At this time, the county office that had already been dismissed was silent, and Zhao Huhu's deep voice hit Tang Cheng's heart word by word, "As long as I am still in the county captain's seat, Lao Yao will win this battle in the end." It won’t do anything to you.” At this point, Zhao Huhu looked sideways at Tang Cheng, who was in a daze, and after pondering for a moment, he smiled and said: “This is the way to retreat, do you understand? But once what you just said is spread If you go out, that’s tearing Lao Yao’s face off! Let’s not talk about Lao Yao, you know what will I do if someone else tears my face off?”.

"How to do?".

"Whoever wants to tear my face off, I will kill him." Although Zhao Huhu is 52 years old, and although he is wearing an eighth-rank official uniform, when he said this, his face flickered The ruthlessness is even more frightening than the tyrant who was a big green skin when he was young.

Such ruthlessness was fleeting, and Zhao Huhu, who walked forward with his hands behind his back, became a kind and gentle elder again, teaching his juniors, "Since you have entered the yamen, you also want to hang out in the yamen." If you want to be a little promising, then you must keep in mind two points. First, never bet your future on one person, and always remember to leave a way out for yourself. Many, unless the case is officially finalized, it is not surprising that the millennium bastard turned around; the second point you have to remember, if you are not [-]% sure, don't tear people's face casually. Human life is a face , you tore someone’s face, but they will fight you desperately.”

Today's lesson from Zhao Huhu was too shocking to Tang Cheng, and it was difficult for him to absorb everything Zhao Huhu said in such a short period of time, "The Erlongzhai... and Master Yao...".

"Erlongzhai... don't I, the county lieutenant, only take care of the matter of arresting robbers? As the magistrate of a county, it should be his duty to pay attention to this matter, right? He is a superior official. If he orders it down, why should I?" Can you not do it?" When Zhao Huhu said these words with a smile on his face, Tang Cheng really felt that his smile was very much like the old foxes in the classic TV dramas of later generations. "Huh? What's the matter, why don't you leave?"

Tang Cheng didn't speak for the following part of the journey, but what Zhao Huhu said just now kept churning in his mind, so that he actually wondered whether he was entrusted by the magistrate Zhang when he sent the intermarriage letter to Li's house that day. I had that long talk with Zhao Huhu, and did Zhao Huhu say that he was willing to cooperate with Zhang County Magistrate.

They were speechless all the way, until the two of them walked outside the yamen and were about to part ways, Tang Cheng finally asked: "The matter of Erlongzhai...".

"You, after all, you are still too young, and your temper is too real! I will do my best to encircle and suppress Erlongzhai, not to mention fighting for what will be there in the future. Just as a county captain, this guy is so gangster Make a fuss, this is tearing my face!" Zhao Huhu turned around and patted Tang Cheng's shoulder when he raised his foot to leave, "You are young and smart, you were born as a scholar in a government school, and now you have help However, if some truths can be understood earlier, no matter how poor you are in the future, you will be more promising than me. I will feel relieved when my second daughter follows you. Think about it carefully."

After Zhao Huo finished speaking, he patted Tang Cheng's shoulder twice again, then turned and left.Watching his figure disappear into the night of the distant street, Tang Cheng did not move for a long time.

For Tang Cheng, truth and falsehood have never been so blurred as they are today, and there have never been so many variables like today. Opposite and opposite concepts are so close, so close that as long as the layer of paper is pierced, the true becomes false, and the false becomes true.

Standing on the stone-paved cross street outside the yamen, Tang Cheng was silent for a long time before starting to walk towards the residence again.

As he was walking, the illusory couplet from the first episode of "A Dream of Red Mansions" suddenly appeared in his mind:

False is true when it is true and false, and there is no place for nothing.

When he saw this couplet for the first time in later generations, he was still a teenager. He thought he understood the meaning of the sentence when he saw this couplet; it was not until he saw these two sentences again after the goldfish left suddenly after graduation from university I understand that the so-called understanding before is simply a false understanding; just today, at this moment, when I think of these two sentences again after traveling 300 years to the Tang Dynasty, Tang Cheng realizes that after experiencing the disillusionment of the goldfish leaving, He still couldn't really understand the meaning of these two sentences.

