It's a pity that the array was destroyed by Xingxingyuan's blood sacrifice, otherwise the tentacle monster would never have a chance to appear.

The zodiac formation in Yuyi's hand was already incomplete, and the seal part could not be repaired at all.

Only the trial part is still functioning normally.

Yuyi was in the trial space, and the twelve zodiac warriors stood in front of him.

"Chenlong, do you know the identity of the tentacle monster sealed in the zodiac formation? What race is it?"

Chenlong shook his head and said, "Sorry, master, this subordinate has only a sliver of consciousness, and doesn't know much."

"Didn't the ancient god who arranged the zodiac formation back then give any other information?"

Maotu interjected: "This subordinate knows something. According to the information left by the previous master, if we want to completely eliminate the tentacle monster, we have to start from the forbidden area of ​​the Xingyue tribe."

"Maotu, do you know how to activate and ban land?"

"Sorry, my subordinates don't know either."

Yuyi didn't get any useful information, and he wasn't disappointed either.

He continued to ask: "Can I use the treasure in the trial space?"

Zishu shook his head and said, "Master, don't get your hopes up too much, there are very few treasures left in the zodiac array."

"Huh? Why is this? Not many people have passed the assessment this time when the grand formation was opened?"

Yinhu helped explain: "In the endless years, the zodiac formation has been activated more than once.

After previous assessments, the treasures inside were almost consumed.

In the trial space, most of the remaining treasures are just superficial and have no real power. "

"I see."

Yuyi was somewhat disappointed.

He thought that after obtaining the Zodiac Formation, he would be able to obtain a large number of treasures in the trial space.

Unexpectedly, it was an empty joy.

To him, the zodiac formation is a tasteless one.

It is a pity that it is tasteless.

In the future, I can only put the treasures in by myself, and then give the time and space gods' followers a trial.

no matter what you think


Yuyi still did not give up hope and said: "Chenlong, can you be summoned to fight outside?"

Chen Long responded: "Master, it's no problem for subordinates and others to be called to fight.

The summoned zodiac warrior needs more energy with higher level, up to Lv.95.

With the master's current strength, he can summon a zodiac warrior of level [-] at most, and it can't last for too long. "


Yuyi was helpless.

Another tasteless ability.

Not as good as his holy art.

The holy art can at least allow him to have the strength of the peak of the holy rank for a short time.

Yuyi gave up his unrealistic thoughts, bid farewell to the twelve warriors, and left the trial space.

The zodiac formation was temporarily useless in his hands, and it was useless for anything.

Yuyi's dream of getting rich overnight, marrying Bai Fumei, and reaching the pinnacle of life is shattered.

He is like a salted fish that has lost his dream, lying on the deck chair.

While Yuyi was worried about not getting any benefits for himself, the turmoil in the outside world still did not stop.

The major forces spent a lot of manpower and material resources to find the trace of the tentacle monster and attack its clone.

Three days later, the tentacle monster suddenly disappeared, and the clone did not come out to cause trouble.

The people of the three major city-states finally breathed a sigh of relief and did not have to live in fear.

While the major forces were relieved, they were also lost in confusion.

Did the tentacle monster hide completely, or did it leave Xingyue Island?

Everyone was not happy because the tentacle monster disappeared, but felt heavy.

Everyone knew very well that the next time the tentacle monster reappeared, it would definitely retaliate wildly.

After the tentacle monster disappeared, everyone turned their anger on Xingxingyuan.

The old silver coin is also a chicken thief. He has never shown his face from the beginning to the end, and his strong men have also disappeared.

There is only one Xingyue City that is being rebuilt.

The powerhouses didn't let go of their shame, and went to trouble Xingmou and other juniors, which was a disgrace.

Jiang Yuyao complained: "Brother Yu, the tentacle monster is nowhere to be found, and Xingxingyuan's old boy doesn't know where to hide. Should we just wait?"

Xingmu was embarrassed.

No matter how you say Xingxingyuan is his father, yet he is so run on by his colleagues.

Yu Yi smiled lightly and said, "Since Xing Xingyuan is determined not to show up, then completely separate him from Xingyueyu, and let others lose money."

"How to split?" Xingmu asked curiously.

"Mu Shao, except for Xingyue City, Xingyue Region has basically been subdued by you.

Your wings are already full, so you don't need to go any further.

You find an opportunity to declare to the outside world that you have drawn a clear line with your father, and call on the entire Xingyue Domain to expel Xingxingyuan and his subordinates.

Then, as the heir, take control of Xingyue City. "

"Brother Yu, even though that's the case, if my father suddenly brings his men back to grab the territory, what should we do then?"

Yu Yi waved his hands and said: "Don't worry, I will notify Yang Batian and Xuan Qiushui, and let them issue a joint announcement to support your ascension, and declare Xingxingyuan to be a sinner of Xingyue Island.

