"Bam! Boom boom boom!"

Four times in a row, the four sniper bullets hit the glass of the vehicle without leaving a trace.

"What kind of car is this? Even a sniper rifle can't break it?" Kouji Tanaka on the roof of a nearby building looked shocked.

Just then, a SAT team member hiding behind the building rushed over.

After approaching the vehicle, he crouched down immediately, and the whole person disappeared from Tanaka Kouji's sight.

I saw that the team member didn't dare to stand up, and held out a mobile phone that seemed to be a navigation interface.

Zhou He saw it at a glance, and immediately opened the window of the passenger cab, took the mobile phone over, and then closed the window.

Zhou He glanced at it, and sure enough, this is the navigation interface, and the destination of the navigation is the crisis management center. Come to think of it, this is where Tozaki Yu is located.

"Wait, I'll be there in 15 minutes." Zhou He said something to the camera, and then crushed it.

Immediately, Zhou He started the car and drove towards the navigation destination.


Somewhere in a mountain village, in a farmhouse.

Kei Nagai looked at the live broadcast screen covered with snowflakes, and immediately put the notebook on it, with a serious expression on his face.

"It's a demihuman. That young man in your family is a demihuman on TV."

"Come out, come out quickly."

"Die demi-humans, we can't have demi-humans in our village."

"Demihumans deserve to die, come out..."

At this moment, some villagers shouted from outside the house.

"I was discovered, so many people came here. Granny Yamanaka, thank you all the time, I'm leaving..." Nagai Kei picked up his notebook, stood up, and walked towards the back room.


Ten minutes later, Zhou He's vehicle stopped under the building of the crisis war room.

At this time, there was no one around the building, yes, not even a pedestrian, not even a news media, the surrounding area was empty and silent.

"Are you doing something?" Zhou He frowned slightly.

He just wants to complete the order well, do these guys have to deal with it?

Zhou He chuckled, and with a thought, a bottle of iced drink appeared in his hand, the seat was knocked down, he leisurely put his legs on the steering wheel, and drank the drink.

1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes there was no movement in the car.

Inside the Crisis Command Operations Center.

The SAT commander, who had been waiting for Zhou He to get off the car, couldn't sit still, and said: "Wait no more, the first team, the second team, the third team, and the fourth team will do it. Remember, the anesthesia gun is used first, and Sato and the driver must be captured alive. "

"Hi!" A reply came from the communicator.

Hearing this, Yuu Tozaki opened his mouth slightly, wanting to say something, but in the end, he still didn't speak, and watched the surveillance video silently.

under the building.

In the four directions, a team of ten people appeared in each team, all armed SAT members holding shields.

They slowly approached the van and completely surrounded it.

When the four teams approached within five meters of the van, they immediately took out a box, and after pulling it open, strips of tire breakers appeared and placed on the ground.

Immediately, a square tire breaker surrounded the van. As long as Zhou Heyi drove out, the tire would definitely be punctured.

When they were within three meters of the van, the four teams stopped at the same time.

Their captains looked at each other and gestured to several of their subordinates.

Immediately, four people stood up and walked to the vehicle.

One of them came to the cab, looked at Zhou He who was eating inside, his eyelids twitched, and immediately gestured to his teammates.

Immediately, he yanked the car door, but it didn't move at all. They tried several other doors and the rear compartment, but they were all locked.

"Strong attack! Enter through the rear window or broken window, control the two of them at the first time, and use the tranquilizer gun and stun gun."

The commander in the war room gave instructions directly into the headset.

He knew that even a sniper rifle would not be able to break through the window of the car, so he directly issued an order to prepare to break through the van's defense with powerful firepower.

The four of them also heard the order, and immediately retreated to the team. Then, all forty guns were aimed at the rear compartment of the van.

"Da da da……"

"Da da da……"

"Da da da……"

Countless bullets poured on the van.


Chapter 114



"Ah... I got shot, I got shot."

"My legs, my legs."

"I have a gun in my hand..."

Suddenly, there was a wail.More than a dozen people fell to the ground immediately.Howling in pain.

Among them, there were a few people who were hit to the point and lost their voices.

"There are enemies?"

"Where is the enemy?"

In an instant, these SAT fighters panicked, stopped shooting, and looked around for the enemy.

"Idiots, your bullets bounced off, where did the enemy come from?" the SAT commander yelled into the headset.

They control all the monitoring within a radius of 200 meters. Everyone has been expelled. Where did the enemy come from?