Some words are like many famous sayings handed down from the people, which are familiar to the ears and passed down from generation to generation. If they are familiar, they sound like nonsense, and they don't need explanation at all.But only after experiencing some special encounters, will you understand that those rotten sayings that were originally thought to be scumbags are so precious and precious. The so-called understanding and understanding in the past are just young and frivolous jokes.

When Tang Cheng returned to the residence, Yue'er had already jumped onto the top of a tree, and the one waiting for him at the gate was still looking out at Lan Cao'er, "I'm back so late today, are you tired today?".

Tang Cheng squeezed the blue grass's hand, and his fluttering thoughts finally came out from the two sentences of "Dream of Red Mansions", and there was a real warmth in his heart, "Huh?".

"Your complexion is a little pale." Because it was getting late, Lancao could only see Tang Cheng's complexion as close as possible, "and your spirit is not good."

Hearing this, Tang Cheng, who took Lancao's hand and walked home, replied with a smile: "Yes, I'm tired!".

When he was about to step into the gate of the mansion, Tang Cheng looked back at the direction of the county government office in the night, and murmured to himself like a mosquito, "I'm so tired!".

Because Tang Cheng didn't come back, Tang and Zhang's couple waited for him without eating. Lan Cao'er went to the kitchen to inform Gao's family to start preparing meals after preparing the washing water.

What Lancao'er can see, Tang and Zhang can see more clearly, even though Tang Cheng rubbed his face vigorously with his hands when he passed the second door, he couldn't hide it, "Cheng'er, are you tired today? This face looks like a Not so good."

"There are a lot of things in the yamen, and I'm really tired." Tang Cheng didn't let Mrs. Tang and Zhang look any further, and after finishing speaking, he picked up a handkerchief and washed his face.

"Cheng'er, you've come to the county government office now, and you've got the job. Yi Niang said that you should let go of the schoolwork. How much is enough? Just enough, you see. Now this day is full from day to night, how can the body survive after a long time?" Tang Zhang's eyes naturally fell on the pile of books on the side as he spoke. These books were collected from Tang Cheng's study. came out, "Your father and I don't want you to be a high-ranking official if you honor your ancestors, just keep this job and live a peaceful life. If you torture like this, if you suffer from it, it will be terrible. How is it?".

Seeing that Mrs. Tang and Zhang were talking with worry on his face, Tang Cheng straightened up with a face full of water and smiled, "Mother, it's okay, then it's as evil as you said, and the yamen is not so busy every day. Yes. As for schoolwork, isn’t idle time also idle?”

Tang Shuan has never left his son's eyes since he entered the door, "Your mother said that you are good to pay attention to your body. What is the most important person from a farmer's family? It is not a big animal, nor is it the land, it is this body. As long as you have a pair of Good body, livestock, land and so on can be put together. You are not too young now, you should learn to take care of yourself and take care of your body."

"Father, I know, my body is pretty good."

"En! Pay attention to your body. Your mother is right, but you can't listen to what you said later." Tang Shuan ignored Tang Zhang, who had changed his face, and looked at Tang Cheng. Can you be afraid of suffering and torture? As for studying, you can’t listen to your mother, you are working in the yamen, and this studying is the same as doing farm work on the uphill. See who in the village hates it. Your own crops are too good? You can only grow good crops if you use good methods. The more you study, the better you can do your work. If you listen to your mother, you can grow good crops If you lose it, you won’t be able to hold your job.”

"Father said so." Seeing that Tang and Zhang were right, Tang Cheng also sat down at the table after grooming, "I will definitely take care of my body, and at the same time, I dare not forget to eat. In this way, read the book well."

"Well, you're still young, and you just went to the yamen to find a job, so you don't dare to think about worldly affairs. Look at the life of those bastards in the village who can't afford a hoe, and who can look down on them? ?” Tang Shuan didn’t even look at Mrs. Tang and Zhang when he spoke, “Besides, whether you do well or not is not only related to your own job, but also to other people’s face.”

