Many strong men are talking in low voices.

Eyes of undisguised greed.

"Sigh... I don't know who the left arm of the evil god will end up with?" Looking at the left arm of the evil god who was waving wildly in the array of formations, Yu Yi secretly sighed.

He knew very well in his heart that with his current strength, he didn't have the slightest chance of competing for the evil god's left arm.

Can only stay in the dark waiting for the final winner.

Even if someone gets the left arm of the evil god, it is impossible to refine it in a short time.

Yuyi only needs to remember the strong man who got the evil god's left arm, and wait for the next month when he can use the holy magic, and then go to grab it back in an open and honest manner.

"Ants, you all deserve to die!"

The evil god's remnant consciousness was completely berserk, controlling the left arm to bombard the rune chain and formation barrier regardless of the cost.

A large number of rune chains shattered in response, and the formation enchantment also couldn't resist the mighty power of the gods.

"Quickly, strengthen the enchantment and add runes. If we wait for the arm to escape, we will all be finished." Dia shouted.

No matter whether it is a master of the Black Lotus Sect or a strong person from all forces, there is no hesitation.

They sacrificed their housekeeping skills one after another, shared the pressure of the enchantment rune, and jointly suppressed the left arm of the evil god.

Everyone is well aware of the consequences of the evil god's left arm being freed from the trap.

If they don't want to become puppets and be crushed to death, they must do their best to suppress the evil god's left arm.

Many strong men joined in, and the left arm of the evil god was quickly suppressed.

Rune chains imprisoned him again to prevent the arm from destroying the enchantment formation.

"Roar! You hateful ants, bullying this god's remnant body, and when this god is out of trouble, I will definitely pull out your souls, so that you can't live or die."

The evil god's harsh tone also made everyone's hearts chill.

The two sides started a tug of war.

When the enemy retreats, we advance, and when the enemy advances, we retreat.

The sealing process lasted for five full days.

During this period, many adventurers arrived here, including many strong ones.

In order to get the left arm of the evil god, they joined the team one after another and strengthened the seal together.

With the addition of many new forces, no matter how furious the residual consciousness in the left arm of the evil god is, it still cannot escape the fate of being sealed.

During this period, a large number of powerful people were obliterated by the evil god's terrifying ability.

Many powerhouses are terrified.

After the evil god's left arm was completely sealed, it retracted from a length of several hundred meters to the size of a normal arm.

However, the magic pattern on it is still clear and weird.

Looking at the left arm of the evil god floating in mid-air, everyone showed greedy eyes.

No one took the lead.

At this time, if someone dares to fight for it, they will be besieged by everyone, and there will be no bones left in an instant.

"We can't always confront each other like this. We have to find a way to solve the problem."

"Is there any way, I believe everyone here, no one is willing to give up the opportunity to compete for the left arm of the evil god."

"If there is no group arena, whoever wins to the end will own the left arm?"

"You're thinking about farting, obviously your strength is higher than others, aren't you creating opportunities for yourself?"

"That's right, the group arena is too unfriendly to the weaker ones, I don't agree."

"Then what should we do? How about rolling the dice? Whoever has the most points will get the evil god's left arm?"

"No, my luck has always been very bad. Whether it is building equipment or strengthening equipment, I have never succeeded. He is known as the great chief of Tianyuan. It is too bad to roll the dice."

"Pfft... Great Chief, brother's luck is really amazing."

"This doesn't work, and that doesn't work? Is it possible to just watch?"

"It's so much nonsense, the fight is over. Everyone fights, and whoever grabs the evil god's left arm will own it."

"Duck rush!"


A great melee broke out.

Swords and swords are everywhere in the foggy forest, and energy is flying around.

Slices of trees were crushed under the aftermath of energy and turned into dust.

The primordial beast hiding in the forest was unwilling to be lonely and joined the melee.

The misty forest is in chaos, and no place is safe.

Yuyi was also affected and had to be moved.

The battle of the century was fierce. In order to compete for the left arm of the evil god, all the forces showed all their cards.

On the battlefield, Yuan beasts roared, puppets raged, explosions continued, and energy flew.

The forces on all sides suffered heavy casualties.

Xu Wenbin, Flame Saber, Luo Xuewei, Ice Fairy, Hals, Thunder Slayer, and dozens of strong men fought against the Black Lotus Sect.

Dia, Ghost Scholar, Dao Scar and others are not far behind.

Neither side admits defeat.

When you are fighting with your opponents, you should be alert to other people's sneak attacks. The battlefield is chaotic.

"Brother Yu, Brother Yu, Yuyao is calling for you."

