The Sea Clan has also entered the era of hegemony.

The war in the depths of the sea is very cruel, no worse than Tianyuan Continent.

The North Sea Sea Clan in the North Continent and the South Sea Sea Clan in the South Continent both gave up on their original plans and retreated to the sea to support their forces.

The world has entered a cruel era of war.

A large number of tyrannical sea tribes have risen, and a large number of sea tribes have died.

The sea people all want to dominate the world and become the new sea emperor of each ocean.

The original royal families of the four seas all had artifacts.

Although they can't continue to ascend to the Sea Emperor's position, they can also ensure that their own interests will not be taken over by the newly emerged Sea Clan.

The other sea tribes in the four seas are a little bit powerless.

They were involved in the deep sea war, and a large number of races died out.

With the continuous expansion of Tianyuan Continent, no race can stay out of it, and they are all involved in the vortex.

The only places that can maintain peace are those special secret realms and small worlds, such as Xingyue Island, Divine Phoenix World, Four Elephant Realm, various inheritance secret realms, and other places.

After the expansion of Tianyuan Continent ended, Jiang Yuyao and others immediately took action to transfer the core areas of the five empires.

The spheres of influence of the five empires were united once again, and large swathes of territory were relinquished.

The ruled area of ​​the five empires is basically maintained at about 20 billion square kilometers.

This is the limit that each empire's existing population and powerhouses can rule.

If there is more territory, it will be powerless to rule.

After the transfer of the ruling core of the five empires and the planning of the area, the war machine opened a hole again.

The five empires dispatched legions one after another to wipe out hostile forces such as new races, demon legions, shadow legions, and others around their respective territories.

There are all kinds of new weapons in the formation, and no hostile force is the opponent of the five empires.

The enemy is either eliminated or driven away.

If the surrounding enemies dare to send out masters, the five empires will also send strong men to suppress the formation and kill the enemy's masters.

The five great empires all have god-level powerhouses, and no hostile force can resist them.

The camp of the Holy Angel Empire quickly cleared up the hidden dangers around each other and integrated their forces.

The five empires are busy integrating forces, as are the forces of the Light Empire camp, the Primordial Beast Alliance, the Shadow Organization, and the New Race Alliance.

Everyone is so busy that there is no time for him to care.

After the central ancient continent expanded tens of thousands of times, Tushan also expanded countless times.

Under Jiang Yuyao's suggestion, Tu Shanxue gave up a large area of ​​territory and continued to move the ruling core to the south, so as to avoid premature confrontation with the false heaven.

The current Tu Shan can't beat the false heaven at all, and it is not a good thing to enter the decisive stage too early.

Only by saving his strength and waiting for the fish to escape from the pass, can Tu Shan enter the moment of counterattack.

Both the Tianyuan Continent and the Four Seas have entered an era of great expansion.

The races on the ground and the races in the sea are all fighting for habitat.

Racial wars are brutal and bloody, either you die or you die.

There are no shortcuts. . .

Chapter 653

All ethnic groups in the mainland are in a critical period of scrambling for territory, but the five empires headed by the Holy Angel Empire ended the war early.

The five great empires have entered the recuperation stage one after another, secretly recharging their energy.

Waiting for the opening of the Eastern Continent Sweeping War.

The weapons and equipment factories of Divine Phoenix Empire and Xingyue Island are working overtime to produce a large amount of weapons and equipment.

The weapons factories in the two places are constantly expanding to increase production and scale.

A large number of new equipment, either armed to increase the combat effectiveness of allies; or sold at high prices to various tribes in the southern and northern continents, earning a lot of resources to develop themselves.

The technological weapons and rune weapons of the Time and Space God Cult are very popular and favored by allies.

Jiang Yuyao also sent a large number of instructors to teach allies how to use new equipment.

The mass sales of new equipment has allowed the Time and Space God Sect to earn huge wealth and resources.

These resources are divided into three parts: the first part is invested in the research and development and production of weapons;

The second part is used to develop oneself, enhance strength and heritage;

The third part is stored as strategic materials, waiting to be used in the future conquest of the Shura tribe.

While earning wealth from wars, the Space-Time God Sect and the five great empires have entered an era of rapid development, and are constantly accumulating strength to strengthen themselves.

The various races in the mainland are so busy that they have no time for others.

In the meeting hall of the Tarot City Imperial Palace.

Luo Ya frowned and said: "Sister Yuyao, Brother Yi is still in retreat, I don't know when he will be able to leave."

"Most of the powerhouses of the Time and Space God Sect have also retreated, and there is too little manpower."

"We sisters can't do everything in person, that would be a waste of time."

"If we are held back by the enemy, the forces and allies under our command are likely to collapse."

"Why don't you summon Brother Yi's Star Tower and release all the strong people in it, and use it to sit everywhere."

Jiang Yuyao was thoughtful: "Okay, I'll try to see if I can summon Brother Yu's Star Tower."

Yuyi previously granted part of the authority of the Star Tower to Jiang Yuyao's four daughters.

They can summon the Star Tower to fight from afar.

He did this to prevent Jiang Yuyao's four daughters from having accidents when he was retreating.

With the Star Tower, Jiang Yuyao and the others can advance, attack, retreat, or defend without worrying about being surrounded by powerful enemies.

In the event of a last resort, the Star Tower can also be used to take away the believers of the Time and Space God Sect and hide them for development.

Jiang Yuyao quickly formed a seal in her hand, and she summoned the Star Tower in the air.

A crack in space appeared, and the Star Tower floated out from it.

Seeing the appearance of the Star Tower, Jiang Yuyao's four daughters were all burdened by the truth.

