"Page, how long have you been in charge of the Law Enforcement Hall?"

"Reporting to my lord, it has been more than 15 years."

"Well, how long have you been with the old man?"


"Very well, there is one thing for you to do. If it is done, we can move closer to our goal."

"Yes, please give orders from the Great Elder."


In the sacrificial hall, Yuyi was teaching a group of big and small radish heads.

Sensing the arrival of the Holy Son outside the temple, he hurriedly stopped teaching.

"Yuyao, the Holy Son is here, you can deal with it yourself later. I can't expose my god yet, I will pretend to be your follower and mix in the team, so as not to attract Lu Cangqiong's attention."

"Yes, Lord Lord God." Jiang Yuyao saluted.

With other people present, Jiang Yuyao looked very mature and steady.

If he hadn't known the character of this little loli long ago, Yuyi might have been deceived by her serious appearance.

The door was pushed open, and the holy son walked into the sacrificial temple with his left and right arms around a beautiful woman.

Shengzi is only 13 years old, not yet 14 years old, and his height is already 1.7 meters five.

It is estimated that by the time of adulthood, it will definitely exceed 1.8 meters, which is more than enough to hug two women.

His hands were dishonestly pinching the upturned parts behind the two women.

It caused the two women's complexions to turn crimson, and spring light to flow in their eyes.

The Holy Son embraced left and right at a young age, which is really envious of others.

Yuyi felt like he had picked several catties of lemons, why is there such a big gap between people?

He can be regarded as a god anyway, although he is a false god, he is still a god, isn't he?

As a god, you don't have the opportunity to hug left and right, even inferior to mortals, it's just embarrassing.

He looked at the sky speechlessly, and he didn't know when he would realize his beautiful wish of hugging left and right?

Jiang Yuyao said disgustedly: "Holy Son, why are you here again? Haven't you been scolded enough last time? It's really disgusting, and you changed two more escorts? It's really a dog who can't change eating shit."

Shengzi has regained his former self-confidence, and he doesn't care about Jiang Yuyao's sarcasm and disgust.

He smiled and said: "Hey... Yuyao, don't say that. I heard that you gathered a large group of people to gather in the temple, so I came here to see what's going on. After all, the godhead of the Lord God is still here. .”

"Hmph, don't call me so kind, please call my post saint, or my name, Yuyao is not something you can call."

"It's not your turn to tell me what the saint is doing here."

Lu Xiao, the holy son, had a bad nose in front of Jiang Yuyao, so he could only look away embarrassingly.

He swept across the more than 30 children present with a majestic look, and said in an unquestionable tone: "Which of you will tell me, what are you doing in the temple during this time?"

Lu Xiao had no choice but to pay attention to Jiang Yuyao, so he could only focus on other people.

Chapter 12 Cleaning Up the Traitors

Due to the difference in status, Lu Xiao believed that everyone present would not dare to reject him.

More than 30 big and small radish heads are very afraid of the power of the Holy Son in the church, and dare not look directly at the place.

The lord god was watching by his side, even though they had the courage to reveal their secrets.

Richard's eyes flickered. After experiencing the last incident, he already had the idea of ​​switching to the camp of the Son of God, but he didn't dare to take action.

With the existence of Lord God, exposing himself is tantamount to seeking his own death.

However, the lord god seems to dislike him, which puts him in a dilemma.

Yuyi saw everything in his eyes, and Richard really couldn't stay, this guy was a rebellious guy by nature.

Jiang Yuyao snorted coldly: "Hmph, the Holy Son is so powerful, they are all followers of this Holy Maiden, and it's not your turn to tell me what to do."

Su Kexin and many radish heads, big and small, found the backbone, and ran behind the saint.

The Holy Son and the others can't afford to offend them for the time being, but with the Holy Maiden as their backer, the Holy Son doesn't dare to do anything to them.

Lu Xiao waved his hand casually and said, "Your Majesty, don't be angry. I just ask casually. If you don't want to say it, we won't force you."

"You guys just continue to play house in the temple, we still have to play with the beauty, so don't bother."

The Holy Son strode out of the hall with two beauties in his arms.

Jiang Yuyao didn't notice at all, Lu Xiao's eyes flashed the moment he turned around, and he gave Richard a meaningful look.

Obviously, the Holy Son's observation ability is also meticulous.

During the conversation just now, Lu Xiao had observed more than 30 radish heads, big and small, and locked on the best target to break through by the way.

Yu Yi couldn't help feeling that there was no one in the Black Lotus Sect who was a fuel-efficient lamp.

Shengzi Luxiao's character is not good, even despicable, but his ability is not bad at all.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to determine the target of wooing and differentiation through various side effects in such a short period of time.

After the Holy Son left, Yuyi also waved away many big and small carrot heads, leaving only the Holy Maiden.

Yu Yi stared at Jiang Yuyao for a while, then said, "Yuyao, tell me what you think about what happened just now."

Jiang Yuyao smiled and said, "Brother Yu, I guess the Holy Son was sent by Lu Cangqiong to find out information. We have made a lot of big moves these days, and the other party obviously wants to find out our purpose."

Yuyi nodded noncommittally, "What else?"

"Hmm... the Holy Son seems to be changing women non-stop, but his cultivation has not dropped at all. He has reached Lv.29 now, and he will break through to level 30 soon."

"Um, any more?"

"Well..., no more?"

"Hehe... Yuyao, you are still too young, haven't you realized that the Holy Son has found a target, and is planning to plant a nail by your side?"

