When Jiang Wentian learned that the prisoner committed suicide in fear of crime, he was naturally "furious", and immediately ordered a thorough investigation of the matter.

The high-level people on the list committed suicide collectively, causing the entire Black Lotus Sect to be uproarious and turbulent.

However, it was only the middle and low-level congregants who were talking about it, and the high-level bosses kept silent like a mirror.

The first line of leader, the first line of great elders, and the first line of deputy leader all aimed at the vacant key positions.

These positions are all high-ranking and powerful, with a lot of oil and water.

The three forces started to compete, and they all wanted to arrange their own people in various positions.

In the conference hall, the three parties were fighting with each other red-faced, and they were on the verge of a big fight.

The Holy Maiden and the Holy Son were among the big bosses, shivering and not saying a word.

Yuyi wrapped the meeting hall with the power of his soul, and watched a grand drama of three-party power competition in its entirety.

This is much better than those Gongdou dramas on Earth.

In the end, the three forces compromised with each other and settled the vacancy.

The Great Elder's department got the least, only one floor, the deputy leader's neutral department won three floors, and the leader's department took all six floors.

Except for Lu Cangqiong's faction, the other two factions have made a lot of money.

It's not that Lu Cangqiong doesn't want to fight for more positions, but he knows that letting go is already the bottom line for both the leader and deputy leader.

If he is insatiable again, then what he sent the Son to the dungeon to do yesterday is likely to be revealed in public by the two big bosses.

It is not bad to be able to obtain one of the layers.

According to the original estimate, none of these positions could be obtained by the Great Elder.

Among them, the most critical position of the head of the law enforcement hall was vacant.

The three forces do not want the other party to sit in this position, because the head of the Law Enforcement Hall still controls the most important force of the Black Lotus Sect, the Judgment Knights.

This is the core force of the Black Lotus Sect.

The Knights of Judgment is the most important force for the Black Lotus Sect to eliminate traitors internally and obliterate hostile forces externally.

In addition to the most important loyalty required to enter the Judgment Knights, everyone's strength must not be lower than the fifth level.

Page has such a force in his hands, which is the real reason why the elders are fancy.

Losing the position of the head of the Law Enforcement Hall is equivalent to losing the entire Judgment Knights.

Although the number of Judgment Knights is small, all of them are masters.

If you master the Knights of Judgment, you will have a lot of authority.

Before the public trial, the elder was able to confront Jiang Wentian so unscrupulously because Page controlled the Judgment Knights.

This is a super power no less than that of the elders.

Page was single-handedly picked up by Lu Cangqiong, so he was naturally loyal to him.

The Judgment Knights are Lu Cangqiong's subordinates in disguise.

Now that Page is down, the Judgment Knights are equivalent to losing their master.

Only by obtaining the position of the head of the Law Enforcement Hall can one master the Judgment Knights.

The three forces are jealous of this force, and no one is willing to lag behind.

In the end, they could only compromise and put it on hold for the time being, waiting for the opportunity to seize the position of the head of the law enforcement hall in the future.

After the vacancies were settled, the tripartite forces returned to a harmonious situation.

After the public trial incident, the entire forum temporarily entered a brief period of peace.

The First Elder and his family hid in the dark and licked their wounds, and stopped making trouble everywhere.

The sect of the leader is digesting the fruits of victory and recruiting new members.

The neutral line has both sides, and life is happy.


Time flies, and two months have passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period of time, the Great Elder faction was very honest and did not cause trouble.

In addition to practicing every day, Yuyi is teaching the saintess and others, and developing believers by the way.

It was another sunny day, and Yuyi was studying various classics in the statues of the temple.

But Jiang Yuyao ran in in a hurry, she closed the door casually, and hurriedly yelled, "Brother Yu, Brother Yu, come out quickly, something serious happened."

This little guy is a dignified and noble saint in front of outsiders, but when he runs in front of him, he becomes a husky.

Yuyi had no choice but to throw out his own figure and sit on the futon.

"What happened to Yuyao?"

Recently, he has been burying himself in hard work, learning the knowledge in the crystal of the godhead, and pays little attention to external affairs.

Even the matter of cultivating believers was left to Jiang Yuyao and Su Kexin.

He only needs to keep creating spiritual seeds, and then use the saintess and others as a medium to implant them in the minds of believers.

The process does not require him to do it himself. The spiritual seed program has been set. As long as a believer is harvested, the seed will be automatically implanted in the believer's mind, and then wait for it to take root and grow vigorously.

"Wang Delong is dead."

"Who is Wang Delong?"

"The Pan-Continental Business Alliance, the rudder master of the Nanta City sub-helm."

Hearing this, Yu Yi understood why Jiang Yuyao was so bluffing.

The overall framework of the Black Lotus Sect is: stronghold → sub-altar → sub-helm → main altar.

The main altar has the highest status, followed by the sub-altars, the second is the sub-altars, and the last is the stronghold.

There are many races and countries in the Tianyuan Continent, and the Black Lotus Church has set up a branch in each country or capital of the race.

Then set up sub-forums in various provinces and local administrative regions of the country, and finally set up bases in certain small cities and small towns.

Such sub-rudders, sub-forts, and strongholds in a country will form a powerful intelligence network to collect information and recruit talents for the main altar.

The Nanta City sub-helm is one of the most important sub-helms of the Black Lotus Sect, located in the capital of the commercial alliance country.

The Pan-Continental Business Alliance is a country composed of many business groups, referred to as the Business Alliance. It has the same status as the Shenandoah Empire and is also one of the nine human empires.

Located in the middle of the Eastern Continent, surrounded by many kingdoms and duchies, the only empire bordering it is the Tuta Council.

