The two leaders of the civil and military officials both stood up to oppose, which made the hesitant officials firm up, and they followed suit.

The eldest prince's face was very ugly: "Very well, do you really think I dare not attack you?"

"Second Elder, please take Prime Minister Wenren and Marshal Yan. Fifth Elder, Commander Liao, all officials who dare to object will be detained."

"Yes, Your Majesty." x3

The second elder cupped his hands, and the coercion of the holy rank on his body enveloped the opposing officials in the hall.

Yan Guang immediately used all his strength to resist the coercion of the second elder, but he was still so pressed that he couldn't stand upright.

The level gap between the two sides is too great.

The Fifth Elder and Commander Liao kept a close eye on the officials in the hall, ready to strike at any time.

"'s interesting." Yuyi smiled lightly, not being affected at all.

The second elder stared at Yuyi, and said coldly: "Mr. Yu, you don't think that you can stay out of the matter with a magic weapon in your body, do you?"

"The old man didn't touch you last time because he was afraid of exposing the layout too early. Don't try to escape today."

Yu Yi sneered: " you think you have the winning ticket?"

The eldest prince frowned: "Could Mr. Yu still want to struggle?"

Yu Yi shook his head disdainfully: "I'm so stupid. Everyone knows that I'm famous for my layout and planning. How could I not have thought that the First Prince's faction would jump over the wall and forcefully ascend the throne after being exposed?"

The expressions of Zihong, Concubine Chen, and the second elder all changed drastically.

Every time Mr. Yu makes a move, someone is unlucky.

Since he is so calm, it means that he has already calculated everything.

The second elder said sternly: "Hmph... I don't believe Mr. Yu, can we turn things around in the forbidden meeting hall?"

Yu Yilang said in a loud voice: "Elder Elder, are you still planning to continue watching the show? If you continue watching, the First Prince will really succeed in ascending the throne."

"Alas..." A sigh spread throughout the meeting hall.

The coercion of the second elder was all forced back.

The officials in the hall were relieved.

An old man appeared in the meeting hall, it was the Great Elder.

There are several elders behind him.

Obviously, some of the elders who were transferred have been recalled by the Great Elder.

It was planned by Yu Yi that the Great Elder could appear in time.

When the Great Elder was born in the battle of Chaoge City, Yuyi secretly contacted him.

Yuyi informed the First Elder of his speculation about the future changes of the Zhuxia Empire.

After secret discussions, the two parties reached an agreement.

After the battle in Chaoge City, the Great Elder used an excuse to hunt down the enemy, and then retreated again in the name of being seriously injured to hide himself.

From this point of view, verify the changes mentioned by Yuyi.

Zihong, Concubine Chen, and the second elder had expressions as if they had eaten flies.

"Great Elder, haven't you closed the door? Why did you appear?" Zihong said tremblingly.

The Great Elder's eyes were cold: "If I don't show up again, the Zhuxia Empire will become the laughing stock of the Tianyuan Continent."

"The First Prince is really amazing, he even managed to kill his father."

"Concubine Chen, as His Majesty's favored concubine, actually murdered her husband, have you learned court etiquette from dogs?"

"The laws of the Zhuxia Empire clearly stipulate that the elders of the royal family are not allowed to participate in the prince's struggle for the throne, and it is also clearly forbidden to publicly support a certain prince."

"Second Elder not only publicly stood in the First Prince's camp, but also murdered His Majesty together with the First Prince, what crime should he be?"

"As the elders guarding the palace, the fifth elder secretly let foreign enemies such as the palace murder His Majesty, what crime should we have?"

Facing the soul torture of the first elder, the first prince Zihong, Concubine Chen, the second elder, and the fifth elder were sweating profusely and did not dare to look at him.

As for Commander Liao, the commander of the Imperial Guard, he was directly ignored by the Great Elder.

The second elder retorted sternly and internally: "This elder also wants to let the Zhuxia Empire end the internal friction as soon as possible."

"Hmph...Second Elder, come with me." The First Elder remained unmoved.

"Don't think about it!"

The Second Elder knew that he could not be arrested without a fight, otherwise it would be completely over.

He managed to cultivate to Lv.98 with great difficulty, and he was only one step away from reaching the top of the mainland. How could he give up the power and wealth he had obtained?

"Toast, don't eat fine wine!" The first elder's aura enveloped the second elder with all his strength.

Fortunately, the coercion of the Great Elder did not target the officials in the hall.

Otherwise, apart from Wenren Qingshan and Yan Guang, no official could survive under the coercion of the Great Elder.

"Hmph..." The Second Elder broke the coercion of the First Elder, broke through the dome of the meeting hall, and escaped.

The Great Elder followed closely behind.

After the two superpowers left, everyone turned their attention to Zihong, Concubine Chen, Fifth Elder, and Commander Liao.

The Fifth Elder and Commander Liao were locked in by several royal elders, and they didn't dare to make any moves at all.

Zihong's expression was calm, as if he didn't care about the upcoming ending.