Yu Yi hid in a corner to enjoy free blockbuster movies, but suddenly received a call from Jiang Yuyao.

He hastily separated a ray of soul, remotely controlled the godhead crystal, and projected it into the temple.

"Yuyao, what's the matter with you?"

Yu Yi smiled knowingly when he saw Jiang Yuyao who hadn't seen him for a long time.

"Brother Yu, the leader's father has found out the plan of the great elder. According to ancient records, the misty forest is indeed a sealed place for the remnants of evil gods.

The Great Elder deliberately released the news in order to lure the forces of all parties to gather together, and then blood sacrifice a large number of intelligent creatures to break the seal and release the evil god's remnant body. "


"Brother Yu, why don't you speak?"

"Yuyao, your news came too late, the evil god's left arm has been released, and I'm right there."

"Well... what, this girl spent a lot of energy to inquire about the news, but she did nothing."

The little girl pouted, very dissatisfied.

Yu Yi couldn't help laughing, and rubbed her little head to show comfort.


"Why didn't Lu Cangqiong and Jiang Jiaozhu show up for such an important matter? Are they really relieved to leave this matter to their subordinates?"

"The leader's father originally wanted to go to sit in the township, but was stopped by the elder, and even the deputy leader was restrained by the elder's people.

None of the masters from the main altar came out, only the sub-altars closest to the misty forest came out in full force. "

"Really? Why did the leader Jiang and the deputy leader agree with Lu Cangqiong's actions? Aren't they afraid that the evil god's left arm will be snatched away by other forces in the mainland?"

"Yu Yao doesn't know either, it is said that the Great Elder has already arranged everything, and it is impossible for external forces to snatch the evil god's left arm.

Moreover, the Great Elder deliberately used all the power of his own faction to restrain his father and the deputy leader, making them useless. "

Chapter 84

Yuyi lowered his head in thought.

The masters of the main altar did not come out, so why did Lu Cangqiong think that there were no masters of the holy rank who could snatch the left arm of the evil god?

Could it be that he still has some hidden means?

Lu Cangqiong is not that kind of arrogant person, on the contrary he is very cautious in doing things.

These years, the Great Elder has made the whole Black Lotus Sect a mess, but Jiang Wentian didn't catch the slightest clue, which is enough to prove his cunning and cunning.

Yu Yi didn't believe that Lu Cangqiong would be negligent in such a big matter as the evil god's left arm.

There must be secrets that he doesn't know about.

"I see, you continue to inquire about the news. The foggy forest is very chaotic at the moment, I need to concentrate on dealing with it, so I won't talk to you more."

"Okay, Brother Yu. Be careful and remember to come back to see Yuyao often."


Yuyi's consciousness returned, and he continued to pay attention to the battlefield.


A strange fluctuation echoed in the foggy forest.

At that moment, members of all forces felt a great pressure, and their own strength was also suppressed.

"No, why can't I use the energy in my body?"

"Hey! My strength has also been suppressed."

"What's going on? Could it be that there are other forces hiding in the dark?"

"Fuck, I found the reason. There is a black energy in my body, and it is restraining the energy in my body."

"I have it in me too."

"Fack, there is something wrong with the black mist of that Guardian Beast."

"Hasn't the Guardian Beast been beaten away?"

"We have already inhaled the black mist, but it just didn't explode."


The powerhouses of all parties panicked.

In a chaotic battlefield, declining strength means death.

Yuyi, who was hiding in the dark, was also shocked. He hurriedly checked himself, and sure enough, he found a lot of black energy in the energized body.

"Hiss... Black Mist really has a problem, when he transformed into the peak of the holy rank, he forgot to check himself, damn it.

The strange fluctuation just now is probably the key to stimulate the black energy. "

Yuyi cursed in a low voice, and hastily mobilized the power of the godhead crystal to clean up the weird black energy.

The black energy is very strange, facing the crushing of the godhead crystal, but it has no way to resist, and it is quickly cleaned up.

Yu Yi let out a long breath, and a big stone fell from his heart.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie... Did you find out now? It's already too late." Dia laughed strangely.

The ghost scholar echoed, "It's still the Great Elder who is wise and has already figured everything out."

"Hahahaha... you guys did a good job, this mission was completed successfully, I am very pleased."

A space door suddenly opened on the sky, and hearty laughter came from the door.

blah blah blah...

A huge monster's head protruded from the space door, followed by a huge body.

The monster is the guardian beast that has disappeared for a long time.

On the back of the guardian beast stood a man in black robe holding a scepter and wearing a mask.

A large number of cultists followed behind him.

Yuyi: "???"

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