The same is true for the barrel of the artillery. Maybe the barrel made of alchemy materials has a larger caliber and a longer range.

After using alchemy materials to make steam engines and new-style cannons, it can be deduced from this, and maybe an improvement plan using ordinary materials can be found. "

Yuan Li patted his forehead in frustration, "I'm so stupid, why didn't I think of such a simple thing? Ordinary materials won't work, why not use alchemy materials?"

"Haha... People make mistakes, horses make mistakes, don't worry about it."

"Brother Yu, I'm going to arrange for manpower to use alchemy materials to modify steam engines and artillery."

"Don't worry, take your time, everything is about safety." Yu Yi persuaded.

"Well, thank you Brother Yu for reminding me." Yuan Li was a man of action and was about to leave immediately.

Yu Yi hurriedly called Yuan Li to stop, "Xiao Yuan, don't rush to leave, go and have a meeting with me and announce your scientific research results."

"Brother Yu, I don't need to go to meetings like this, it's a waste of time."

As a research madman, Yuanli didn't want to waste time on meaningless things.

"There's so much nonsense, there's a purpose in asking you to hold a meeting." Yu Yi ignored Yuan Li's objections, and dragged him to the meeting hall.

Inside the meeting hall.

Yu Yi occupies the first seat, and the second row is Jiang Yuyao's four girls.

Then came the members of the council and the heads of various departments.

There are not many members of parliament in the hall, only a few people.

They are Roald, the chief of the Wild Lion Tribe, Hei Jue, the chief of the Black Panther Tribe, Le Nier, the chief of the Spirit Fox Tribe, and Tian Xing, the chief of the Winged Man Tribe.

Among them, Roald is a lion, Heijue is a human, Le Nier is a fox, and Tianxing is a wing.

In addition, there are Yuan Li, the head of the scientific research department, Zarrick, the head of the weapon casting department, Hao Weikou, the head of the agricultural department, Winnie, the head of the industrial production department, and other old people from the civet tribe.

Yuyi glanced at the crowd and said: "The scientific research department has recently made several new achievements, Xiaoyuan, please explain to everyone, this is related to the next step of our tribe's strategy."

"Yes, Master Yu." Yuan Li also changed his address to Yu Yi in formal occasions.

He began to talk about the research results of glass, soap, minie rifle, papermaking and so on.

Everyone thought about it after listening.

"Brother Yu, the Mini rifle is easy to understand. After all, it is a new weapon. What are glass, soap, and paper made of?" Jiang Yuyao wondered.

Glass products and paper were mostly circulated among nobles.

Ordinary people can't afford to read books, and it's useless to buy paper.

Whether it is wine glasses, window sills, lighting and other items are inseparable from glass.

The price of glass is also very expensive, and ordinary people can't afford it.

Soap is even more useless, she uses vitality or special bath potions to clean her body.

The little saint couldn't figure out what the use of a few flashy things was.

Isn't it a waste of time?

Luo Ya frowned slightly, not understanding the intention.

Qu Hanyan, who was born as an ordinary person, was thoughtful.

Yuanli explained: "Sister Yuyao, you don't know something, I researched glass products and papermaking techniques according to Mr. Yu's tips.

It is hundreds of times cheaper than alchemy products, enough for us to promote it to ordinary people.

In the future, when ordinary people in chaotic places build houses, they can also use glass windows and glass tiles.

They eat and drink,

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Affordable glass bowls and tumblers too.

Not to mention the role of paper, after large-scale promotion, ordinary people in chaotic places will also have the opportunity to read and write. "

Jiang Yuyao continued to ask, "Where's the soap? What's the use?"

Yu Yi shook his head and said: "Yuyao, you have been a monk since you were a child, and you have a large group of servants to take care of you, so naturally you don't understand the significance of soap to ordinary people.

Do you know what ordinary people usually use to clean their bodies? "

"Eh? Ehhh...?" The little saint was stumped at once.

This question is completely out of her knowledge blind spot.

Yu Yi laughed dumbly and said, "Yan'er, tell Yuyao."

"Yes, my lord." Qu Hanyan nodded, looked at Jiang Yuyao and said, "Sister Yuyao, it is not as convenient for ordinary people in the Tianyuan Continent to take a shower than monks and nobles.

Most of them use rice washing water and saponins to clean their bodies, and they cannot afford alchemy potions at all.

Saponin is okay to say, I believe everyone knows what rice washing water is like.

If it were all of you here, who would be willing to bathe in rice washing water if conditions permit? "

Qu Hanyan was from the Xingyue tribe, and before meeting Yuyi, he was completely an ordinary person.

She is the most clear about the needs of ordinary people.

"Wow... is that so?" The little saint's beautiful eyes widened.

Jiang Yuyao, who grew up as a celebrity, has basically never been in contact with the lives of ordinary people.

It is also impossible to imagine their life will be so difficult.

Yu Yi smiled and said, "Yuyao, now you should understand the meaning of glass, soap, and papermaking to ordinary people?"

"Yuyao understands. Brother Yu wants to use these things to benefit the tribes in the chaotic land and earn a lot of wealth at the same time?"

Jiang Yuyao has always had a big picture view, and her hints to Yuyi are clear.

