Re-arrange the formation to isolate the perception of the outside world.

In the manor, Yuyi is basking in the sun leisurely in the yard, carrying out photosynthesis.

Luo Ya sat beside her, staring at the map on the stone table in a daze.

"Xiaoya, it's useless to just stare at the map, if you want to make a breakthrough, you have to go to the palace.

Only by controlling the palace can you have the opportunity to consult the classics, find the entrance to the forbidden area, and traces of your parents.

When you escaped from the palace, didn't you take the king's seal with you, it can be used now. "

"Brother Yi, at the beginning I was afraid of being caught and losing hope of making a comeback, so I didn't take the seal away, but hid it somewhere in the palace, waiting to sneak in again."

Luo Ya's pretty face was slightly red, and her eyes were a little erratic.


Yu Yi slapped on the forehead, and said for a long time that the seal was not on Luo Ya, so what a joke.

"Hey... Now there is another task, to sneak into the palace and find the seal."

"Yes...I'm sorry...Brother Yi." Luo Ya blushed and bowed to apologize.

Yuyi waved his hands weakly, "It's okay, anyway, the task is already difficult, and I don't care about making it a little more difficult.

You should have cronies lurking in the palace, right?What is their status? "

"The only ones who are loyal to Xiaoya are the princess guards and a few personal maids.

They were all killed or captured on the way to help me escape from the palace.

Especially Wei Feng, the leader of the guards, is still imprisoned in the sky prison.

Even if there are loyal guards in the palace, they dare not expose them easily.

There are also many ministers in the sky prison who are loyal to the kingdom and oppose Edm.

They were all imprisoned by Adam under various names. "

"Well, the task of rescuing Wei Feng is given to Han Yu's team, anyway, they are hiding in the dark, and it is easy to rob the sky prison.

Wei Feng has followed you for many years, there must be many loyal subordinates in the palace.

Wait until he is rescued, then contact these subordinates to cover us into the palace. "

"Okay, Brother Yi."

Luo Ya hurriedly got up and left to contact Han Yu's team.

Yuyi and Luo Ya did not participate in the prison robbery that night, mainly to avoid suspicion and paralyze the spies near the manor.

With the cooperation of the five seventh-level powerhouses in Hanyu's team, and Anzi who had infiltrated the royal city in batches recently, the process of robbing the prison went smoothly.

The rescued people were temporarily placed in Luo Ya's secret base.

Edm was furious, and sent a master to pursue him, but he was killed.

Both parties knew who planned the operation.

The Prime Minister suffers from lack of evidence, unable to point the princess, so he can only knock out his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness, for saving your life." Wei Feng knelt on one knee and saluted respectfully.

His body was covered with bruises, and his prison uniform was stained with blood.

In prison, he was often tortured.

"Uncle Wei, don't be too polite. In the final analysis, it's my palace that got you in trouble and made you go to jail." Luo Ya hurriedly helped Wei Feng up.

Several ministers and their family members also stepped forward to kowtow to thank them.

Yu Yi glanced at it with his soul eyes, and quietly exited the basement.

"Xiaoya, come to me later to get a master-servant contract."

When Luo Ya heard the voice in her mind, she froze for a moment, then immediately covered it up.

"Brother Yi, do you want to subdue all the rescued people in the sky prison? They are loyal to the kingdom, so there is no need to do anything extra, right? Signing a contract rashly will also make the other party feel bad."

"Be careful, there is no big mistake. I just observed that some people have been tortured and succumbed. You should know how much harm a betrayer will do if you hide by your side."

"Brother Yi, Xiaoya understands."

Luo Ya took a contract for the rescued ministers and guards to sign.

Many people were not happy, and even accused Luo Ya of distrust.

Opponents were suppressed one by one.

After the contract was signed, everyone understood the reason.

Some of the people who opposed the most fiercely did have ulterior motives, and they had already been subdued by Adam.

Betrayers are naturally looked down upon by everyone present.

Er Wu Zai is not welcome anywhere.

The rest were ashamed and admired the princess' insurance measures.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

Inside the manor.

Yu Yi looked at the sky and said: "Luo Ya, before we sneak into the palace, there is one more important thing to do."

"Brother Yi, what's the matter?" Luo Ya hurriedly asked.

"Spreading rumors in the capital."

"What rumor, what is the purpose?"

"Our actions will definitely be closely monitored by Edm. Only by letting him be overwhelmed can we have a chance to make arrangements."


In the capital, there was a piece of explosive news.

The king and queen, as well as Prime Minister Edmu, have all been controlled by the Shura tribe.

It is precisely because of the secret instigation of the Shura clan that the high-level behavior is so weird.

As soon as the news came out, it triggered a strong earthquake in the capital.

In the royal capital, no matter if they were princes, nobles or ordinary traffickers, they were all stunned by the explosive news.

