Tang Chaoyue, the later generation of fine wine, said that the so-called whiteheads are as new and as old as before, although it is difficult to meet in real life, but there are always some, such as Ling Yi in front of Tang Cheng.

It may not be Ling Yi who makes Tang Cheng feel sad, but the feeling when he gets along with her, a feeling of complete relaxation and tacit understanding, and this is why Tang Cheng never said a word during the two night tours. Ask her the reason for her background, there are many relationships that are always simpler, the simpler the better!

The steps under Ling Yi's feet stopped suddenly, "Going? So fast!".

"I'm sorry, I've been in Yangzhou for five or six days." Tang Cheng naturally stopped, "Although Yangzhou is good, it's not where the township is located."

"That's right!" Ling Yi's complexion was indeed very gloomy, and the bleakness of early autumn also appeared in his voice, "The Slender West Lake is the most moving under the moon and full of mist at night, but it's a pity...".

Ling Yi was like this, which made Tang Cheng's reluctance even stronger. He finally endured and endured so that he didn't say the words of staying for a few more days. After all, there are so many things at home, and the time to go to Yangzhou this time is not short. , maybe how much my father and mother, Li Yingwan and Lancao miss him, "There is always a banquet in the world...".

Just halfway through the conversation, Tang Cheng's heart skipped a beat, and he stretched out his hand to hold Ling Yi, "Come on, let's go boating and take a night tour of the Slender West Lake."

Before Ling Yi could say anything else, Tang Cheng had already dragged him forward.

After arriving in Yangzhou in person, Tang Chengcai knew that the description of the "prosperous Tang" in the history books was not false; and after getting to know Ling Yi, he felt that the unrestrained and enthusiastic women in the prosperous Tang Dynasty recorded in the history books were indeed true. It's still too small, and Jinzhou, surrounded by mountains, is more conservative in terms of social atmosphere after all!Maybe it will have to wait until after the impact of the prosperous Kaiyuan period before Jinzhou will truly be soaked in the magnificent and open temperament of the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

Living in Yangzhou, which was at the beginning of its unique style, facing a woman like Ling Yi, Tang Cheng suddenly returned to the later generations at this moment.

After all, the night was getting dark. In order to save time, Tang Cheng pulled Ling Yi and ran quickly in a luminous cloak of water. Against the backdrop of the Swallow Towers on both sides, the night wind blew the sleeves of their clothes. into the picture.

Just as Tang Cheng dragged Ling Yi out of this side alley and turned into the main street on the other side, he ran into a large group of people head-on, and Wu Yujun was among them.

"Ah Cheng, how long has it been? Are you still planning to go there? Hehe! Could it be that you are also going to the Happy Building?" Wu Yujun didn't recognize Ling Yilai next to Tang Cheng until he had finished making jokes. It's a little embarrassing, the happy building they just came out of is the most prestigious brothel in Yangzhou.

Walking in the middle of this group of people was that fat man Zhou Lirong. He was talking to the merchant beside him in a low voice, but now he turned his head following Wu Yujun's words. His expression suddenly changed as if he had seen a ghost.

Chapter 1 The paper crotch in Tianjiamen

First, his eyes were focused on Ling Yi's face, then Zhou Lirong's eyes fell from top to bottom to Tang Cheng's hand holding Ling Yi, and then his eyes turned from their hands to Tang Cheng, Different from the scribbled skin just now, Zhou Lirong's eyes now looked like he was carrying a peeling steel knife, trying to see clearly that Tang Cheng had been stripped naked and chopped into pieces.

At this moment, Tang Cheng didn't pay attention to Zhou Lirong's eyes, "I'm going to visit the Slender West Lake at night, and I'll be back tomorrow morning at the latest, so I won't delay the trip." Tang Cheng smiled and nodded to everyone , and continued to drag Ling Yi forward.

"I'm fucking his grandma, people are more angry than people!" Zhou Lirong watched Tang Cheng and the two go away, spat hard, and walked quickly to Wu Yujun, "What? Brother Wu is leaving tomorrow... ".

