"This subordinate hastily brought people to support after receiving a report from his subordinates that the special envoy was in trouble."

"Thank you President Liu for your support."

Yuyi's heart also trembled, it seems that the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce's intelligence capabilities are good.

Not long after Lu Sheng arrived here, Liu Qiangwei knew about it.

Luke's face changed slightly, and he smiled immediately: "Hahahaha... Mr. Special Envoy, President Liu, I was just joking."

"However, you can't suspect that Huo Yuan has a problem, so I just hand him over?"

"Then how will you convince the public after you're here? I wonder if Mr. Special Envoy and Chairman Liu have evidence?"

Yuyi explained: "It's very simple, the curse of doom has a defect that is not a defect, the caster needs to use his own blood essence to trigger the curse.

The person who is cursed by this will carry a breath of the curser on his body.

Conversely, the caster will also carry the breath of the curser.

This smell cannot be removed no matter what method is used.

If President Luke doesn't believe it, he can ask Huo Yuan to let go of his defenses and check if there is a breath of bad luck and curse in his heart. "

"You...you...how did you know so clearly?" Huo Yuan's face changed drastically when he heard that.

There is no need to interrogate now, everyone knows the result.

After Huo Yuan panicked for a short time, he also realized that he was too nervous, and his way out.

He and Mustache were full of dejection, like a defeated rooster, and their lives were completely over.

Without waiting for Locke to ask, Huo Yuan laughed miserably, and took the initiative to explain why he targeted Tu Shanmingyue.

The three brothers Huo Yuan and Tu Shan Mingyue's father, Huang Ming, grew up together in a slum, and they have a very good relationship.

Huo Yuan's elder brother and Mustache joined the Portia Chamber of Commerce successively.

Huang Ming and Huo Yuan did not, but chose to become adventurers, travel far and wide, and take risks everywhere.

During their adventurous life, the two met Tu Shanyue, Tu Shanmingyue's mother, the fox-eared mother.

The bloody thing is that both of them fell in love with Tu Shanyue at the same time.

However, Tu Shanyue only has a crush on Huang Ming, who is handsome and talented.

Huo Yuan was mad with jealousy, but he still forced himself to smile.

During a certain adventure mission, he accidentally discovered that Tu Shanyue was in the form of a primordial beast, not a vulper clan among the orcs.

Originally, according to the normal situation, metamorphic beasts like Tu Shanyue were at least holy rank powerhouses.

But for some unknown reason, Tu Shanyue's holy rank strength is gone, and she is only at forty or fifty ranks.

This unexpected discovery made Huo Yuan both shocked and delighted.

He contacted Tu Shanyue privately behind Huang Ming's back, and used it as a threat, wanting her to stay with him.

Unfortunately, he underestimated Tu Shanyue's loyalty to love.

This matter, on the contrary, was self-defeating, making Tu Shanyue look down on him even more, and even persuaded Huang Ming to stay away from her brother.

Huo Yuan was furious about this, and he hated Huang Ming even more.

He thought it was Huang Ming's existence that made Tu Shanyue look down on him.

In a fit of anger, Huo Yuan left the adventure group and joined the Portia Chamber of Commerce as a guard.

Huo Yuan, who was swallowed by jealousy, did not know where to get the curse of bad luck.

He decided to plant it on Huang Ming's body. Not only could he kill him, but he could also subdue a powerful evil spirit of bad luck to be his thug, and he could even get Tu Shanyue. It could be said to kill three birds with one stone.

He cast the curse on the long sword that Huang Ming usually used. As long as the opponent drew out the long sword during the battle, he would be cursed.

Things didn't go according to Huo Yuan's idea.

By mistake, Tu Shanyue touched Huang Ming's long sword first, and the curse fell on Tu Shanyue.

At that time, Tu Shanyue was pregnant.

The curse of doom entered the fetus smoothly.

Although it didn't achieve its intended purpose, it wasn't a failure either.

After the baby was born, Huang Ming and Tu Shanyue each took a character from their own names and named the baby Tu Shan Mingyue.

Originally this would be a happy family.

Unfortunately, when Tu Shan Mingyue was five years old, the curse of bad luck began to show its hideous features.

Under the influence of bad luck, her family suffered from constant disasters and everything went wrong.

Under the influence of the curse, Huang Ming died accidentally during an adventure mission.

Huo Yuan thought that the opportunity had come, and he could embrace the beauty.

He didn't expect the curse of bad luck to be so terrifying, and Tu Shanyue also died of bad luck not long after.

Huo Yuan, who made a mistake in his calculations, was short of man and money, and got nothing.

He had no choice but to shift his target to the young Tu Shan Mingyue. Anyway, it would be nice to be able to subdue an evil spirit of doom as a trump card.

After that, he secretly followed the movement of Tu Shan Mingyue.

He wanted to wait for her to be swallowed by the curse and turn into an evil spirit of doom, and then use the advantage of the curse caster to subdue her, but he didn't expect to be cut off by Yuyi.

"Sigh... I didn't expect Huo Yuan to be so cruel. Jealousy is really a terrible thing." President Luke was full of emotion.

"It's because the president is not strict in discipline, which made Mr. Special Envoy and President Liu laugh."

"Come here, put Huo Yuan and Huo Quan down."

Several guards quickly stepped forward and sealed the Huo Yuan brothers to prevent them from escaping.

