"Well, Elder Alvin's analysis makes sense."

Astana nodded slightly, and turned her gaze to her daughter: "Aphne, what do you think?"

Aphne hurriedly stood up and saluted: "My lord, my son thinks Elder Alvin's reasoning is well-founded."

"Then do you have any suggestions?"

Afni thought for a while and said, "My son believes that no matter what happens, the murderer must be found out as soon as possible, and an explanation be given to all ethnic groups."

"Otherwise, those with evil intentions will definitely continue to provoke the relationship between the Succubus and other tribes, thus driving the Succubus to a dead end."

Alvin stood up and echoed: "Princess Aphne is right. We should set up an investigation team as soon as possible to investigate the conspiracy of the bombing and catch the murderer."

Astana frowned and asked: "Who can be the person in charge of the investigation team?"

"The subordinates think that Elder Aphra is very suitable for this task." Alvin suggested.

It was very interesting for Yuyi to watch in the dark.

The princess faction and the Alvin faction actually joined forces to target the neutral faction.

Sure enough, the faction that sits on the fence will be targeted first no matter where it is.

Aphra of the neutral faction frowned: "Sorry to disappoint everyone, this elder is not good at investigating cases, so he is not suitable for this task."

Princess Aphne said: "Could Elder Aphra just want to be lazy?"

Aphra shook her head and said: "This elder is not trying to be lazy, but there is someone more suitable than this elder."

Astana asked with interest: "Oh? Who is it?"

"The subordinates believe that Elder Attil is very suitable for this task."

Aphra's words surprised everyone present.

Even Attil was puzzled.

Why did the boss of his own faction want to cheat her?

Astana frowned and said, "Isn't Elder Attil suspected? Why did you let her preside over the investigation mission?"

Afra explained: "Because Elder Attil is suspected, she should take on the task to find out the murderer and prove her innocence as soon as possible."

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to Elder Attil. If you can't complete the task within the time limit, you will be responsible for the consequences." The Succubus made the decision directly, without giving Attil a chance to raise objections.

"Yes, Lord Demon Lord." Attil accepted the task aggrievedly.


After the meeting.

Inside Attil's palace.

"Damn! Why are these bastards targeting the concubine? Even Elder Afra wants to push the concubine out. What are they doing?"

Attil was so angry that he broke a vase.

Yuyi walked out from the black bead.

"Attil, don't be angry. Isn't this normal?"

Attil frowned and asked, "Master Yu, Alvin and Aphne, why did you do this?"

Yuyi explained: "It's very simple. You are a neutral faction. You seem to be close to no one, but you are also the most unstable factor."

"Alvin and Aphne want to compete for the position of the next Succubus Lord, and they will definitely join forces to get rid of the neutral faction."

"The explosion this time is their best chance to make a move."

Attil looked puzzled: "Where is Elder Afra? The concubine is also her subordinate in name, and it's fine if she doesn't help the concubine. Why push the concubine out?"

Yu Yi sighed and said, "Whether the explosion was caused by the succubi or by the outsiders, it would probably be very difficult to find out the truth."

"As the leader of the neutral faction, Aphra certainly doesn't want to take on such a thankless job."

"If the results can be found out, everyone will be happy; if they can't be found out, someone will definitely be pushed out."

"You happen to be on the scene, so naturally you are the best candidate."

"The Succubus Lord also saw the plan of Alvin, Afni, and Aphra, so he directly made a decision without giving you a chance to refute."

"You are the backer who was jointly recommended by the three forces."

Attila lost his mind and said: "How could this happen? My concubine is a lv.97 monk, no matter where she is placed, she is a remarkable existence. Isn't it a pity to lose it?"

"Why didn't the Succubus Lord choose a minister of the court as the backer?"

Yu Yi sneered: "Hehe... just because you have a lot of weight, you can make people believe the truth even more when you take the blame."

Attil gritted his teeth and said, "Damn...don't let the concubines find a chance, or they will all be killed."

"You should collect information about the explosion first. Although there may be no clues, you still have to work hard, right?"

"Yes, Master Yu."

Artil hurried to the scene of the accident to conduct an in-depth investigation.

Yuyi also followed closely behind.

The beauty pageant venue has been sealed off and outsiders are not allowed to enter.

The two led the team to work in the stadium for a long time, but they didn't find any clues.

Although I knew the result a long time ago, I still couldn't help being a little disappointed.

According to the findings, the attack was premeditated and planned for many years.

Beauty pageants are held every few years, but the bomb was planted decades ago.

For such a long time, the staff of the venue have changed several batches.

It is basically impossible to investigate.

Attil stared at the information in his hand, his eyebrows frowned slightly: "I don't see anything special about the representatives of various ethnic groups who are watching the ceremony, or the contestants."

"Why did the people behind the scenes choose to make trouble in this year's beauty pageant, instead of taking action early or late?"

Yu Yi rested his chin in his hand and pondered for a long time, then said: "You can't just focus on the list of beauty pageants, you have to diverge your thinking and look at this matter from an overall perspective."

