"This kind of scroll is quite troublesome to make, and the materials that need to be consumed are also very precious."

"So that's it. It seems that if you want to kill someone like Lu Xiao, you have to consume his scroll before you can succeed." Yu Yi nodded secretly.

"Yuyao, Kexin, what's going on with the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce? What's going on with Liu Qiangwei?"

Jiang Yuyao explained: "Brother Yu, the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce was originally created by Liu Qiangwei, and it has developed to this day."

"Oh? What's going on? Since she founded the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce, why did Wang Delong become the president?"

"The specific situation is very complicated, and I can't explain it clearly."

Jiang Yuyao shook her head, took out a stack of documents from Yuan Jie and handed it to Yuyi.

"Brother Yu, this is information about the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce, you will understand after reading it."

Chapter 31 Liu Qiangwei

Yuyi took the documents and read them carefully.

According to the records, Liu Qiangwei's talent in cultivation is neither strong nor weak, which is quite satisfactory, but her talent in business is very strong.

Liu Qiangwei is a strong woman who dares to fight and fight. Many years ago, she raised funds to form a chamber of commerce.

Combining her name, the Chamber of Commerce is named after a red rose flower, called the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce.

After the establishment of the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce, it grew rapidly under the leadership of Liu Qiangwei.

In just a few years, the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce has developed into a force that cannot be ignored in the Chamber of Commerce.

Originally, if this development continues, Liu Qiangwei is likely to occupy a pivotal position in the business alliance, and it is not impossible to even enter the business alliance council.

But an accident happened, and Liu Qiangwei's dependent mother got a strange disease, which made many doctors helpless.

Liu Qiangwei searched all the doctors in the business alliance but couldn't cure her mother. She had to turn her attention to other countries and seek help from doctors all over the continent.

In this process, the money spent is naturally massive.

The development of the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce stagnated because of this.

Because of her mother's illness, Liu Qiangwei had no intention of managing the chamber of commerce.

The chamber of commerce did not have Liu Qiangwei in charge, and encountered calculations when doing business with another chamber of commerce.

The other party tampered with the contract and played with the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce, causing the Chamber of Commerce to face huge liquidated damages.

Just at this time, Liu Qiangwei found out that there was a doctor in the Scarlet Thorn Chamber of Commerce who could treat her mother's strange disease.

At that time, Liu Qiangwei didn't know that the Scarlet Thorn Chamber of Commerce was secretly controlled by the Black Lotus Sect.

After knowing about this incident, the top leaders of the Black Lotus Sect took the initiative to contact Liu Qiangwei, claiming that they could cure Liu Qiangwei's mother's illness.

The condition is that she must sell the Chamber of Commerce to the Scarlet Thorn Chamber of Commerce and submit to the Black Lotus Sect.

Facing the double blow of huge compensation and her mother's deteriorating condition, in order to repay the debt and save her mother, Liu Qiangwei had to sell the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce to the Scarlet Thorn Chamber of Commerce and join the Black Lotus Sect.

The Black Lotus Sect cured Liu Qiangwei's mother as promised, but her mother died in an accident a few years later.

Since then, the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce has been secretly controlled by the Black Lotus Sect.

Liu Qiangwei also changed from the president to the vice president.

Not long after, Wang Delong moved the entire Nanta City sub-helm to the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce and served as the president of the Chamber of Commerce.

Wang Debao also followed Wang Delong to the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce at that time.

In addition, Wang Delong has a brother named Wang Dehu who is also in the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce.

The three Wang brothers completely emptied Liu Qiangwei's power.

Liu Qiangwei was very helpless about this, but there was nothing she could do. She was on the thief boat and could never get off the boat again.

The Black Lotus Cult's punishment of traitors was quite bloody and cruel, and Liu Qiangwei couldn't afford it.

After reading the information, Yuyi frowned.

"Brother Yu, what's the matter? Is there a problem with the data?"

