Yu Yi didn't hesitate at all, he couldn't beat the opponent, but he could shake him.

Jiang Wentian faction has many masters, and if they really want to call these masters, let alone a small Portia Chamber of Commerce, even the entire Nanta City cannot be kept.

"My lord, it's better to be careful. It's easy to hide a hidden arrow, but it's hard to guard against it." The old man looked at the confident benefactor, and warned with worry.

"Well, thank you for your concern. Those who did not receive the supplies continued to line up, and we left after receiving the supplies."

Yuyi couldn't say anything, but just urged the residents of the slums to get the supplies as soon as possible.

After the supplies were distributed, the three of Yuyi left with the gratitude of the people in the slums and continued to wander.

"Brother Yu, candied haws are so sweet, I'll give you one too."

Jiang Yuyao looked around happily, and handed a bunch of candied haws in her hand to her god.

"I don't need food, and I'm not used to this kind of sour and sweet food." Yuyi shook his head and refused.

It is said that the candied haws business of Datianchao is really extraordinary, and they have all opened to another world.

"It's a pity, I still want to share it with Brother Yu."

The little girl tilted her head, she was so cute.

Yuyi couldn't help rubbing the dog's head angrily.

Su Kexin has been serving as the background board next to the two of them.

After fighting for a while, the three of them continued on their way.

Along the way, Jiang Yuyao bought a lot of things and put them all into Yuan Jie.

The Chengnan trading market covers a huge area and is subdivided into many areas, each of which is dedicated to a category of products.

For example, the food area, daily necessities area, monks' material area, and so on.

All kinds of materials are dazzling, everything that one expects to find.

The eyes of the three were all dazzled.

It was the first time for Yuyi to visit a trading market in another world. The dazzling array of other world products were very attractive, and he couldn't resist buying some decorations.

The three of them walked into a treasure pavilion, intending to see if there were any treasures that had to be paid attention to.

Treasure Pavilion is a place to collect and trade various treasures.

The Treasure Pavilion in the Chengnan Trading Market occupies a large area.

When the three of Yuyi stepped into the gate, a beautiful waitress stepped forward to greet them.

"Three guests, do you want to buy something?"

"Let's have a look first."

The waitress smiled and said: "Okay, please feel free to watch the three guests. If you have something you like, our shop will serve you at any time."

These waiters were of high quality, and they didn't look down on Yuyi because of his casualness.

There are many booths in the lobby on the first floor.

There is a good treasure on each booth, such as swords, guns and halberds, strange stones, carvings, calligraphy and paintings, etc., all kinds of strange things.

Jiang Yuyao looked at the treasures on each booth curiously, "Hey, they all look good. Brother Yu, do you want to buy some back?"

"No, the exhibits on the first floor are rare treasures for ordinary people, but they are of little use to us."

"No need to waste money, go directly to the upper floors, maybe there will be useful treasures."

"Yeah... Brother Yu said yes."

Yu Yi was about to go to the second floor when several discussions broke into his ears.

"Hi... Lao Zhang, Lao Liu, have you received the invitation from the Portia Chamber of Commerce?"

"No. Old He, has the Portia Chamber of Commerce held a large-scale commodity fair recently?"

"Didn't you hear the news that the Portia Chamber of Commerce is going to sell a batch of black crystals recently?"

"If the quantity is large enough, we may also have a chance to get some soup from it.

"If the quantity is small, it is likely to be rounded up by those big chambers of commerce."

"Huh? Really? Why haven't I heard about this, Lao He hurry up and tell me what's going on?"

The three of Yuyi looked at each other, pretending to be looking at the surrounding booths, and inadvertently approached the discussion crowd.

The reason why they were interested in the discussion of a few ordinary merchants was because the other party mentioned black crystal.

Black spar is a specialty of the Black Lotus Sect, and it is not available in other countries or even races.

Of course, none of the races on the continent knew that black crystals came from the Black Lotus Sect.

They only know that there is a mysterious force that sells a batch of black crystals to major chambers of commerce every once in a while.

Then, these chambers of commerce will sell the black crystals to all parts of the mainland.

Black spar is a unique product of the Black Lotus Sect, not because its veins are in the territory of the Black Lotus Sect, but because black spar is a kind of ore synthesized by the alchemists in the sect with special alchemy methods.

Only the alchemists at the headquarters of the Black Lotus Sect can understand the synthesis method, not to mention the outside world, even if they are in various branches, no one knows it.

This kind of ore is very special, it can hold any energy, and its texture is tough. It is an indispensable material for forging weapons and armor and improving its quality.

Black spar is very popular in the outside world, and it earns a lot of money for the Black Lotus Sect every year.

The main altar is to let the chambers of commerce under the jurisdiction of each sub-helm and sub-altar sell black spar, and never fake it to others.

The sales of black crystals in Nanta City are handled by the Scarlet Thorn Chamber of Commerce and the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce.

However, the Portia Chamber of Commerce was able to purchase black crystals from a certain channel for sale, which had to attract the attention of the three of Yuyi.

