
The adventurers who survived were optimistic.

Yu Yi was not happy, he knew that things would never be simple.

After finishing off the beast horde, several strong men returned to the altar.

Many adventurers also followed up to join in the fun.

"Xiaoyu, shall we follow?" Yan Qingqing asked.

Yu Yi shook his head and refused, "No, leave here as soon as the black mist is blown away and the direction can be discerned.

An earth-shattering battle will soon break out near the altar. With our strength, we don't even have the qualifications to watch the battle.

If you don't leave early, you will die miserably if you are affected by the aftermath.

Moreover, in my estimation, that Guardian Beast is not simple, and probably has a hole card.

The most important thing is that the Black Lotus Sect hasn't shown up yet, I'm afraid they are hiding behind and reaping the benefits. "

"Well, I agree with Brother Yu's suggestion. It's better for us to leave as soon as possible, and wait until we get out of the foggy forest before considering the next battle plan." Gu Boyuan echoed.

"Okay, then leave." Yan Qingqing nodded in agreement.

The six people of Yuyi led the guards, taking advantage of the fact that everyone's attention was on the direction of the altar, restrained their aura, and quietly moved away from the direction of the altar.

Before they ran far, there was a terrifying fluctuation from the direction of the altar.

The adventurers and the Guardian Beasts are at war.

Everyone ran faster and accelerated to escape.

After an unknown amount of time, Yuyi found that the adventure team had lost their way again.


"What's wrong? Xiaoyu?" Yan Qingqing asked after a breath.

"We're lost."

"Fuck, what should we do now?" Kane couldn't help cursing in a low voice.


There is a familiar smell?

Yuyi's mental power stretched out, but he didn't find anyone hiding it.

What an oddity!


A large vortex suddenly appeared behind the adventure team, instantly involving everyone in it.

By the time everyone reacted, they were already in a strange place.

A large group of men in black robes surrounded the adventure team heavily.

"Hey, it's the Black Lotus Sect, it's over for now."

"Little fish, what should we do?" Yan Qingqing panicked.

"Yeah, why don't you go out?" Rosa's expression was not good.

"This place is a special space, with our strength we can't break out of the encirclement at all." Yu Yi shook his head.

Lu Cangqiong is really generous, and built a large-scale different space in the foggy forest.

Unless the core of the different space is destroyed, it will be difficult to rush out.

What's more, there are still many masters of the Black Lotus Sect watching.

"What are you afraid of? At worst, you will die in battle, Xiaosha, my old cow will protect you."

"Qingqing, I will protect you too." Not to be outdone, Jiang Hao hastily expressed his feelings to Yan Qingqing.

"Huh!" x 2

Yan Qingqing and Rosa snorted at the same time, obviously they didn't like their respective licking dogs.

Chapter 80 Cruel Choice Game

"Little things, hurry up and catch them, or you will be killed on the spot." The leading man in black yelled loudly.

The weapons in the hands of Gu Boyuan and others were all tight, ready to fight back at any time.


Yuyi filled the members of the adventure team with buffs, and a big battle broke out.

The cultists of the Black Lotus Sect also acted quickly, forming battle formations one by one, and besieging the adventure team to death.

All of a sudden, various energies flew around and exploded continuously.

The result wasn't much of a surprise.

The Black Lotus Sect is suppressed by high-ranking believers, which is beyond the reach of ordinary adventure teams.

The adventure team killed many Black Lotus believers, but they were still outnumbered, suppressed, and their abilities were sealed.

Yuyi hurriedly used secret techniques to disguise the face under the mask to prevent his identity from being discovered after being captured.

Although few people in the Black Lotus Sect have seen his true face, they have to guard against it.

Yu Yi was capable of escaping, but found that the Black Lotus Cultist did not kill him, but was purposefully capturing the adventure team alive.

So he gave up the idea of ​​escaping, and wanted to stay and observe the purpose of the Great Elder faction.

If it is really in crisis at that time, it will not be too late to escape after the outbreak.

"Hmph... I thought I could catch a few big fish, but they were all small shrimps. It's really disappointing. Take them all down." The leading man in black waved his hand impatiently.

"Yes, Captain."

"It's over. I heard that the cult members are all lustful and hungry ghosts, and they like to treat women as sexual objects?" Yan Qingqing's face turned pale.

"No way? I'd rather blow myself up than turn into something like that." Luo Chacha's expression changed drastically upon hearing that.

"That's not bad. I heard that some Black Lotus Cultists like to eat raw beauties." Gu Boyuan echoed in a low voice.

"Gah, so scary?" Jiang Hao almost exclaimed.

"Pfft... Where did you hear the rumors?" Yu Yi almost laughed out loud.

Some of the Black Lotus Cultists are vicious and even take pleasure in killing, but they don't have the habit of eating raw beauties, right?