However, the defense of the van really surprised him. Such a powerful firepower failed to break through. It was even stronger than the defense of a tank.

"Line up, all line up, there are no enemies, you guys, immediately carry the wounded down."


Zhou He wiped his mouth, then opened the car window, and said to the people outside: "Where's Yu Tozaki? Get him down quickly, Sato sent it over."

After finishing speaking, Zhou He also threw some garbage out of the window by the way.

"Good opportunity." The captain saw Zhou He open the window, immediately took out the anesthesia gun, and shot Zhou He directly.


An anesthetic needle with a red tail shot out violently.

Just when he thought he succeeded, he saw the anesthetic needle hit an invisible wall of air, and then fell to the ground.

This team member didn't believe in evil, and continued to shoot, just like before, all of them were stopped by an invisible wall of air.

"This...what's the matter?"

"There seems to be a wall, his ability? Or some kind of high-tech product of defensive force field?"

The SAT members around the van all looked horrified.

Forty heavily armed SAT members went out to deal with a small van, but failed.

The most important thing is that before the enemy has even made a move, they have already fallen more than a dozen people themselves, which is simply a disgrace to the SAT troops.

"Sir, please instruct the next action." The captain said to the headset.

However, before their officer could reply, a gun barrel protruded from the vehicle.


Zhou He directly pulled the trigger.

The bullet in the shotgun hit the captain instantly.

The captain didn't even scream, he was rushed out, and then fell silent.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack, shield, shield!"

They also reacted quickly. They put the bulletproof shields in front of them immediately, and then four or five people moved closer together.

"Boom!" Zhou He fired again.

However, when the bullet hit the shield, it only splashed a little fire and left a few bullet marks, which had no effect at all.

"This gun is still a bit weak, Yu Tosaki, if you don't come down, then I will go up." Zhou He said loudly.

"Okay, then I'll go up by myself, but, hehe. Turn on the weapon mode, and turn on the flight mode." Zhou He gave the order directly.

[Weapon mode is on, flight mode is on! 】

A heavy machine gun appeared on the roof of the van, and at the same time, two rear fins appeared on the body, and the tires flipped over to become energy jets, directly floating on the ground.

This change directly stunned the surrounding SAT combat members.

Before they could react, Zhou He opened fire.


I saw heavy machine guns sweeping around the van.


Screams sounded.

The bulletproof shields they relied on were useless in the face of heavy machine guns and were instantly torn apart.

At the same time, even their bodies were torn apart, and a large amount of blood, stumps and arms were scattered all over the ground.

After the heavy machine gun circled, there was no one around the van who could stand up anymore. Those who fell down were not dead, and they were seriously injured and endangered, and it was impossible to save them.

Zhou He's vehicle lifted into the air, first reached the third floor, and then crashed into it through the window.

"Where is Yu Tozaki? Or, where is the combat command room?" Zhou He looked at the trembling islander and said indifferently.

Island people, death is not a pity, if Zhou He is not satisfied with their answer, then he will not be soft when he strikes.

"It's... on the No. 13th floor." A little girl pointed to the upstairs and said the location.

After a while, Zhou He's van appeared in the crisis operation command room.

At this time, the crisis operation room was full of people, all of them stared at Zhou He in the van in dumbfounded.

It's too scary. This car is not only invincible in defense, but also has a heavy machine gun that appears out of thin air.

What's more, it can fly TM, making trouble.

"Tosaki Yuu, I've caught Sato for you." Zhou He's gaze stayed on a man wearing glasses and a gentle manner.


Before Tozaki Yu could reply, Zhou He lowered the window, picked up Sato, and threw it directly at Tozaki Yu's feet.

"Ah... many... thank you, sir, for arresting this nasty criminal." Tozaki Yu reacted, and quickly thanked Zhou He.

Looking at Yu Tozaki's attitude, it seems that the dozens of SAT members who were shot down below were not Zhou He.

【Congratulations!Your order has been completed, and you will be rewarded with a big draw and [-] points. 】

Afterwards, Tozaki Yu gave a few guys a wink.

Several subordinates immediately understood, took out the anesthesia gun, and prepared to control Sato.

At the same time, Tozaki Yu looked at Zhou He and said, "Sir, I wonder if you can help me arrest some demihumans. I can pay you."

【Ding dong!You have a new order, please check in time. 】

Before Zhou He could check what the order was, two screams came suddenly.

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