Chapter 681 The God of Death and the Goddess of Life

Tu Shanxue looked at the crystal ball in Yuyi's hand in surprise: "Big sister was only able to barely transfer the 33rd heaven, but you refined the entire false heaven into a crystal ball, it's amazing."

Jiang Yuyao nodded in agreement: "That's right, there are Sanqing Tianzun, the Jade Emperor, and the Queen Mother sitting in the pseudo-heavenly court, plus many god-level powerhouses, they can't move the 33rd heaven."

"Brother Yu relied on his own strength to uproot and refine 33 Chongtian. It's really unimaginable."

Yu Yi chuckled lightly and said: "My means are nothing, I just borrowed the means left by Yan'er's father. I definitely can't do it by myself."

When Qu Hanyan heard his elder brother praise his father, a smile appeared on his cold pretty face.

Liu Qiangwei stepped forward and asked, "Master Yu, what should we do next? Should we directly attack the Western Continent?"

Yu Yi thought for a while and said: "No. We have fought in the Northern Continent for more than a year, and the soldiers of each legion are exhausted, so it is not suitable to continue the expedition."

"All legions are repairing on the spot and building a line of defense. Waiting for the end of the war in the Southern Continent, we will attack the Western Continent together."

The area occupied by the false heaven is the center of the original central ancient continent.

After the central area came to the North Continent, ?????????????????? was transformed by the false heaven.

Within tens of billions of square kilometers, the climate is completely different from that of the Northern Continent.

The area where the center is located is full of birdsong and flowers, without a cold atmosphere.

This place is perfect for the bases of the Space-Time Alliance Legion, the Northern Continent Army, the Central Ancient Continent Army, and the Celestial Soldiers Legion.

Everyone doesn't have to worry about being hit by a blizzard or being frozen into a dog.

Liu Qiangwei nodded in response: "Yes, this subordinate understands."

She left at once to deliver orders to the various legions.

All the legions are in action.

They are either building defense lines or setting up camp.

Everyone is very busy.

With the fall of the false Heavenly Court, the large-scale war in the Northern Continent came to an end.

As a rear base, Ice Snow City is constantly recruiting troops.

In the name of the High Priest of the Ice and Snow Goddess Sect, Elvie called on the people of the Northern Continent to join the army.

Everyone knows that it is not realistic to rely on the current legion to defeat the Shura tribe in the Western Continent.

The Space-Time Alliance needs more troops.

Yu Yi once again dispatched a large number of legions from the various forces under the Time and Space God Sect and the four allied empires to enter the northern continent.

The newly mobilized legion did not immediately rush to the edge of the northern continent to join the existing legion.

They were sent to various parts of the Northern Continent to wipe out the remaining Shura tribe and the unreorganized Heavenly Soldiers.

Only after the hidden dangers in the Northern Continent are cleared, the newly dispatched legion will go to the place where the pseudo-Heavenly Court is located to meet up.

Sporadic wars broke out in various parts of the Northern Continent, but they did not affect the overall situation.

All the legions in the pseudo-heavenly court have entered a period of rest.

Apart from daily practice, there is basically nothing else.

After several months of suppression, the remaining Shura and Celestial Soldiers in the Northern Continent were completely destroyed.

The Northern Continent has completely ushered in an era of peace.

After the Qing Suppression Corps completed their tasks, they all gathered at the location of the Pseudo-Heavenly Court, merged with the original legion, and entered a period of rest.

After the Space-Time Alliance Legion entered the rest period, the war in the Southern Continent was in full swing.

The Time and Space God Sect has set an example and broke the false heaven.

The Celestial Alliance in the Southern Continent saw the end of the war in the Northern Continent, and couldn't continue fishing.

The Celestial Alliance Corps stepped up their offensive, and the Southern Continental Corps assisted them.

The front line was advancing very quickly.

The Dark Legion, the Black Shadow Legion, the Demon Legion, and the Black Lotus Cult Legion, the four legions can hardly resist the attacking pace of the Celestial Alliance Legion and the Southern Continent Legion.

The legions of the Quartet forces were beaten and retreated steadily.

The ancient fierce beast alliance, the shadow organization, the dark council, and the black lotus sect, the four superpowers have successively dispatched their gods to reverse the disadvantages with high-end combat power.

The gods of the heavens are not to be trifled with. The Guangming gods have sent a large number of god-level powerhouses to block the four super-power gods.

The two sides fought fiercely, and each suffered injuries.

Generally speaking, the Celestial Gods camp has the upper hand.

There are many gods in the heavens, and each god has many strong people.

The four superpowers must be overwhelmed if they want to stop the gods of the heavens.

With the help of the gods of the heavens, the Celestial Alliance Legion and the Southern Continent Army Legion marched forward triumphantly, recovering one piece of lost ground after another.

The Southern Continent is full of wars.

Northern Continent.

Yuyi imitated the methods of the gods in the heavens and created several floating islands above the camp for the god-level powerful ??????????????????????

It's not that he feels that he is superior to others, and he doesn't want to live in the barracks with ordinary soldiers, but he can't.

God-level powerhouses, even the weakest lower gods, will emit law fluctuations all the time.

Even if the gods restrain their breath deliberately, it will still affect the surrounding environment and creatures.

Take a simple example.

If a god-level powerhouse lives in a mortal city for a long time, even if he has restrained all the pressure and fluctuations of the law, his own existence will still affect every aspect of the city where he lives.

Residents in the city will be unconsciously attracted by the aura of divinity, and even be influenced to lose themselves and become believers of that god.

The flowers, plants, trees and small animals in the city will also mutate and become deified gradually.

Buildings without life will gradually change under the influence of gods for a long time, and move closer to the laws of gods.

That city will eventually become the domain of the gods, and the mortals who live in it will become believers.

