After a while, the guests who had been drinking in the outer hall walked into the garden under the guidance of the ladies, and then took their seats.Among them, a regular customer of a businessman saw Tang Cheng standing aside, and he got up and walked over after he had already sat down.

"Secretary Tang, how are you doing tonight?" At this point, the merchant tilted his head and gestured towards the wall, "I heard that there is a lot of movement there tonight."

"Brother Zhao, you also know?"

"There's been a lot of commotion over there these past few days. Not only me, but most people in the city know about their commotion." At this point, the businessman surnamed Zhao smiled and pointed sideways to the guests sitting by the lake. , "When I was in the outer hall, I heard from these people that they came tonight to see this. Secretary Tang, these sour bastards dare to be so provocative, don't be polite, spit on them hard!" ".

Hearing this, Tang Cheng smiled slightly and said nothing.

"I'm optimistic about Daya Zhizhengyuan." I reached out and patted Tang Cheng's shoulder. The merchant surnamed Zhao said again: "Since they are shameless, then don't give them face." After finishing this sentence, After nodding with a hey smile again, he turned and went back to his seat.

Kankan waited until the guests were all seated, a black shadow slid down from the base of the wall in a corner of the garden. After the black shadow got off the wall, it circled three times and twice with the cover of tree shadows and rockery. Arriving in front of Tang Cheng, "Senior officials, discussions have already begun in the pavilion over there."

Now that they started discussing and commenting on poems, the next step was to sing the winners. Hearing this, Tang Cheng nodded, "Go, order to light the lamps."

"Okay!", after the servant agreed in a crisp voice, he rushed to notify.

The guests who came tonight were deliberately arranged to wait in the outer hall for a while. After sitting down in the garden, there was neither singing nor dancing. A few balls of red light suddenly lit up in the room.

What a big lamp!

When all the guests were amazed at the size of the suddenly lit lanterns, they suddenly saw these lanterns as big as wheels fluttering into the air.

Kongming Lantern!

With these lanterns flying up, the big "Jinse" and the characters of Tang Cheng on the lantern paper are particularly eye-catching and clear in the night sky.

These wheel-like Kongming lanterns flew higher and higher. When the lanterns flew over the roof beside them, all the guests suddenly realized that the Daya Zhizheng Garden was not just lighting up in this garden. The same Kongming lanterns all floated up, and the total number of them is no less than a hundred.

In the deep night sky, these more than a hundred lamps suddenly floated up, just like the fireworks that suddenly rise in the night of later generations. For a while, not only the guests in the main garden of Daya, but also the people in the city saw this spectacle. Many of them also stopped or looked at the window one after another.

"What are you doing in Daya to Zhengyuan?", listening to Wang Qunyu's puzzled question, He Zhongda, who was also surprised to see the Kongming lantern floating next door, felt his heart skip a beat. The scholars who were anxiously waiting for the results of the poetry reviews under the pavilion were also attracted by the lanterns from Daya to Zhengyuan.With a tight heart, He Zhongda suddenly pushed Wang Qunyu and said, "Wenshan, let's announce the result!".

The head start, Daya Zhizheng Garden is once again the head start!

But Wang Qunyu is not stupid, after a moment of stupefaction, she realized that she and others have been busy preparing for the Wenhui for so many days, and now the Wenhui was upstaged by Daya Zhizhengyuan at the critical moment, what is going on? ?

Coughing twice, Wang Qunyu stood up with the manuscript in his hand, as long as he announced the winning poems at the beginning, he would not worry about these people being distracted because of his personal interests.

Just when he got up and walked to the steps at the entrance of the pavilion, a sudden change happened, but this time the change did not come from Daya Zhizheng Garden next door, but from Liulinfang, which is separated by a wall in front of the two gardens.