It was rare for Tang Shuan to have such a long speech, and such an indirect bickering between the couple was even rarer.At this time, Tang Shuan, who used to be silent in the past, was eloquent, while Tang Zhang, who was relatively more eloquent, sat on the side with a sullen face, occasionally glancing at the man in charge. Tang Cheng, who was sitting on the side, felt it was funny, and at the same time Feel more warm.

Not only is there caring and love, but there are also small frictions. This is the normal state in every family!Mutual humility is of course a manifestation of family warmth, but why not such a small friction over the son's life like now?

Tang Cheng was appreciating and enjoying the warmth of this kind of family in silence, when he heard Tang Shuan say such a sentence suddenly, he couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

"The villages near us have had a county student like you in the past ten years. Without the appreciation of Mr. Yan, Lin Xuezheng, and the county lord, you can go to the school in the county and enter this school based on our family's foundation. The county government serves the job of the imperial court? Even he, Liu Lizheng, has the affection to give you a board."

After talking so much, Tang Shuan's mouth was also a little dry. When he picked up the teacup in front of him, he realized that there was no tea in it. He didn't take the tea pot to pour it again, so he brought the teacup in front of Tang Zhang. Drink it in one breath, "You have to remember the kindness of these people. If you have the ability to repay it in the future, you will repay it. Since you can't do it now, you should work in the yamen. If you want to do a real job Now, people not only have to talk about you, but even Lin Xuezheng and the county lord have to be stabbed in the back. Cheng'er, you will soon be a man who is going to marry and establish a family. If you really get to this point, what face do you have? Human life I don’t dare to forget my roots in my life, we can’t repay the love of others, how can we do such ungrateful things again?”.

Chapter 91 His pride, I have it too

"Boss, when did I tell Cheng'er to do something ungrateful?" In fact, when Tang Shuan went to bring her tea cup to drink, Tang Zhang couldn't help but pursed her lips. I wanted to laugh, but when I heard Tang Shuan's last words, his complexion sank again, and he couldn't hold back his mouth anymore, "Tell me, since I was 15 years old, I entered your Tang family. I didn’t do my best to receive the relatives who came to visit. A few years ago, when the family was in good times, I should have given away less? Even when Cheng’er was sick, I would rather eat black sprout noodles by myself. The ones that are saved are good to greet them with white faces. Ah, tell me, why am I so ungrateful?".

"Look at you...I'm talking to Cheng'er, why did it come to you?" Tang Shuan was talking, and his big rough hands like firewood rakes were already habitually stroking his head.

"You said Cheng'er, what you said just now is clearly talking about me through Cheng'er, you think I can't understand your crooked words?" Just now, Tang Shuan was talking about it, but now Tang Zhang is talking about it. Non-stop, "It is said that my son went with his mother. I gave birth to him. I don't know what he is like? I, as a mother, have never done things with high eyebrows and low eyes. Cheng'er can be betrayed." Forgotten things?"

Encountering such a situation, Tang Shuan stopped talking as usual, sitting on the stool and scratching his head, he let Mrs. Tang and Zhang talk. According to his experience of more than 20 years, Mrs. Tang and Mrs. Zhang babbled a few more words. That's it.

"Mother, father didn't mean that, so don't say it," Tang Cheng persuaded, holding the tea pot in his hand to refill the water, and then handed it over with the tea cup, "Come on, mother, drink water" .

The teacup blocked Tang Zhang's mouth, but unfortunately, as soon as he finished speaking here, Lancao pushed the door and walked in, saying that the meal was ready.

Fortunately, girl Lan didn't see it, otherwise it would be a joke. Thinking of this, Mrs. Tang Zhang, who was holding a teacup, couldn't help but glared at Tang Shuan again.

While eating, Tang Cheng was talking casually with Mrs. Tang and Mrs. Zhang, but what he kept thinking about was their conversation just now.

Tang Shuan said so much earlier that Tang and Zhang didn't answer, but she couldn't help it when it came to betrayal. What does this mean? , and they thought that magistrate Zhang and Lin Xue were kind to them.

When thinking of this, the words of Zhao Huhu before returning unexpectedly reappeared. If it is said that Tang and Zhang, who are farmers, are talking about feelings, and take this as the foundation of life; As a county lieutenant, Zhao Huhu said that the way of doing things is based on real utilitarianism, and what he pursues is his own protection and the maximization of interests on this basis.

