"Hey, saint, don't be angry, I'm just afraid that you will be deceived by some unknown people when you are young."

"Lu Xiao take care of yourself, I am the special envoy appointed by the leader, and I am in charge of the investigation team." Yu Yi didn't want to talk to Shengzi, so he took out the leader's token given by Jiang Wentian.

When everyone saw the leader's order in Yuyi's hands, they all felt terrified.

No matter how fierce the fight between the several parties in the general arena is, and no matter how they secretly slander and arrange each other.

On the bright side, the leader is the biggest.

Seeing the leader's order, as if the leader is in person, everyone must salute and obey the arrangement of the person holding the leader's order.

The status of the person holding the Order of the Hierarch is higher than that of the Holy Son and the Holy Maiden, and is only below the Grand Elder and the Deputy Hierarch.

"It turned out to be the special envoy, but my son Meng Lang." Lu Xiao cupped his hands and apologized falsely.

Jiang Yuyao was a little upset and wanted to find fault.

Yu Yi hurriedly grabbed the little girl, "Okay, I'll talk about other things later. Hall Master Wang immediately sent people to investigate the situation on both sides of the canyon, and find out who is hiding behind the scenes."

"Yes, my lord envoy."

If Wang Debiao encounters an amnesty, he quickly leaves this place of right and wrong, and orders his men to search for information.

In the fight between several big bosses, he, a small branch master, dare not rashly intervene.

Several figures quickly climbed along both sides of the canyon.


Dozens of arrows suddenly shot out from the top of the canyon, and the spies who had climbed halfway up the mountain were hit with arrows, and fell into the canyon from the mountainside, breaking into a mosaic.

"Quickly, set up a barrier and defend." Yu Yi hurriedly ordered.

He has the order of the leader, and he has the highest status in the presence. Naturally, he has the duty to take command.

"Yes, my lord envoy."

The guards of the three forces in the main altar and the guards of the chamber of commerce fought together to form a large defensive circle.

Countless boulders, kerosene, rolling logs, and other things fell overwhelmingly.

"Quick, smash those boulders and logs, and freeze the fire oil."

Under Yuyi's command, except for Jiang Yuyao and other core personnel, the peripheral guards performed their own duties, neutralizing all kinds of attacks outside the barrier.

Yuyi watched the battle against Lina last time, and he is almost familiar with the fighting methods of Tianyuan Continent, and he can calmly deal with various situations.

After the tentative attack was intercepted by the guards, the opponent did not continue to attack.

"Hahahaha, not bad, to be able to react so quickly."

A big man with a blindfold on his right eye, a long and narrow scar on his face, and a big knife, appeared on the top of the mountain.

Wang Debao shouted angrily: "Scar? Why did you attack our chamber of commerce?"

"Hey, brothers heard that the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce has obtained a large amount of supplies, and the president happened to be killed, so the brothers want to help the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce overcome difficulties."

A frail young man dressed like a scholar also stood up.

"Bastard, Ghost Scholar, did you and Scar help us with boulders and fire oil?"

The ghost scholar faked a smile and said, "Oh, don't blame Deacon Wang, it's the brothers who made a mistake. When we saw that the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce suddenly had a lot of guards, we thought Deacon Wang was kidnapped."

"We were eager to help Deacon Wang out of trouble, so we didn't see the situation clearly."

"Haha, brothers, what do you think?"

"Yes, yes, the second leader is right."

"Yes, the first and second masters are here to help you."

The little brother under Ghost Scholar hurriedly rolled his eyes.

"Fart your mother, you clearly want to hijack the caravan." Wang Debao was so angry that his fat face quivered.

"Haha... Deacon Wang, don't be so irritable. If you don't want us to protect you, that's fine, the blood wolves will get out of the way. But it's not easy for the brothers to come out, so you have to pay for your hard work, right?"

"How much do you want?"

"Hey, how much can Deacon Wang give? At least we brothers must be satisfied, right?"

Yu Yi said in a deep voice: "Wang Debao, what's going on? Do you know them?"

Wang Debao's face was ugly, and he said: "My lord special envoy, these people are a bandit group that roams around the business alliance, called Blood Wolf.