Not long after Tang Cheng and the two ran, they happened to meet a donkey's foot catching a late-night train. After getting on the train, Tang Cheng noticed something wrong with Ling Yi's expression, "What's wrong?".

"It's nothing!" Ling Yi looked at Tang Cheng who was panting slightly with a puzzled expression on his face, let out a long breath and then smiled, "I just hope that all the boat girls in the Slender West Lake don't fall asleep."

The Slender West Lake in the night with smoky autumn water, misty sand and sand is indeed very beautiful. Tang Cheng and his wife were also very lucky. They found a painting boat smoothly, picked up two orange lanterns, and started a night boat tour under the sound of oars and lights. .

The sky was about to light up, and the yawning boat lady brought the boat to the shore and began to treat guests politely. After Tang Cheng got off the boat, he noticed that the maid in apricot clothes was still waiting on the shore with her pipa in her arms, probably because she didn’t bring any entourage with her. I don't know when last night he actually forgot about this girl who was always silent.

"It's a good thing nothing happened, otherwise it would be your fault and mine." Tang Cheng felt guilty and a little scared, but Ling Yi didn't seem to worry about the maid's safety at all, "Qing Xing, take me Give Mr. Tang a piece of his famous card."

"I'll be leaving later..." Hearing this, Ling Yi, who was taking the famous badge from Qing Xing, smiled lightly, "Perhaps you changed your mind after returning to the inn, maybe you'll see when you go back !", Ling Yi avoided Tang Cheng's outstretched hand, and actually stuffed the thorn into his arms.

On the way back from Slender West Lake, Ling Yi lost the melancholy she felt when she heard that Tang Cheng was leaving last night.

Back at the inn, Tang Chengyi opened the door, and the first thing he saw was Zhou Lirong's fat face!


"What? Ling Yi is the new Yangzhou envoy?" Hearing Zhou Lirong say such words, Wu Yujun, who had been with him and waited for Tang Cheng all night, couldn't help it, "How is this possible? She... But a woman!".

"What's the matter with women? Women still have to be emperors," Zhou Lirong said with a slight smile: "I won't talk about the empress's dynasty, but this dynasty alone, not long before I left Beijing, the Shangguan Zhaorong in the inner palace had just been promoted. After attaining the second grade, His Majesty specially granted him a mansion outside the imperial city. He was allowed to go out of the palace at night and stay at the mansion, and to go to the palace to be on duty during the day. There is also a general He Louwu who was conferred with the Jin Dynasty, and she is also a woman."

Zhou Lirong turned his gaze to Tang Cheng, watching him take out the lacquered gold thorn from his bosom, "The surname of the new Shibo Envoy is not Ling, but Zheng, and Ling Yi is his name, and Mr Zheng is also a member of the inner palace. In the first year of the first year of the empress's dynasty, the Shibo Secretary was originally in charge of the inner palace, so why not her as the new Shibo envoy?".

"A person in the inner palace?" Wu Yujun clicked his tongue, looked up at Tang Cheng, "to be able to fill such a fat position, she...".

"Needless to say that the former queen was in court, now the sage and the queen are in harmony, and they have always been calm in terms of female sex. Although Mr. Zheng is a man in the inner palace, he is just carrying a false name." When Zhou Lirong said these words, his eyes widened. The son didn't leave Tang Cheng for a moment, "Perhaps you don't know yet, Shangguan Zhaorong's mother is surnamed Zheng, who was conferred the title of Mrs. Pei Guo not long ago. Mrs. Guo has only two sisters and younger brothers, and her younger brother is Mrs. Zheng Lingyi. biological father".

What Zhou Lirong said was plain, but the news itself was really astonishing. After going around such a big circle, Shen Lingyi turned out to be a cousin of Shangguan Wan'er. Who is Shangguan Wan'er?That is Fang, the most talented and famous woman in the world today, and she is also one of the most powerful women. She has been in charge of edicts since she was the first queen, Ze Tianwu, and later in the court. It is said that in the past 20 years, nine out of ten of the emperor's imperial edicts have been drafted and issued by her, not to mention people of Wu Yujun's status, even the six officials in the imperial city who met with Shangguan Wan'er were also guests. Greet and salute politely, not daring to be sloppy.