Who is right and who is wrong?Thinking about it again, in fact, both of these statements are correct. Feelings and utilitarianism are always the most conflicting dilemmas. From a nature point of view, I am naturally willing to choose feelings, but when the result of this choice is related to too many things, I will how is it

Specifically for Tang Cheng, the question is: if the Erlongzhai cannot be wiped out by September and the County Magistrate Zhang retreats, how will he deal with himself and how will he choose when this happens?

Did he resign from the county government office with Magistrate Zhang in consideration of his feelings?Or stay silent and rely on Zhao Huhu's face?This seems to be a pseudo-question, but if you look closely, it actually involves conflicts between feelings and interests.After all, not only County Magistrate Zhang trusted him, but even everyone in the Yamen knew that he was County Magistrate Zhang's confidant.

"Cheng'er, don't eat that dish all the time," Tang Zhang said while he was talking, he replaced the green vegetable in front of Tang Cheng with a plate containing steamed white fish, "Since you are tired today, you should make up for it ".

"Well, father and mother, you can eat too." Tang Zhang's question woke Tang Cheng from his distraction. After picking up a piece of fish and eating it silently, Tang Cheng suddenly smiled and said, "Father, mother, if there is One day I will lose my job in the yamen, what do you think?".

"Bah! Cheng'er, why are you saying such frustrating words?" Tang Zhang's chopsticks stopped in mid-air, "What? What happened in the yamen?".

"No, just asking casually." Tang Cheng stretched out his hand and pressed Tang Zhang's hand that was outstretched in midair, "I'm really fine!".

"It's fine," Tang Zhang picked up a piece of fish, and with her chopsticks, almost a quarter of the fish had only a skeleton left. After pressing the large piece of fish into Tang Cheng's bowl, Only then did Tang Zhang say: "If you can work there, do it well. After all, this job is not easy to come by; but if you really want to lose it, come home. If you have me and your father to eat, you won't be hungry."

Nodding his head, Tang Cheng didn't say anything else, he just picked up a chopstick and pressed the vegetables into Tang Zhang's bowl.

For such a family, Tang Chengcheng is willing to rush forward no matter how tired or hard; with such a family behind him, no matter how many thorns and bumps there are on the road ahead, he is not afraid!

Mrs. Tang and Zhang did not leave, and Tang Cheng couldn't work hard on the book at night. After finishing the [-] characters, he continued to work on the fan book of Osmanthus osmanthus under the Moon, and finally finished it when he went to bed at night.

Waking up the next morning, Tang Cheng was about to put on his clothes when he suddenly remembered that today is a holiday. Tang Dynasty government offices had one day off every ten days, and government schools followed the same rules.

Thinking of this, Tang Cheng, who had just sat up, suddenly fell down again. It was really not easy to catch up with the rest.

After sleeping on the couch for more than half an hour, Tang Cheng finally got up, but Lan Cao'er remembered better than him, knowing that he was on vacation today, even though he woke up late, he didn't come in to tell him to get up.

Going back to the cage to fall asleep was comfortable and relieved. When Tang Cheng finally got up from the bed, the lively sunlight outside had sprinkled on the floor of the room through the gaps in the windows. Although the light and shadow were mottled, it was exciting to see.

It is said that the more you sleep, the lazier you will be. This is true. It is said that Tang Cheng slept more than usual today, but his body is getting more and more lazy, but his energy is full.

"It's rare to have a day off, so I won't sleep much." Lan Cao'er came in with water for washing up, and blamed with a smile, "The weather is really nice today. I heard that the pear blossoms in Tianfu Temple are blooming beautifully."

"Are you bored in the house?" As soon as Lancao put down the copper basin in his hand, Tang Cheng pulled her into his arms, "Then let's go to Tianfu Temple to see pear blossoms today, just to accompany my parents ".

"Hmm... don't move... they... are all outside..." Lancao knocked off Tang Cheng's evil hand, turned around and got out of his arms, "I can't go to Tianfu Temple today, my aunt said I want to go back, things It's all sorted out."