They used to be a regular adventure group, but somehow they started to rob houses.

The blood wolves often rob the caravans of the merchant alliance, and they are so cruel that almost no one is left alive.

The leading strong man is called Scar, and the scholar next to him, nicknamed Ghost Scholar, is Scar's military advisor.

The ghost scholar is cunning and helps Scar to do many outrageous things.

Don't look at them now, who are very talkative, but they will turn their faces at any time.

All the caravans they encountered over the years, women and property were taken away, and all the men were killed. "

"Huh? If that's the case, why didn't the Merchant Alliance send troops and strong men to encircle them?"

"It's not that they haven't been sent, on the contrary, more than once. The blood wolf group seems to be able to detect it in advance every time, and run away when they hear the wind, and they can't catch it at all."

"According to my subordinates' speculation, the backstage of the Blood Wolf Group should be a certain boss from the Merchant Alliance, otherwise they would not escape sanctions frequently."

Shengzi's eyes turned cold, "President Wang Delong was killed less than a day ago, the branch and the chamber of commerce should have blocked the news long ago, how did Scar and the others know about it?

How did the blood wolf group know that we would pass through from now on, so they set up an ambush in advance? "

Jiang Yuyao also looked at Wang Debao with unkind eyes.

Wang Debao panicked: "My lords, my subordinates really don't know. I only received the notice when I went out to deliver the goods. I have to pick up my lords on the way back. I don't know the rest."

Lu Xiao still wanted to reprimand, but Candace spoke up in time, "Now is not the time to pursue responsibility, let's deal with these robbers first, and return to the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce quickly, otherwise things will change later."

Yu Yi sneered, "Hmph... Wang Debao, you'd better not play tricks on this special envoy."

Wang Debao wiped the cold sweat from his brow, and said fearfully: "My lord, if you give my subordinates a hundred courage, they don't dare to mistreat your lords.

Isn't this suicidal?It is very likely that there is a problem within the chamber of commerce, and a traitor has betrayed the information. "

Chapter 27 The outbreak of war

"Hehe, Deacon Wang, wasn't he very majestic before? Why did you become so humble in front of a group of children today?

This is not in line with Deacon Wang's ruthless style in the mall. " Scar couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Yes, Deacon Wang, do you want brothers to help you train these children well?" Ghost Scholar echoed.

Wang Debao didn't have such a good face when facing the blood wolf group, he sneered and said: "Hmph, Dao Scar, ghost scholar, you don't have to sow discord there.

If you have any purpose, just say it, Mr. Wang doesn't have the time to ink with you. "

"Haha... Deacon Wang is so straightforward! We don't want to leave any ink, as long as you keep this batch of goods and agree to one condition, the blood wolf group will let you go safely."

Wang Debao's face changed drastically, just like a Sichuan opera changing face, and finally said in a hateful voice: "Yes... what conditions do you have?"

Jiang Yuyao's face changed, and she reprimanded: "Wang Debao, are you stupid? How can you give the goods to the blood wolf group for nothing?"

"Your Highness, it's not that the subordinates want to send the goods to them, but that they should not take it for granted.

There are many masters in the blood wolf regiment, but the subordinates bring too few masters when they go out. Even if they add a few adults' guards, it will be a lose-lose situation at most.

The subordinates are afraid that someone will be a squirrel, and the whole team will be doomed.The subordinates are not afraid of death, but the adults should have nothing to do.

We can only make false claims with the blood wolves. If we lose property, we can earn it back. If we lose our lives, we lose everything.

The main task of the subordinates is to safely send several adults to the headquarters, and the rest can be discarded. "

"But..." Jiang Yuyao still wanted to argue.

Yu Yi hastily pulled her aside, and said softly: "Yu Yao, Deacon Wang is right, the most urgent thing is to get out of trouble.

Listen to the request of the blood wolf group first, if it is not too much, we can agree, if it is too outrageous, it will be a big fight. "

"Oh, all right."

Jiang Yuyao also knew the priorities of the matter, the longer it was delayed, the worse it would be for them.

"Thank you, Mr. Special Envoy, for your understanding."

Wang Debao cast a grateful look, and turned his gaze to the blood wolf group, "I don't know what conditions you have for Scar?"