In fact, as early as the last years of the former Empress Dynasty, Shangguan Wan'er already had the title of "Inner Palace Maiden". After the new emperor ascended the throne, her power increased, and even Empress Wei tried her best to win her over. Therefore, it is not surprising that Zheng Lingyi can serve as the fattest envoy of Yangzhou City.

My girl!Although Wu Yujun had seen Zheng Lingyi's extraordinary background as early as on the Huaihe boat, he never thought that her background would be so big?At the moment, he was speechless again and again.

But after the initial surprise, Wu Yujun's mind suddenly became hot when he thought of something. The scene of seeing Tang Cheng and Zheng Lingyi holding hands last night suddenly came to mind, and then he thought of the tung oil business... Damn it, no wonder Zhou Lirong Fatty was so polite to him all of a sudden, and stayed here in the middle of the night without sleep. It turned out that he was not attacking himself at all, but Tang Cheng.

For a moment, Wu Yujun looked at Tang Cheng eagerly.

Zhou Lirong was right, Ling Yi's surname was indeed Zheng, and he was indeed the new Yangzhou envoy, all of which was clearly written in the lacquered name card.

After two nights like that, holding the famous thorn in his hand, Tang Cheng really had mixed feelings in his heart. When the night dew from the Slender West Lake on his body was not completely dry, the revelation of Ling Yi's identity made him feel unhappy , more of a loss.

After that, can there be another night tour without stress and scruples like last night?

"Master Zheng has been in office for several days, but the exact attitude of the Secretary of the Municipal Bureau has not been revealed until now. If Brother Tang can find out a certain letter, it doesn't matter whether the Secretary of the Municipal Bureau intervenes or not. I’m willing to buy Jinzhou tung oil by [-]% of the price.” A piece of news is worth [-]% of the oil price. Zhou Lirong’s generosity moved Wu Yujun, but this is not over yet. If you think about it, this year, I will recognize your family for the tung oil in Shannan Dongdao, no matter how much others pay, I will increase the price by [-]%.

If the previous sentence only moved Wu Yujun, then Zhou Lirong's latter sentence made him breathe suddenly. Damn, this fat man Zhou is indeed a big deal from the imperial capital. The conditions are simply too shocking. , Shannan Dongdao recognizes one family, and is willing to increase the price by [-]% regardless of the market price. Does this mean that the entire business of Shannan Dongdao can be controlled?After all, with the [-]% price increase advantage, it is enough to hold the whole tung oil in his hands.

How much is a whole tung oil?While Wu Yujun's face turned red, Tang Cheng's heart was beating non-stop. This was the same mood he felt when he signed a big order with a client in the later company. Seeing a large profit in front of him, if he said no If you are tempted, you are simply a saint.

By pouring water and drinking tea, Tang Cheng managed to calm down the excitement caused by a lot of money. The greater the profit, the greater the relationship behind it, especially after considering Zhou Lirong's background. The money will not be easy to earn.

After receiving the tea, Zhou Lirong took a new look at Tang Cheng, who had no impression of him a few days ago. He had experienced Zheng Lingyi's indifference before. This Tang Cheng alone could make the cold beauty Zheng Lingyi willingly dragged around the street by him. It's already rare.

But compared with this, what moved Zhou Lirong even more was Tang Cheng's calmness at the moment. After all, since Emperor Gaozong accepted his father Emperor Taizong's harem talent Wu Meiniang with a smile, in the past few decades in the palace city of Chang'an Longshouyuan In terms of love affairs between men and women, they have never been considered clean, especially those noble ladies who are more promiscuous and promiscuous, let alone the Queen of Heaven, Xue Huaiyi, the Zhang brothers, who have become famous all over the world after being favored, do not count. There is also a specially built Konghe Mansion in the city, where young and beautiful teenagers are specially recruited to serve.