"That's right, but your layout is still too small. We can also let President Liu promote new products to the outside world.

There are countless ordinary people in Tianyuan Continent, and the demand is huge, which will create endless wealth for us. "

"Hiss...the Phoenix Tribe and Sister Liu will become the richest people in the entire continent in the future."

The little saint exclaimed.

Yu Yi chuckled lightly, and said, "Haha...the matter of promotion is too far away.

The main goal now is to open up business routes in the chaotic land.

Then earn a lot of money to buy food and various ores that we are in short supply. "

"Well, Brother Yu is right."

"Master Yu, do you mean to mass-produce a few products invented by the scientific research department?" Winnie stepped forward and asked.

She is the person in charge of the production department, and she is basically responsible for this matter.

Yuyi nodded and said: "Yes, that's right. Winnie, you should arrange manpower as soon as possible to build the factory. If there is something you don't understand, you can ask Yuanli to send someone to guide you."

"Yes, Master Yu. But how much are the prices of several products?"

"Sell it at ten to twenty times the cost price. The price is too high for ordinary people to use."

"Yes, Master Yu."

Roald stepped forward and said, "Master Yu, the Lumi blunderbuss is only equipped with one battle group. Do you want to stop equipping them and replace them all with Mini rifles? What should we do with the previous Lumi blunderbusses?"

Zarick complained: "Master Yu, the manufacture of Lumi guns has just started, and the craftsmen have only initially mastered the production process of the assembly line.

Now it is going to be changed to a Mini rifle, which means that everything has to be reinvented. Is the pace too fast? "

The fox girl Le Nier said with a coquettish smile: "Hehehehe...the two big men are full of muscles, really

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It's okay to be stupid.

Don't you realize that your thinking has fallen into a misunderstanding? "

Zarrick and Roald rolled their eyes at Le Nier's run on.

"Then what do you say?" Zarrick said angrily.

Le Nier smiled and said, "Uncle Zarrick, the problem you mentioned is easy to solve.

The production of Lumi blunderbuss cannot be stopped, but more craftsmen must be summoned for large-scale casting.

The manufacture of the Mini rifle must also be carried out simultaneously, and new production lines will be added for mass production. "

Roald was confused, "Why? Isn't the Lumi gun going to be phased out? Why expand the production scale? Isn't that a waste of resources?"

Le Nier rolled her eyes and said: "If you say you are stupid, if you still don't believe it, you only know how to fight.

Lumi Gun, our Phoenix Tribe doesn’t need it, but that doesn’t mean other tribes don’t need it.

We can sell the weapons we produce to other big tribes at high prices.

In order to expand the sales of weapons, spy shadow guards can even be dispatched to sneak into the major tribes and provoke them.

Let them fight, then sell weapons at both ends, and sit and collect money.

Wouldn't it be a huge profit for the Phoenix tribe to use the money they earned to buy various supplies and strengthen themselves.

We have our own more advanced Minie rifles. Even if some people are dissatisfied, don't be afraid.

Anyone who dares to commit an offense will be beaten to the brim.

In the end, the major tribes would kneel obediently and beg the Phoenix tribe to sell them weapons. "

"Hiss... Le Nier is indeed a fox-human who is good at scheming, her schemes are really poisonous."

"Too routine is dirty!"

"Oh my god, the fox people really can't be messed with."

Everyone present gasped.

I have to say that Le Nier's thoughts are really vicious.

Yuyi couldn't help showing a smile.

Isn't Le Nier's strategy the same as Ying Jiang's usual practice in the previous life?

He kept stirring up disputes in various places, and then sold obsolete weapons at both ends, making a lot of money.

Le Nier's good calculations reminded Yuyi of the fox girl Edith who followed Andis.

The two are almost on par in terms of strategy.

Yu Yi praised: "Well, Congressman Le Nier's proposal is very good. You should make a detailed plan for this matter and submit the report."

"Yes, Master Yu."

Le Nier smiled and bowed to salute, the gully on her chest was about to come out.

Almost blinding Yuyi's titanium alloy dog ​​eyes.

He hastily shifted his gaze and said, "Zarrick, follow Le Nier's proposal to increase the production scale of Lumi guns.

And speed up the establishment of the production line of the Mini rifle, and it is necessary to equip the entire army with the Mini rifle as soon as possible.

If there are not enough craftsmen, we will continue to expand enrollment, and if we don't have enough money, we will ask Yuyao to apply.

The weapon casting department is the cornerstone of the Phoenix Tribe, so it must be strictly guarded against spies from outside tribes. "

"Yes, Lord Fish." Zarrick bowed his hands.

Yu Yi looked at Yuan Li and said, "Xiao Yuan, the firearms will be updated soon, and the artillery can't be dropped.

Get out the more advanced Shenwei No. [-] artillery as soon as possible, and the old Shenwei No. [-] artillery before they have a chance to sell to other tribes. "

Yuan Li cupped his hands and said, "Yes, Master Yu, my subordinates will develop the new artillery as soon as possible."

Yuyi nodded: "Well...the strategy for new products and new weapons has been decided.

Let's talk about trade routes. Which tribe do you think is the best place to do business with first? "

(End of this chapter)

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