is not just joking about being invisible."

Yu Yi was too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party, and threw a few runes in his hand.



"Ho... bastard, what kind of monster are you? Why did the attack hit me?" Shadow Demon Luo Changfeng roared angrily.

Its body was covered with wisps of purple electric current, emitting black smoke, which was quite painful.

The two shadow demons really want to catch Yuyi and threaten him to open the barrier.

But Yuyi was protected by experts, the two shadow demons couldn't even get close to him, let alone catch him.




"no! No! Please……"

Yuyi turned into Professor Yang, and used the purple thunderbolt to kill the two shadow demons.

"Stop the electricity, I'm convinced, I'm convinced." Luo Changfeng hurriedly waved his hand to stop him.

If the power goes down, they will really be finished.

Vanessa was already lying on the ground hopelessly, breathing black smoke from her mouth, as if she had seen through the world of mortals.

Yu Yi couldn't help but twitch his mouth when he saw the miserable condition of the two Shadow Demons.

It is not without reason that Professor Yang is so famous.

Jiang Zhengyang and the others also had their eyelids twitching.

Among the several masters, it is not that they do not have the ability of the lightning system.

But they all understand that the thunder summoned by ordinary thunder cultivators are all silver-white, and they are useless against Shadow Demons at all.

Otherwise, Shadow Demon would not be so unscrupulous.

The only thing that can harm the Shadow Demon is divine power.

"Can we cooperate now?" Yuyi looked down at the two monsters lying on the ground.

Luo Changfeng nodded feebly.

"What are your names? Why are you pretending to be king and queen, and what role does Edm play in it?"

"My name is Ha Wu, and the person next to me is Ha De, this time entering the Kingdom of Holy Angels is the decision of the high-ranking adults in the Asura Domain.

The main task is to pretend to be the king and queen to cooperate with the plan of Prime Minister Edham.

As for the specific content of the plan, in my capacity, I have no right to know.

We are just two small shrimps, and Prime Minister Edmu is the one who directly communicates with the high-level officials. "

"Where are the king and queen kept? Could it be that they have been killed?"

"I don't know, the two of them have already been transferred away by Edham.

In my estimation, the real Luo Changfeng and Vanessa are probably still somewhere in the capital.

If something unexpected happens to me and Harder, they can continue to be the backup. "

"Who is your superior? Are you also in the Kingdom of Holy Angels?"

"Without a superior, we somehow got an order from the high-level to come to the Kingdom to carry out missions.

As for whether there are any big figures from the Shura clan hiding in the dark, I don't know. "

"Ha Wu, what method did you use to escape the palace's detection formation?"

"At the beginning, Edm gave each of us a jade talisman. It is said that if we wear it on our bodies, as long as we don't take the initiative to expose it, even if the holy order comes to check it out, we won't be able to find any problems."

"I see."

Yuyi rubbed his chin in thought.

The two shadow demons in front of them are low in strength, and their status in the Shura clan is definitely not very high, they are considered to be in the middle and lower ranks.

It's not worthwhile to control them.

But killing them directly is even less cost-effective.

Sigh... Anyway, I can make contract scrolls, so I'm not afraid to control a few more minions.

Yuyi thought of this, and took out a contract scroll.

When Jiang Zhengyang and the others saw the contract scroll, their eyelids twitched even more.

They are controlled by the contract scroll and become involuntary.

Seeing that the two Shadow Demons were about to have the same encounter, they couldn't help showing sympathy.

"I believe I don't need to say too much, you should also know what the scroll is, and sign your name."

When the two shadow demons saw the master-servant contract in Yuyi's hand, they couldn't help but change their colors.

They all know that after signing the contract, life and death are not up to them, so they want to refuse in words.

However, the opponent's left hand kept flashing purple thunder, and when the words came to his mouth, he choked back abruptly.

Chapter 103 Conquering the Shadow Demons, Allied Forces Withdraw

With humiliation on their faces, Hawu and Harde signed the master-servant contract.

The contract takes effect.

Yu Yi glanced at the two of them, "You change back to Luo Changfeng and Vanessa, and continue pretending to be king and queen.

Find a chance to avoid the search team and return to the Emerald City, lurking beside Edm, and scouting for information.

As for the reason why you returned alone, don't I need to help you find excuses? "

"Yes, Master."

Harvey and Hader were king and queen again, only a little embarrassed.

"Master, don't worry, Haru will take care of everything."

"hope so."

The two shadow demons left the barrier and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Yuyi did not leave, but waited in place.

Not long after, a team arrived.

All five of them are seventh-order powerhouses.

They were the team that went after the vultures.

"Han Yu, how's the mission going?" Yu Yi hurriedly asked.

Han Yu is a representative of the group of reckless people in the Emerald Leader.

"Report to my lord, the task of honoring the mission has been completed, and this subordinate cut off one of the vulture's arms, and snatched Yuan Jie back without any hassle."

Yu Yi took Yuan Jie and continued to ask: "Did the other party discover the flaw?"

"My lord, please don't worry, the subordinates acted in the name of Yang An, and they didn't show their faces during the whole process."

"Very good, hard work."

"Han Yu, Lao Jiang, let's go back."

"Yes, my lord!" x 2

Yuyi led the team to avoid the search team along the way, and quietly returned to the camp of the Chinese army.

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