"Hey... Master Yu is right."

Yu Yi explained: "Your father Liu Qing used a special method to seal the key in the doll's body.

If it weren't for the occasional hint of divinity that it leaks out, even I wouldn't be able to perceive it.

After your father's heavy treasure was accidentally exposed, he deliberately broke into the Chamber of Commerce and left a message to divert attention.

Use this to attract those greedy eyes and ensure the safety of your mother and daughter.

Then secretly seal the key in the rag doll you carry with you, no one would think that the tattered rag doll contains heavy treasures.

It's just that he missed one point and underestimated the greed of human nature.

The top leaders of the Black Lotus Sect did not follow the rules. They couldn't find the key in the chamber of commerce, so they paid attention to you and your mother.

Ultimately, your mother died and you were imprisoned. "

When Liu Qiangwei heard this, a murderous intent flashed in her eyes, "One day, I will make those people pay the price."

Yu Yi persuaded: "There is no rush, Chairman Liu's strength can be regarded as a top power in the outside world, but in the Black Lotus Sect, it is really nothing.

There are quite a few masters of the Holy Rank in the main altar of the Black Lotus Sect, and now you have no chance at all. "

"Master Yu, please rest assured, this subordinate is not the kind of idiot with big breasts and no brains. This subordinate has endured it for more than ten years, and doesn't care about more than ten years.

Anyway, as long as one breaks through to the holy rank, one's lifespan will become very long. One cannot take revenge in 100 years, but in 1000 years, there is always a chance to kill the enemy. "

"It's good for you to think so. Hurry up and put the doll into your yuan ring. It's the safest thing to put on your body."

"Master Yu, how do I untie the seal? I can't even sense the existence of the seal."

"The seal has divinity, let alone untie it by ordinary means, even the existence of the seal cannot be sensed.

You also know that my current strength is not very strong, not enough to break the seal, wait a few years. "

"Yes, Master Yu."

Liu Qiangwei put the doll into Yuan Jie, and led Yuyi and Jiang Yuyao away.

"Brother Fish, Brother Fish..."

Sensing the call in Jiang Yuyao's mind, Yuyi responded: "Yuyao, what's wrong?"

"Brother Yu, why don't you leave the doll quietly? You are the main god and don't need the things in the god's ruins, but the believers of the time and space gods really need it!"

Yuyi wanted to complain, "I need it very much, I'm just a false god, how can I not look down on the things left by the true god?"

He explained to Jiang Yuyao, "The key inside the doll can only open the ruins, not the inheritance of the gods.

When the ruins are opened, can't you go with Liu Qiangwei?

The things left by the gods will be left to those who are destined, and it doesn't mean whoever is strong can get it.

Taking the key as her own hastily will only make Liu Qiangwei feel bad, and maybe even rebel. "

"Hehe... Brother Yu is still thoughtful."

Liu Qiangwei, who was leading the way, naturally couldn't hear the communication between the two of them in her head. She had no idea that her main god and colleagues were plotting against her.

Chapter 50 Wang Delong Resurrected, Yu Yi Acquired Holy Art

Inside the mourning hall.

Xu Xiaomei and other family members wore sackcloth and filial piety, and looked sad.


With a shout from the master of ceremonies, the coffin containing Wang Delong's relics was lifted up by the guards.

The family members cried louder.

But in the end how many people are really sad, only each of them knows in their hearts.

"Hahahaha... President Wang's funeral, how could Luke be missing."

President Luke of the Portia Chamber of Commerce led many people into the Chamber of Commerce.

"How did Luke get in? What do the guards at the entrance of the chamber of commerce do?" a high-level chamber of commerce scolded.

Liu Qiangwei's face was also not good-looking, the other party forced her way in without notifying her, she simply didn't pay attention to everyone.

"Haha... Sorry everyone, President Wang and I are best friends. I will definitely come over for his funeral, but I lost my manners in a hurry. I hope everyone will be happy."

Luke grinned.

He laughed out loud when someone was going to the funeral, as if he was here to make trouble.

But Yuyi knew that Luke and Wang Delong had a very close relationship, and the other party would definitely not come to make trouble, so it was impossible to guess what the specific purpose was.

Wang Dehu didn't seem to be angry either, he came forward to say hello with a smile.

No matter how stupid Lu Xiao, Candace and others are, they know that the relationship between Luke and the Wang brothers is not easy.

Liu Qiangwei gripped the handle of the knife tightly, wishing to chop off all these people.

Everyone followed the funeral procession to the chamber of commerce square.

After a sacrificial service by the master of ceremonies, Wang Delong's family members followed the funeral procession and left the chamber of commerce to go to the cemetery where they were buried.

Wang Dehu, Wang Debao, and Luke did not leave.

It seems that something big is about to happen.

The Chamber of Commerce suddenly raised an enchantment.

Yuyi's expression changed, "President Liu, I'm afraid the chamber of commerce will be turned into ruins again today."

"Haha... the special envoy has a good eye." Luke laughed.

"Wang Dehu, Luke, what do you mean?" Liu Qiangwei raised her brows upside down.

Yuyi shook his head helplessly, "It's very simple, the Wang brothers and Luke are planning to clean the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce and the Nanta City sub-helm.

People who do not belong to their camp are doomed today, even the investigation team is counted among them. "

"That's right, that's right. As expected of the special envoy from the General Forum, he can see through our thoughts at a glance." Luke clapped his hands and praised.

Yuyi ignored Luke, but turned his attention to Wang Debao, "Deacon Wang, you planned this matter again? This special envoy can't understand, why did you choose to do it today?"

