The sacrifices of all ethnic groups in the mainland are destined to return disappointed.

The various tribes offered sacrifices several times, exhausting all their foundations, but no response from the gods of the heavens was seen.

They didn't understand that the world of Tianyuan Continent was abandoned by the heavens.

No one will come to save the various races on the mainland.

All ethnic groups in the mainland have fallen into a desperate situation.

Many races simply choose to lie flat and stop struggling.

When the Shura tribe's army arrives, they will worship at the worst.

Only a few people with lofty ideals are still actively running to contact various ethnic groups.

They were unwilling to submit to the Shura clan and linger on their last legs, so they decided to fight to the death.

Even if it is death, it must die vigorously.

Chapter 705 Asura God General VS Time and Space God Sect

After the Shura tribe conquered the South, North, and Central continents, the three armies advanced side by side.

Attack the Eastern Continent from three directions.

Star Meteor City stands in the east, south, and center, the junction of the three continents, and its strategic location is very important.

More than 100 years ago, when the Shura faction swept the Tianyuan Continent, Xingyun City was lucky to escape the war because of its special geographical location.

Star Meteor City became a refuge for refugees of all ethnic groups in the mainland, and gradually grew stronger.

This time, Star Meteor City faced pressure from the two Asura armies from the Southern Continent and the Central Ancient Continent, and could no longer stay out of the matter.

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Star Meteor City was besieged by two legions, and the pressure was very high.

The city lord, Ao Cangtian, wanted to ask Tu Shan for help, so he asked Tu Shanxue to help him.

However, Tu Shan had been relocated as a whole, and Tu Shanxue participated in the defense of Xingyue Island, so he couldn't leave at all.

Ao Cangtian can only lead the people of Xingyun City to fight against the two armies of the Shura tribe alone.

After more than a year of war, Xingyue Island was still unbroken.

The evil god also seemed to be in a hurry, he knew that the longer the time dragged on, the greater the chance of the black crystal being refined.

Both the black crystal and the white crystal are his treasures, he cannot give them to the enemy???????????????????

Under the order of the evil god, the gods of the Shura clan will attack one after another.

General Destroyer and others began a massive attack on Xingyue Island.

In order to deal with the god generals of the Shura tribe, Jiang Yuyao decisively ordered the god-level powerhouses of the Time and Space God Sect to attack and prevent the enemies from entering Xingyue Island.

The gods of the Shura clan are all god-level, and it is impossible for the Time-Space God Sect to send god-level powerhouses to die.

The ones dispatched were also god-level powerhouses.

However, there are not many god-level powerhouses of the Time and Space God Sect.

Including Tu Shan and Pseudo-Tianting, there are only more than 30 god-level powerhouses.

There are more than 50 god-level gods on the side of the god of destruction.

The huge gap in numbers between the two sides meant that many experts from the Space-Time God Sect had to fight against two with one.

Jiang Yuyao, Luo Ya, Bai Xiaomeng, Tu Shanxue, and Black and White Yu must deal with the five half-step main god-level giants such as the God of Destruction.

Qu Hanyan is the owner of Xingyue Island, who needs to control the Xingyue Temple and preside over the Xingyue Formation.

She has no spare energy to intervene in the god-level battlefield.

Xuan Qiushui, who lives in seclusion in Xuanshui, also joined the battle.

She appeared on the battlefield again, fighting for the Time and Space God Cult.

More than 50 god generals and more than 30 god-level powerhouses from the Time-Space Alliance broke out on the East China Sea outside Xingyue Island.

The rules of heaven and earth in the East China Sea have been transformed by the evil god into the rules of the heavens, so that the aftermath of the battle will not spread to other places.

All the Shura troops withdrew to the war fortress to avoid being destroyed by the aftermath.

The gods on both sides let go of the fight.

The area covered by the rules of the heavenly world in the East China Sea was destroyed, and the sea water was evaporated, exposing the dark seabed.

The starry sky corresponding to the East China Sea was also unavoidable. A large number of stars were swept away by the aftermath, deviated from their original trajectories, and fell from the starry sky into the East China Sea.

The East China Sea ushered in a disaster of annihilation.

The East China Sea Dragon Palace is hidden in the dimensional space on the bottom of the East China Sea, and it is far away from the area where Xingyue Island is located.

Long before the start of the war, Donghai Dragon Palace received an order to hide in the dimensional space to avoid being affected by the war of gods.

The Dragon Palace in the East China Sea was not affected, but the Dragon Island in the depths of the East China Sea suffered.

Dragon Island was directly destroyed by the aftermath of the Battle of the Gods.

Brothers Gu Boyuan and Gu Tianming, who were hiding on Long Island, were caught in the turbulent flow of the void, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

All ethnic groups in the East China Sea suffered heavy casualties under various natural disasters.

There are densely packed corpses of the sea clan floating in the sea, which is too horrible to look at.

The god-level powerhouses of the Space-Time Alliance are not strong enough to participate in the battle of the gods.

They can only be stationed at the entrance to prevent people from sneaking in.

Xue Weihan looked at the world-destroying battle outside the Xingyue Great Formation, with a worried expression on his face: "Xue Mou thought that after becoming a god, he would be able to participate in the war between gods, but he didn't expect that he could still only watch the powerhouses of the Time and Space God Sect Desperate."

Liu Yunyue's beautiful eyes were also sad: "In the battle of gods in the Western Continent, god-level powerhouses from various forces participated, but we reluctantly joined the war."

"In the battle of gods above the East China Sea, the lowest level of participants is the god level, and this palace is also powerless."

"If you forcefully participate, the aftermath of the battle alone will be enough to destroy us all."

