"Master Anonymous, this subordinate wants you to save him."

In Shura King City, Ajani did not call Yuyi by her real name, but called him by his false name to prevent exposure.

Yu Yi was surprised: "Why? He's not a succubus, so he has nothing to do with you, right?"

Adjani explained in a low voice: "My lord, I have a feeling that this person will be of great help to you in subduing the Ice Demon Race."

Yuyi rested his chin in his hand, thoughtful.

Among the nine major tribes of the Shura tribe, the Succubus are all women, who are good at spying on information and making suggestions.

Balrogs are warlike and short-tempered, but not cruel.

The Shadow Demons are good at concealment, assassination and spying.

The Ice Demons have a cold personality.

The Moon Demons don't know much about it, so they won't comment.

The bloodthirsty bloodthirsty race, the bone demon race, and the imperial demon race are definitely the targets to be eliminated.

The demon clan is good at controlling beasts, they can subdue them or give them up.

Counting and calculating, there are only four races that can catch the eye, the Succubus, the Flame Demon, the Shadow Demon, and the Ice Demon.

Because of the relationship between Youying and Vanaer, Yuyi has sent two clones to lurk beside them to help them plot the Shadow Demon and Balrog tribes.

The remaining avatar has been staying in Attil's black bead, which is of little use.

It's not that he never thought about letting the remaining avatar go to the Ice Demon Clan or the Moon Demon Clan, but at this stage, he has to plan three big clans at the same time, which is already very difficult, and he has no energy to do other things.

Ajani mentioned that the disabled ice demon in front of him was the key to him subduing the ice demon clan.

Yuyi's silent mind couldn't help becoming active.

"Revenge, I want revenge. Bingzhen, I will definitely kill you." The Ice Demon muttered to himself in a coma.

"Huh? He actually has something to do with Bingzhen? It seems that his identity is not simple." Adjani was surprised.

Yu Yi curiously asked: "Who is Bing Zhen?"

Adjani hurriedly explained to him: "My lord, Bing Zhen is the regent of the Ice Demon Clan."

"Isn't this disabled Ice Demon youth only at the seventh rank? And his cultivation base has been abolished, how could he have anything to do with the high-ranking regent?"

"Not very clear. But I can be sure that his identity is not simple."

Yuyi nodded.

He used his ability to isolate the surrounding alley to prevent outside prying eyes.

Then, he used his divine magic to save all sentient beings to heal the disabled youth of the Ice Demon Race.

The external injuries of the disabled Ice Demon youth were secondary, and the key issue was his internal injuries.

When Yuyi performed the divine magic to save sentient beings, he investigated the internal conditions of the disabled Ice Demon youth.

The meridians of the disabled youth of the Ice Demon Tribe were completely destroyed, and their dantians were shattered. It was very miserable.

There is still a lot of law damage in his body.

It can be said that the disabled youth of the Ice Demon Clan is already a piece of cracked porcelain, ready to break anytime.

If it wasn't for his tenacious will, he would have died long ago.

The disabled Ice Demon youth was able to suffer such serious injuries, obviously he was beaten by a peerless master.

While rescuing the disabled ice demon youth, Yuyi also took the opportunity to plant a soul seed for him.

Under the powerful divine magic to save all sentient beings, the legal wounds in the body of the disabled ice demon youth are rapidly healing, and the wounds on the body surface are gradually disappearing.

His blind left eye, broken right arm, and crippled left leg are all being reborn and restored.

Adjani covered her mouth in surprise: "Master Wuming, your healing ability is too powerful, can you treat this kind of injury?"

Yu Yi chuckled lightly: "Treatment is just a trivial matter, I can even revive the dead."

When the youth of the Ice Demon Race was in good health, he was only a seventh-level monk, similar to Ajani.

Yu Yi is a demigod-level powerhouse, using divine magic to heal the injuries of the Ice Demon youth is easier than eating and drinking.


The comatose Ice Demon youth coughed a few times and woke up leisurely.

"Who are you?" The youth of the Ice Demon Tribe was a little confused when he saw a man and a woman in front of the garbage dump.

He was able to sense a very kind and awe-inspiring aura from that strange Sky Demon man.

"I saved you."

The youth of the Ice Demon Tribe was shocked when he heard the words, and hurriedly checked himself.

He found that the wounds in his body were completely healed, and his blind eye, broken arm, and lame leg were all healed.

Most importantly, his abolished cultivation has returned.

The youth of the Ice Demon Tribe hurriedly stood up, bowed and saluted: "Thank you for saving my life, sir, Binghe is very grateful."

Ajani put her hips on her hips and yelled coquettishly, "How should I speak? I want to call you Master Yu, or Master Wuming."

Binghe was confused for a while when he heard the words, and then sensed the information in the soul seed, his face couldn't help but change.

Although the adult in front of him saved him, he also controlled him.

The soul seed has taken root and germinated, and Binghe can't resist even if he wants to.

His life and death are only between Yu Yi's thoughts.

Binghe asked cautiously: "Master Yu, thank you for pulling this subordinate back from the brink of life and death. This subordinate is extremely grateful."

"However, the subordinate has not reported his revenge, can you let the subordinate follow you after the revenge?"

It seemed that he was afraid of Yuyi's anger, so he hastily added: "Everything said by this subordinate is true, and I have not deceived you."

"As long as you wait for your subordinate to take revenge, even if you tell your subordinate to die immediately, your subordinate will not frown."

Yu Yi waved his hands and said, "I won't stop you from taking revenge, but I'm curious, you're just a little seventh-rank monk, why did you get involved with Bing Zhen?"

Binghe's expression changed: "How did Master Yu know that his enemy is Bingzhen? Could it be that you read my memory?"