"Huh? My lord special envoy, don't flatter the villain. The villain is just a small deacon, how can he have such great abilities?"

Wang Debao was so frightened that he was sweating profusely, panicked, and quickly denied it.

"Master Yu, are you wrong, Wang Debao is an out-and-out trash.

If it weren't for his two elder brothers, he wouldn't be where he is today, and he might not even be able to get a deacon position. "

Liu Qiangwei looked puzzled.

"Yes, my lord special envoy, you are flattering the villain too much." Wang Debao hastily nodded in agreement.

"Brother Yu, are you kidding me? The Wang brothers came out of the main arena, and their records from childhood to adulthood are all there, showing that Wang Debao is a waste."

"That's right, I also read the information of the Wang brothers before I set off, and it is indeed the same as the rumors." Lu Xiao was also a little confused.

"Of course not, even you all think that Wang Debao is trash, doesn't that mean that he played well?

Wang Debao has been disguising himself all the time. My deduction results are not all correct, but they are more than nine levels. "

Yu Yi is not talking big, he put all the information collected these days into the Godhead Crystal for deduction and calculation, and then he got the result.

The Godhead Crystal can not only store data, but also has a powerful calculation and deduction ability, which is many times more powerful than the so-called supercomputers on the earth.

The conclusions deduced with the Divine Spark crystal are basically unmistakable.

Liu Qiangwei was shocked and said: "Wang Debao is really deep enough to hide. He usually acts greedy for money, lustful, timid, wretched, and a series of other problems. I didn't expect that he was just pretending."

Jiang Yuyao was also very surprised, "In this way, Wang Debao has deceived everyone. It is very good for ordinary people to hide for a few years or ten years. But he can hide for a lifetime, which is simply terrifying."

Yu Yi chuckled, and explained: "Hehe...so you can't look at people by their appearance.

Whether it is the general altar or the outside world, it is rumored that the three Wang brothers are, 'one dragon, one tiger, and one dog'.

Needless to say, Wang Delong and Wang Dehu are worthy of their names and titles.

Only Wang Debao is a leopard, or even a wolf, but he is said to be a dog.

This was done on purpose by the Wang brothers.

If the three brothers became 'one dragon, one tiger, and one leopard', they would definitely not be able to get to where they are today, and they would have been eliminated by various forces long ago.

Wang Debao has been hiding all the time, disguising himself as a good-for-nothing and relying on his two elder brothers' waste, so as to deceive others.

Secretly, it is the think tank and military adviser of the three Wang brothers, and many strategies are formulated by Wang Debao.

I don't know if what the special envoy said is right? "

After Yuyi finished explaining, he turned his attention to Wang Debao.

"Haha... As expected of the special envoy. I thought I was hiding it well, but it turned out that I had been seen through long ago."

Wang Debao is no longer timid and timid as before, but has become flamboyant and arrogant.

After decades of hiding, he has almost forgotten his original character.

When Lu Xiao saw the other party confessing, his face was very gloomy.

Wang Debao, whom he had always looked down upon, turned out to be an old silver coin.

Isn't this playing him like a monkey?

Yu Yi waved his hands indifferently, "Wang Delong, President Wang, why don't you come out yet? You don't intend to see the whole thing from beginning to end, do you?"

"What? Isn't Wang Delong dead?" Candace was shocked.

Liu Qiangwei was the most excited, and exclaimed: "Impossible, I have personally checked Wang Delong's body, and there is nothing wrong with it."

Yu Yi chuckled and explained: "Hehe... I reminded President Liu yesterday that there will be a good show today.

President Liu, has he heard of a method where Li replaces peaches with stiffness?Wang Delong used this method to replace the body with a puppet to die.

The puppet was refined by secret methods, just like Wang Delong himself.

But this kind of puppet also has a flaw, the level of the puppet is weaker than the main body.

When I was examining Wang Delong's body, I accidentally discovered through secret methods that the energy and muscle strength in the body were inferior to Wang Delong's body.

This was also the main reason why the men in black were eager to destroy Wang Delong's body, and they were also afraid that the dispatch team would notice this detail. "

"Hiss...so that's the case. No wonder my subordinates always felt a little weird when they inspected the corpse, but they couldn't tell the reason." Lu Sheng suddenly realized.

"President Liu, do you know why Wang Delong feigned death?" Yu Yi continued to ask.

"Master Yu, why?"

"Because some high-level members of the Black Lotus Sect are already very dissatisfied with Wang Duozhu's actions.

He had to take the opportunity to feign death to escape, hide in the dark and continue to plan, trying to control all branches of the entire business alliance. "

"Is Wang Delong so insidious? Why didn't I see it before?"

"Wang Delong did not formulate the overall plan, but Wang Debao planned it alone."

stomping on...

A figure came out from the shadow of a palace, it was Wang Delong who was in fake death.

"Hahahaha... As expected of the special envoy, he actually saw through the seamless plan of our three brothers."

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the fourth branch task: Find out what happened to the Black Lotus Sect's Nanta City sub-helm, find out the cause of Wang Delong's death, fool and subdue a strong man above the seventh rank. 】

[Task Reward: Holy Art: Holy Order Comes, strength increased by 5 levels. 】

[Rewards are being distributed...]

"Huh? Holy Art: The Holy Order Comes, what the hell kind of skill is that?"

[Please ask the host to check the special skills by himself. 】

Yuyi felt a stream of pure energy coming from his body, and his level increased several levels in an instant.

The panel data have also changed a lot.

Host: Yuyi

Age: 13

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