"Back today?" Hearing Lancao's words, Tang Cheng no longer had the desire to continue teasing. He leaned over to wash up and went to the yard. At this moment, he saw Mrs. Tang and Zhang come out of the small kitchen in the second yard, " Mother, the weather is fine today, let's go to Tianfu Temple to see pear blossoms."

"What's so good about the flowers and plants?" Tang Zhang wiped his hands with his apron, "I was going to call you, since you are up, let's eat quickly, mother made noodles for you, and made the long chopsticks thin. Clip it out, and keep it to your liking."

Tang Cheng followed Mrs. Tang and Zhang to the kitchen, and said in his mouth: "Looking at the pear blossoms is an excuse. There are many people in the temple in this weather, so we can rush to take advantage of the excitement."

"How many days have you been here? What's the delay in the work on the slope? Your father can't sleep well at night, can he have the mind to go to Lang Temple?" Tang Zhang was not used to the small bowl that Li Yingwan prepared, Yesterday, when I went out with Lancao, I specially bought a few large black pottery bowls that are often used at home. At this time, a bowl full of noodle fish was handed to Tang Cheng, "Hurry up and eat, it's not a mother's boast, the front yard The tea and rice at Ergao’s house are good, but the noodles with fish are the most authentic made by mother.”

"That's right! Mother's tea and rice skills are praised by the whole village." Tang Zhang's tea and rice dishes are really good. After more than a year, Tang Cheng couldn't get enough. He said with a smile, because he also Thinking of the first meeting with Li Yingwan last year, it was because of Tang Zhang’s good tea and rice, Li Yingwan wanted to ask her to be a stove lady, "No matter how good the Gao family's craftsmanship is, they can't make a mother-in-law." It tastes like you, but once you leave, I won't be able to eat it, I'm so tired from going to the office every day, if I still can't eat well... ".

"You, it's useless to talk about it. You have to go today. This is what your father ordered." Tang Cheng's words made Tang Zhang's face bright, but he didn't let go at all, "You Don’t you know about Dad’s stubborn temper? Eat it while it’s hot.”

Tang Shuan's temperament Tang Cheng also knows that once he is sure about something, you will not persuade him at the moment, he will not argue with you, he will not argue with you, but he will do what he thinks, and let others do it. It is useless to persuade and argue.

Seeing that he couldn't keep it anymore, Tang Cheng didn't say anything more, and went to the yard with a large rough pottery bowl.

Tang Cheng had a refreshing breakfast, just like he used to do at home in the village.He didn't want a stool, and he didn't sit at any table. He squatted on the porch outside the kitchen with Tang Shuan, holding a large rough pottery bowl. The fish drank loudly.

If there are outsiders around, this way of eating is indeed not very elegant, but now the door is closed, it is all the family members, so eating like this is really a kind of relaxed and refreshing.

Even if Tang Cheng ate fast, he couldn't catch up with Tang Shuan. He ate quickly and cleanly with the skills he had practiced for decades. A clean grain, no noodle soup is wasted.

After Tang Shuan finished eating, he looked up at the sun, scratched his hair with rough hands, then slapped his knees and stood up, "It's mid-day in the sun, it's his mother, we should go, if we rush Hurry up, maybe you can manage half an acre of land when you go back."

Seeing Tang Shuan's eagerness to return, Tang Cheng didn't even open his mouth when he wanted to keep them any longer. After he drank the noodle fish in the bowl, he went to the room to help Mrs. Tang and Zhang. I went to get something.

"Father, take the marriage certificate from the Li family first, and show it to Liu Lizheng when you get home this time." Tang Cheng stuffed the marriage certificate that the Tang Zhang family had given him into Tang Shuan's hand again. Li, smiled and said: "After all, he is the leading figure in the village, and he is sitting in the right seat. If my marriage is really going to be done in the village, I can't get around him no matter what. Father, you will deal with this matter after you go back." Say it to him."

"Well, that's reasonable, okay, I'll write it down." After Tang Shuan took the marriage letter and stuffed it carefully into his waist, he turned around and got into the carriage without saying a word, and Mrs. Tang Zhang gave a few more instructions If I want my son to pay attention to his body, he will also go up together.