In this way, Xingyue Island will be completely separated from Xingxingyuan.

He can't turn up the storm with just that few men, unless he is willing to make an enemy of the entire Xingyue Island. "

Qu Hanyan interjected: "My lord, there seems to be a superpower behind Xingxingyuan. If we confront him rashly, will we be retaliated against?"

"Heh... Xingxingyuan played tricks on various forces time and time again, and the powerhouses on the island are not happy.

If he dared to jump out and make trouble, it would be exactly what everyone wanted.

We can also use various means to intensify his

The conflict with the major forces made him overwhelmed. "

"Brother Yu has already calculated everything, I will arrange it right away." Xing Mou nodded in approval of the suggestion.

He bid farewell and left to arrange tasks for the major cities in the Star-Moon Region.

Jiang Yuyao and Qu Hanyan rushed to Yanyang City and Xuanshui City respectively to implement the plan.

The next day.

Xingmu was the first to stand up and speak out.

He listed the crimes committed by his father, and called on the people of Xingyueyu to stand up against Xingxingyuan and expel him from Xingyueyu.

The young master of Xingyue City's actions made his jaw drop in shock.

The forces of all parties are all looking sideways.

All major cities in the Star-Moon Region responded to the call to denounce Xingxingyuan.

Star Abyss, who hid somewhere to observe the outside world, was furious.

He didn't expect that his eldest son, who he despises the most, would openly jump out and object.

However, he hadn't waited for him to act yet.

Yanyangyu and Xuanshuiyu also issued a joint announcement, designating Xingxingyuan as a traitor of Xingyue Island, and decided to expel him.

The two city-states also listed Xingxingyuan's various crimes, and announced his plan to force Yanyangyu and Xuanshuiyu to sign an offensive and defensive blood sacrifice.

The people of Xingyue Island were furious and condemned Xingxingyuan's evil deeds.

The aloof city lord Xingyue has been reduced to a street mouse, and everyone shouts and beats him.

The three city-states of Xingyue Island jointly attacked, directly ignoring Xingxingyuan and all other forces.

"Fuck, Niu Pi, Xingxingyuan has done so many evil things."

"It's unbelievable. Xingyue Island is the foundation of City Lord Xingyue. What's the benefit of him destroying the Great Wall?"

"Who knows? Maybe people don't care at all. Didn't the news mention that Xingxingyuan seems to have practiced some kind of ruthless kung fu?"

"Sigh... the poor people of the Xingyue Region, and a cold-blooded and heartless city lord, who doesn't treat them as human beings at all."

"Haha... Xingxingyuan probably has no place to stand on Xingyue Island."

"However, the young master of Xingyue City is courageous. He even dared to openly oppose his father. Are you really afraid of being crushed to death by Xingxingyuan?"

"Isn't there Yanyang Region and Xuanshui Region backing it up? Xingxingyuan will definitely be afraid."

"If you think too much, the two city-states will at most talk about their support. It is almost impossible for them to fight against Xingxingyuan with live ammunition."

"You're right, but there's no benefit to it. Why do the two major city-states want to help a younger generation?"

"It's a good show. Xingmu and Xingyuan, father and son, might fight each other for the power of Xingyueyu."

"Haha, is this a traditional court drama?"


Xingxingyuan was already so angry that he was about to explode.

"Damn it, who is instigating it secretly? That boy Xingmu must not have the guts to challenge me.

The major cities in the Star-Moon Region were quietly conquered by Star Eyes, and it was absolutely impossible without anyone's help.

Yang Batian and Xuan Qiushui even dared to stand up and stir up trouble, and even designated me as a traitor of Xingyue Island.

Whoever gave you the rights, be damned.

If the plan is not about to be completed, I can't get away at this moment, or I will go out and kill you right now. "

Xingxingyuan could only be incompetent and furious.

His plan was at a critical juncture and he couldn't get out.

Of course, there are more important reasons.

All major forces are looking for him now.

If Xingxingyuan dared to jump out, he would definitely be beaten by the group.

Even if he is powerful, he is still hard to beat with two fists and four hands.

For this reason, he had to endure.

Chapter 187 Opening of the Forbidden Land of the Xingyue Tribe

Without Xingxingyuan jumping out to make trouble, all major forces are very disappointed.

Xingmu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, if faced with a situation where father and son cannibalize each other, he still doesn't know how to deal with it.

Is it true that someone killed his father?

The young master got his wish and ascended to the position of the city lord of Xingyue City.

All the masters of the Star-Moon Region were taken away by Xingxingyuan, leaving only empty shells.

Most of Xingyue City was destroyed in the tentacle monster incident not long ago, and it is still under reconstruction.

Star Eyes want resources but no resources, want the strong but not the strong.

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