"I just feel that the timing of Liu Qiangwei's mother's illness is too coincidental, after her mother's illness, the chamber of commerce was tricked.

Later, by chance, he inquired about the treatment method, and the doctor of the Black Lotus Sect happened to appear.

Everything seems to be a well-arranged script. Could it be that someone in the main arena is playing tricks? "

Jiang Yuyao scratched her head in embarrassment, the Lord God's analysis seemed to be well-founded.

Su Kexin interrupted: "Master Yu, your guess is very reasonable, but there is still one thing that doesn't make sense."

"Oh? Which point?"

"Liu Qiangwei is indeed a business prodigy, but it's not worth the huge amount of money that the Black Lotus Sect has paid to set her up by going round and round.

The Chamber of Commerce is a country composed of consortiums, and the number of large and small chambers of commerce in the country is countless.

There are quite a few chambers of commerce secretly controlled by the Black Lotus Sect, and even one or two consortiums that entered the Chamber of Commerce Alliance secretly controlled one or two.

The combination of these large and small chambers of commerce is also a considerable force, enough to support the economic operation of the entire Black Lotus Sect.

Big bosses in the general forum, there is no need to spend too much time dealing with a new chamber of commerce. "

"Well, Kexin, that makes sense."

Jiang Yuyao also raised her little hands and said, "I also have a new opinion, the three Wang brothers are personnel sent out from the Black Lotus Sect Headquarters to guard the Nanta City sub-helm.

After they bought the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce, they set up the branch in the small Red Rose Chamber of Commerce instead of the more advanced Scarlet Thorn Chamber of Commerce, which is very unreasonable.

In the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce, there must be secrets that we don't know, so the headquarters will secretly set Liu Qiangwei up. "

Yuyi nodded, "Yuyao's guess is very reasonable, the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce or Liu Qiangwei must be hiding some secret.

That's why the three Wang Delong brothers moved the entire Nanta City sub-helm to the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce at the risk of being exposed.

I think they did this to facilitate the management of the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce on the one hand, and to obtain a certain secret or treasure that Liu Qiangwei has mastered on the other hand. "

Su Kexin retorted: "It's unreasonable, if Liu Qiangwei carries a certain secret or treasure, wouldn't it be fine for the Wang brothers to directly summon her to the Scarlet Thorn Chamber of Commerce?

There is absolutely no need to move the branch to the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce.

The hardware facilities and logistics configuration of the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce's resident are not as complete as the Scarlet Thorn Chamber of Commerce that has been in business for many years. "

Jiang Yuyao dragged her cheeks and guessed, "Maybe Liu Qiangwei doesn't want to leave, or maybe the secret she holds is in the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce?"

Yuyi dropped the information in his hand, sighed: "Alas... We have too little information, and the information we speculate may not be correct."

"Yuyao, besides these materials, do you have any other materials?"

"No, Dad gave me so much information before I left."

"Who handled the Liu Qiangwei incident? Why is there no record in the documents?"

"It seems that the previous mission hall master handled this matter. But he seems to be gone."

Yu Yi leaned on the soft carriage, "Forget it, there is not much information, and we can't analyze the reason at all. Only after entering the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce to investigate, can we understand the key."

"I'll take a rest first, I'm too nervous today and feel sleepy."

Yuyi waved his hands and closed his eyes.

Jiang Yuyao and Su Kexin looked at each other without disturbing each other.

The journey thereafter was smooth sailing, and the convoy arrived at the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce smoothly.

"My lord, the chamber of commerce has arrived." Liu Qiangwei's voice sounded outside the carriage.

Yu Yi dazedly opened his eyes and opened the curtain.

What came into view was a magnificent building.

The overall color of the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce is reddish, and there are two lion statues in front of the gate.

Red roses are carved around the vermilion gate.

It looks both atmospheric and gentle.