Watching the carriage go away, Tang Cheng turned around and returned. When they left this time, none of the three said that Tang Shuan was about to send his wife to Jinzhou to serve in corvee. Tang and Zhang didn't say that they didn't want their son to do it. To the point of making troubles in the yamen, but Tang Cheng didn't say anything because he knew that Tang Shuan, the corvee, would never have to go again.

The reason why he specifically explained to Liu Lizheng about his marriage, or even brought back the marriage certificate, was for this purpose.The villagers may not know who Li Yingwan's powerful relatives in the county government are, but it is impossible that Liu Sanneng, who is Lizheng, does not know.

With Zhao Huhu's good protection and methods, seeing his niece and daughter living alone in the countryside as a widow managing hundreds of acres of land for him, can he not say hello to Liu Lizheng, a local snake?

The change in Liu Lizheng's attitude towards the Tang family was mainly due to the fact that Tang Cheng followed County Magistrate Zhang, and like most people, he thought that County Magistrate Zhang would definitely not be able to do the master Yao's job, so he made such a clear move.But what would he do if he knew that Tang Shuan's future daughter-in-law was actually Zhao Huhu's own niece?

Liu Sanneng is not named for nothing!

Seeing Tang Cheng's weird smile, Lancao, who came out to send Tang and Zhang together, asked in surprise, "What are you laughing at?".

"Laughing why did my mother hold your hand when she left? Could it be that in my mother's eyes, a son is not as rare as you?" This sentence only made Lancao's red face full of joy, Tang Chengjian Zhang couldn't help pinching her nose, "It's a pity to be bored at home in such a fine weather, let's go, let's go to Tianfu Temple too."

This was originally what Lancao thought about when he got up in the morning. Hearing what Tang Cheng said, he was not happy. Not only did he have a smile on his face, but he also walked a lot faster.

Naturally, the purpose of Tang Cheng's visit to Tianfu Temple was not simply to visit the temple. It was a rare day off, and he happened to take the newly completed powder book to the old monk Chengning to attend a lecture.

Tang Cheng put away the powder book and waited for a while before Lancao came out, wearing her favorite goose-yellow [-]-fold floor skirt. The bright goose-yellow skirt in the sun only set off her already excellent skin. .

Sure enough, Wanfu Temple was very lively, especially in the pear garden behind the temple where there were more people. After Tang Cheng accompanied Lancao to visit the whole pear garden, he went to the abbot of the old monk Chengning with the powder book.

It was lively outside, but inside the abbot was as quiet and quiet as ever. When Tang Cheng walked in, the old monk Chengning was pointing to Liu Suifeng's fan book and telling them one by one.

Seeing Tang Cheng coming in, the old monk Chengning looked up at him and then continued to speak. Seeing this, Tang Cheng stepped more lightly and listened.

"Painting a tree is like a person. There are upright, sideways, looking forward, and prone. The branches are like arms, the top is like a head, and the roots are like feet. If it is unreasonable, it is like a human incompleteness." Perhaps it is because Tang Cheng is standing on the side. Because of this son, Liu Suifeng, who turned his body sideways to block Tang Cheng's eyes, was not so concentrated, but the old monk Chengning's explanation happened to be coming to an end, "For example, your tree trunk is too straight, and if it is too straight, it will be straight. ; but this one is too curved, too curved to be vulgar. You must not go too far in painting, too much! Can you write it down?".

"Disciple wrote it down", once the old monk Chengning's finger was removed from the powder book, Liu Suifeng immediately put away his powder book.

According to previous experience, Liu Suifeng would leave every time Cheng Ning finished explaining to him, and never stayed longer, but this time he is very strange, even though he received the fan book, he didn't leave immediately. Instead, he took two steps back and stood still.

Seeing Chengning's calm gaze, Tang Cheng didn't pay attention to Liu Suifeng, and took two steps forward to unfold the fanben in front of the old monk.

As Tang Cheng's fan book unfolded, Liu Suifeng, who was standing on one side, quietly took two steps forward. After seeing the contents of the fan book clearly, he let out a sigh of relief.