Adjani said disdainfully: "Don't judge a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart. We didn't spy on your memory. It was you who kept talking about killing Bingzhen when you were in a coma."

"So that's how it is. Master Yu, in fact, the situation is like this..." Binghe breathed a sigh of relief, and began to explain the reason.

Glacier's identity is not simple.

He is the son of the previous Ice Demon Lord.

The former Ice Demon Lord Bing Ce has many sons and daughters.

Bing Ce has several brothers, and Bing Zhen is one of them.

The current Ice Demon Lord is one of Bing Ce's sons.

Binghe is Bing Ce's youngest son.

As the Ice Demon Lord, Bing Ce has ruled the Ice Demon Clan for many years.

Bing Zhen has been assisting him.

But more than ten years ago, Bing Zhen suddenly gathered a large number of followers and directly drove the Ice Demon Lord Bing Ce from power.

Chapter 575 Evil Tianjiao

Bingzhen not only executed the former ice demon king Bingce, but also slaughtered a large number of his sons and daughters, and also supported Bingce's son, Bingchuan, as the new ice demon king.

Use this to control the Ice Demon Race.

The current Ice Demon Race is nominally managed by Glacier, but actually Bingzhen is in charge.

As long as a few more years pass, after Bing Zhen completely stabilizes the Ice Demon Clan, Bing Chuan will be kicked out of power, and he will ascend to the position of Ice Demon Lord.

In the original accident, Binghe sent him out of Ice Demon City under the desperate cover of an elder loyal to Bingce.

But Bing Zhen did not give up.

He sent a large number of masters to hunt down and kill those who were loyal to Bingce.

As Bing Ce's youngest and most beloved son, Binghe is naturally the focus of care.

He was chased and killed all the way, and the strong men who protected him died in battle.

He himself was hit by a holy elder.

If it wasn't for the protection of the secret treasure on his body, he might be wiped out on the spot.

Although he survived by relying on the secret treasure, he was seriously injured and dying. All the meridians in his dantian were abolished, one eye was blind, his right arm was gone, and his leg was also lame.

However, he was lucky to escape the pursuit.

Binghe fled all the way, wandering among the various clans, and finally came to Shura King City.

He hid in the slums, trying to find a way to repair his injuries in the royal city, and went to Bing Zhen for revenge after recovering his cultivation.

But he is a useless person, and it is difficult for him to survive, let alone take revenge.

He struggled to survive in the slums.

Today he was very hungry and went to steal some money to buy food.

But was found.

Those little gangsters chased him frantically and almost beat him to death.

The money he stole was also confiscated.

After listening to Binghe's explanation, Yuyi finally understood why Binghe was still obsessed with revenge when he was dying.

He was also very speechless in his heart. He had saved Luo Ya, a princess in trouble before, and now he has saved a prince in trouble.

In the future, is it necessary to save a king or emperor who is in trouble to complete the merits and virtues?

Adjani said in surprise: "Binghe, I didn't expect you to have such a great background, and you turned out to be the son of the previous Ice Demon Lord."

"More than ten years ago, the Ice Demon Clan's seizure of power shocked everyone's jaws."

"No one expected that the powerful previous Ice Demon Lord would be overthrown by his younger brother."

"I remember that Bingzhen and Bingce have a very good relationship. They have worked together for hundreds of years."

"Why did Bing Zhen suddenly launch a coup, drive his brother out of power, and kill his nephews and nieces wantonly?"

A gleam of hatred flashed in Binghe's eyes: "I don't know either. I was young at the time, but the disaster suddenly struck and caught everyone by surprise."

Yu Yi asked curiously: "Your father Bing Ce is the last Ice Demon Lord after all, and his level is also at the demigod level. He also holds the inherited artifacts of the Ice Demon Clan and has a lot of treasures of his own. Why was he easily overthrown by his younger brother?" ?”

Binghe was also very puzzled: "The subordinates are not too clear about it. Before Bingzhen launched the coup, his level was only lv.99. It was only during the coup that his true demigod level cultivation was revealed."

"At the beginning, my father and Bingzhen fought in other places. When Bingzhen reappeared, he was holding my father's body in his hand."

"Father died directly in battle. Everyone in the Ice Demon City couldn't believe this result."

Yu Yi was thoughtful: "In other words, Bing Zhen either prepared a trap long ago and waited for Bing Ce to drill it, or he had powerful reinforcements secretly helping him. Otherwise, he would not have been able to beat the ice that holds the divine weapon. Policy."

Ajani nodded and said in agreement: "Master Yu's guess is very reasonable. It is likely that some demon kings from the nine major clans made the move."

"The nine great clans have always been fighting openly and secretly. It is not difficult for Bing Zhen to ask a certain demon king for help."

Binghe gritted his teeth and said: "Damn Bingzhen, it's fine for him to fight for power, why did he kill my father, and my brothers and sisters?"

Yu Yi said noncommittally: "It's normal, if I change to Bing Zhen, I will do the same."

"The struggle for power is bloody and bloody. If Bing Zhen wants to secure his position as the Ice Demon Lord, there will be no future troubles."

Binghe said firmly: "No matter what, I will definitely kill Bingzhen with my own hands and avenge my parents and brothers and sisters?"

Adjani mercilessly poured cold water: "You are just a mere seventh-rank monk, what means will you use to get revenge?"


Yu Yi chuckled lightly: "Ajani, Binghe is your colleague now, so don't hit him."

"Master Yu, this subordinate is just reminding him not to die before he has absolute strength."

Binghe looked at Yuyi, knelt on the ground and kowtowed: "Master Yu, I beg you to avenge my subordinates, and my subordinates are willing to repay you like cows and horses."

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