Liulinfang is the place where fireworks gather in Daocheng. Not only brothels gather here, but even the construction style and building height of brothels are exactly the same as stipulated by the government. The wide balcony, on weekdays, those red aunts who can get the flower badges don't have to come out, while those prostitutes who can't get the flower badges need to dress up and stand on the balcony, under the bright lanterns above their heads. Waving long sleeves or brocade handkerchiefs to attract tourists on the long street below.

"Riding on the inclined bridge, full of red sleeves", is the intuitive portrayal of this scene.

Because the side facing Daya to Zhengyuan and Zhaoyuan is facing Liulinfang Long Street, so at night on weekdays, the back balconies of all the buildings that are busy with business are all dark and there is no one.

But tonight, at the moment when more than a hundred big lanterns floated across the roof, the balcony on the side of the back street of Liulinfang seemed to be enchanted by magic. On the balcony, the lanterns were put on almost at the same time.

These lanterns are the largest and brightest lanterns prepared by each brothel.

The entire long street that stretches for several miles is lit up at the same time, and it seems that the whole Milky Way has been lit up in an instant. At this moment, the brilliantly lit Liulinfang has become the most glorious place in the whole Daocheng. The people who had just been attracted by the sudden lanterns couldn't help but exclaim under the miraculous brilliance.

In this era when there is no electricity and the lighting is mainly based on dim butter lamps, it is really rare to see such a neon scene as before.

From extremely dark to extremely bright, the Liulin Square in front of Daya to the main garden is full of brilliance, not only attracting the eyes of all the guests in the garden, but also the neighbor Zhao Yuan who was just brought back to his senses by Wang Qunyu's heavy coughing. The scholars in the group lost their minds again.

Under the deep night sky, Kongming lanterns are flying higher and higher, like stars blooming, but Liulinfang under the bright stars is more dazzling against the surrounding dim lights.Among the brothels on both sides of the long street, the two balconies facing away from the long street were all lit at the same time, and the two sides plus the street-facing balconies that were already lit, the brilliant lights on the four balconies made the willow Linfang formed a striking strip of light several miles long in Daocheng under the night sky.Shining brightly, dazzling people's eyes.

"Ah!", when everyone from Daya to Zhengyuan and Zhaoyuan couldn't help exclaiming in admiration for the grand scene in front of them, they saw music players holding pipas and dental boards on the balconies of various brothels in front of them. The musicians came out in a file, and after the hundreds of musicians sat down on the stools behind the large balcony, prostitutes in light palace attire came out one by one, every time There are as few as five or six people in the brothel, and as many as ten or so people. At this moment, there are no less than a thousand prostitutes gathered on the balcony on the side from Daya to Zhengyuan.

More than a thousand prostitutes dressed in costumes stand on the railing for several miles, and the scene in front of them is so spectacular!

With a gust of night wind blowing, the guests from Daya to Zhengyuan and Zhaoyuan felt that there were bursts of dark fragrance in the night sky, the lanterns were bright, beauties were like clouds, and under the night sky, this unprecedented scene, Sheng Shihua The spectacular scene in this year is not like the world, and all the guests suddenly feel as if they are in the palace in the sky.

After the girls stood still on the railing, they saluted themselves. At this moment, they suddenly heard a pipa playing. With this sound, the musicians from all the buildings echoed. In an instant, the buildings on both sides of Liulinfang Thousands of pipas played simultaneously on the balconies on all sides. In an instant, the melodious sound of pipas broke the silence of Daocheng night.

The lanterns are shining brightly, the beauties are like clouds, and the music of the Qing Dynasty and the Shang Dynasty floats from the high place like fairy sounds, drifting around. At this moment, everything in front of me is more and more unreal.

Witnessing all the beautiful things in front of him, Tang Cheng also felt his heart agitated, the festive lanterns were bursting, and the fairy music was fluttering. Isn't there such a bright scene in front of him in the prosperous and prosperous Tang Dynasty that was imagined in later generations? !

When directing all the scenes in front of him, Tang Cheng was only out of utilitarianism, but at this moment when he witnessed this scene with his own eyes, he was shaken by everything he directed.