"Wherever I am, is my kingdom of God", that is what it means.

In the barbaric era, gods and mortals in Tianyuan Continent lived together, and various weird things often happened.

After experiencing the battle of gods in the ancient times, all gods were required to leave the mortal world and not to mix with mortals.

The gods in the heavens are worried that the existence of gods will affect the lives of mortals.

In order to prevent the god-level powerhouses of the Time and Space God Sect from affecting the mortal army in the barracks, Yuyi could only isolate them from each other.

Only in times of war do they come together.

Today, the floating island of the Space-Time God Sect welcomed several unexpected guests.

In the Temple of Time and Space.

The top leaders of the Time and Space God Sect are gathered here.

"The deity and Lianyi are taking the liberty to visit, I hope Mr. Yu doesn't mind." The god of death cupped his hands.

Except for his pale face, the god of death avatar is completely like a big brother next door.

The image of the god of death has nothing to do with Yu Yi's imagination of being cold, vicious, and looking down on all living beings.

Whether it is in myths or legends or in various stories, the Grim Reaper is a vicious image with a gloomy face, who will suck out people's souls if they disagree with each other, and make people immortal forever.

Yu Yi hastily waved his hands and said, "Your Majesty the Underworld God speaks seriously, I am flattered that you and His Majesty the God of Life can condescend to come to the small Space-Time God Sect."

"I don't know if His Majesty the two god kings came to the Temporal God Sect, what advice do you have?"

Lianyi, the goddess of life, said with a friendly smile: "Actually, it's not a big deal, as long as you come to visit Mr. Yu, who is well-known in the mainland, and meet that little girl in Black and White."

"Since she disappeared, the life gods and death gods have been sending people to look for her, but there has been no news."

Black and white language muttered: "Master Lianyi, Master Ming, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"When my subordinates retreated from the battlefield, they were fooled by the hypocritical guys from the Light God Department."

"They sealed their subordinates in a small world in the Northern Continent for more than [-] years, and that Thunder God guy even sent a clone to guard the small world to prevent his subordinates from getting out of trouble."

"If Yuboy hadn't made the move, the subordinates would still be suppressed, let alone break through."

The god of death said coldly: "Huh... the guys from the Guangming God Department are getting bolder and bolder. Is it really their territory?"

"If it wasn't for the gods' unwillingness to start the battle of gods, how could they be so arrogant?"

The Goddess of Life restrained her smile: "That guy Guangming is indeed a little bit drifting, and we must find an opportunity to teach him a lesson in the future."

"Xiaoyu, have you really solved your spiritual question????????????????"

"Hey... of course. Lord Lianyi, Lord Ming, take a look." Black and White Yu smiled mysteriously.

From the fusion state, she directly became two people.

The black language and white language are just a little lower than the breath after fusion.

"See Mr. Ripple, Mr. Ming." x 2

Black language and Baiyu bowed their hands at the same time.

Then the black language and the white language merged again and became black and white again.

She merged and separated several times, and finally maintained the state of black and white.

The Goddess of Life exclaimed: "It's really amazing. Xiaoyu has completely become two independent people, but they can merge with each other. How did you do it?"

A gleam of light flashed in Shinigami Ming's eyes, and he said: "If Xiaoyu's method can be promoted, it will bring unimaginable benefits to both the life god and the death god."

"In the future, the combination of the two gods may be able to produce more powerful gods with both life and death attributes."

Black and white language has both attributes of life and death, which is very powerful.

Due to her particularity, she is the most hopeful among the gods in the heavens to surpass the god-king level and break through to a higher level.

It is for this reason that even if she is trapped at the peak of the gods for millions of years and cannot break through, she is still feared by the gods of the heavens.

In the end, he was murdered and sealed in the burial ground of gods and demons.

If it hadn't been for Yu Yi's actions, Black and White Language might have been completely sealed up in the Northern Continent's burial place of gods and demons, and fell into obscurity.

Bai Yu shook his head and said, "Master Ming, I'm afraid you will be disappointed. The subordinate and sister were able to completely solve the problem of spirit and soul, and it was all because of Master Xiaoyi's action, and we don't know the reason."

The Goddess of Life's eyes lit up and she said, "Is that Senior Wu Baxian? She's still on the Tianyuan Continent?"

Yu Yi asked curiously: "Master Lianyi, do you also know about the existence of my master?"

The Goddess of Life nodded: "I heard about it by accident, but I have never had the chance to meet Senior Wu Banxian."

Shen Shenming hesitated and said, "Mr. Yu, I have a heartless request."

Yu Yi was thoughtful: "Master Ming wants to see my master?"

"Well, I hope Mr. Yu can introduce you."

"I'm afraid Master Ming will be disappointed. I don't know if Master's body is still on the Tianyuan Continent. What I usually see is only her phantom."

Chapter 682 The Gods Flatten the Southern Continent

Of course, Yu Yi couldn't say that Immortal Wu Ban had left Tianyuan Continent.

Frightened by the name of Immortal Wu, the gods of the heavens did not dare to attack him rashly.

If it is known that Immortal Wu and Xingyue God have left, not only the God of Light, but also the God of Death and the God of Life may attack him because of the treasure on his body.

At that time, he must have no way to go to heaven and nowhere to go.

Shi Shenming was still unwilling to give up: "Mr. Yu, can you take us to see the phantom of Senior Wu Banxian?"

Hei Yu and Bai Yu pursed their lips, they knew very well where Wu Banxian's phantom was, but they dared not say it.

Immortal Wu has a great kindness to the two, and they cannot betray each other ungratefully.

Hei Yu and Bai Yu are also not sure whether the body of Immortal Wu Ban is on the Tianyuan Continent.

If you let the other party know that you are eating inside and outside, maybe you will jump out and run over them with a finger.

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