Luo Ya has also heard about the situation in the three territories.

The Youshui Territory where the Grand Duke of Youshui is located is an important grain production base of the kingdom and one of the three major granaries of the kingdom.

The lord of Youshui is also surnamed Luo, and he is also a descendant of the royal family.

It's just that Lord Youshui is a collateral descendant, and Luo Ya is the only direct descendant left.

The Sunset Territory is the kingdom's most important source of ores. The territory is rich in iron ore, gold mines, and other alchemy material mines.

More than half of the armor, weapons and other raw materials of the kingdom's army come from the sunset collar.

Emerald has the Emerald Forest, which is rich in Yuan Nu, Yuan Jing, and various herbal medicines. It is the origin of the kingdom's cultivation resources.

"As long as we get rid of the lords of these three places and control their armies, we will monopolize nearly half of the resources of the entire kingdom.

And because of the geographical advantages, the three territories will encircle the capital, which will help us conquer the capital.

Other generals who wait and see have to rely on us for food, weapons and equipment, training resources and other materials.

In this way, it also has a non-negligible effect on stabilizing the border situation.

At that time, even if the Generalissimo wants to turn against the water, we will have the capital to resist. "

Yuyi gestured on the map with a teaching stick in his hand, telling the whole plan.

He tried his best to help Luo Ya, not just for mission rewards.

There is another more important factor. After Luoya takes control of the Kingdom of Holy Angels, Yuyi can use her identity to change the belief of the entire kingdom.

At that time, he will gain a steady stream of believers, and the power of the Time and Space God Sect will expand unprecedentedly.

When Luo Ya saw her master's Divine Wisdom Bead in her hand, pointing Jiangshan, her pretty face flushed and her heart surged.

"Luoya, do you now understand the importance of the three territories?"

"Yes, Brother Yi. Which territory shall we start with?"

"Take the Grand Duke of Youshui first. As long as you control the leader of Youshui, we will have money and food, and have the capital to rise."


After discussing the detailed battle plan, the two quietly left the secret base, escaped from the royal city, and rushed towards Youshuiling.

Youshui Ling is not very far from the capital, and it takes more than ten days to arrive.

The two didn't lead their men, but acted alone, rushing all the way to Youshui collar.

What he saw and heard along the way made Luo Ya fall into silence.

She has never been out of the royal capital Tarot City before, and she is completely ignorant of the outside world.

Apart from the slums in the royal capital, ordinary people do not suffer from poor clothing and food.

Youshui Ling is the kingdom's granary, and the people living here are not to mention rich and healthy, at least they don't have to worry about food and clothing.

However, what Luo Ya saw was completely opposite.

Few of the golden rice fields along the way belonged to the common people, and all of them became the private property of Lord Youshui.

A large number of people were starved to the point of emaciation, and their clothes were poor.

It is hard to imagine that this is the current situation of the residents of a food producing area.

What has the lord of Youshui tossed a wealthy territory into?

"Luo Ya, now that you understand that a person who is not worthy of virtue occupies an important position, how terrible will it be?

Do you still insist that blood is an important proof of being in a high position? "

"I'm sorry, Brother Yi, it's Xiaoya who is narrow-minded. If she is a sage who has both ability and political integrity and is good at governing the country, Xiaoya will persuade her father and queen mother to abdicate and give up the throne."

"Xiaoya, it's great that you have a new understanding, and it's not in vain for me to guide you with all my heart.

We will talk about this later, we need to consider how to sneak into the heavily guarded castle of the Grand Duke of Stillwater and kill him.

And how to deal with the mess left after his death, and gather the army in the territory. "

"Yeah, I got it."

Chapter 93 Fishing Plan

The two disguised themselves as adventurers passing by Youshui collar, and they were not afraid of being discovered.

After being checked by the guards at the gate of Youshui City, they entered Youshui City.

The scene in Youshui City is not much better than outside the city, and the residents are also panicked, everyone is vigilant.

stomping on...

A large group of city guards went to the bulletin board where the bulletin board was posted, and pasted a notice on it.

Residents gathered around to join in the fun.

Yuyi also mixed in the crowd to watch.

"The lord has an order: a beauty pageant will be held in half a month, and all unmarried women in Youshui can participate. If they are selected by the Grand Duke, they will have the opportunity to become the noble Mrs. Youshui."

The leading guard captain read the contents of the notice aloud.

"What? Lord Youshui is going to be in a beauty pageant again? Didn't you just choose one last year?"

"Sigh... I'm afraid you don't know that every year Lord Youshui uses the name of a beauty pageant to recruit a group of beauties to flood the harem."

"Lord Youshui is very good at playing, why does he want so many beauties? Can the body bear it?"

"Who knows? Anyway, there are many beauties who enter Youshui Castle every year, but most of them don't survive a year.

The following year, when the girl's family members went to the mass grave, nine out of ten they would see the dead bodies of their relatives. "

"Hiss... Since entering is death, why do so many people participate every year? Don't those women give up their lives for the sake of glory and wealth? It's unbelievable!"