So beautiful!

He was already mentally prepared to do so, not to mention other people, at least the high-rollers in Daya to Zhengyuan who boasted that they were used to seeing the world on weekdays were all staring at them with intoxicated eyes. Many people open their mouths wide without realizing it.

After the accompaniment of the pipa, you can see more than a thousand brocade handkerchiefs on the opposite building moving at the same time. While shaking the fragrance of light powder and fat, the melodious and melodious Qingshang poems have been sung:

Jinse has no end in fifty strings, a string of thoughts and a string of years.

Zhuang Shengxiao dreams of a butterfly, and Wang Dichun cares for the cuckoo.

There are tears in the pearl of the sea, and the blue sky is warm and the jade smokes.

This feeling can be treated as a recollection, but it was lost at the time.

Pingkang Square in Chang'an was the largest gathering place for fireworks in Tang Dynasty, with more than 1 prostitutes. Although the scale of Liulin Square in Daocheng was far smaller, it was the capital of Dao City. There are still more than [-] prostitutes, and tonight, there are no less than [-] prostitutes gathered on the four balconies of the two buildings.

Accompanied by more than a thousand pipas, four thousand prostitutes condescendingly sang poems at the same time. At this moment, the entire Dao City was infiltrated by the melodious singing.

"The bright moon in the sea has tears, and the sun in Lantian is warm and the jade is full of smoke." The spectacle in front of me has already made people unable to tell whether it is reality or an illusion in the heavenly palace. The verses, such lamps, such moons, such people, such songs, all of which are blended together, how can it be embarrassing to be human under the dreamlike illusion?

The sound of talking is gone, the sound of quarreling is gone, the sound of beating children is gone, and even the barking of dogs that used to be in the night has disappeared without a trace. Those who don't understand are fascinated by the spectacular scene in front of them. At this moment, from Daya to Zhengyuan to Zhaoyuan, and then to the entire Fang District, the entire Dao City, is silent.

"Hundreds of thousands of people danced with their sleeves together, and there was a sound of words in the sky." Although the people of Tang Dynasty were good at painting chess pavilions and painting walls, and singing poems, there was never a single person, never a poem that could make the whole city listen to it like tonight, The sound spreads all over the world.

One pile after another, one pile after another, three piles of songs, when the voice of poetry that "this feeling can be regarded as a memory, but it was lost at that time" faded away, the whole Taoist city, the whole square District, the entire Zhao Garden and Daya to Zhengyuan woke up from the dream.

"Jinse has fifty strings for no reason, this song is about Jinse! This is Tang Cheng's new poem of Yinwu! This is the release of a new poem from Daya Zhizhengyuan!", when the first one who reacted excitedly shouted out , the guests in Daya to the main garden immediately cast their eyes on Tang Cheng.

Everything in front of them was so unimaginable. At the beginning, all the guests were surprised that there was no movement in Daya Zhizheng Garden tonight. Never thought that tonight's songs and poems would be released in such a gorgeous and spectacular way!

"Good job", the merchant surnamed Zhao couldn't hold back his excitement, jumped out of his seat, ran to Tang Cheng's side and punched him heavily on the shoulder, "Secretary Tang, I really fucking admire you, mother!" Yes, it's so beautiful, it's absolutely stunning!".

"If this is in later generations, no matter if thousands of people play the pipa or 4000 people sing in unison, two Guinness World Records will be set, what a pity!" Tang Chengxiang, who suddenly had such a strange idea in his mind The businessman surnamed Zhao smiled slightly and said, "Brother Zhao, I can't help it."

"Ball!" The merchant surnamed Zhao, who was still uncontrollably excited, spat hard, "You made such a move, and you even asked someone to hold a bird essay meeting next door."


At this moment, if one wanted to describe the expressions of He Zhongda and the others in Zhao Yuanzhong next door, the only words that could be used were dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, Daya Zhizhengyuan, who had repeatedly inquired about it a few days ago and had no news, unexpectedly revealed such a trick, and the whole city listened to a song. How?