"What does Master Yu mean?"

"The Alvin faction and the Aphne faction have become more and more fierce recently, isn't it because the injury of the Astana Monarch is almost unbearable?"

The succubus Lord Astania has already broken through to the demigod level, and she is so proud that she does not want to rely on the inheritance of her ancestors, but wants to break through to the god level by herself.

She had an accident during the breakthrough, was severely injured by backlash, and almost died on the spot.

With her strong cultivation, Astana came through.

However, after all, she left behind the trauma of the law.

Not to mention breaking through to the god level again, even the injuries cannot be repaired.

He could only suppress the injury with his strong cultivation.

After years of suppression, the injury was almost unstoppable.

Don't look at the succubus Lord who is still alive and well on the surface, but in fact she doesn't have many years to live.

Maybe she won't be able to wait for the resurrection of the evil god, so she will die first.

Both Alvin and Aphne want to inherit the position of the new Succubus Lord, so the two factions are fighting more and more fiercely.

Attil understood the key point, widened his beautiful eyes and said, "Master Yu means that someone wants to use this incident to test the Succubus Lord? Or provoke a struggle between the Succubus and reap the benefits of the fisherman?"

Yuyi nodded and said, "Well...it's very likely."

"We can't find evidence either."

Attil was helpless.

"Check it out slowly, anyway, there are still ten days left, so you don't have to worry about finding clues." Yu Yi comforted.


Artil had no choice but to cheer up and sort out the materials.

She sent people to check the whereabouts of the people who worked in the beauty pageant decades ago, trying to find clues from them.

Yuyi separated from Attil and went to various restaurants and teahouses in Succubus City to inquire about news.

He came to a place called Phantom Restaurant in Succubus City.

It is said that the news here is the best.

The ancient restaurants were all places where the three teachings and nine streams gathered, and there were many people traveling from north to south, so it was the most suitable place to inquire about news.

Succubus are good at making wine.

The various clans of the Shura clan often buy good wine from the Succubus.

The major restaurants in Succubus City also attracted guests from various races.

Yuyi didn't ask for a private room, but sat in the corner of the lobby on the first floor, listening silently to the guests' discussions.

The most people in Succubus City are the Succubus. The succubus ladies and sisters accounted for [-]% of the hall, and the rest were people from other races.

Most of the things discussed at the tables were about the explosion of today's beauty pageant venues.

Yuyi turned up his hearing to the maximum, and the sound of the entire restaurant entered his ears.

Although there are many people discussing it, there is basically no useful information.

Yuyi secretly noticed a figure.

It was a ghost wolf monk.

He drank alone in a corner.

"Hey... have you guys heard? Besides the explosion at the beauty pageant, there was also a small incident. However, this matter is not very popular, and few people pay attention to it."

A voice attracted Yuyi's attention.

He paid attention to the speaker without moving his face.

It was a monk of the Shadow Demon Clan, and he was discussing with a few companions in a low voice.

Another Shadow Demon hurriedly asked: "What is it?"

"I heard that recently, some people are secretly hunting the succubi, and want to sell them as commodities on the black market."

"Hiss... no way? I remember someone did this before, but they were hunted down by the succubi all over the world, and even several medium-sized races were wiped out because of this. In the end, no one dared to do it."

"Yes, if someone wants to experience the service of the succubus, they can go to various brothels in the succubus city, and only need to spend a little money to experience the ultimate enjoyment. Why would someone risk everything?"

"I also don't think it's possible. It is estimated that someone is spreading fake news."

"Chichi...Don't you believe me. It's true. My aunt's cousin's nephew's uncle witnessed the real situation in an alley after drinking flower wine last night."

"He was on his way home. When passing by a small alley, he accidentally saw a few black shadows carrying a sack."

"At that time, the opening of the sack was loosened, and he saw a comatose succubus girl inside the sack from the corner of his eye."

"However, the speed of those black shadows was too fast. My uncle only saw them once, and then they disappeared."

"Your aunt's cousin's nephew's uncle, isn't it because of his old eyesight? Maybe he drank too much and had hallucinations?"

"That's impossible. That uncle is the type who gets more energetic the more he drinks. He may be confused at ordinary times, but he definitely won't after drinking."

"Didn't you find out? Recently, succubi have often reported that their children are missing. The official did not give any information, and it seems that someone deliberately suppressed the news."

"No way? Although the Succubus are one of the nine major clans, their population is not large. The issue of missing persons has always been taken seriously. Why would someone suppress this news?"

"Who knows? Maybe it's because I don't want to scare the snake, maybe someone is colluding with human traffickers? It's possible anyway."

"Haha... Let's not worry about it. Whether it's the explosion of the beauty pageant or the disappearance of the succubus population, it's all about the succubus and has nothing to do with us."

"That's right, let's continue drinking."



Chapter 555 Adjani

Yuyi noticed that when several Shadow Demons were discussing in low voices about the disappearance of the Succubus, the expression of the ghost wolf man changed slightly, and then his expression returned to normal.

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