After resting enough, the Sea Clan was eager to try and prepare to attack the city again.

"Fire cannonballs into the clouds." Qu Hanyan ordered immediately.

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom"...

A series of Yuanjing cannons fired special shells into the clouds.

The general of the sea clan who besieged Xuanshui City was a sharkman.

General Tiger Shark said disdainfully: "Hmph, is the guard of Xuanshui City's mind squeezed by the door? Still want to reproduce the battle of Xingyue City? It's just a dream."

"Immediately raise the barrier to block the rainwater falling from the sky. The river flows very fast and will wash away the fire oil on the river surface."

"We just have to wait for the rain to stop before we can continue our attack."

"In addition, pay attention to the warships flying in the direction of Xuanshui City. Once you find them, shoot them down immediately, and don't let them drop bombs in the river."

General Tiger Shark is a veteran on the battlefield, giving orders in an orderly manner.

As expected, in the direction of Xuanshui City, a large number of warships were launched into the air and flew towards Xuanshui River.

The warships were not used to drop depth charges, but to confuse the Sea Clan and make them believe that the defender of Xuanshui City was replicating the battle of Xingyue City.

The Sea Clan immediately launched a large-scale forbidden spell.

The river flooded back, and many warships were pulled from the sky into the Xuanshui River, and they were torn into pieces.

There is no pilot in the warship, it is controlled remotely, and there is no need to worry about casualties.

The Hai Clan destroyed the warships in Xuanshui City and cheered loudly.

"Hahahaha... stupid guard, do you want to treat us as fools? How dare you use the same tactics."

"That is, so many warships have been destroyed, some people are afraid that they will die of distress."

"The guard of Xuanshui City, Yazi, who doesn't look smart, has a greater chance of breaking the city."

"Yes, yes, if Xuanshui City, one of the three major city-states, is captured by us, it will definitely be a huge contribution.

The adults above will definitely reward a lot of treasures, and we can also quickly level up with military merit. "

"Aww, when Xuanshui City is taken down, I must marry five Hai Clan girls."

"Can your kidneys take it?"


The sea people are very excited.

Qu Hanyan wrinkled her nose and smiled disdainfully: "Huh, a group of frogs in the well, let's be happy for a while, and you will cry later."

Yu Yi shook his head and said: "Yan'er, the worst thing to avoid in war is arrogance and complacency. Before everything is settled, remember not to be negligent."

"My lord brother, the lesson was right, but Yan'er was wrong."

Yuyi turned his gaze to Xuanming, "Xuanming, are you ready?"

"Mr. Yu, all personnel and supplies are in place."

"Okay, let's take advantage of the rain now and start acting."

"Yes, Mr. Fish."

The astrologist troops far upstream received an order to summon a large amount of water to merge it into the Xuanshui River.

The water level in the river is rising at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The Xuanshui River is like a roaring giant dragon, the river churns, and the earth, rocks, vegetation on both sides of the river bank are rolled into the river.

The originally clear water became muddy.

"Drop depth charges."

A large number of bombs camouflaged by formations were thrown into the river by the soldiers and flowed down the swift current.

There are several formations depicted on the surface of the bomb, some can hide and camouflage, and there are also positioning formations.

After the depth charge reaches the vicinity of Xuanshui City, the positioning array will be activated to allow it to reach the predetermined position and sink to the bottom of the river.

Will not continue to flow with the river.

"My lord, the river is soaring. It seems that someone is playing tricks." A shrimp soldier hurried forward to report.

"Huh? Could it be Xuanshui

Does the city have new tactics?But what are they doing with the high tide of the river?Do you still want to drown our sea clan? "

General Tiger Shark was puzzled.

Not long after, the high tide of the river has flowed near the Xuanshui River.

The filthy river water covered the originally clear river water, and a large number of vegetation and gravel floated on the river surface, causing a lot of trouble for the sea people.

"Asshole, what is Xuanshui City doing? Is it deliberately disgusting us?" General Tiger Shark looked gloomy.

The muddy river water makes the sea people feel very uncomfortable.

"Yan'er, start the next plan."

"Understood, my lord brother."

Under Qu Hanyan's command, a large number of loudspeakers were moved to the top of the city.

All the loudspeakers are connected to a picture stone, and play a strange spell at the same time.

Nanwu, Holatana, Duolayeye, Nanwu, Alaye, Polujiedi, Shuobalaye,

Bodhi Satva, Maha Satva, Maha, Galunigaya, Om, Sabola,


Hearing the familiar melody, the corners of Yuyi's mouth twitched unconsciously.

What he played was the "Great Compassion Mantra" from the earth.

"Mr. Yu, I have never quite understood what the effect of this so-called Great Compassion Mantra is?" Xuan Ming asked doubtfully.

"Yes, the Great Compassion Mantra seems to be able to calm the mind, but it has no lethality." Xuanyou couldn't help but agree.

Yu Yi smiled lightly.