And what makes He Zhongda and others feel like their spines are down is not that Daya Zhizhengyuan stole the limelight from their literary society, you stole it this time and I will do it next time!What made them uncomfortable, even desperate, was the control over Liulinfang that Daya Zhizhengyuan showed through the scene just now.

Daya to Zhengyuan actually teamed up with Liulinfang. For He Zhongda and others who used to get embellishers in Liulinfang, they understood the meaning of this too well.

Starting from tonight, as long as Tang Cheng is willing, he can let anyone's poems spread all over Dao City overnight. How tempting is this for those literati who write poems?I and the others originally wanted to suppress Daya Zhiyuan, who was born in Yeluzi, by means of Wenhui Taoism, but after mastering the channel of Liulinfang, this idea became a joke.

Big joke!

The influence of the Wenhui is only limited to Shilin. The former Daya Zhizhengyuan more or less had this problem. After all, it was too expensive for ordinary people to pay attention to it. This means that the influence of Daya Zhizhengyuan itself Restricted, but with Liulinfang...

Can a small net cover the big net?This question does not need an answer.

It was at this moment that He Zhongda and Wang Qunyu finally understood why Liulinfang rejected their poems.

Tang Cheng!What a vicious method!

"Da Weng, look..." Wang Qunyu, who had been stupefied, shook the poem manuscript in his hand. It was originally a poem that was just selected and planned to be published.

"Take it away." Seeing that Wang Qunyu was still a little puzzled, He Zhongda closed his eyes.

"Give it up." Seeing He Zhongda like this, the one who was speaking was the Su Weng just now, and his sigh sounded rather desolate at the moment, "Tang Chengcai's "Jin Se" is also a poem about objects, which is suitable for our tonight article. The titles of the poems are the same. If you publish Wenshan at this time, the published poems will be compared with Tang Cheng's poems when they are spread tomorrow. The famous line, then this article will become a laughing stock tonight."

Since it is a poetry meeting, after all, it is necessary to rely on good poems to move people. Without this support, only relying on orthodoxy to suppress people is nothing more than making people laugh, especially after the surprise of Daya to Zhengyuan just now.

"This... this..." Just when Wang Qunyu didn't know what to say, she suddenly heard a commotion under the pavilion, and when they turned their heads to look at the next door following the commotion, they saw Daya coming to the main garden. Another piece of Kongming lanterns floated in the sky.

At this moment, everyone can already see clearly that tonight Tang Chengming is using Kongming lanterns as the name of the poem, with the entire Liulinfang as the stage, with more than a thousand musicians as the accompaniment, and four thousand prostitutes as the singers , and the entire Dao City is his viewing field.

Compared with his poetic talent, it is such boldness and such methods that are even more shocking.

However, the title of the poem was lifted up on the Kongming lantern this time, but the name of the author written on it was very strange. It was neither Tang Cheng nor Meng Haoran, another pillar of Daya Zhizheng Garden. It's a name that everyone feels unfamiliar with.

"Who is this person?" When even He Zhongda and the others were puzzled, they suddenly heard a voice from the group of scholars under Zhao Yuanting exclaim loudly, "This is my poem. Daya Zhizhengyuan used my poems, my poems!".

Shouting, the young scholar no longer cared that he was still attending the literary meeting, and the literary meeting hadn't been declared over yet, so he turned around and ran away, and behind him, a group of people who were also excited The young scholars also roared away...

Chapter 177 This is the radiation effect!

With Kongming Lanterns as the title of the poem, the entire Liulinfang as the stage, thousands of musicians as the accompanying voices, thousands of prostitutes as the singers, and the entire Taoist City as the audience, the release of new poems from Daya to Zhengyuan that night was full of people. All drunk, unprecedented grand occasion.