"Hiss... have you heard the rumors about the king and queen, and the prime minister?"

"Why didn't I hear it? Now the streets are talking about this news. It's so exciting, it's unimaginable."

"I think it's quite reasonable. Think about it, the former prime minister was approachable, gentle and courteous.

On the street, even if civilians greeted him, he would smile and nod in response.

Now it has become cruel and cruel, it is completely like a different person.

If it wasn't controlled by the Shura clan, how could there be such a big difference? "

"It is true that the king and queen are in a similar situation; formerly generous and loving, they are now indifferent.

They never objected to Adam's perverse actions, so they were also controlled. "

"It's terrible. The Shura clan has controlled the three pillars of the Holy Angel Kingdom in a short period of time. Are they trying to destroy the kingdom?"

"It's no wonder that His Majesty the King wanted to arrest even his own daughter some time ago. I'm afraid it was Her Royal Highness who discovered some clues by accident, which led to the disaster."

"That's right, I guess this is also an important reason why Her Royal Highness escaped from the royal city and sneaked away to the Youshui collar and the sunset collar to develop?"

"We absolutely can't let the Shura tribe continue to mess around. We must unite and call on more righteous men to bring order out of the chaos."

"Extremely true."


From the princes and nobles to the traffickers and pawns, they are all discussing this matter.

"Bastard... bastard... That little girl Luo Ya is making trouble again? She just robbed the prison, and started to target the truth again. Does the truth really dare not do anything to her?"

Edm was so angry that his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys ached.

Nordman took a step forward, "Father, this matter is probably planned by the princess' military adviser."

"Nonsense, of course I know the truth, the question now is how to solve this matter?"

"Father, didn't we arrange some pawns among the prisoners? We can secretly contact some pawns to find out the purpose of the princess.

Secondly, a notice was issued in the name of the king, ordering the prohibition of spreading rumors, and an investigation of the royal city was conducted, and anyone who dared to discuss this matter would be arrested.

Third, notify the lords of the states and counties and order them to stay in the territory and not act rashly. "

"Nordman, I will leave this matter to you."

"Yes, my father."

A guard hurried in, "Master Prime Minister, it's not good."

"Why panic, what a shame!" Edm reprimanded.

The guard said in a panic: "Please forgive me, Prime Minister, the matter is so important that my subordinates are so panicked.

According to the news from the intelligence department, Wangcheng has lost control and is in complete chaos.

The people in the city broke out a large-scale demonstration, demanding to find out the truth of the matter.

Many aristocrats have begun to join forces secretly in an attempt to harm you. "

"Bastard, the little princess can really find something to do with the truth." Edham's face was grim.

"Hmph... the truth is to deal with this matter in person."


While Edmu was busy suppressing the rebellion in Wangcheng, Yuyi was also acting secretly.

He instructed Luo Ya's guard captain, Wei Feng, to contact the loyal guards in the palace.

What Wei Feng contacted was Xiao Liu, the captain of the royal guards.

Xiao Liu was also single-handedly promoted by him at the beginning, and he was very loyal to Wei Feng and the princess.

When Luo Ya escaped from the palace, Wei Feng selected some reliable guards, pretended to join the commander of the palace guards, and hid in the dark, waiting for the return of the princess.

Wei Feng and Yu Yi disguised themselves as ordinary guards, and under the cover of Xiao Liu, they sneaked into the palace quietly, avoiding the attention of the palace guards and priests.

Luo Ya did not follow, mainly to prevent the problem of escape after accidental exposure.

Wei Feng is a sixth-order powerhouse, so it is easy to escape.

Not to mention Yuyi, he could hide in the black beads and be led away by Wei Feng.

Neither of them had to worry about fleeing for their lives, but Luo Ya couldn't. The risk of taking her was too great, and staying in the manor was the safest decision.

Chapter 105 Sneaking into the palace, the list in the seal

Inside the palace.

Yuyi uses the black beads to open vision sharing, allowing Luo Ya, who is far away in the manor, to guide him remotely to the place where the seal is hidden.

"Stop, Xiao Liu, aren't you off duty today? Why are you here?"

When Xiao Liu passed a building, he was yelled at by a certain voice.

Yu Yi heard the reputation and looked around, only to see a blond-haired seventh-rank powerhouse standing not far away.

There is also a team of guards behind him, and their strength is not weak.

"This..." Xiao Liu was dumbfounded, he didn't expect to bump into Lucas, the commander of the guards, head-on.

Originally, the commander of the imperial guards had doubts about him "betraying" the princess and defecting to the prime minister.

Xiao Liu happened to be caught again, and was flustered for a while, not knowing how to respond.

"Calm down, don't panic, just be normal. The more panicked you are, the more likely you will reveal your flaws."

Yu Yi hurriedly reflected the voice into Xiao Liu's mind.

"My lord, what should I say?"

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