The merchant alliance has a prosperous economy and likes to do business with races across the continent.

The major domestic business groups have a lot of information and strong economic strength.

The Merchant League is a loose parliamentary country, very similar to the Tuta parliamentary system, one of its neighboring Nine Empires, both of which are parliamentary countries.

The difference between the two countries is that the Business Alliance is controlled by a consortium, while the Tuta Council is democratically elected.

The thirteen councilors standing at the top of the power of the business alliance are the controllers of the thirteen super business groups.

The sub-helm of Nanta City secretly controlled one or two parliamentary consortiums of the business alliance, and continued to collect intelligence and provide most of the economic support for the entire Black Lotus Sect, which created its special status.

This sub-helm has always been the target of the leader's faction and the elder's faction, and even the neutral faction of the deputy leader is trying to win over it.

Chapter 24 Investigation Team

"Hehe...Wang Delong died as soon as he died, so what does it matter to me? Your father and Lu Cangqiong will handle this matter, so don't worry about it." Yu Yi waved his hand indifferently.

"But the main altar sent me a saint to deal with this matter. I want brother Yu to go with me." Jiang Yuyao hugged his arm coquettishly.

"Huh??? What's going on? Shouldn't Jiang Jiaozhu, the great elder, handle this matter personally? Even if they don't go, they should send a few elders to investigate this matter? Why did you let you go?"

"Not only me, but also that disgusting Lu Xiao, and Candace, the apprentice of the deputy master, the head of the Ninth Regiment of the Preparatory Knights, will go there."

[Ding, trigger the Nantacheng incident, release the fourth branch task: find out the change of the Black Lotus Sect's Nantacheng branch, find out the cause of Wang Delong's death, fool and subdue a strong man above the seventh rank. 】

[Task Reward: Random]

[Task time limit: fifteen days]

【Are you accepting the mission? 】

Yuyi was full of question marks, the first half of the mission was easy to understand, what the hell is the second half?

Why do you want to subdue a strong man?

And that task reward, it turned out to be random.

In addition to the main task, the side task is the first random reward.

Random wool, don't you know that random is the worst?

Yu Yi kept complaining in his heart, but he still accepted the task and said to Jiang Yuyao, "Tell me about the specific situation..."

Jiang Yuyao was overjoyed, knowing that her Lord God was moved, so he explained the details.

The murder of the head of the sub-rudder in Nanta City caused a shock in the main altar and attracted the attention of the sub-rudders in the main altar.

The originally calm main altar has become treacherous and turbulent.

The leader Jiang Wentian, the grand elder Lu Cangqiong, and the deputy leader Barlov, after urgent discussions, finally announced the disposal plan for the sub-helm of Nanta City.

Due to the important position of the sub-helm of Nanta City, the general altar will send three teams to jointly investigate this matter.

The three teams will be led by the Holy Maiden, the Holy Son, and Candace, the head of the Reserve Knights.

Whoever can find out the cause of death of the sub-altar master in Nanta City and integrate the sub-altars will be able to enter the treasure house, choose three treasures, and serve as the head of the Law Enforcement Hall.

Jiang Yuyao and the other three were not interested in the former reward for picking treasures, but the latter position of being the head of the law enforcement hall was the temptation that made their hearts flutter.

Although the Holy Son and the Holy Maiden have high status, they don't have much real power and are more honors.

The head of the law enforcement hall is the real position of real power.

The status of this position in the general altar is only lower than that of the leader, deputy leader, elders, and the holy son and saint.

Regardless of whether the status of the head of the Law Enforcement Hall is not high or low in the main altar, but when he walks out of the main altar and inspects the major sub-rudders and sub-altars, he is equivalent to a feudal official with a sword in his hand, who has the right to kill first and then play.

Page took advantage of his status as the head of the law enforcement hall to reap a lot of benefits, and also caught many people's handles.

Whether it was Jiang Yuyao, Lu Xiao, or Candace, they were all jealous of this position.

No matter who among the three gets the position of the head of the Law Enforcement Hall, they can increase the strength of their own forces.

The Preparatory Knights Candace belongs to is a youth regiment formed by training some young believers with good qualifications to judge knights.

Jiang Yuyao came here this time because she wanted to seek help from her own god, hoping that he would investigate the cause of Wang Delong's death with him and get the position of head of the Law Enforcement Hall.

Yu Yi rubbed his chin in thought, he hadn't been to any other branch of the Black Lotus Sect yet.

This time, I just took this opportunity to go to the Chamber of Commerce to have a look.

"Brother Yu, how are you? You go with him too."

"Yes, when will we leave?" Yu Yi rubbed Jiang Yuyao's little head.


Jiang Yuyao jumped up happily, "Let's start in an hour, and now our three forces are still selecting personnel for this operation."

"Well, if that's the case, then take Elena and one of Su Kexin and let them go to see the world. Luo Yuan, Wang Buen and others will continue to perform their duties in the main altar."

"Okay, brother fish."

Jiang Yuyao hurriedly ran out of the temple to arrange the participants.

Yuyi put on a silver mask and walked out of the hall to find Jiang Wentian.

He needed Jiang Wentian to arrange an identity, it would be best if he could lead the entire investigation team so that he could do things conveniently.

Jiang Wentian was very happy to see the envoy expressing his intention to come, and he generously handed over his leader's order to Yuyi, letting him take charge of the entire investigation team.

This couldn't be better for Yuyi.

He put away the token, came to the square, and waited for Jiang Yuyao to gather.

Many people from the tripartite forces have come to the square.

Lu Xiao, the son of the saint, Candice, the apprentice of the deputy leader, has already arrived at the square one step ahead of Jiang Yuyao.

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