The next day, the whole Daocheng was discussing about this matter. The streets and lanes, restaurants and tea shops, and even Yu Dongjun called Tang Cheng to inquire about some details of this matter in his busy schedule. That's the case, others don't have to say it anymore.

The direct consequence of this special release of new poems is that Tang Cheng's reputation, which was originally only spread among scholars, became known all over the city overnight. , married or not... This scene is similar to Chen Ziang who "threw a thousand pieces of gold" in Chang'an back then. The originally unknown person suddenly became a hotly talked about celebrity. Such a change really made Tang Cheng a little unaccustomed .

Daya to Zhengyuan became more and more popular, and even Liulinfang's traffic surged a lot for a while. It was on the night when the new poem was released that the agreement between Tang Cheng and Yue Chaoqun officially came into effect. Although the quality of the poems written by young scholars is not enough to be published in Daya Zhizheng Garden, many of them can still be used in Liulinfang.

A few days ago, many young scholars gave up thinking about this matter after they submitted poems to the main garden but were not accepted. Therefore, when they suddenly received the embellishment pen, they were a little overwhelmed for a while.Run the pen!In the impression of most young scholars, this thing seems to be the patent of the older poets, and it is good for them to write poems every day if someone wishes to read them.

After being stunned, these people immediately began to inquire about the whole story, and then ran to Liulinfang in person, and found their own poems on the repertoire with trembling fingers. On the other hand, I ordered prostitutes and listened to them sing and play my poems on the spot. I thought I would only listen to it once, but in the end I listened to it over and over again. No matter how comfortable I listened to it, the bit of embellishment pen I finally got was far from enough to pay for it. Expensive.

In the past, the poems I wrote were not happy for others to read, but now they have been sung publicly in Liulinfang, and these selected poems are still available for refilling, and the lack of money is not a problem. These young scholars are most excited The most important thing is this sense of recognition of one's own talent.For young people, this kind of psychological satisfaction of being recognized cannot be exchanged with any amount of money.

When the excited scholars walked out of various brothels, they were already full of gratitude for selecting and recommending their poems to Daya Zhizheng Garden in Liulinfang. Together with the great strength of Daya Zhizheng Garden in the dissemination of new poetry, Daya Zhizheng Garden, which was originally somewhat marginalized, became an important town with great influence in the Daocheng poetry circle in a short period of time.

As a result, a new round of upsurge of writing poems to Daya Zhizheng Garden broke out suddenly.

"No! Haoran, I can't go on with this." Tang Cheng raised his head from the hill-like pile of poems in front of him, and with a "snap", he buckled the vermilion brush in his hand heavily, and let out a long breath: " There are so many poems, just you and I reviewing them, even if you are exhausted, you can’t finish them, is this not enough to live?".

"It's really tiring." Hearing this, Meng Haoran, who also raised his head from a pile of poem manuscripts, rubbed his eyes vigorously, and said while moving his wrists: "However, although this matter is tiring, it is of great significance , so it's worth the tiring."

"You can do it, I can't do it. I can't live a day like this." Looking at the poem manuscripts piled up like a hill on the desk in front of him, Tang Cheng really felt a little self-contained. Damn, when I opened Daya When he arrived at Zhengyuan, he never thought that such a situation would happen.

Hearing this, Meng Haoran smiled, and then reached out to search for something in the pile of poem manuscripts. After a while, he found a piece of bamboo paper, cleared his throat and read aloud: "My teacher Tang..." .

"That's all, that's all." When Tang Cheng heard this, he immediately shook his head and waved his hands: "Don't be shabby, don't forget, there are quite a few people who call you Master Meng."