Yan Qingqing clenched her fists and said: "Xiaoyu can create miracles every time, just wait until he leaves the customs, and the crisis on Xingyue Island will be solved easily."

Rosa sighed lightly: "Xiaoyu's retreat time is not certain, who knows if he will be able to leave the retreat on time?"

Zi Xin echoed, "Yes, many gods and generals of the Shura clan participated in the battle, which means that the evil gods are not far away from taking action in person. . . .

"I hope my brother-in-law can get out of the customs before the evil god makes a move, otherwise there is really no hope for the Tianyuan Continent."

The intensity of the god battle above the East China Sea has exceeded imagination.

There are some strong players in the Space-Time Alliance who want to fight two against one, and the pressure is very huge.

Three months after the war of gods started, God Shura led the remaining half of the gods to the East China Sea to join the war on Xingyue Island.

In the Tianyuan Continent, only the Eastern Continent is left to survive, and the army of the Shura Clan and non-god-level powerhouses are enough to push it flat.

God Shura did not continue to waste time, but chose to join the battle of gods in the East China Sea.

The joining of more than 50 generals directly made the monks of the Space-Time Alliance become one against two or one against three.

Jiang Yuyao, Luo Ya, Bai Xiaomeng, Tu Shanxue, and Black and White Yu are five half-step master god-level powerhouses, each of whom needs to fight against two with one.

Facing two half-step main god-level generals at the same time, their pressure increased greatly.

The god-level monks of the Time-Space Alliance are not under a lot of pressure, they are all fighting with one against three.

The Space-Time Alliance is at an absolute disadvantage.

The fierce battle of gods turned the area around Xingyue Island into nothingness.

The sea water near Xingyue Island was completely wiped out, and the bottom of the sea turned into a sea of ​​magma.

There were only two places left, the War Fortress and Xingyue Island, standing alone on the magma sea.

Jiang Yuyao was facing the number one God General of Destruction and the third God General of Death alone.

The God of Destruction said coldly: "All the gods in the heavens are no match for His Majesty the God King, and they were easily eliminated by him."

"The connection between the world of Tianyuan Continent and the heavens has been cut off by the Guangming God Department, and the Time and Space God Sect has completely lost its backup."

"Why are you stubbornly resisting? Why don't you submit to His Majesty?"

Jiang Yuyao said disdainfully: "General Destroyer, if you are willing to be the lackey of the evil god, that is your own business, and this girl is not willing."

The Death God General frowned and said, "Master Destroyer is looking at your talent, so he kindly recruited you. Since you are stubborn, then you should be buried with the Sect of Time and Space."

Jiang Yuyao raised her middle finger to taunt: "Death General, you are just a waste that was killed by Sister Yu, where did you come from to talk big?"

"Do you have the guts to fight Sister Yu? Why do you come here to fight this girl? Are you afraid of Sister Yu?"

"you wanna die!"

Death will tremble with rage.

Just like what Jiang Yuyao said, the God of Death is indeed a little afraid of black and white words, and dare not fight against them.

He was afraid that he would be killed by black and white words again.

God of Destruction frowned and said, "Death, you don't need to talk too much with a little girl who doesn't know what to do, just get rid of her directly, so as not to delay and cause accidents."

"Hmph! I want to see how you guys beat me?" Jiang Yuyao sneered.

Her tens of thousands of years in the Xingyue Temple were not in vain.

In terms of combat skills, the God of Destruction and the God of Death may not be able to match her.

Luo Ya faced the second-ranked God General Shura and the fourth-ranked God General Destroyer.

Bai Xiaomeng, Tu Shanxue, and Black and White Yu, each of the three had to deal with two half-step master god-level generals.

The half-step main god-level battlefield is fought in the sky and the earth, and the sun and the moon are dark.

The god-level battlefield is not bad either.

Many cultivators in the Space-Time Alliance fight one against two, or one against three.

Facing the enemy's siege, Liu Qiangwei and the others fought very violently.

They all use the injury-for-injury style of play to fight against the enemy.

Even if you die in battle, it doesn't matter.

Qu Hanyan used the supernatural powers of the Xingyue God and established a shared relationship with Yuyi who was in retreat.

Both of them have the inheritance of the Star Moon God, and they can share skills through some secret techniques of the Star Moon God.

After the sharing relationship is established, she can easily mobilize some of Yuyi's magical skills.

Qu Hanyan directly activated the reverse reincarnation skill, resurrecting the dead god-level powerhouses of the Time and Space God Sect, allowing them to join the battle again.

The pressure on the powerhouses of the Space-Time Alliance has been greatly reduced, but they still cannot solve the fundamental problem.

The war of gods in the East China Sea is in full swing.

Yuyi was working hard to refine the black crystal in the Star Tower.

He originally thought that the refining method of black crystals was similar to that of white crystals, and that he could directly refine them with the soul.

He has used the power of the soul to refine for thousands of years, but there is no change in the black crystal.

Yuyi immediately realized that his thinking had entered a misunderstanding.

So he changed his mind and began to refine the black crystal with conventional methods such as recognizing the master with a drop of blood.

After changing the method, it really worked.

The black crystal was refined little by little.

Yuyi didn't know at first that the evil god had secretly left a soul in the black crystal as a backup.

Just concentrate on refining the black crystal.

When he was deeply refining the black crystal, the evil god's soul hidden in the depths suddenly jumped out and violently launched into trouble.

Yu Yi was caught off guard, and his soul was severely injured.

The evil god took the opportunity to enter Yuyi's sea of ​​consciousness, intending to take him away and turn him into his puppet.

Yuyi fought back vigorously.

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