"Wait a minute, President Luke, can you hand over Huo Yuan to me? I promised Xiaoyue that I will let her avenge herself."

"Okay." Luke said heartily.

It's just a little Huo Yuan, so what if he sells the other party's favor, it's not appropriate to have a bad relationship with the other party now.

Tu Shan Mingyue wept with joy, staring at the enemy in front of her, showing a bright smile.

Yu Yi handed her a long sword.

"Grandma, father, mother, Xiaoyue can finally avenge you with her own hands." Tu Shanmingyue walked towards Huo Yuan with a long sword in hand.

"Please spare my life, I shouldn't be so greedy, I shouldn't covet Tu Shanyue's beauty."

Tu Shan Mingyue remained unmoved and still raised her long sword.

"You can't kill me. My bad luck curse comes from the Black Lotus Sect. If you kill me, you will face the endless pursuit of the Black Lotus Sect."

Huo Yuan showed fear on his face and threatened sharply.

Tu Shan Mingyue stopped and hesitated.

She is not afraid of the people of the Black Lotus Sect, but she is worried that her behavior will cause trouble to her benefactor.

Yuyi is her only reliance, the only belief in her ability to survive.

If something happened to Yuyi because of her, she would never forgive herself.

"Huh?" Yu Yi was startled.

Huo Yuan is related to the Black Lotus Sect?

Then he was relieved again.

It is normal for such evil spells as the curse of bad luck to come from the Black Lotus Sect.


Huo Yuan flew upside down and hit the hotel wall.

Luke made a lightning strike and crippled Huo Yuan.

"Hey... Chong Chong, catch Chong Chong..."

Huo Yuan struggled to get up, completely ignoring his blood-spitting body, jumping up and down like a fool.

"President Luke, why are you doing this?" Yu Yi's eyes froze, and he was secretly on guard.

"Sorry, sorry, I have a blood feud with the Black Lotus Sect. When I heard that Huo Yuan was related to the Black Lotus Sect, I couldn't help but act out of excitement."

Luke apologized hastily.

"Xiaoyue, go and get rid of Huo Yuan." Yuyi is not a fool, Luke's behavior just now is completely like killing someone to silence him.

Huo Yuan has already been beaten into a fool, and there is no chance to force him to ask about his relationship with the Black Lotus Sect.

Tu Shan Mingyue nodded, and pierced Huo Yuan's heart with a long sword.

Huo Yuan, who was already seriously injured, fell down slowly with doubts on his face after his heart was pierced.

It twitched a few times on the ground and lost its vital signs.

In order to prevent Huo Yuan from feigning death, Yu Yi made a few sword strikes and even burned his body to prevent his resurrection.

Liu Qiangwei and the others were speechless, they were overly cautious, not even letting the corpse go.

Tu Shan Mingyue slashed the enemy with her hands, knelt on the ground with clasped hands, and muttered about this in a low voice.

It is not difficult to guess that she is praying for her family, telling what has been revenged.

"President Liu, Mr. Special Envoy, the chamber of commerce is busy, so I will take my leave first." Luke cupped his hands.

"Thank you, President Luke."

President Luke nodded, and led Huo Quan away slowly.

"Ah...it's really troublesome, Huo Yuan, this trash, almost exposed his plan, so death is not a pity.

I hope that the Wang brothers will complete the layout as soon as possible and complete the great cause.

It's just a small special envoy, how will you jump around then? "

Luke was at a certain corner, turned back to the hotel, and showed a meaningful look.

Yuyi and his group returned to the hotel room.

"President Liu, thank you for your help."

"My lord envoy is too polite, but my subordinates didn't help me much."

"Judging from the situation just now, it is obvious that Luke is also involved with this church. Does President Liu know the situation?"

"I don't know, the Wang brothers have always been in contact with Luke."

"The Portia Chamber of Commerce is selling black crystals recently, what's going on?"

Liu Qiangwei sighed softly and said, "Oh...Wang Delong had always had an unclear relationship with Luke during his lifetime.

Every time black crystals arrive, he will secretly withhold a batch and send them to the Portia Chamber of Commerce.

As for how to operate it, the subordinates are not clear.

This matter was handled by the Wang brothers alone, and the subordinates had no right to intervene. "

"Huh... the Wang brothers are so good at eating inside and out!" Jiang Yuyao wrinkled her little nose in dissatisfaction.

Yuyi shook his head secretly, this kind of thing is always unavoidable.

"Master Special Envoy, Her Majesty the Holy Maiden, the Chamber of Commerce still has a lot of things to deal with, so I will leave first."

"President Liu, please go ahead."

After Liu Qiangwei left, the room became quiet again.

"Wang Delong deserved to be killed, but he actually embezzled property behind the back of the general altar and filled his own pocket." Jiang Yuyao was very angry.

Her father is the leader of the Black Lotus Sect, and the Black Lotus Sect is her family. Faced with Wang Delong's actions, she is naturally filled with righteous indignation.

Yu Yi shook his head, "The branch of the Black Lotus Sect is spread all over the continent, and only half of the disciples are self-cultivated.

The remaining half joined the Black Lotus Sect for various reasons, and it is normal to have selfishness.

If the Black Lotus Sect was monolithic, our Time and Space God Sect would not need to develop. "

Jiang Yuyao raised her neck proudly, "Hmph... One day, this saint will turn the entire Black Lotus Sect into the Sect of Time and Space, and walk on the mainland in a fair and honest manner."

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