Jiang Yuyao turned pale with shock, "Huh? Who is it? Could it be that someone wants to betray us?"

"Who else? Have you forgotten what happened to Richard last time?"

"Brother Yu, are you saying that Richard wants to be a traitor?"

"Well, I guess it's quite possible. Yuyao, find a few trusted people and focus on monitoring Richard. This guy is likely to secretly defect."

"Okay, brother fish."


Ten days passed in a flash.

During this time, the Holy Son really came into contact with Richard.

Richard also hit the snake with the stick and got mixed up with the Son secretly.

He was also very afraid of Yuyi's majesty, and he didn't dare to reveal the secret.

However, Richard had never seen Yu Yi make a real move, and he still had doubts about the ability of the gods.

Rebellion is a matter of time.

Knowing that the crisis is approaching, Yuyi has been researching the method of erasing memory without sleep.

The Holy Son is really not a fuel-efficient lamp. He not only tempted Richard with various powers and money, but even sent beauties to lure Richard with beauties.

The purpose was to find out the purpose of the saint Jiang Yuyao gathering everyone in the temple of priests.

Richard needs to go to the temple every day to receive the teachings of his Lord God, and Yuyi's meaningful eyes made his heart tremble, making him even more afraid to expose it in front of the Holy Son.

His heart was tormented, on the one hand he couldn't bear all kinds of sugar-coated cannonball temptations from the Holy Son, on the other hand he was afraid of Yuyi's obliteration, and fell into a dilemma.

After ten days, Yuyi finally learned the method of erasing memories, and impatiently asked Jiang Yuyao to bring Richard to the sacrificial temple.

Apart from Yuyi, Jiang Yuyao and Richard, there was no one else in the temple.

Yu Yi said solemnly: "Richard, do you know your mistake?"

Fan Bone Boy's heart tightened, his expression was terrified, his legs were weak and he knelt down on the ground, and he said in a trembling tone: "Richard is stupid, I don't know what the Lord God said?"

Yu Yi sneered and said, "Hmph, originally the god had high hopes for you, hoping that you would find your way back, but I didn't expect you to be so stubborn. Holy lady, come and tell Richard, what mistake did he make?"

"Yes, Lord God."

Jiang Yuyao cooperated and said, "Richard, in ten days, you had private contact with the Holy Son more than five times, and you received money from him, and you even had two beautiful beauties."

"You know that the Holy Son is the enemy of the Holy Maiden, but you have not refused the benefits offered by the other party."

"If you hadn't been concerned about the punishment of the Master God, I'm afraid you have completely exposed the secrets of our Time and Space God Sect to the Holy Son?"

Richard's face turned pale when he heard the words, but he was finally exposed.

Sure enough, in front of the gods and lords, all petty actions and carelessness seemed so ridiculous.

Richard grabbed the ground with his head and begged for mercy: "My lord, my lord, please spare Richard this time."

"Although Richard accepted the benefits of the Holy Son, he never thought of exposing the secrets of our Space-Time God Sect."

"Even if you gave Richard a hundred guts, he wouldn't dare to betray Lord God."

Yu Yi shook his head and sighed, "Oh, this god has not only given you a chance, every time you go to the temple to receive teaching, this god will take a special look at you, just to hope that you will find your way back."

"But you didn't pay attention to it once, which really disappointed me."

"Is the benefit of the Holy Son so easy to take? You don't understand the principle of 'eat people's mouths are soft, but people's hands are short'?"

"This god will not commit suicide without permission, but will erase your memory, and you will no longer be a member of the Space-Time God Sect in the future."

Richard's face was ashen, and he regretted his greed extremely in his heart.

If he didn't have a greedy heart, he wouldn't be what he is now.

The Time and Space God Sect has a main god sitting in the town, which is far a thousand times better than what the Holy Son promised.

No matter how many benefits Lu Xiao gave him, how much could it compare to the benefits of being with the Lord God?

He knew that he was too greedy after all. Desire ruined his future and his life.

Richard watched Yuyi approaching, with a terrified expression, but he didn't dare to resist at all.

Before God, any resistance is futile.

Yuyi put his hand on top of Richard's head, and exuded divine power, preventing him from moving and preventing Richard from jumping over the wall in a hurry.

He used the secret method of erasing memory learned in the Godhead Crystal to erase all Richard's memories about the Time and Space God Sect and about him.

Even Jiang Wentian and Lu Cangqiong could not restore the memory that was erased with the help of the power of the Godhead Crystal.

Richard's body twitched a few times, and he fell unconscious on the ground.

"Finally, a hidden danger has been solved." Yu Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Yu has worked hard."

"Well, you sent Richard back to your residence secretly, remember not to expose it."

"Okay, brother fish."

After getting rid of Richard, Yuyi felt relieved.

Without the ticking time bomb of Richard, he can practice and teach Jiang Yuyao with peace of mind.

It won't be long before the Son discovers that Richard, whom he has spent so much effort to win over, knows nothing of the so-called secret.

Even the gatherings of the Time and Space God Sect cannot be attended.

I don't know how the Holy Son will feel?

The furious Son of God is likely to kill Richard directly.

If it wasn't for Richard being too greedy, he would definitely have a bright future with Yuyi, instead of being a dog of the Son of God who comes and goes when he is called.

However, none of this has anything to do with Yuyi.

He lives a daily practice, teaching big and small radish heads a simple and interesting life.


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