It could be seen that Liu Qiangwei spent a lot of money on the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce, but it was a pity that she ended up as someone else's wedding dress.

"Master Special Envoy, I wonder if my lords should rest first, or go to investigate the scene of Chairman Wang's victim now?"

"Let's deal with President Wang's affairs first. Find the murderer as soon as possible, so that the Chamber of Commerce can be restored to peace as soon as possible, so that the Chamber of Commerce will not panic."

"Okay, Mr. Special Envoy, please go this way."

Liu Qiangwei led the investigation team into the chamber of commerce and rushed to the courtyard behind where the accident occurred.

Wang Debao naturally followed behind the crowd.

Everyone came to the gate of a luxurious courtyard, and there were several guards guarding the gate.

Liu Qiangwei pointed at the door and said, "My lords, this is the courtyard where President Wang was killed, and it is also the courtyard where President Wang usually lives."

"Huh? Didn't Wang Delong live with Wang Dehu and Wang Debao?"

Wang Debao hastily stepped forward and explained: "Master Special Envoy, our three brothers live in three separate courtyards. The villain's courtyard and the second brother's courtyard are not far from here."

The entire courtyard is grandly decorated, yet elegant.

Everyone walked through the lobby to the back hall living area.

"My lord, the eldest brother was killed in the middle of the night before yesterday. His throat was cut and he died in his deep sleep." Wang Debao pushed open the door of the bedroom in the courtyard.

"Brother's body has been put into the coffin and placed in the mourning hall. Nothing in this bedroom has been touched."

Yu Yi walked into Wang Delong's bedroom, and the items inside were neatly arranged.

It was not Lu Xiao who was inspecting the scene by the Holy Son faction, but the two concubines he brought.

Obviously, these two women are capable people, otherwise they would not have been favored by the Holy Son.

On the side of Candice is the fox girl.

Yu Yi walked to the bed and carefully observed the whole bed, Wang Delong was sleeping when he died.

After his throat was cut, the bed was covered in blood and the quilt was stained red.

Observing from the bloodstains, Wang Delong died in a deep sleep, and there was no sign of resistance after his throat was cut.

The blood flowed evenly, and there was no blood stain under the lying position.

Yuyi turned his gaze to other places in the bedroom.

The doors and windows showed no signs of being tampered with, and the furniture was neatly arranged and had not been moved.

From the situation in the bedroom alone, there is no sign of outsiders breaking in.

"When did you find out what happened to President Wang?" Yu Yi looked up at Liu Qiangwei and Wang Debao.

Wang Debao took the initiative to stand up and explained: "My lord, it was yesterday morning. Originally, my eldest brother and I agreed to go to the city to purchase a batch of supplies yesterday morning and send them to the headquarters."

"However, when the appointed time came, I didn't see the eldest brother appear, so I rushed to the courtyard to look for him."

"When I came to the courtyard to look for my elder brother, he hadn't gotten up yet, and when I opened the door, I found that something had happened to him."

"Where's Wang Dehu? Why didn't I see anyone? Where was he then?"

"Second brother left the Chamber of Commerce half a month ago. He is responsible for escorting a batch of supplies to the Tuta Council for trading. He should be back in a few days."

"President Liu, what were you doing at that time?"

Liu Qiangwei hastily responded, "My lord special envoy, before receiving the news that President Wang was killed, my subordinates were processing a batch of newly arrived goods in the chamber of commerce."

"When did Wang Delong die?"

"Report to my lord, after our preliminary investigation, President Wang died the night before yesterday, between three and four in the morning."

"Where are the maids and family members in Wang Delong's courtyard?"

"The maids and guards in President Wang's courtyard are temporarily detained in the courtyard of the chamber of commerce to detain members who made mistakes."

"After initial interrogation, the guards and maids didn't know about it, and the detailed interrogation work is still going on."

"President Wang's family members are guarding the funeral in the mourning hall, which is in another courtyard."


Chapter 32 The Wang Family

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