This is the case with Empress Tianxian. As for other Princess Taiping, Shangguan Waner and others, their private lives are also very dissolute. For example, the famous Lianhua Liulang Zhang Changzong is the face of Princess Taiping. Mother.Not only her mother and daughter are like this, even Shangguan Wan'er has an affair with Zhang Changzong.

If this is still a matter of the previous dynasty, then the current dynasty is even more unbearable. The affair between Empress Wei and her son and daughter-in-law Wu Sansi is known throughout the dynasty. Cui Shi's personal affair is not hidden at all, and what is particularly shocking is that Cui Shi did not go up alone, but also took the three brothers of the clan to serve Shangguan Wan'er, and Shangguan Wan'er was fighting against Cui Shi. After using it satisfactorily, I recommended it to Princess Taiping...

The three most powerful women in this dynasty are all like this. If you want to talk about the debauchery in Miyagi today, it really corresponds to an old saying: the paper crotch in Tianjiamen, in a word, can be summed up in one word: chaos!

Under such a background, as Shangguan Wan'er's only younger sister, it was nothing that Zheng Lingyi was moved by Tang Cheng's handsomeness.On the other hand, although it is surprising that Tang Cheng hooked the cold beauty, in Zhou Lirong's eyes, he was nothing more than Lianhua Liulang Zhang Changzong and his ilk.

What really changed Zhou Lirong's view of Tang Cheng was the calmness he displayed at the moment. Zhou Lirong knew exactly how much profit the conditions he just promised were. People from other places, Zhou Lirong originally thought that once he made such a request, he would not refuse to agree to it.But the situation right now...

It's easy to say that money is like dirt, but there is no one in ten thousand who can really do it in the past and present. Tang Cheng can not be underestimated if he can maintain such a calmness under the huge amount of money at a young age!

"Boss Tang is just joking. How can we do such a big business here?" Tang Cheng stopped Wu Yujun, who was about to talk, with his eyes, and helped Zhou Lirong refill some tea with a smile. With Lin Ming still around, can the tung oil business bypass him?"

"Lin Ming's children are nothing to be afraid of." After saying such a half-spoken sentence, Zhou Lirong, who knew that Tang Cheng was not easy to bewitch, didn't say anything more. After all, the two of them had to discuss such a big matter. He is the one who is about to leave, "Old brother, what I said just now is here, and it will be valid at any time. If Brother Tang has an idea, just come to me."

"Boss Zhou, let's go!" Wu Yujun courteously sent Zhou Lirong outside the door, and after watching him go far away, he turned around and closed the door and went straight to Tang Cheng, looking at him eagerly, "Ah Cheng, Fatty Zhou just passed away!" What are your thoughts on what you said?"

"This thing sounds touching, but it's really difficult to do it. What is Zhou Lirong's identity? Not to mention that there is Lin Ming who can't get around on our Shannan East Road. With him in the middle, we can take it. It is difficult for this shop to receive tung oil, and it is difficult to transport it out of Shannan East Road! At this point, it is not just a shop business, but also related to your brother-in-law's official position." Up to this point, Tang Cheng did not go into details, just After a pause, he added another sentence: "One of my elders has repeatedly warned me to remember four words, does Brother Wu know what they are?".


"The profit makes the mind faint!" Tang Cheng repeated Zhao Huhu's warning that day almost word for word, "I went to the Slender West Lake at night last night, and now my body is still damp and sticky, so I feel uncomfortable. I will take a bath first. It’s good to have a good night’s sleep, and I’ll talk about everything after I wake up.”

After saying these words, Tang Cheng patted Wu Yujun on the shoulder and went out to tell Xiaoer to go. Wu Yujun was just blinded by the huge benefits all of a sudden, otherwise he couldn't have thought of these things with his intelligence, let him After a person quietly calms down the excited mood, he will naturally be able to come back to his senses.

Why are there so many smart people in the world who make some jaw-dropping low-level mistakes, seven or eight out of ten can't escape the four words of profit, wisdom and faintness. Yao Dongqi's lessons are not far away, and Tang Cheng doesn't want to repeat the same mistakes.

