"Third Brother!" x 2

Wang Delong and Wang Dehu's eyes were red with anxiety, they slashed and killed their opponents one after another, and chopped towards Liu Qiangwei.

Unfortunately, it's still a step too late.

"Die! Kill my mother, and charge some interest today."

A trace of murderous intent flashed in Liu Qiangwei's eyes, and she slashed at Wang Debao with a knife mixed with incomparable hatred.


A shrill scream resounded through the sky.

Originally, everyone thought that Wang Debao would be cut in two, but found that a burst of golden light erupted from his body, which could withstand most of the damage.

However, he is a rookie with more than 60 levels, facing the hatred of a level 89 powerhouse, it is not easy to have treasures.

Most of Wang Debao's body was destroyed, and all the meridians and sea of ​​Qi in his body were destroyed.

Even if he went to a doctor to heal his trauma, he would become a disabled person who could not practice.

The poor and scheming Wang Debao almost died under his own scheming.

"Bastard, I want you to die." Wang Debao looked like a madman, wishing he could swallow Liu Qiangwei alive.

Wang Delong and Wang Dehu arrived in time, forced Liu Qiangwei back, and protected Wang Debao who was seriously injured and dying.

Seeing that there was no chance to attack, Liu Qiangwei turned around and hunted down the rest of the enemies.

Without Wang Delong's restraint, she is like the Nine Heavens Goddess of War, and there is no single enemy wherever she goes.

All the enemies who stood in her way were cut in half, and no one was spared.

Luke was furious with anger, but he was weaker than Liu Qiangwei, he didn't dare to get close at all, and only dared to rage helplessly in the distance.

"Damn bastard."

"Wang Delong, leave your younger brother to Wang Dehu to take care of, hurry up and help, or all of us will be killed."

"it is good."

Although Wang Delong was worried about the safety of his third brother, he also knew that what Luke said was true, so he continued to take the place of his subordinates against Liu Qiangwei.

"Oh, it's a pity, President Liu didn't kill Wang Debao right away, after all, he left trouble behind." Yu Yi couldn't help sighing as he watched the battle outside the window.

"Hey... Anyway, the Wang brothers are at a disadvantage now, and failure will happen sooner or later." Jiang Yuyao took out a bunch of candied haws with a smile, and stretched out her pink tongue to lick them.


Yu Yiyu warned earnestly: "Yuyao, don't think things are too simple. The three Wang brothers have been planning secretly for many years and have already made all preparations. Otherwise, why would they dare to rebel against the Black Lotus Sect?"

"Master Yu, are you saying that the Wang brothers are secretly supported by a powerful person of the holy rank?" Su Kexin asked impatiently before Jiang Yuyao responded.

"Well, the situation has developed to the point where the chance of a holy rank powerhouse appearing exceeds the eighth level, but I don't know how many holy ranks will appear?"


A terrifying holy-level coercion enveloped the Chamber of Commerce, and everyone in the battle was overwhelmed.

The only ones who could barely support it were Wang Delong and Liu Qiangwei.

Most of the people were crushed to the ground and could not move.

Yuyi and the others who were hiding in the barrier were less affected.

It's just that it's a little difficult to breathe, but it's still within the tolerance range.

The masters of several forces who blocked the Wang brothers were a little panicked.

"Damn it, why did a holy-level powerhouse appear in the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce?"

"Gan... I don't know if this holy-ranked powerhouse is an enemy or a friend?"

"It is very likely that it is an enemy rather than a friend. It is probably the Wang brothers' trump card."

"It's completely over now, and my life is in danger."

"Hey...the Wang brothers dare to rebel, they really have the confidence."

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and think of a way to break the situation, otherwise we will all die here."

"There is a woolly method, the holy rank powerhouse, even the lowest Lv.90 is enough to sweep us all."

"Oh, play with a hammer and die!"


Chapter 53

A golden light flashed, and a mysterious man in a black robe and a mask floated in the air.

He is the strong man of the holy order.

"Brother Yu, you are really a crow's mouth, and you hit the spot again." Jiang Yuyao pouted.

Yuyi: "..."

Su Kexin snickered, only His Highness the Holy Maiden dared to complain about the Lord Lord God, and she would never dare to do so.

The mysterious saint-level powerhouse scolded Wang Delong: "Wang Delong, you disappointed me so much that you almost capsized."

"My lord, I'm sorry, I was careless. Please save my third brother. He is seriously injured. The second brother can only use energy to maintain it, and he is about to fail."

"Hmph, I'll clean you up when things are done."

The mysterious saint-level powerhouse glanced at the half-disabled Wang Dehu, popped a pill from his sleeve, and sent it to him.

Wang Dehu hurriedly grabbed the flying pill and gave it to Wang Debao to swallow.

Only half of Wang Debao's body was left, and under the force of the mysterious pill, blood grew rapidly.

In just a few minutes, the remnant body returned to its original state, without any signs of injury.

"Hiss... what kind of pill is this? The effect of the medicine is really terrifying. It's like the flesh and bones of the living dead. Even the doctors of the life department don't have such powerful healing abilities."