Concubine Chen became distraught and slumped on the ground.

She knew she was finished, her son was finished, everything was finished.

"Your Highness, do you have anything else to say?" Yu Yi smiled.

The eldest prince Zi Hong sighed leisurely: "Very good... As expected of Mr. Yu, I am convinced."

"Third brother is really lucky to be favored by Mr. Yu."

"If I could have Mr. Yu's assistance, why would I ascend the throne by killing my father?"

Yu Yi shook his head and said: "In the final analysis, His Royal Highness is responsible for himself, your strongest competitor has always been only the Second Prince."

"The third prince has never thought of competing for the throne before, and has always been outside the struggle for power."

"But the first prince and the second prince have been targeting him just because the third prince is close to the daughter of the Grand Marshal."

"Even if it is a clay figurine, there is a third of anger. The third prince is being targeted all the time, how can he not resist?"

"If Zixin doesn't participate in the battle for the throne, how can Yu enter the game?"

"That's right... In the end, it's because I don't have enough structure. Just because the third brother is a potential threat, I kept suppressing him, which finally led to today's situation."

Zihong did not refute, but agreed with Yuyi's statement.

He caressed the armrest of the dragon chair affectionately, as if treating a rare treasure.

"Although I failed, I finally sat on the dragon chair. It's not a pity."

Zihong took out a dagger from his pocket and stabbed it directly into his chest.

"Emperor!" Concubine Chen's face changed drastically, and she hurried to support Zihong.

Zihong vomited blood from his mouth, and said weakly, "Mother, Concubine, didn't we prepare for today's situation? If we fail, we will be benevolent."

"I'm sorry, concubine mother, if it weren't for the ambition of my son, concubine mother might be living happily."

"Emperor, mother and concubine will not let you go on the road alone." Concubine Chen gently stroked her son's cheek, pulled out the jade hairpin from the bun and inserted it into her chest.

"Mother, why are you doing this?"

"Prince, we conspired to kill His Majesty, do you think that Mother and Concubine can live in peace?"


The eldest prince Zi Hong collapsed on the dragon chair and lost his breath.

Concubine Chen also died beside him.

All the civil and military officials in the hall fell silent.

Yuyi sighed in his heart, he never thought that the eldest prince Zihong was very courageous and directly committed suicide.

Of course he has the ability to save Zihong and Concubine Chen, but it is impossible for him to save them.

Zihong and Concubine Chen participated in the regicide plan, and they would definitely be hacked into pieces while alive, so it would be better to die by suicide.

Although the two sides are in a hostile relationship, Yuyi has no perverted hobby of rescuing people and then torturing them.

Zi Xin sighed softly: "Come here, take away the remains of the Great Emperor and Concubine Chen."

Several guards stepped forward cautiously and carried away the bodies of Zihong and Concubine Chen.

Several maids hurried forward to clean up the blood on the dragon chair.

Wenren Qingshan said: "Come here, put all the officials who have taken refuge with the First Prince into the sky prison and wait for interrogation."

Those courtiers who originally supported the eldest prince were ashamed.

They knelt down and begged for mercy, crying loudly.

The guards showed no sympathy and dragged away the crying ministers one by one.

The Fifth Elder and Commander Liao were also subdued by several elders and taken away together.

The hall became empty, with nearly two-thirds of the officials missing.


A eunuch stumbled into the meeting hall.

"Master Wenren, Lord Marshal, Your Royal Highnesses, Your Majesty is awake."

Wenren Qingshan and Yan Guang showed joy.

"Come on, take us to see His Majesty."

Zixin followed behind and whispered, "Brother-in-law, the emperor has woken up, will it affect our plan?"

Yu Yi shook his head and said: "It doesn't affect much, His Majesty Zi Sheng can wake up, it's already a flashback."

"The eldest prince, the second prince, and the ninth prince had accidents one after another. The influence and ability of the rest of the princes are not enough. The throne is basically in your pocket."

"Sigh... If possible, I really don't want this throne."

Yuyi couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Zixin was a little embarrassed.

In the emperor's bedroom.

Concubine Yan and Concubine Feng also came.

Concubine Feng is still a little crazy.

"See Your Majesty." xN

All the officials saluted the people on the bed.

Zisheng was lying on the bed, his eyes could only be slightly opened.

A court lady hurried forward and helped Zisheng up.

He coughed a few times: "I heard Prime Minister, Marshal Yan, are you all here? Why are there only two concubines here?"

"What's the matter with Concubine Feng's makeup? What about the eldest prince and the second prince? Why is only one-third of the ministers in place?"

"Among the ministers, why are there so many unfamiliar faces?"

Wenren Qingshan and Yan Guang are hesitant to speak.

"What's the matter? Are you hiding something from me?" Zisheng's eyes were slightly concentrating, not angry.

Under Yu Yi's signal, Zi Xin took a step forward, cupped his hands and said, "I pay my respects to my father, let me explain this matter."

He talked about what happened after Zisheng fell into a coma.

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