The fact that the Star Tower can still be used proves that there will be basically no major problems with Yuyi.

" really works, meow~." Bai Xiaomeng said happily.

Jiang Yuyao looked at the Star Tower emitting starlight in her hands, and she was also very relieved.

Qu Hanyan suggested: "Sister Yuyao, quickly check the situation in the Star Tower and release all those who are suitable to leave the customs."

"it is good."

Jiang Yuyao nodded, and hurriedly sank her mind into the Star Tower to observe the situation.

Luo Ya covered the spacious conference hall with an enchantment to prevent the situation in the hall from being noticed by the gods of external forces.

Jiang Yuyao checked the inside of the Star Tower and found that most of the people who were retreating in the Star Tower had already reached the time to leave.

Since Yuyi has been in a closed state, many time-space cultists can't get out, so they can only wait in boredom.

The flow of time in each floor of the Star Tower is different. Some people have been in seclusion for tens of thousands of years, some for thousands of years, and some for hundreds of years.

If it is placed in a unified time flow, a monk who has not become a god will have turned into a pile of dead bones after tens of thousands of years of retreat.

Only with different time flow rates can the cultivation progress of each retreat monk be guaranteed.

There are normal areas in each floor of the Star Tower, and the flow of time is the same as the outside world.

If a monk leaves the retreat early, he will not be able to meet the requirements for entering the next level of retreat.

That monk will enter the normal time flow zone, and will not grow old in the acceleration of time.

Jiang Yuyao hastily released everyone.

Before Yuyi retreated, he collected most of the top leaders of the Time and Space God Sect into the Star Tower, either letting them break through the holy rank, or let them practice to become gods.

There are special rules in the Star Tower, which can minimize the divine calamity, or even directly block the divine calamity.

As long as you are not too unlucky, you can basically succeed in becoming a god in the Star Tower.

In the spacious hall, thousands of people appeared at once.

Regardless of the length of the retreat, the people who come out are like a lifetime away.

Among the thousands of people present, the ones with the lowest cultivation level were all holy-level juniors, and there were no non-holy-level monks.

The non-holy rank monks who entered the star tower either broke through to the holy rank, or failed to break through and dissipated.

Everyone looked around in amazement.

After the Meizu, Yingzu, Yanzu, Icezu, and the monks from the Four Clan Alliance appeared, they all went into a state of alert when they saw the strange four daughters of Jiang Yuyao.

The other colleagues hastily explained to them before letting the monks of the four races relax their vigilance.

"See Lord Jiang, Lord Luo, Lord Qu, and Lord Xiaomeng." xn

Thousands of monks saluted together.

Jiang Yuyao stretched out her hand to help: "Everyone, please forgive me."

She glanced at the core layer of the Time and Space God Sect in the main hall, and she was very relieved in her heart.

Each force is distinct.

Jiang Yuyao knew the god-level powerhouses of various forces at a glance.

The background of the Holy Angel Empire is the shallowest. Except for Luo Ya, there are only two god-level powerhouses at the middle god level.

The remaining imperial monks are all holy ranks, or demigod ranks.

Jiang Zhengyang's team and Han Yu's team are also monks from the Holy Angel Empire.

They did not enter the star tower for retreat. The last time the two teams broke through the holy rank, their potential had been exhausted.

When Yuyi summoned people to retreat again, he did not fail to call two teams.

The people of the two teams are guarding where they are needed.

There are four god-level powerhouses in Tianjianzong, Jian Chenzi, a high-level god, Jian Xin, a high-god, and two middle-god elders.

Jian Chenzi became a high-level powerhouse of the gods, and his son Jian Xin also came from behind and became a high god.

As for Jian Chenzi's wife, Hu Yaoyun, her potential has almost been exhausted, and she has only cultivated to the demigod level, but has not broken through to the god level.

Many of the disciples of Tianjianzong have also broken through to the holy rank and become powerful sword cultivators.

The Violet Chamber of Commerce Alliance also has 4 god-level powerhouses, namely Lan Yingxue, a mid-level god, a mid-god elder, and two low-god elders.

Xingyue Island has a lot of powerhouses, including 8 god-level powerhouses.

They are Yang Batian and Xuan Qiushui, who are high-level gods, and Xingmu and Xingfeng, who are high-gods.

The two sisters Xuan Ming and Xuan You of the middle god, and the two brothers Yang Yan and Yang Tian of the lower god.Fairy Kingdom is the most exaggerated, with 10 god-level powerhouses.

The Fairy Queen Mu He is a mid-level deity, and the four elders Jin Yuxuan, Shui Xinlan, Huo Feihua, and Tu Rong are all junior deity monks.

The five golden flowers of the goblin tribe, Jin Xiaoyu, Mu Qiaoqiao, Shui Xin'er, Huo Huang'er, and Tu Xiaoman, are all at the peak of the upper gods and can break through to the junior level of the gods at any time.

The Meizu, Yan, Ice, and Shadow tribes of the Four Elephants Realm have seven god-level monks in total.

There are three Meizu, namely Astania, the mid-level succubi of the gods, Attil, the heir of the junior level of the gods, and a succubus of the lower god level.

Astania dared to survive the divine calamity in the period when the rules of heaven and earth strictly prohibited becoming a god, and survived the divine calamity.

One can imagine how powerful her talent is.

The legal wound she left in the divine calamity has been healed by Yu Yi.

After entering the star tower for retreat, Astania learned about the inheritance of many gods, and broke through to the intermediate level of the gods all the way, which made people both surprised and envious.

Needless to say, Artil was taught by Yuyi himself in the Shura tribe, and he also learned a lot of inheritance, and it is reasonable to break through to the elementary level of the gods.

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