Su Kexin gasped.

"That's right, could it be that Chairman Liu's desperate killing was useless? What a pity." Jiang Yuyao nodded in agreement.

"No, although Wang Debao's trauma has recovered as before, the meridians and Qi sea in his body are still not repaired. He is still a useless person."

A gleam flashed in Yuyi's eyes.

"Oh... I'm so happy." The two little girls were relieved.

Yu Yi couldn't help but said: "Don't be too happy, for Wang Debao, strength or not is not important, he relies on brains for food, not strength."

outside world.

After dealing with Wang Debao's matter, the mysterious strong man turned his attention to Liu Qiangwei.

Chairman Liu was also stared at by the other party, making his scalp numb.

"Liu Qiangwei, hand over the key, and I will spare you."

"Bah, dreaming, self-righteous trash." Liu Qiangwei spat in disdain.

"You are looking for death, the holy rank cannot be humiliated!"

The mysterious holy rank was furious, his aura surged, and the barrier covering the chamber of commerce wailed, ready to shatter at any time.

Liu Qiangwei couldn't stand straight up under the pressure of the powerful holy rank.

Although the difference between Lv.89 and Lv.90 is only one level, there is an insurmountable gap between the two.

What's more, the mysterious strong man in front of him doesn't seem to be as simple as Lv.90, but Lv.93.

The situation has exceeded expectations, and it is beyond Liu Qiangwei's ability to handle it.

Even if she handed over the key, she still could not escape death.

As long as you are not a fool, you will understand the truth of killing people and silence them, so as to avoid future troubles forever.

The two sides went shopping, and the consequences were equally serious.

Liu Qiangwei might be able to escape in the hands of the holy rank powerhouse, but Yuyi and the others would definitely be buried in it.

The enchantment covering the chamber of commerce is about to be broken, and if the masters from Nanta City rush into the chamber of commerce and find that they are cult members of the Black Lotus Sect, they will definitely be hunted down endlessly.

Yu Yi didn't want to expose him as a cultist too early.

He originally wanted to keep the once-a-month right to use holy arts, but now it seems that he has to use it in advance.

"President Liu, I will use all my strength to suppress that holy man for 2 minutes, and take the opportunity to take you out of this place. I will modify the memories of everyone present to create the illusion that you have blew yourself up. Please do Get ready."

Liu Qiangwei was overjoyed when she received the message from her Lord God, and hurriedly responded:

"Master Yu, I am very grateful for your action. But can you give me more time? I want to kill the three Wang brothers."

"Sorry, President Liu, there is nothing I can do, you also know that I am not descended from the body, the power I can call is not strong, and the duration is also very limited.

Being able to suppress the opponent and modify the memory is already the limit, and if the time is too long, the clone will disappear.

If my body is here, I can crush them to death at will. "

"Oh...it's okay, I have waited for more than ten years anyway, and I don't care about waiting for a few more years." Liu Qiangwei said a little disappointed.

When Yuyi contacted Liu Qiangwei, he also explained the situation to Jiang Yuyao and Su Kexin, so that the two little girls would not panic.

stomping on...

Yu Yi walked out of the barrier.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and even the powerhouses of the holy order on the sky were stunned.

They didn't understand at all why the boy with the silver mask in front of him walked out of the enchantment at this moment.

Aren't you looking for your own death?

Yuyi didn't care what the rest of the people thought, and directly used the holy spell: Holy Order Descending.

The coercion on him suddenly rose to the peak of the holy rank, suppressing the mysterious strong man of the holy rank.


The mysterious saint-level powerhouse fell on the square in embarrassment, smashing a big hole in the dilapidated square.

"Peak of the holy rank!"

"Impossible, this boy is not even 15 years old, why is he at the peak of the holy rank?"

He was stimulated like crazy, completely disbelieving everything in front of him.

Only he knows how difficult it is to reach the holy steps.

He experienced countless times of wandering on the edge of life and death before breaking through to the holy rank, and after hundreds of years of painstaking practice, he was able to reach Lv.93.

The young man in front of him is a real Lv.99 in terms of aura and strength.

The mysterious saint rank powerhouse almost broke his heart.

He wanted to fight back frantically and tear the boy in front of him to pieces.

But he couldn't move an inch, and was tightly suppressed in the big pit, unable to move.

After reaching the holy rank, every step up is a huge gap.

As the saying goes, there are nine heavens on the holy ladder, and one step at a time reaches the sky.

Absolutely not just talk, it is fact.

Yuyi's level is 6 levels higher than the mysterious holy level, and his strength is at least hundreds of times stronger than the opponent.

The gap of hundreds of times is completely different.

The coercion of the peak of the holy rank lingers in the entire chamber of commerce.

Yuyi used his main aura to suppress the mysterious holy-ranked powerhouse, leaving only a trace of aura to target others.

Otherwise, in the chamber of commerce, no one below the holy rank could survive.

They will all be overwhelmed by the aura of his peak holy rank.


He spit out a word lightly, the mysterious holy rank powerhouse felt dizzy for a while, and his thinking fell into a state of chaos.

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