A group of people headed towards their destination with different thoughts.

The adventure team came to a strange place with heads full of sand.

This place is also in a desert area, but the sand is not golden yellow, but black.

There is a clear boundary between black sand and golden sand.

The black sand stretches as far as the eye can see, I don't know how wide it is.

Yan Qingqing frowned slightly, "I always feel that the black sand is unusual, why don't we take a detour?"

Rosa was also rare and serious. Withdrew her charm and frowned, "It's really weird. If we encounter a monster, it will be difficult to escape with our strength. I also suggest a detour."

The two licking dogs, Kane and Jiang Hao immediately agreed with their respective goddesses.

A guard suddenly exclaimed, "Look behind you."

Everyone hurriedly turned their heads.

I saw the billowing yellow sand undulating up and down, as if something was hidden under the yellow sand.

A fist-sized, golden-yellow scorpion emerged from the surging yellow sand.

Then came the second, and the third...

In the blink of an eye, the yellow sand was covered with dense scorpions, and the end could not be seen at a glance.

The sky is also densely crowded with flying scorpions, and it is impossible to escape from the sky.

People with trypophobia will faint from the sight in front of them.

The golden scorpion was approaching quickly, blocking all directions except the black sand.

Yu Yi hurriedly shouted: "Quick, run to the black sand area."

Kane's brain is full of muscles, and he is still a little confused. He can't turn the corner at all. "Didn't you say that the black sand area is very weird, do you want to take a detour?"

"Are you stupid? There are golden scorpions all around, we are all surrounded, where else can we go?" Rosa kicked Kane's ass angrily, and followed Yu Yi to escape.

Kane was not annoyed by being kicked by his own goddess, and cheerfully got up to keep up.

Bah, damn licking dog.

A group of people swarmed towards the depths of the black sand area.

Gu Boyuan glanced back and found a strange phenomenon, "Look, the group of golden scorpions chased to the edge of the black sand and stopped."

Everyone stopped and looked back.

Sure enough, the boundless group of golden scorpions stopped at the edge of the black sand area.

The scorpion running in the front stopped suddenly, but was pushed to the black sand area by the companions who rushed up from behind.

However, the scorpion that entered the black sand area ran back in a panic as if it had encountered some terrifying monster.

As a result, the group of golden scorpions was very chaotic.

It's almost scorpion on top of scorpion, the scene is very spectacular.

Yu Yi couldn't help but swear, "Hey, there must be horrible creatures hiding in the black sand, which makes the golden scorpions so scared."

Yan Qingqing frowned and said: "Indeed, with the number of golden scorpions, even if the seventh-level powerhouse is entangled, it will be swallowed up.

They are afraid of stepping into the range of black sand, obviously the creatures hidden inside are terrifying. "

Rosa said helplessly: "What should we do now? There are wolves in front and tigers in back. Could it be that we are in a stalemate here?"

Yuyi looked around, "Wait and see, the creatures in the black sand have not been disturbed, we just need to wait for the scorpion swarm to evacuate, then we can withdraw from the black sand area and bypass this area."

"Now it seems that's the only way to go."

The panic of the scorpions didn't last long before a new change took place.

After a short period of panic, they overcame their fear of the black sand and came rushing in like a tide.

"Fuck, are these scorpions crazy?"


Everyone hastily summoned their mounts and fled on the black sand.

After fleeing for hundreds of kilometers, the group of golden scorpions still did not give up their pursuit.

Yu Yi sat on the back of the Ice Crown Bird, frowning and looking at the group of persistent scorpions behind him.

The scorpion swarm spread endlessly, easily waking up the sleeping creatures in the black sand.

At that time, they will face a double attack, and the situation will be even worse!

However, the sky failed as people wished, and the black sand suddenly trembled violently.


The terrifying roar of the beast came out from the black sand.

Everyone's mounts were trembling and stopped.

The swarm of golden scorpions, who were extremely vicious just now, was in chaos, and the scorpions seemed to have turned into headless flies, running around.

"Quickly, form a defensive formation." Seeing that Yan Qingqing was still in a daze, Yu Yi hurriedly assumed command.

Everyone woke up like a dream, quickly retracted their mounts, and formed a defensive battle formation.

The black sand trembled, and the dust and smoke billowed.

A huge shadow rushed out from the ground, covering the sky and the sun.

It was a huge bug with a pitch-black body.

The giant worm has no head, only a long and fat body, like an upgraded version of a maggot.

At the top of it is a hideous giant mouth full of sharp teeth.

There are also dense spikes on the insect body.

The giant worm only exposed a small part of its body, its length was over 20 meters, and its diameter was over ten meters.