The abbot was extremely quiet, and although Liu Suifeng exhaled softly, Tang Cheng could still hear him clearly. When Cheng Ning pointed to his fan book and said, "The use of the double-hook method is too jerky", Tang Cheng saw Liu Suifeng's breath. The smile that rose from the corner of Feng's mouth.

This Liu Suifeng is too eager to win!Compose poems, study paintings, and even drums and zithers all pay attention to the peace of mind. According to his competitive nature, it can certainly promote progress in the early stage, but if it comes to the later stage of various skills training, it is inevitable that he will suffer from this temper Deficiency creates mental obstacles, which in turn affects the final achievement.

Because of Liu Suifeng's actions, Tang Cheng was also a little distracted, but it was the old monk Chengning's indifferent eyes like a clear mountain spring that caught his heart and concentrated on listening to the analysis and lectures.

Tang Cheng has a lot of miscellaneous things, and he is indeed inferior to Liu Suifeng in terms of foundation and entry, so the old monk Chengning explained more detailed, more, and took longer.

When the lecture on the powder book was finally completed, Tang Cheng noticed that Liu Suifeng had left at some point, and then Cheng Ning asked Tang Cheng about his feelings and experience in calligraphy practice, and waved to him after assigning homework. can go.

After coming out of the abbot, Tang Cheng went straight to the Temple of Heavenly Kings, where Lancao was waiting, and the two of them visited all the temples in front of the temple, and when they felt very hungry, they walked towards the mountain gate.

"Hey, why is he still here?" Tang Chengcheng saw Liu Suifeng as soon as he walked out of the mountain gate.

Against the backdrop of a horse with five flowers and a lot of money beside him, Liu Suifeng, who is dressed in white like snow, really looks like a jade, and a horse like a dragon, eye-catching and eye-catching.Even though there were a lot of people coming and going in and out of the mountain gate, he was the first person to be noticed when walking out of the mountain gate.

When Tang Cheng saw Liu Suifeng, Liu Suifeng, who had been paying attention to the mountain gate, also saw him, and walked over holding the rein of the horse.

Today Tang Cheng came to Wanfu Temple with bluegrass. The older men he met along the way were better, and the younger men almost couldn't help turning their heads to look at the bluegrass, but this Liu Suifeng But as if he didn't realize the beauty of bluegrass at all, his eyes hardly stayed on her for a moment, and he went straight to Tang Cheng and said, "How long do you spend on painting every day?".

"Are you waiting for me to ask this?" Seeing him nodding, Tang Chengzhen was speechless. Counting the time, Liu Suifeng had been waiting for at least an hour, and he waited for such a long time just to ask such an inexplicable question. For the question, "half an hour, even the time of thinking is counted".

Tang Cheng is telling the truth, he has too many things to do now, it is very rare to be able to spend half an hour a day, that is, an hour for future generations, to concentrate on painting.

"Okay, I won't study painting within one month, and after one month I will only spend half an hour a day. Brother Tang, don't forget the one-year agreement that day!" After saying this, Liu Suifeng continued Without stopping, he led the horse and turned around and walked into the bustling crowd.

"Who is he? How arrogant!" Even though there were many people on the flat field in front of the mountain gate, they couldn't hide Liu Suifeng who was dressed in white, Lancao looked at his back and said, "Ah Cheng, what did you date him? ".

It wasn't until after listening to Liu Suifeng's words that Tang Cheng realized that the reason why he had waited so long to ask such a question turned out to be in Chengning's abbot just now.

Liu Suifeng clearly saw the gap between the two of them, and he must also know how busy he is, that's why he asked this question, and also came up with the following sentence.

Waiting for a month means giving up the previous time and waiting for Tang Cheng's painting skills to catch up.The two stood on the same starting line again. As for the later saying that it only takes half an hour a day, the meaning became clearer. He actually didn't want to take advantage of Tang Cheng.

"He's proud!" Tang Cheng's eyes also fell on Liu Suifeng's back, watching him walk out of the flat field, get on his horse and disappear into the distance, "But he does have something to be proud of."

"What is your date?"

Stepping forward, Tang Cheng casually explained: "We will learn painting from Elder Chengning of Baiben Temple, and we will compare painting skills in about a year."

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