His whole body was immersed in Lu Feng filled with hot water. Tang Cheng, who hadn't slept all night, almost moaned comfortably. Although his body didn't move while soaked in Lu Feng, his mind couldn't calm down for a moment. What he was thinking most now was not Zhou Lirong, but Zheng Lingyi, with this famous card, should he go to see her, and what should he say after seeing her?

Perhaps, the tacit understanding of the past two nights of pure spiritual friendship is gone forever. Thinking of this, Tang Changchang let out a long breath. When his whole body sank into Lu Feng, he had already made up his mind to go to see Zheng Lingyi after he fell asleep. , no matter what the result is, he has to face it and have a real explanation.This way you can feel at ease even if you are walking.

After taking a bath, he slept well. When he woke up, it was already past noon. Wu Yujun's snoring in the next room could be heard through the door. To be able to sleep so peacefully, he must have calmed down?Seeing this, Tang Cheng didn't call him, and after going to eat, he took the famous card to see Zheng Lingyi.

"My lord invites you to meet me in the back garden." In Zheng Lingyi's mansion, Tang Cheng followed Qing Xing to the garden behind the house.

Apart from fighting grass, among the women's favorite games in the Tang Dynasty was swinging. Right now, Zheng Lingyi is sitting on a swing and swinging leisurely. However, unlike the previous two times, she is wearing a woman's attire today. With the light swing of the swing, the golden skirt made the skirt flutter in the air, making the pair of pearl shoes on her feet even more delicate and exquisite. Perhaps fearing the cold in early autumn, Zheng Lingyi deliberately wore a Hufeng hat on her head. He took off his hat, and the fluffy brim of the hat turned up made the woman on the swing look more fair-skinned and picturesque.

As far as Zheng Lingyi's appearance is concerned, the most outstanding feature is her big eyes, high nose, and full facial features. She looks like a barbarian. She is already beautiful, and she has become even more charming since then. No wonder she can make a veteran like Wu Yujun They were all amazed.

"According to the time, you should be here." Seeing Tang Cheng arrived, Zheng Lingyi didn't get off the swing, and said with a smile on his face, "Why are you standing there, come and help me play the swing, Qing Xing, tell me that no one is allowed in the garden." Come in, and I won't see anyone today."

On the way here, Tang Cheng was still thinking about what to say when he saw Zheng Lingyi, but all the thought he had spent before disappeared with Zheng Lingyi's smile, and the nature in front of him was no different from the previous two nights, the only difference was that It's because the women on the swing are a little more charming and beautiful.

Tang Cheng didn't say anything, walked to the swing with a smile and gently supported Zheng Lingyi to swing.

"My lord, those sea merchants have been waiting in the front hall for a long time?"

"If they want to wait, let them wait. What do you want to talk about?" Zheng Lingyi impatiently waved his hand holding the swing rope, and then turned sideways to Tang Cheng and said, "Swing harder!".

Qing Xingfu went away, and when Tang Cheng really exerted more strength to swing the swing high, Zheng Lingyi in mid-air screamed again and again in fright. Her crisp giggling can be heard all over the garden.

"There is someone like you!" In Zheng Lingyi's unreserved laughter, the grievances between the two of them due to their identities disappeared like the early sun shining on the snow. Tang Cheng pulled the swing and stopped before Zheng Lingyi could react. He also stood up, standing next to Zheng Lingyi who was sitting, holding the swing rope in his hand and swinging.

At the beginning it was still slow and low, gradually getting faster and higher, and finally the high swing finally showed its full effectiveness for the first time. Tang Cheng and the two who sat on the swing reached the highest point straight and far away. The walls are leveled.

With the cool wind blowing in early autumn and the warm sun shining on the two of them, Zheng Ling screamed again unsurprisingly, while Tang Cheng, who was standing on the step beside her, looked down at the wall every time he swayed Yangzhou under the Waishu Hill is prosperous.