"How could it be possible to participate willingly? It was a strong order from the lord that all unmarried people of the right age must participate. If there is any concealment, the whole family will be executed together."

"That's right. In the past, there were quite a few families who were unwilling to push their daughters into the pit of fire, secretly hiding them, or finding someone else to marry them in advance."

"But after being found out, the entire family was executed, and the daughter was also taken to the castle, and even the married man's family would suffer.

Over time, no one dared to operate in secret, and only after the lord had finished the selection would he dare to marry his daughter. "

"It's really a crime, when will such a day be the end?"

"Hush! Keep your voices down, the guards are still here, if you want to die, don't affect your family."

"Cough...cough...that's very true, this matter cannot be discussed indiscriminately."


Before the matter was over, the captain of the guard pasted the second notice on the wall, and continued to mutter: "Your lord has ordered that the border area is unstable recently, and there are signs of invasion by the enemy country.

The border is about to go to war. In order to support the army of the kingdom, Youshui collar will increase the tax revenue by three levels this year, and it will be implemented from now on. "

"Wow... still let people live?"

"Yeah, it's too much, and there is no way for people to survive."

"Last year's taxation has already raised eight tiers, which has overwhelmed all families, and three more tiers have been added, which has exceeded ten tiers.

Let’s not only hand in all of our harvest for a year, but even part of it. Which family can spend so much money? "

"Damn Lord Youshui, you should go to hell sooner."


After the second announcement came out, the crowd became even more furious.

"It is forbidden to slander the lord, if anyone resists, he will be killed without mercy!"


The guards drew their weapons and aimed at the complaining crowd.

There was a moment of silence, and no one dared to denounce Lord Youshui again.

"Huh... a bunch of mud legs." The captain of the guard snorted disdainfully, and led the team away with pride.

The common people looked at the guards going away, a trace of hatred flashed in their eyes.

After all, they couldn't fight against the army, so they could only grit their teeth and find a way to collect taxes.

In the ancient times of the earth in the previous life, ordinary people could rise up and become masters in the face of oppression by the rulers.

However, in the extraordinary world, there are strong people who suppress the world, and ordinary people have no way to resist.

No matter how many people rise up, it will be futile to face the suppression of the strong.

Yuyi pulled Luo Ya away quietly.

in a hotel.

"Hmph...that's really disgusting. Lord Youshui has only been a lord for a few years, and he is about to toss the leader of Youshui like a hell on earth.

If you let him fiddle with it for a few more years, I am afraid that Youshui leader will be gone. "

Luo Ya's pretty face flushed with anger.

Yu Yi waved his hands calmly, "It's normal, when desires and ambitions break away from the shackles of morality, they will turn into demons."

"Brother Yi, what should we do? Lord Youshui used his power to search for money and recruited many masters, and his own strength is not bad.

Let's not talk about whether we can get past the guards of many experts and get close to Lord Youshui. Even if we get close to him, we may not be able to kill him. "

Yuyi pondered for a few seconds, and said: "Let's start with Locke, the ninth son of Lord Youshui, to start the layout.

Locke is about the same age as you, and his strength is not strong, but he is Lord Youshui's favorite son.

If we control him, the movement resistance will be much smaller.

Moreover, Locke's personality is similar to that of the Lord of Youshui. He often runs rampant in Youshui City and even robs the women of the people.

We just need to wait for Locke to come out of the castle, and then find a chance to deal with him. "

"Okay, Brother Yi."

The two of Yuyi waited for three days.

"Ah! Help!" A blond girl fled in a hurry on the street.

Behind him was a sleazy young man and a bunch of guards.

This person is the ninth son of Lord Youshui, Locke.

"Hahahaha...Little beauty, don't run away, come and play with brother!"

Locke laughed unscrupulously, as if enjoying a game of cat and mouse.

"Hey...Master Locke has a very special hobby. He always makes ignorant girls scream in panic."

"Hmph, who made the other party have a good father?"

"Zhang Bao, don't be angry, didn't you gain a lot of benefits by following Master Locke?"

"Am I taking advantage of that? I'm doing my duty."


Two fifth-tier masters were teasing each other.

They are masters of Lord Youshui's arrangements for personal protection of Locke.

In addition, there is a team of personal guards accompanying him.

Locke and his guards may not have imagined that the blond girl with a blank expression and shouting for help in front of her was the wanted princess.

"You idiot, can you be a little emotional when you read your lines? Don't shout dryly, your expression should be panicked, and your voice should tremble with fear."

Yu Yi hated that iron could not be made into steel, and corrected Luo Ya in his mind.

"Brother Yi, Xiaoya can't learn."

"Then why were you scared when you were chased by the palace guards? Hurry up and bring yourself into the scene at that time, and change your facial expressions quickly, otherwise the other party will find something is wrong no matter how stupid they are."


Luo Ya reluctantly changed her facial expression, and her voice of calling for help became much more real.

The current situation is naturally dominated by Yuyi.

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