Kane couldn't help but exclaimed, "Fuck, what kind of bug is this, it's not only grown up, but also ugly."

Yu Yi shook his head and said: "I don't know, there is no such weird creature recorded in the Yuan Beast Atlas, it is probably a mutant species."

He has read countless materials about Yuan Beasts, but none of them look like the bugs in front of him.

"No matter what the origin of the giant desert worm is, it's not easy to mess with anyway, everyone is ready to fight."

"Xiaoyu is right, we have no way out."

Yan Qingqing felt helpless, accidents happened wherever the adventure team went, as if they were possessed by a mold god.


After the giant desert worm roared at everyone, it rushed towards the group of golden scorpions.

Its huge body swam quickly in the black sand, as freely as a fish in water.

"Quick, let's leave the black sand field. The giant desert worm is going to devour the golden scorpion. It's a good opportunity to ignore us for the time being."

Yuyi's reminder made everyone wake up like a dream.

They summoned their mounts one after another and fled desperately.

Yuyi turned his head and saw the huge mouth of the giant desert worm, forming a huge wind vortex, its huge mouth facing the fleeing golden scorpion.

Whether it was flying in the sky, crawling on the ground, or even a golden scorpion that got into the black sand, it was sucked into the mouth of the giant desert worm along with the black sand on the ground.

The rest of the golden scorpions were even more chaotic, running around in the sand.

so horrible.

Everyone fled faster.

It's a pity that the black sand land is endless, as if it will never end.

The adventure team ran hundreds of kilometers with the escort, but they were still within the range of the black sand.


Another wave of shaking.

The black sand behind him seemed to have been run over by a bulldozer, and black smoke filled the air.

"No, it's the giant desert worms chasing us."


"No, the speed of the giant desert worm in the black sand is too fast, our mounts can't run at all."

"Don't waste your energy, prepare to fight."

Everyone understood that even if they gave their mounts a few more legs, they would not be able to outrun the giant desert worm in the black sand.

The adventure team hurriedly took back their mounts and formed a battle formation.

Yuyi gave his teammates several buffs, and took out many plant seeds and threw them around, preparing to use them to limit the giant desert worms in the battle.

The giant desert worm rushed to stop not far from the adventure team and confronted it.

The monster has no eyes, but everyone can feel that the other party is looking at them.


The giant desert worm roared at Yuyi and the others, and rushed out of the black sand with its whole body.

It was longer than Yu Yi imagined, at least over a kilometer.

Kane smacked his lips, "My darling, such a big desert giant worm, many holy beasts can't keep up."

"Is it a holy beast? No matter how hard we try, we can't beat it." Rosa couldn't help but despair.

Yu Yi shook his head, "It's not a holy rank. The giant desert worm should only be at the peak of the seventh rank. The golden scorpions will be afraid of it, probably because of their natural hostility."

Gu Boyuan was helpless, "Even if the giant desert worm is only at the seventh level, we can't beat it. Captain Yan, the strongest in the team, is only at level 52, which is two big steps behind."

Yan Qingqing was extremely anxious, she gritted her teeth and said, "Get ready to fight, whether you can win or not, you must fight, the desert giant will not negotiate with us."

"The captain is right, prepare to fight." Yu Yi nodded.

He can be temporarily promoted to the peak of the holy rank, but the duration is short and the cooling time is long, so it can only be used as a hole card.

The giant desert worm roared and attacked the adventure team.

It didn't use the technique of devouring the golden scorpion, but swung its long giant tail and slapped it.

"Quickly dodge."

Yuyi hurriedly dodges to the side.


The huge wormtail slapped on the black sand, causing the entire ground to tremble, with astonishing destructive power.

The black sand was thrown into the sky, and the smoke and dust filled the sky, blocking out the sunlight.

Chapter 68 Sand Pirates

Seeing its tentative attack, the giant desert worm did not hit its prey.

It raised its giant tail and swept away thousands of troops, trying to smash everyone into meatloaf.

"Kane, Gu Boyuan, you take the guards to the top." Seeing that the team was inevitable, Yan Qingqing hurriedly ordered.


Kane used the unique move of the tauren clan to double his combat power, and rushed up with red eyes holding an axe.

Gu Boyuan also drove his flying dragon to the top.

Most of the guards were fighters, and they also charged behind.

Yan Qingqing, Rosa, Jiang Hao and the others maximized their output.

Cannonballs, folding fans, thunder snakes and other long-range attacks kept greeting the oncoming Wormtail.

The guard led by Gu Boyuan and Kane collided head-on with the tail of the giant desert worm.

After a brief stalemate, Gu Boyuan and his dragon were sent flying and hit the black sand, splashing a cloud of dust and smoke.

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