Meng Haoran froze for a moment, then realized that the "poor" in Tang Cheng's mouth meant a joke, "Brother Tang, this is not a joke. Since the opening of Daya to Zhengyuan, all the poems written by you are wonderful works. , A poem is published, and it is sung by Shilin. Especially after that night, nothing else matters. Nowadays, no one in the city can say "this feeling can be remembered, but it was lost at that time"? As for Liulinfang Needless to say, when the lights come on, your poems will be the first to float out of every building. If you don’t talk about your own way, it will be released to the whole world. It is rare to have a reputation as fast as Brother Tang. In the past few days, I have heard more than one person praise Brother Tang, your poetry is the first in Daocheng since the founding of the country in the past hundred years."

"Ashamed, ashamed!" Tang Cheng's words of shame were sincere and sincere, without the slightest pretense of hypocrisy.

"Talent gifted by God, what is there to be ashamed of?" At this point, Meng Haoran patted the poem manuscripts piled up in front of him, and said with a serious expression: "But the more scholars praise you, Brother Tang, the more you must do well in front of you." The thing is, there is a lot of hard work behind each of these poems, and since they can put poems on us, they have a lot of trust in us, and they must not be neglected."

"Haoran, you misunderstood me." Looking at Meng Haoran with a serious face, Tang Cheng smiled and shook his head, "It may be hard to say anything else, but I still have a bit of pride in doing things seriously. You I have known each other for a long time, and Haoran should know who I am."

Seeing Meng Haoran nodding his head, Tang Cheng continued: "It's not that I want to be perfunctory about these poems, what I mean is that there are too many people submitting poems, and the amount is too large. It's just you and me to judge, not to mention being busy." However, the speed of the review is too slow, so that the applicants cannot get the results for a long time, and it will inevitably affect their enthusiasm after a long time."

"Well", this is the truth, Meng Haoran also frowned tightly when he mentioned this, and said after a while: "Then Brother Tang means to increase manpower."

"That's right!" Tang Cheng stood up and said, "Now this place can be regarded as a good and stable income. We can invite more people to participate in this matter." Walking to Meng Haoran's case, Tang Cheng stretched his finger Knocking unconsciously, he said with a smile on his face: "Hao Ran, those old friends you asked for poems a few days ago are suitable for me. This job must also suit their wishes."

"It turns out that you're playing tricks on them." Meng Haoran smiled when he heard this, "But among my literary friends, there are only two or three of them who can take up this position. I'm afraid it's not enough, right?"

"Two or three people? That's enough." Tang Cheng clapped his hands heavily, "With these two or three people, it's enough to invite some more people in Daocheng."


"Yes", after nodding his head, Tang Cheng turned around, "Haoran, I plan to invite Daoxue Xuezheng and the supervisor to participate in this matter. In addition, the old man in the Daocheng poetry circle will also invite three or two of him." .

"Invite them?" After hearing about Tang Cheng's plan, Meng Haoran didn't speak for a long time. After a long time, he lowered his head and sighed softly: "Brother Tang, do you still remember the He Yuan Wenhui? I'm afraid, with these people joining, it will be difficult for Daya to Zhengyuan to be as talented as it is today, and a piece of pure land in the Taoist forest in the east of Shannan will end here..." Before he finished speaking, Meng Haoran's words The voice became lower and lower, gradually becoming unknown.

"I will never forget the matter of He Yuan." Of course, Tang Cheng understood Meng Haoran's thoughts. After seeing this, he got up and walked to him. He patted his shoulder and smiled, "Haoran, you are too worried. The Superintendent is usually busy with business affairs, so he may not spend much time here. To them, the position hired by Daya to Zhengyuan is like a honorary position in the imperial court, and it is more of an honorable title Son, they may not be able to succeed here every day? Besides, Xuezheng and Xuejian are officials ordered by the imperial court, and they may be transferred to other positions at any time."

"Thus, although these two lords have high status, Haoran, you don't have to worry about being manipulated by them in reviewing poems." Patting Meng Haoran's shoulder with his hand, Tang Cheng said frankly: "Leave these two lords aside, as for There is no need to worry about the three or two elders in the poetry circle. The garden belongs to us, and Liulinfang bought the account of Daya Zhizhengyuan. As long as the channel for releasing this new poem is firmly in our hands, what trouble can they cause? Just talking about reviewing poems, you and I, plus the literary friends you invited Haoran, compared with these three or two elders, we still have the upper hand in number, maybe we can be controlled by them?".

