Very bad.

Yuyi put down the binoculars and lowered his head in thought.

Jimmy City has high walls and thick walls, with sharp and steep mountains on the left and right sides, like knives and axes, and there is no point of strength at all, let alone climbing up.

The army he led was mostly cavalry and lacked siege equipment.

No matter from the front or the side, it is difficult to break through Jimmy City.

Moreover, there are 20 elite troops in Jimmy City, twice as many as the siege army.

As long as Jimmy led the army out of the city without being brain-dead, he would basically be as stable as Mount Tai, and there was no need to worry about the city being breached at all.

As we all know, when the combat power of the two sides is similar, the battle loss ratio of the attacking side and the defending side is about 3:1, or even higher.

To capture a strong city, at least ten times as many troops as the defenders are needed.

"Sun Tzu's Art of War" has a saying: "The first is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the army, and the second is to attack the city."

The attacker is likely to cause heavy casualties, and it may even cause a chain reaction because a strong city cannot be attacked for a long time, reversing the entire battle situation.

For example, in the battle of Zhuge Liang's attack on Chencang during the Three Kingdoms period, facing Chencang City with only a thousand Wei troops, tens of thousands of Shu Han troops continued to attack for more than 20 days and still did not fall.

Zhuge Liang's second Northern Expedition ended here.

It is wishful thinking for cavalry without siege equipment to break through a mountain city where one man is in charge of the gate and ten thousand men are not allowed to open it.

Chapter 108 Confrontation in the Virtual Sandbox

According to common sense, there are two ways to siege the city: encircling the master must be quelled and scratching it from all sides.

Encirclement means to surround the city on three sides, deliberately leaving a gap and laying an ambush halfway.

This method of siege can shake the determination of the defenders to fight to the death, induce the defenders to leave the fortified city, and be wiped out in mobile warfare.

"Fighting from all sides" refers to attacking in all directions on the surface, but in fact it is attacking one side. The other soldiers and horses are pretending to attack, making it difficult for the defenders to distinguish the real from the fake, and disperse the one-sided defenders.

Given the special terrain of Jimmy City, even if there are enough troops, it is impossible to carry out the above two methods of siege, and can only attack from the front.

Yuyi is now facing huge problems such as insufficient siege equipment and serious shortage of troops.

It is almost impossible to break through Jimmy City by conventional methods.

Only by relying on unconventional tactics can there be a slight possibility of victory.

Both sides are mortal arms, which gave Yuyi a chance.

Without supernatural powers, he can still use scientific methods.

Thinking of this, Yu Yi immediately entered the handsome tent, took out a pen and paper, and wrote and drew on it.

"Adjutant, come in."

"What are your orders, General?"

"Go and build all the equipment on the picture, the more the better."

"Yes, General."

The adjutant took a lot of drawings and hurried out to complete the task.

Yuyi did not let the army tentatively attack Jimmy City, but invested in major construction.

The soldiers in the camp are busy building various equipment.

Jimmy, who was guarding the city, also noticed the movement in the red camp, but he didn't understand what the other party was doing?

Could it be that they are building siege equipment?

Facing a city like Jimmy City, the siege equipment is not easy to use, and it is easy to defend.

It's not that he didn't think about sending part of the army out of the city to test.

However, he also considered that Yuyi might be deliberately designing to lure him out of the city to fight.

Jimmy suppressed his curiosity and ignored it.

Just ask the generals defending the city to guard against the red side's sneak attack.

The red side is immersed in the big construction, while the blue side sticks to the city.

The two sides maintained a strange balance, which greatly disappointed the nobles who were expecting a big battle.

"Hey, what is the red army doing? Are they planning to fight the blue team for a long time?"

"Impossible, not to mention that the agreed time is only one month, even if it is indefinite, the red side can't consume the blue side.

There are more than [-] troops and hundreds of thousands of horses, and the daily consumption of food and grass is astronomical. "

"That's right. The blue side sticks to the city, and there are food and grass supplies in the rear, but the red side is a rootless duckweed, and it is impossible to spend it."

"Huh? What did the red party do with all the cloth and baskets?"

"The basket can be used to hold stones and logs. I really don't understand what the purpose of those cloths is."

"It's not winter now, and the cloth can't be used to keep warm."

"Hehe... In the past, in wars, Yuanjing cannons and mage troops were used to attack from a distance, and the defenders propped up an enchantment to resist.

It is really novel to see a group of ordinary armies at war now. "

"Novelty is novelty, but it's so boring. The ordinary army has too few means, and the two sides have no hand-to-hand combat.

It's like watching the daily life of the two armies, it's too boring. "

"Yeah, I almost dozed off watching it."

"The red side is so timid that they don't even organize a wave of tentative attacks. Anyway, they should organize tens of thousands of people to attack the city and try to get familiar with the blue side's fighting style."

"Hey, Mr. Yu is not a parallel importer, is he? Maybe he doesn't know how to lead troops to fight at all?"