Autumn is coming and spring is not over, Yangzhou is prosperous!Looking down from a high position, Yangzhou City, where three canals pass through the city, is full of people. The simple and simple Swallow Towers exude a demure and graceful atmosphere under the sunlight. At this moment, Tang Cheng, who is facing the wind, shows the It is a vivid picture of "Along the River During the Qingming Festival".

Floating in the sky, Tang Cheng felt his whole body was bound by the strong wind brought by the swing. After traveling for more than a year, his heart has never been so free and relaxed as it is now. Li went to the amusement park with the goldfish to ride the roller coaster, and with the hysterical screams, he swayed endless, heartless youthful passion.

Amidst Zheng Lingyi's screams and the vast and prosperous Yangzhou in front of him, Tang Chenglinfeng, who had once again swung to the highest point, roared loudly.After going through more than a year of hard work, the exhaustion accumulated from working day and night was swept away by the endless whistling sound. Although his throat was already hoarse, Tang Cheng under the warm autumn sun felt something to say in his heart. The uncompromising relaxation and passion.

Slowly the swing finally stopped, and Zheng Lingyi got off the swing and sat down on the grass next to her. With her flushed face, she added a bit of color, and gently patted the grass beside her and said, "Sit down, too." Bar".

As soon as Tang Cheng sat down on the grass, Zheng Lingyi adjusted his posture and leaned back against him, his head with his hat off was also placed in the pocket of Tang Cheng's shoulder, "Every spring and autumn season, my favorite thing is to play on the swing, but For so many years, this is the most enjoyable time.”

"Should I call you Ling Yi, or Mr. Zheng?" Tang Cheng always said what should be said, Tang Cheng closed his eyes slightly under the stimulation of the sun, "You recognized Zhou Lirong last night, and you knew he would to find me?".

"I'm not an adult, so Ling Yi listens more pleasingly." Zheng Lingyi rubbed his head to make himself more comfortable. "Fatty Zhou is such a smart person, since he met last night, how could he not?" Look for you?".

"It was you that I saw in Kangyuan yesterday afternoon, don't move around!" Tang Cheng shook his body to stop Zheng Lingyi, who had been scrambling all the time, "The envoy of Yangzhou City has so much power. , you should also know my identity."

Chapter 1 I did this business

"You already know my identity, and it must be fair." Zheng Lingyi's voice was as warm as the sun in the early autumn afternoon, "You are really weird, so you actually go to study Mingjing. That's all, a good county school didn't stay around, why did you go to the yamen to work as a knife and pen clerk, and now you're even involved in the tung oil business, and you have a foot in everything in politics, education, and business."

She knew her background, but she knew such details. Tang Cheng was slightly taken aback when he heard this, "Wu Yujun told you?".

"Why, can't you say it?" Zheng Lingyi smiled and said solemnly: "Tang Cheng, it's a pity to live in that small county with your talent. Why don't you change your Jinshi to Taoism? If so, next year In late autumn, you can go to the Ministry of Rites in Chang'an to take the Jinshi examination."

Jumping from county school to Taoism in one step, and then being able to take part in the imperial examination, this is a huge change for Tang Cheng. It would be a lie to say that he is not interested, but it is a pity that this is something that he has no way to agree to. He knows how this "poetry talent" came to be. He can usually chant, but when he really entered Daoism and even went to the Ministry of Rites to take the exam, that kind of poetry exam was limited to questions and rhymes. Tang Chengyou Self-knowledge, memorizing other people's masterpieces is easy, but if you want to write good poems yourself under the condition of limited questions and rhymes...

A jump that is not based on a solid foundation will eventually fall heavily. After all, it is just a story to rise to three levels in a row. The most important experience that Tang Cheng has learned over the past year is: how much sweat and how much food you eat .

Even if you don't care about this, you can't go to this Taoism, just because this kind of thing is too rare, if he really agrees, he will be completely tied to Shangguan Wan'er through Zheng Lingyi, at least others will see him that way, and Shangguan Wan'er The ending... At that time, it will not only be me who will get involved, but even my family members will follow him into a situation where there is no redemption.