Following Tang Cheng's confident explanation, Meng Haoran gradually raised his head.

"It is that they will bring some troubles after they come in, but compared with the benefits, these troubles are nothing."

"Income?" Meng Haoran's expression changed after he pondered, "Brother Tang, if you are doing this for my Taoism quota, then...".

"By the name of brother Haoran's poem in Daocheng today, why bother to get a place in Taoism? If it's just for this, it's just to hire Xuezheng and the supervisor. Why do you need those elders in the poetry world?" Meng Haoran's sensitivity made Tang Cheng is very speechless. These great poets in the Tang Dynasty were talented in poetry creation, but in daily life, their minds are really not enough, or they are not willing to spend on it at all. Thoughts, Meng Haoran is also the same, "Haoran, think about it, although Daya Zhizhengyuan has a great reputation today, but the foundation is, after all, the aliens that originated from Caoze, and although the aliens can be prosperous for a while, the foundation is not stable after all. The wind and the waves, might not be like the epiphyllum in the dark night, which is fleeting."

With the prosperity of Daya Zhizheng Garden in front of him, Meng Haoran could hardly imagine the scene that Tang Cheng said, " could it be?".

"Why not?" Facing Meng Haoran's gaze, Tang Cheng also said with a serious face: "The reason why Daya to Zhengyuan can have today's prosperity is because of the great power of observation made by adults when it opened. My lord has changed hands, if the academies and officials have other ideas, if all the elders in the poetry circle who were robbed of the limelight by our garden at that time jointly signed a letter...Hao Ran, think about it, this is really impossible?".


"Since I have spent so much thought, I want to make Daya Zhizhengyuan flourish." Along with his thoughts, Tang Cheng's fingers unconsciously tapped a rhythmic deep sound on Meng Haoran's desk, "If If you want to survive for a long time, you must not be a different kind. Since you don’t want to be a different kind, you must move closer to the mainstream, or simply become a part of the mainstream. When you are a teacher of Taoism and a school supervisor, the elders of the poetry circle also participate in the development of Daya Zhizhengyuan When judging poems, who in the literary world of this city has the right to deny the authority of the new poems released by this garden at will, and who can say that our Daya to Zhengyuan is from Ye Luzi?".

At this point, Tang Cheng patted Meng Haoran on the shoulder again, "In the long run, it will be more beneficial to the scholars of Daocheng. Haoran, after all, the behavior in the world is still according to the legacy of our teacher Kong Sheng: "When the water is clear, there will be no fish, and when people observe it, there will be no disciples." Many times, for the sake of a longer-term goal, even if we know that we want to "raise mud and waves", we have to do it. ".

Hearing what Tang Cheng said, Meng Haoran fell silent again, this time for a very, very long time.

When Tang Cheng was about to let him think and turned to leave the room, he walked to the door and suddenly heard Meng Haoran's voice.

This is a sigh full of doubts, "The water of the Canglang is clear and can wash my tassels; the water of the Canglang is turbid and can wash my feet. Brother Tang, to be a man of integrity like Dr. Qu, Is it really that difficult?"

"Unless Haoran doesn't want to use things and just retreats to the mountains and forests for the rest of his life, otherwise... it will be very difficult." Tang Cheng didn't turn around, and after saying this, he didn't leave. When students talk about the way of doing things in the world, they often say 'it is better to take the truth than to seek it'. Although this statement sounds righteous and powerful, but it is really practiced... ".

Tang Cheng, still with his back on his back, shook his head silently, "Knowing that the straight is not desirable, why can't you seek the straight? Haoran, is the means or the process important? Or the ideal in your heart? The result of benefiting the common people is important. If you want to understand this, the question you just asked will naturally have an answer that suits you."

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