"Haha, it's really possible."


"Shut up for me,

Brother Yi is not what you say. " Luo Ya was so angry that her pretty face flushed and she yelled loudly.

Faced with the princess' reprimand, the nobles shut up one after another.

In the past, they could live without the bird princess, but now they can't.

The princess controls the two core territories of Youshui Territory and Sunset Territory, and has considerable authority over the matter.

Her power in the Kingdom of Holy Angels is only slightly lower than Prime Minister Edham, and much stronger than the rest of the nobles.

In the illusion, Yuyi carried out his plan methodically without any panic.

On the contrary, the more Jimmy who defended the city waited, the more anxious he felt.

In the middle of the night on the fifth day of the stalemate, Jimmy finally couldn't help sending an army of ten thousand people to launch a surprise attack on the red camp, intending to test the red side's reality.

A trace of disappointment flashed in the eyes of the nobles watching the battle.

Jimmy couldn't see the layout of the red side in the game, but he could see it clearly as an outsider.

Yuyi had long been on the alert, waiting for the blue team's ten thousand army to take the bait.

The Ten Thousand Legion basically never returns.

Sure enough, as guessed, the blue army of [-] troops was surrounded by [-] troops.

Jimmy wanted to rescue his army, but he was powerless.

He was afraid that Yuyi was going to fight for help, so he didn't dare to attack rashly.

Even though the [-] Blue Legion tried their best to break through, facing ten times as many enemies, it was still in vain.

In the end, they were all strangled, the corpses piled up like mountains, and blood flowed into rivers outside the camp.

Jimmy's first attempt was fruitless, and he even lost a legion, so he never dared to try again.

Choose to hide in the city and stand ready.

Faced with this situation, some nobles couldn't help but sneer.

"Oh... I thought Jimmy was so powerful, but it turned out to be nothing more than that!"

"Don't be ridiculous, there is nothing wrong with Jimmy's decision-making. Although the red team has fewer people than the blue team and is at a disadvantage in siege, it does not mean that they will definitely lose.

Moreover, Mr. Fish has been tinkering with strange things, and Jimmy can't help but find out. "

"That's right, even if the generalissimo is in Jimmy's position, he will make the same choice."

"The loss of a legion is considered a small defeat, and the stain cannot be erased."

"It really doesn't hurt to stand up and talk. If you are asked to command the 20 troops, what would you think in the face of Mr. Yu's non-aggressive strategy?"

"Observing the confrontation between the two armies from the perspective of God, it is natural to think that Jimmy did something wrong.

If you are in the game, you won't think so.

Although Jimmy's decision is not the most correct, it is the most appropriate.

He used the cost of a legion to test the combat power and tactics of the red side, which is very cost-effective. "

"Xiongtai is right. How can anyone win without sacrificing on the battlefield?"

"Is the price too high for a legion of tens of thousands of soldiers to test?"

"War is so cruel, do you think it's easy?"

"In the past, every time a battle started, many nobles would command blindly from the rear, but now that they see the real battlefield simulation, they should understand how cruel the war is?

The victory of every war is the result of the sacrifice of countless soldiers, not the data that simply stays on paper. "

"Indeed, after this test, Jimmy has already understood the strength of the red team's fighting power. As long as he chooses to defend the city firmly, he is [-]% sure to win."

"Haha, the loss of 20 for [-] troops is nothing to the blue side."


For the next half month, it was a boring confrontation.

Neither of the two sides tested the other again, and each lived in peace.

The aristocratic lords and daughters who were outside the bureau were almost falling asleep waiting.

Some people can't help being lonely and choose to let go

Give up watching mock duels and go do other things.

No.20 five days.

Yuyi prepared everything properly.

Under his command, the Red Army's [-] troops set up camp and marched towards Jimmy City.

"Look, the Red Army has finally moved. Even the camps have been demolished, and it's time to prepare for the decisive battle."

A nobleman shouted excitedly.

Many aristocratic lords and daughters who were dozing off were awakened, and one by one rushed to the sand table to watch the battle.

"Wow... Really, it's finally the decisive battle. I don't know which side will win?"

"Needless to say, it must be the blue army. Both sides are about the same in combat power, but the blue team is defending the city, occupying the right time, place and people. Anyway, I can't imagine how Jimmy will lose this war."

"Hehe... That's not necessarily true. The Red Army has been making arrangements. They have brought all those weird things with them. It will definitely be of great use."

"Haha... The show is about to start. Anyone want to bet? The duke opened, and the odds of red and blue are 3:1. Hurry up if you want to bet."

"I... I want to bet [-] gold coins and buy the blue team to win."

"I'll also buy the Blue Army, [-] gold coins."

"I bet on the Red Army, [-] gold coins."

" really dare to bet on the red square, are you afraid that you will lose even your pants?"

"Hey, you can't control it."


In the illusion.

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