"Go to Daoism before finishing the county school? What talent do I have? My teacher has repeatedly warned that being too ambitious is the number one taboo in academics, so I accept it with good intentions." After finishing these words, without waiting for Zheng Lingyi to say anything else, Tang Cheng changed the subject and said, "Shangguan Zhaorong is really your aunt's cousin?".

"It was Zhou Lirong who told you with a long mouth, right? Can it be false?" Zheng Lingyi touched Tang Cheng's face with his head, "Don't belittle yourself, think about my suggestion just now."

Zheng Lingyi's words made Tang Cheng's heart sink. Originally, the struggle in the palace had nothing to do with him. The reason is folded in, but even though he doesn't want to see this scene, what can he do now?

After thinking about it for a while, I really have no idea. For a knife and pen official in a small county government, the palace city of Chang'an is too far away. With him being so dazed, Zheng Lingyi urged again: "You talk!" .

"I started school late, and my foundation is too weak. It may not be a good thing to be so lucky. It's better to walk steadily and steadily, and be kind!" His words made Zheng Lingyi depressed for a long time. A young man with a pointed head who goes up to the camp, like Tang Cheng, has never even heard of it, but somehow, after feeling depressed about being betrayed by others, a little sweetness surged in her heart After all, this Tang Cheng is different from those ordinary people, and he didn't think of taking advantage of her status to gain benefits, but instead seemed to avoid it.Sure enough, I didn't miss him, let alone him!

"Why are you in a daze?" This time it was Tang Cheng's turn to urge, Zheng Lingyi was slightly taken aback, "Huh? What did you say?".

"I said, since you know that I know Zhou Lirong, and you gave me this famous card, and you still think that I will definitely come today, then you should talk about it, what's the idea of ​​Tung Oil Business Market Secretary?".

"No idea", Zheng Lingyi's understatement of the anxious and urgent matters that filled Yangzhou City, "Let Zhou Lirong and Lin Ming toss about, as for those sea merchants, this is a good time to beat them."

Tang Cheng never thought that Zheng Lingyi would have such an attitude, but as Zheng Lingyi lazily talked more and more, he finally understood the details.

Zhou Lirong was indeed Zhou Lirong's cousin, and he came to Yangzhou this time with the instruction of Wu Sansi, and his target was Li Chongjun, the current prince standing behind Lin Baiyu, the observation officer of Shannan Dongdao.

Li Chongjun was not born of Empress Wei, so he was not favored in the palace city where Empress Wei ruled over the sky with one hand, and the income in the internal treasury was even more irrelevant.As a crown prince with an unstable position, Li Chongjun needs to spend too much money. Fortunately, his last position before he was established as the crown prince was the governor of Yangzhou. The maritime merchants all over the world actually played the role of the prince's pocketbook.

Crown Prince Li Chongjun has a terrible enemy——Wu Sansi, the in-laws and lover of Empress Wei, and the nephew of the former Empress Wu Zhao, who also had the idea of ​​seeking a high position, but it is a pity that this idea was only a mirror image in the end. Cheng Kong, but now when his power has reached its peak, his thoughts from that year have revived in her daughter-in-law.

Wu Chongxun, the second son of Wu Sansi, married his wife, Princess Anle. Princess Anle was Empress Wei's favorite in her life. No matter how wise Princess Anle was, she had a lot of thoughts. She wanted to encourage her parents to abolish Li Chongjun and make herself the empress dowager. female.

Therefore, Wu Sansi can't help but stop working hard. The struggle between the Wu family and Li Chongjun has become more and more intense in the past two years. In the end, Wu Sansi decided to cut off Li Chongjun's financial resources completely. Zhou Lirong was in such a panic. In a panic, the main purpose is not to point out how much money the shop can make, but to use the tung oil in hand to force the sea merchants to change their doors, and to draw their salaries from the bottom of the pot.