Playing the Great Compassion Mantra is of course not for the purpose of bringing the Sea Clan back to Buddhism.

Besides, there is no Buddhism in this world.

His purpose is threefold: First, the Great Compassion Mantra can soothe the anxiety in people's hearts and make people feel calm.

This move is to appease the soldiers guarding the city.

Second, it interferes and confuses the sea people's cognition, so that they have no time to care about the bombs in the high tide river.

Thirdly, and most importantly, what the loudspeaker played was not just the Great Compassion Mantra, but some material was added to it.

There is an ultrasonic frequency band in the mantra, which is simulated by Yuyi with the crystal of the godhead.

Human beings cannot hear this ultra-frequency band, even monks.

The sea people live in the ocean and hunt their prey by various mysterious radio waves, and they can just perceive the super frequency band.

As we all know, the Sea Clan is just a general term, which includes many races.

Different sea races accept different frequencies of the ultrasonic frequency band.

The super god band used by Yuyi happens to be aimed at those powerful sea people.

If they listen to the mysterious super god band for a long time, they will gradually lose themselves, and then kill other weak sea people.

Yu Yi explained the purpose of playing the Great Compassion Mantra to everyone present.

Qu Hanyan exclaimed: "Si Guoyi, your elder brother is too powerful. You can even think of such a method, and it won't arouse the vigilance of the Hai Clan."

Xuan Ming agreed: "Yes, Mr. Yu is really resourceful. No wonder the Sea Clan who besieged Xingyue City suffered heavy losses under your command."

The loudspeaker on the city wall is full of power.

The Great Compassion Mantra spread for tens of miles around Xuanshui City.

All the sea people heard the mysterious Great Compassion Mantra.

"Huh? What the hell is going on in Xuanshui City? First, it made the river flood, and now it's playing incomprehensible ghost chants. Do you want to use these things to defeat the Sea Clan?"

General Tiger Shark frowned, vaguely feeling something was wrong, but he didn't understand what the problem was.

It can perceive the mysterious overfrequency band in the Great Compassion Mantra, which has no effect on the Sea Clan, but is a little harsh.

General Tiger Shark couldn't figure it out, so he could only conclude that it was Xuanshui City who had set up a suspicious formation.

The purpose is to make the Sea Clan fearful and dare not attack the city.

Tiger Shark

Seeing that the rain on the sky gradually stopped, the general no longer hesitated, and directly ordered: "Start attacking the city, and don't give Xuanshui City any more chances to make trouble."

A large number of sea people rushed towards the walls of Xuanshui City along the waterway.

"Hit me hard, don't let them rush up the city wall."

The war broke out, and the two sides fought hand to hand.

The battle was as brutal as ever.

Shouts of killing and screams can be heard endlessly.

The corpses of both sides filled the city wall.

On the cruel battlefield, the Great Compassion Curse reverberated, very strange.

As time went by, those powerful Sea Clans felt a tyrannical emotion in their hearts, wanting to tear apart all the living things around them.

Dragon Whale Troops, Tiger Shark Troops, and other elite sea clan troops looked at those shrimp soldiers and crab generals with ill intentions.

During the battle, a crabman was accidentally sent flying by the defenders, and happened to hit a tiger shark soldier.

The tiger shark soldier's eyes flashed red, very angry.

"Bastard, a little crab, dare to bump into an old shark, it's just life and death."

The Tiger Shark soldier was furious and angry, he raised his long knife and killed the Crabman who was still in a state of confusion.

"Asshole, what are you doing? Why attack your teammates?"

Seeing this situation, another shrimp soldier couldn't help questioning.

The shark soldier smiled cruelly and said, "It dares to touch the old shark, it deserves death."

"Damn it, kill your colleagues without authorization, wait for the disposal of the military regulations."

"A small shrimp soldier dares to accuse Lao Sha, so you should die together."

The tiger shark soldier also killed the shrimp soldier.

It behaved like a fuse was lit.

A large number of sea people began to kill each other, and the scene was chaotic.

The chaos on the city wall also affected the Sea Clan standing by in the river.

The Dragon Whale Troops began to attack other racial troops around them.

A war broke out among the various tribes of the Hai Clan.

The Hai Clan army, which was originally strictly disciplined, fell into chaos in an instant.

General Tiger Shark shouted, "Bastard, what are you all doing?"

It slashed and killed several soldiers who tried to attack.

"Where did the supervisor team go, hurry up and stop it."

However, as soon as its voice fell, it was besieged by a large number of sea people.

The anger in General Tiger Shark's heart reached the extreme, and he slashed and killed the besieging Sea Clan.

Although it couldn't suppress the anger in its heart, it was not a fool, and it discerned the key in an instant.

"No, there's something wrong with that mysterious spell, it's inducing the tyrannical emotions in the Sea Clan's body."

General Tiger Shark shouted immediately: "All sea people, close your perception immediately, and don't let the spell on the city wall interfere."

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