"Hey... have you made a mistake? Hasn't the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce and its superior Chamber of Commerce been in charge of the black crystal?

How did it become the Portia Chamber of Commerce?Could it be that the mysterious force has changed its partner? "

"The specific situation is unclear. The Portia Chamber of Commerce has secretly sent invitation notices to some chambers of commerce."

"Huh? Why did they secretly invite the Chamber of Commerce to buy it? Can't they sell it blatantly?"

"Are you stupid? The Portia Chamber of Commerce and the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce have always been in a cooperative relationship, and the relationship between the two parties is good.

If the Portia Chamber of Commerce intercepts the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce's financial resources, do you think the other party would dare to sell it blatantly?

Isn't that slapping their partners in the face?

It must be that the Portia Chamber of Commerce is using this event to test the reality of the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce.

After the turmoil has passed, sell it openly. "

"That's right, the life of the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce is probably going to be difficult. Black crystals are hugely profitable. Who wouldn't want to get involved?"

"Perhaps you are overthinking it. What if the two chambers of commerce get shares and sell them at the same time?"

"No matter what the relationship between the two chambers of commerce is, the key issue now is how to get black crystals from the Portia chamber of commerce, rather than caring about their relationship."

"Haha, yes, that makes sense."

"Let's go upstairs and have a look first. If there is no treasure we like, we will have to wait until next time."

"Yes, yes, let's go together."


From the corner of their eyes, the three of Yuyi caught sight of those wealthy merchants going upstairs, looked at each other, and walked towards the outside of Zhenbao Pavilion.

"Guests, go slowly, welcome to visit next time."

on the street.

"Brother Yu, what's going on here? Why did the exclusive product of the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce go to the Portia Chamber of Commerce?"

"That's right, could it be that someone within the chamber of commerce colluded with external forces to resell supplies?" Su Kexin echoed.

Yuyi shook his head, "It's hard to say what's going on now, and there's a high probability that it's the internal and external collusion that Kexin said."

"Oh...it's a headache to encounter such things every time you go out for a walk."

The three of Yuyi passed a bustling street, and a large circle of people surrounded the street, blocking the road.

"Wow, there are a lot of people around, is someone performing magic tricks on the street?"

With Jiang Yuyao's character, there is absolutely nothing to miss if there is something exciting to watch.

The little girl couldn't wait to get into the crowd and join in the fun.

Yuyi shook his head helplessly, followed closely behind.

Among the crowd, I saw a few hooligans beating and kicking a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl.

The little girl seemed to belong to the Beastman family, or the Foxman family among the Beastman family.

Yuyi was puzzled.

Fox people, regardless of gender, mostly have orange, chestnut, and red hair.

There is almost no silver-white hair, could it be a mutation?

The little fox girl's silver-white hair and fox tail are all dirty, obviously living at the bottom of society for a long time.

Even though she was punched and kicked by several people, the little fox girl bit her jade lips tightly and did not make a sound.

His little pale, stained face was devoid of emotion, and his eyes were empty.

It's just that there is an occasional look in her eyes, which shows that she has not completely turned into a walking dead.

Her little hand was holding on to an object, and it could be seen from the gap between her fingers that it was a small jade pendant.

"Hmph... brat, it's your good fortune that my young master has taken a fancy to your jade pendant, yet you still dare to resist?"

The little hooligan angrily kicked the girl's lower abdomen.

"Hey... What a crime, the little catastrophe actually ran into a ruffian."

"Who says it's not? The jade pendant in her hand is the only thing left by her grandma, and it's also the only thing she cherishes."

"The little catastrophe is very poor. If it weren't for her terrible misfortune, many kind-hearted people would be willing to adopt her."

"Indeed, it's a pity."

"The little girl was normal when she was a child, but unfortunately she changed later."

"Oh? What's going on? Tell me quickly."

"According to rumors, the little girl has been living in Nanta City with her parents and grandma.

Before she was five years old, the family lived happily, harmoniously and beautifully.

However, everything changed when she was five years old.

For unknown reasons, a terrible misfortune had inexplicably tainted her body.

This bad luck hits whomever, and her parents are also affected, causing various accidents to die.

The little girl can only live with her grandmother, who also died of illness when she was ten years old.

There are two kind-hearted families who saw the little girl as pitiful and adopted her one after another.

But after the two families adopted her, all their families were destroyed.

Up to now, almost no one dares to approach her, fearing bad luck, even the residents of the slums dare not take her in.

There was an old man in the slum who didn't believe in evil. Not long after adopting her, the house collapsed.

The old man and several neighbors were crushed to death, but the little catastrophe was fine.

The people in the slums were terrified and drove her out for fear of suffering.

The little disaster star can only wander in the city, rummaging through trash cans for food to survive. "

Chapter 37

"Hiss... so terrifying, no wonder you dare not step forward to stop it."

"Hey... who dares to die? Let's not talk about whether the bad luck of the little calamity will infect others.

Even if there is no bad luck, no one dares to step forward to stop it.

Those people are Brother Huang Mao's subordinates, and it's not like you don't know how ruthless the other party is.

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