Now Lin Baiyu, the observer of Shannan Dongdao, is the former minister of the prince Li Chongjun. He was able to rise from the position of the governor of the Yangzhou Metropolitan Governor's Office to take charge of the party, and it was all due to the power of the prince. Therefore, his future is actually close to Li Chongjun. They are closely related, so Lin Ming, who was supposed to be selling oil, urged the tung oil merchants to file a letter to the Shibosi Yamen to intervene in this matter, and Lin Ming's proposal was exactly the same as that of Yangzhou maritime merchants.

"The current governor of Yangzhou is still the prince's man?" Listening quietly to Zheng Lingyi's words, many things that I couldn't figure out before suddenly became clear, "In this case, the Lingnan Road observer and marching ambassador should be Wu Sansi's people up".

"Your brain turns fast, that's exactly what it is."

"This is the obvious thing." Tang Cheng moved his body to make himself more comfortable. "Without the instruction of the military and political officials of Lingnan Road, why did the Feng family of pirates behave uncharacteristically this year? No matter how brave he is at sea, After all, the foundation is still on the land of Chunzhou in Lingnan, so he really is not afraid of the government? As for the Yangzhou Metropolitan Governor’s Mansion, the memorial to impeach the Lingnan military and political chief has already expressed his attitude.”

At this point, Tang Cheng suddenly thought of something else, "Since it is a job in the inner palace, then Empress Wei should be in charge of Shibosi. The empress has a lot of trust in Master Wu, so Lingyi's attitude...".

Although Tang Cheng had already spoken tactfully enough, Ling Yi remained silent for a long time, and she didn't know what she thought of. For a while, only the wind was silent in the garden that was still laughing and laughing just now, and it was only after a long time that she heard her faint voice: "Wu The hand of Thinking twice is stretched too far, the empress also has the ambition to be the first queen."

Zheng Lingyi's words touched Tang Cheng's heart for a while. Being able to say such words implied enough trust. Although what she said was very euphemistic, Tang Cheng already understood the meaning.

After all, Tang Cheng traveled through time. No matter how bad his historical knowledge is, he always knew that Empress Wei tried to imitate her mother-in-law Wu Zetian and provoked Li Longji to unite with Princess Taiping to quell the chaos. Li Longji was born as a bastard and ranked third in the family. It was also because of this abolition of Wei that he began to emerge.

When it comes to the battle for the throne, Wu Zetian even killed his own son, so it is not surprising that Empress Wei was moved by her old lover. After all, it is better to control the officials indirectly through Wu Sansi before, than to do it herself.In this way, Empress Wei should now be happy to see the dispute between Wu and Li. No matter who loses the two, it will only benefit her.

And this should also be the fundamental reason why the Yangzhou Shipbuilding Department and Zheng Lingyi maintain such an attitude. As long as the Shibo Shipping Department does not speak for a day, the two sides will have to fight until this year's new oil comes out.

"It's not all because of this." After Tang Cheng finished his thoughts, Zheng Lingyi added: "Your Majesty also intends to suppress the Yangzhou maritime merchants. They are too close to the Yangzhou Metropolitan Governor's Mansion. They are too close Forget who you are."

Hearing this, Tang Cheng sighed in his heart. The status of merchants is really not high. Even if they are as open as the Tang Dynasty, they still look down on merchants in their hearts. When these wealthy merchants are too close to the military and government, the suppression will follow. However, if it wasn't for the consideration that the sea merchants were a great source of income for the inner palace, the attack would have been more ruthless instead of the current beating.

When it came to this step, Tang Cheng actually understood Zheng Lingyi, or the attitude of the Yangzhou Bureau of Shipping. What they have to do now is to procrastinate, so as to quietly watch the dispute between Li and Wu, and use this method to beat those who are anxious The maritime merchants in the world, until the time when the new oil is about to come out, the Shibo Division will never show its cards.

"It seems that Shibosi will take over the tung oil business after all." Shibosi has decided to intervene, which means that profits will be greatly squeezed. In this case, Sun Shijun and his wife may not continue. Tang Cheng's regret can be imagined seeing the business that had put so much hope in making a fortune and spent so much time and effort being ruined in this way.

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