"It's all from the elders." Yan Qingqing stuck out her tongue.

"Don't guess, cultists are not as scary as you think."

"Don't whisper to each other, quickly take off the mask and keep up with the team."

Yu Yi was pushed by the young cultist behind him.

He took off the mask, revealing a strange face, and turned to stare at the young man.

The soul of that cultist stared at by Yuyi's coercive gaze was trembling, and he almost couldn't help but kneel down.

Fortunately, Yuyi only punished him a little, otherwise the other party's soul would collapse.

The young man looked at him with some fear in his eyes, making other cultists confused.

Seeing Yuyi's change of appearance, Gu Boyuan and others knew what he was worried about, so they didn't expose it.

The Yuyi team was held in a cage, and the members of the guard team were held separately.

Many adventurers have been imprisoned here, all of whom were captured by the Black Lotus Sect.

"Bastard of the Black Lotus Sect, let me out quickly." Some adventurers who were unwilling to be imprisoned yelled in the iron cage.

The cultists are very irritable, and they use electric shock, fire, freezing and other methods to punish the loudest adventurers.

The strength of many adventurers has been sealed, and they are not much stronger than ordinary people.

Who could stand this kind of punishment, they all screamed and wailed.

"What are you arguing about, I'll kill you if you keep arguing."

The adventurers didn't dare to yell any more, and stayed in the cage obediently.

"Hey...why does the Black Lotus Sect want to catch so many adventurers?"

"I don't know, let's just wait and see what happens. There must be many powerful people out there who haven't appeared yet. When they get rid of that guardian beast, they might find traces of the Black Lotus Sect."

"I hope so, I'm afraid we won't be able to wait until then."

Yuyi ignored the chaotic situation in the imprisoned place, but used the power of the godhead crystal to disperse the power of the soul and observe the entire different space.

There are many Black Lotus cultists in the different space, and their strengths vary. The strongest has the eighth rank, and the lowest is only the third rank.

Except for the believers guarding the prisoners, the rest of the believers are under the command of a Lv.89 strong man, performing their duties, as if they are preparing for some grand ceremony.

Yuyi found Zheng Tianyi who had disappeared for a long time in a corner.

This guy was also in a difficult situation, being held in solitary confinement, and several colleagues were guarding him.

"My believer, what's the matter with you? Why were you detained? Why didn't you contact your companion in time?"

"Master... Lord God?"

Zheng Tianyi heard the voice of his master god in his mind, and he almost jumped up in excitement.

He had a bitter face, and his embarrassed appearance was still seen by the lord god.

Zheng Tianyi originally wanted to find out the purpose of the Black Lotus Sect after reuniting with the large army, so as to show off in front of the Lord God.

However, he was inexperienced and overly eager, so he was suspected by the top of the Black Lotus Sect and imprisoned.

The Black Lotus Sect has no shortage of soul-searching methods. Thanks to the protection of the spiritual seeds, the information about the Time-Space God Sect in his mind was not exposed, otherwise he would be to blame.

"Master Lord God, I'm sorry, my subordinates have let you down."

"Oh...forget it, it's not your fault."

Yuyi also understood the reason after checking Zheng Tianyi's memory with the spiritual seeds.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, Zheng Tianyi's out-of-the-box personality really needs to be honed.

Before he becomes calm, he is not suitable for completing important tasks.

"My believer, have you found out the purpose of the Great Elder? Why did he capture so many adventurers?"

"Master Lord God, according to the information found by his subordinates, the Great Elder seems to be using the sealed area of ​​the misty forest to attract a steady stream of adventurers, and catch them in batches for sacrifice."

"Sacrifice? Could it be that Lu Cangqiong wants to use the blood sacrifices of these adventurers to break the seal?"

"I don't know. The subordinate only found some fragmentary information and was arrested."

"My believer, this catastrophe is also your test, if you can use your wisdom to escape supervision and rescue your companions.

This God will allow you to enter the core layer of the Time and Space God Sect, and manage the Time and Space God Sect together with the saintess and others.

As long as your meritorious service is sufficient, you can choose any practice method in the teaching. "

"Master Lord God, don't worry, even if your subordinates are smashed to pieces, they will pass the test."

When Zheng Tian heard the words, he was ecstatic.

Being able to enter the core layer of the Time and Space God Sect means reaching the sky in one step.

The teachings of the Master God Council.

This kind of honor is a supreme honor for anyone.

Yu Yi quietly withdrew his mental power, feeling ashamed in his heart.

I am becoming more and more like a demagogic heretic, thinking all day about how to fool believers and make them work for nothing.

stomping on...

A strong man from the Zijiao tribe walked into the detention area and stepped onto the high platform.

There are many strong people behind him.

Two of them are Yu Yi's acquaintances, Ghost Scholar and Dao Scar.

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