"Haha... It's very simple, hand over the young masters and ladies of their big family to us. Don't worry, the blood wolf group will provide delicious food and drink, and wait for their families to pay the ransom."

Everyone's expression changed upon hearing this.

Even a fool would understand that the real purpose of the blood wolf group is the investigation group of the Black Lotus Sect, and the looting of supplies is just an excuse.

Wang Debao blushed with anger, and roared angrily: "Scar, don't overdo it, the big deal is that you will die and the net will be broken. It is absolutely impossible for me to hand over this deacon."

Yu Yi caressed his chin, showing a playful smile, "Heh...it's interesting, it seems that some senior members of the Red Rose Chamber of Commerce don't want the investigation team to reach the Chamber of Commerce headquarters alive."

Cold sweat broke out on Wang Debao's forehead, and what he was most worried about happened.

If the members of the investigation team suspected that he was up to no good, then he would be completely speechless.

Candace, who hadn't spoken much, sneered and said, "Deacon Wang, I hope this matter has nothing to do with you or your family. I believe you are clear about how the headquarters treats traitors."

Wang Debao was so frightened that he was sifting through the chaff, and argued: "Master Ninth Regiment, my subordinates will never dare to do things like defecting to the enemy and apostasy. The power of the Wang family comes from the general altar, how could it be possible to dare to do something to you adults?"

Lu Xiao also taunted, "Who knows if someone is not satisfied with the current power and has too much ambition."

Yu Yi scolded: "Don't say a few words, beat the blood wolves away first and then discuss other matters."

The situation is delicate, and there can be no chaos within the Black Lotus Sect.

"Deacon Wang, quickly send someone to blow up the boulder blocking the way. If the blood wolf group dares to block the way, they will be killed without mercy."

"Yes, my lord envoy."

In case of amnesty, Wang Debao wiped the cold sweat from his brow and hurriedly sent someone to deal with the boulder.

"Heh... Deacon Wang, it seems that you don't want to cooperate with the blood wolf group? You really don't know what to do, attack me, and kill everyone except those children."

The members of the blood wolf group all over the mountains and plains chimed in, and launched a fierce attack in an orderly manner.

All kinds of arrows, ice balls, fireballs, and meteorites fell into the valley.

Yuyi's expression changed, and he hurriedly shouted: "Quick, organize defense in close combat, and take down those robbers on the mountain in long-distance."


The chamber of commerce plus the Holy Son, the Holy Maiden, and Candace's guards are only 600 people.

Some of them are ordinary people who are responsible for loading and unloading goods, without the slightest combat effectiveness.

Leaving aside the loading and unloading personnel, there were even fewer fighters on Yuyi's side.

The blood wolf group has a large number of people, at least more than three thousand.

Fortunately, there are many masters in the escort team, and their quality is better than that of the blood wolf group.

However, the opponent can also use quantity to make up for the quality gap.

War broke out.

The energy flew around and exploded continuously.

The Blood Wolf Group is worthy of being a bandit group that can run amok in the business alliance. Their organizational discipline is not worse than that of the army.

Under the mobilization of the ghost scholar, the blood wolf regiment launched an attack on the caravan in an orderly manner.

Facing the well-organized and well-founded blood wolf group, the caravan was a little confused, but fortunately, it was quickly stopped by Yuyi.

The strength of the blood wolf group of thousands of people is uneven. The strong ones have the fifth rank, and the weak ones only have the first rank. The average of the whole team is about the third rank.

As for the caravan camp, excluding Yuyi and other non-combatants, the quality was higher than that of the blood wolf group, with an average of Tier [-], but the difference in quantity was several times.

In the face of overwhelming attacks, the caravan relied on its strength to stand firm and fight steadily.

After attacking several times in a row, the blood wolf group's long-range attack did not achieve any results, and was blocked by the caravan's barrier.

The ghost scholar narrowed his eyes, "Boss, just order melee combat. The Red Rose caravan has just harvested a batch of primordial crystals, which is enough to support the consumption of the enchantment. Our number of long-range mages is too small, and long-range attacks are a waste of time. "


Scar's complexion darkened, and he shouted angrily, "Children charge to me, kill them all, grab money, food, and women."

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